Switching to brothers

By Lyla22498

27.1K 508 57

Lidia was just a normal girl, well if you call normal being abused by the ones you love. After her mother's d... More

Chapter 1: "Wait, he's in jail?!"
Chapter 2: "Oh so they're rich rich"
Chapter 4: Inflicted pain
Chapter 5: rules, rules, and more rules
Chapter 6: "traitor"
Chapter 7: hunk of hotness
Chapter 8: The awkward dinner
Chapter 9: trouble with the casino
Chapter 10: "care to explain"
Chapter 11: shopping. yay.
Chapter 12: A new bestfriend?
Chapter 13: Dinner with my new bestfriend
Chapter 14: School problems
Chapter 15: dreaming
Chapter 16: A smirking Sasha
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: I am a master con artist
Chapter 19: Again? Seriously?
Chapter 20: Unlucky
Chapter 21: Sick
Chapter 23: Dinner Interrogation
Chapter 24: The Slap
Chapter 25: Secrets uncovered
Chapter 26: Allies
Chapter 27: The twins special day
Chapter 28: "Honestly I felt like Regina George"
Chapter 28: The Scoff
Chapter 29: Just let it be over already
Chapter 30: "Thank you."
Chapter 31: Too Soon
Chapter 32: Sasha's Gift
Chapter 33: "All this testosterone is killing my vibe"
Chapter 34: Thinking
Chapter 35: Teasing And Mocking
Chapter 36: "You did what?!"
Chapter 37: "It's Perfect"
Chapter 38: The Good and Bad
Chapter 39: Too Happy
Chapter 40: Five Bucks
Chapter 41: The sleepover
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43: A Brother's View
Chapter 44: The Black Cross Necklace
Chapter 45: "Girl, how could you not know?"
Chapter 46: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 47: The Bus Ride
Chapter 48: Laundry
Chapter 49: The Woods
Chapter 50: Livid
Chapter 51: Morning Troubles
Chapter 52: "Begin!"
Chapter 53: "Everyone needs to go to one at least once in their lives!"
Chapter 54: "I forgive you."
Chapter 55: "You read my diary?"
Chapter 56: Sasha
Chapter 57: Luke
Chapter 58: Zack
Chapter 59: Caden
Chapter 60: James
Chapter 61: Jesse
Chapter 62: Ian
Chapter 63: Takeout
Chapter 64: Family Time
Chapter 65: "Who will win?"
Chapter 66: Can't take it anymore
Chapter 67: "No, no, no!"
Chapter 68: At the Hospital

Chapter 22: "How could I ever be jealous of you?"

503 9 0
By Lyla22498

I did what I've wanted to do for the whole time I've been here; skip dinner!

Well here's the whole story, I woke up from my nap, not because I wasn't tired but because someone woke me up! Anyways, my lord and savior Sasha said how in the world could I go to dinner since I have a fever and all that jazz. I don't even care about my cold I just got to skip dinner! Two nights in a row!

Alas, it was fun while it lasted. To my dismay Sasha said my fever had finally broken when when she came in to check on me. Ew. I have to be sick for the weekend but as soon as Monday rolls up I'm fine? The universe hates my guts I swear.

Have I begun to be bad at... lying?! No! This can't be! But- but I'm amazing at it! The reason I'm panicking is because Sasha took one look at my face and said "Well I suppose it doesn't hurt to have one day off. To make sure you're completely healthy I mean."

Sasha is one word. Three syllables. Do you know it? Amazing! I could've never asked for a more perfect sister-in-law. Granted they're not married yet but oh come on, I don't know what's taking my brother so dang long.

"Do you really think so? I mean I guess I could stay in. If you insist." I tease back with a smirk.

She smirks back at me. "Oh yes honey. I insist to the highest power. Don't want you getting more sick. Now do we?"

I love her.

"Okay Pretty Girl, I'm going to go tell your brother to call in sick for you and then I'll come in here and we can talk about what we'll do today."

I nodded at her words and then laid  back down. I never could've wished for another best friend like Sasha. I really did get lucky huh?

She came back in as I thought of a question that never crossed my mind. "Hey Sash, when are the twins birthday? I don't want to miss it."

"Oh honey thanks for reminding me. It's in about two weeks."

Two weeks and I didn't even know?! How could this be? The nerve! The injustice! The unfairness! The way I would totally do that!

"What? And no one told me! How rude! Okay give me a second to process how rude and mean that no one told me", I paused for a few seconds and took a deep breath, "Okay I'm back. Well then, how about we go to the park?"

And that my friends is how we ended up in the park. I took my book, Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, and began to read. It's one of my favorites. (A/N it's one of mine too) Sasha had some homework for college to do. My brother, being the Einstein he is, finished high school early, thus making him finish college a year early. Sasha sat on a bench while I leaned on a tree reading in the shade. How I love trees.

I was getting to my favorite part, when they were getting attacked by the monsters at sea, when I smelt a waft of smoke. Cigarette smoke. Immediately my mind began to think of mom and Carl, how they would put their cigarette out on my arm. Flashbacks came in, well, a flash.

I looked up to see if they came for me. To see if he finally got tired of toying with me and was here to pick me up. What I didn't expect was a boy, maybe a little bit older- not more than a year- puffing out toxins. The same boy from the gate.

Swiftly I stood up and began my walk over towards him. He was facing the sky, not caring who or what was harmed or affected by his horrible choice of spending his midmorning.

I hadn't even opened my mouth before he spoke, taking a drag and blowing it out slowly. "Yes I know how this could kill me. That's precisely why I'm doing it. Now leave me alone hag."

I just stood there, mouth agape. How could someone respond to that? Nothing. No one can respond with anything. I don't even think Luke could. Luke. Yes! Good idea brain! I'll just act how Luke does. Calm and collected, yet firm and demanding.

"Honestly, okay. You do that. You go ahead and harm all of these little children who need not smell that stench", he opened one eye at me, as if to say nothing about me? You don't care if I die? "No, no I don't. You said it yourself. You want to die so that's why your doing it. I can't make you stop, but I can tell you that you that there are precious children who are to carry our legacy here and you are ruining that." My voice calm but firm. Just like Luke.

His eye still open took a deep, dry chuckle. "Nice speech but no. Besides, why would you even care? I don't care about you. You shouldn't care about me." He finished.

"And what makes you think I care about you? I don't even know you. I do know that you and your 'friends' were vandalizing our school. Which needs to stop by the way." I retorted back.

His body was directly facing mine. "Cute glare. Look leave me alone and we'll both forget about this. Okay?"

I scoffed. As if. If living with the boys had taught me anything is that us Whites always have to have to final word. Blame it on James and Jesse.

"You think you're the shit don't ya? Because you're smoking and wearing all black? Well you little shit here's a newsflash: I have met way scarier people than you. You don't faze me. I would leave if I were you." I said.

He stood fully up. He had a good 4 inches on me. I had to look up at him. It was then that I fully looked at him. He had pale skin, hair the color of a bedroom at midnight with no lights on and tall. His lips were parted slightly as he peered down at me. He definitely wasn't not attractive. "Oh really? Tell me, who said I'm", he breathed out, "scary?"

If I wasn't so good at controlling my body I would've shivered. "They way you were standing, trying to intimidate me. I don't know if you have the intellectual to know that intimidate and scaring someone basically means the same thing. Also you have a tattoo on your arm that says scary as shit. I'm not dumb."

"Really? Your hair color tells me other wise."

Oh no he did not. I was ready to fight him. Punch him right then and there but decided against it. If I want to show him that I'm not scared then I'll have to use my words, as much as I don't want too.

"Hmm that was real original wasn't it? I'm sure you're proud of that one."

He waved his hand, "I don't have time for you blondes. Here's a newsflash for you: not everyone cares about you. In fact I bet only one person does and that person is the one who's watching this all go down." He pointed towards Sasha.

"I don't get it.", I laughed dryly, "Why do people assume that because someone looks the way they do that's their personality? Tell me, who wronged you? Who made you feel so worthless that you had to insult someone who by the way, was having an awesome day. Hm?"

His face told me everything. That's another thing I've learned from my brothers, reading faces.

"You wouldn't know." He said

I'm sure my face said really? I don't? because at that moment he added "You wouldn't know what it's like to not have everything handed to you on a sliver platter. You don't know the struggle."

I glared at him and scoffed. "Well okay then. Believe what you want, not my problem. But tell me, not-so-kind sir, what is your name?"

He threw his cigarette on the ground. "Donavon"

I smirked. "Well Donavon, Lidia White."

"Of fucking course you're a White. No wonder you think you can come up to a person and say this shit. You all think that you're so high up on that little mansion of yours. You probably think I'm jealous of you. Pray tell, how could I ever be jealous of you?"

I scoffed and looked at him directly in the eye. "You can talk shit about me all you want but there is no way in hell I would let you talk shit about my brothers. And who said that I thought you were jealous of me? You just proved my point. You lack intelligence."

He looked at me like I had just said that woman should have their rights taken away. "You're a bitch, you know that?"

I smiled at him. "That's my name don't wear it out."

He just looked at me. Nothing on his face, just looking. He then turned and started to walk away. I smirked. Score one for Lidia. Donavon zero.

I walked- no strutted- to Sasha. "Hey Sash, I'm feeling for an hour or two in the crafts room and I think you and my brother could spend some time together hm?" I said, still on the high of having the final say. No wonder my brothers like to have it. It's amazing.

"Okay. We can do that. Let's get in the car."

And with that we drove off towards the Whites not-so-humble mansion.

So is that Lidia being a baddie I see? I had to break this up into two chapters since this is late and I need sleep. You guys like Donavon? ;). You have no idea how much research went into this chapter. Anyways I hope you like it and don't forget to vote, comment and obviously like:)

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