Can't Remember Just To Forget...

By hiireadbooksonline1

770 20 14

Finn attended high shcool like any normal kid for his age, hanging out with friends and playing the guitar. T... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
chapter 11.
Chapter 12.

Chapter 5.

60 1 2
By hiireadbooksonline1

I ended up staying home today.
I wasnt in the best mental state to concentrait in class anyways.
I decided a good way to calm down would be to continue practicing 'riptide' on my gitar.

After a few hours i heard a knock at the door.
I checked the time, it was 4:42 so school has ended already.
I put my gitar down and walk to the door.
I open it.

"Oh hey there... saiki? Is that your name?"

"Yes, i saw what happend in the stairwell at school, my mom made you cookies. I came to bring them so here."
He said handing out the cookies.

"Oh um, thank you. Do you want to come in and work on the science project while your still here?"

I let pink boy in and put on some muisic while we work.

"So for the object we going to put the chemical reaction in..."

"I was thinking we make a rocket what do you think?"
I sugested.

"Yea sure that could work."
We get to work and after a while cardbord and other vairious objects were scattered across the floor.

A few hours pass by from testing and adjusting sertan theories.

"Yo saiki want to take a break and grab something to eat?"

"Yea sure."
I get up from my living room floor and head towards the kitchen, i look at the time its already 7 o'clock.

"Its 7 do you want to stay for dinner or?"
I say peeking my head around the wall seperating the dining room and the living room.

"Sure i dont see the problem."
He said getting up, i give him a thumbs up before heading back to the kitchen.
I completely forgot about what happened yesterday.

"Do you need help with something, you've been standing there for a long time now."

"Oh, sorry i was lost in thought, i was just about to ask you what you wanted to eat."

"How about spagehti?"

"Sure i can do that."
I say taking a pot out of the cubords.

"Can you fill this pot with water while i go find the noodles?"

I walk to my food cubord and search for noodles as i hear the sounds of a pot being filled by water.

I find the noodles and bring them back to the counter.

"I found the noodles."

"I got the pot filled."

"Thanks ill be taking that now."
I grab the pot and almost drop it.
I will admit im not the most fit person in the world so it was a little heavy for me.
I put the pot on the stove and turn it to a high heat.
We wait for the water to boil.

"So whats the real reason you came by my house today? It certanly wasnt to just give me cookies."

"Yea about that I actually just came here to check up on you, it seemed pretty serious since that guy upercut the other dude."

"Oh your talking about Zace, yea Zace had my back that time. Im really greatful for my friends the always have my back. Well at least Jayson and Zace."
I say laughing the tension off a little.

"Your friends are good peopole, you shouldnt trade them for anything."

"Yea i know."
I say sitting up on my counter.

"Uh the waters boiling."
Saiki pointed at the pot.

"Oh shit i didnt take out the noodles yet, give me a second."
I hop down from the counter and grab the box of noodles, i grab a hand full of them and put them in the boilling water.
I grab another hand full and do the same.

"There we go, can you grab some cans of tomato sauce in the cubords while i take out another pot and stir the sauce."

"Yep, on it."
I stir the noodles and after a while dinner was ready.

"Bon aple teeth? I dont know how to say it but it means good meal or something."

"Oh thank you?"

"Ah whatever doesnt matter anyways, so how was your first to second day at the shit show i call my school?"

"It was ok-ish, peopole were laughing and pointing at me the whole day. I couldnt really care though."

"Yea dont bother with anyone making fun of you, there all assholes."

"Yea i know."
We continue eating in silence.

We finish eating and i clean up the dishes.

"Need help with thoes?"

"Nah im good, theres some jello in the fridge if you want some."

"What flavour?"
He said getting a little excited.

"Cherry flavour why?"

"Oh, sure ill take some."
He looked a little dissapointed?

"were you expecting something else?"

"Yea i thought you had cofee jelly for a second."

"I dont think we having any in canada sorry."

"Thought as much."

"What sweets do you normally like then?"

"Mainly sweet sweets very basic stuff though."

"I see."

"What sweets do you like to eat?"

"I dont like weet things, i like sour things more."
I say as i finished the dishes.

"Well i think i should be going now thanks for dinner."

"Oh no problem, ill see you tomorrow then."


"Ok adios."

He walks out the front door, i watch as he walks down the street.

I turn back and see the mess i havent cleaned up in my living room.
I get to my knees and start cleaning.
After another 2 hours of cleaning i finnaly finish and head off to bed for the night.

Alot happened today and i need to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, man i cant wait for the weekend already.
I get dressed, eat some cereal, brush my teeth and leave for my bus.
Im walking up my road when i see saiki in the distance.

"Hey there saiki."
I say greeting him with a warm smile.

"Oh, hi."

"So uhh.."

"Got something to tell me?"

"No i just forgot what i was going to say, sorry."
I tell him giving a sheep-ish smile.

To break the akward tenshion i ask him:

"Hey is it ok if i call you pink boy?"
I see him visibly stop, i see him think for a minute before he smiled a little at me.

"What kind of question is that?"

"I was just wondering because in my head ever since i saw you for the first time i've just been calling you pink boy."

"Your weird."

"I know, so can i call you that?"

"Knock your self out."

I say doing a little victory dance.
Saiki smiles at my dumbness.
I laugh a little.

The bus arrives shortly after.
We all get on the bus.

"Do you mind if i sit with you?"

"I guess so."
I sit down next to saiki.
We didnt really talk.

The bus arrives at school and i was quick to get off.

I walk to my locker at see Jayson.

"Oh my god your ok."
Jayson gives me a big hug.

"Yea, yea i didnt die dont worry."

"But jesus dude you need to look around you more so you dont run into obssesive assholes like Cole."

"Yes, yes i know Jay dont worry about it."

"Anyways what did you do yesterday since you just ended up going home?"

"Oh i practiced my muisic homework, saiki came by to drop off some cookies and ended up staying for dinner because we were working on our science project together."

Jayson coed as he looked at me.

"Dont get the wrong idea we barely know eachother."

"Sure whatever you say."
I sigh in dissapointment.

"Alright ill see you later Jay, i need to go to english. Catch you after class."
Jayson waves good bye as i run to class.

I bumb into someone and fall to the floor.
Great just my luck i need to pay attention to the things around me like Jayson said.

"Woa thats going to be the second time thats happened to me."
I look up and see zace.
He was whearing his hair down today.

"Im so sorry."

"Oh its fine dont worry."

"What do you mean by 'second time' though?"

"Oh Carson bumbed into me running to class like you but i caught him before he fell."

"Ah i see, sorry again. See you after class!"

"See ya."
I walk to my english class hoping for my idiot classmates to move on about saiki and his pink hair.
Seriously this place sucks, you cant express yourself without being jugded by anyone.

I sit down and wait for class to start.

An hour passes by and its almost the end of class when peopole just randomly started throwing erasser bits at pink boy.

Ive had enough of this class.
I mean i probably wouldve done the same thing too if the person was an asshole but saiki isnt, even if i dont know much about him he still came and checked up on me after being quite litteraly thrown to a wall.
Either way theres nit much i can really do right now so i shut up and wait for the bell to ring.

The bell finnaly rings, yes its the end of class finally.
Even if the weekend is still three days away i cant help but get excited.
I notice pepole start pointing and laughing at saiki again.
I just grabed his arm and dragged him away before the situation got worse.

"Why are you dragging me away? I dont care if there laughing, i can handle myself anyways."

"Look you dont know how bad it can get when peopole laugh at you, it starts getting so bad to the point they'll just start beating you up because they think its 'funny'"

"I know how to handle myself, why do you care so much anyways we barely know eachother."

"Because im not like thoes assholes."

"Yea i can tell."
He walks off to werever the fuck his locker is and i walk off to mine.

I get to my locker and see Jayson and zace.

Thats new since when does Zace come around here asides from witnessing an attack?

"Hey guys whats up?"

"Oh nothing much Zace is just helping me but away my science project."

"Oh you got the same project too?"


"Good luck me and saiki already finished ours."
I say smirking evily at Jayson.

"Uhg, thank you that totally motivates me."
He said sarcasticly.

"Welp i need to go now guys see you at luch."

"Bye Zace"

"Bye bye Zace! Thanks for the help."
Jayson turns back to me.
His face lights up.

"Yooo lets go! Im in history class."

"Lucky, im in p.e."

"Haha karma."

"For what??"

"I dunno."
Jayson said shruging his shoulders.

"Well i better get to class, see you later Finn!"
I wave as Jayson walks off to class i grab my gym bag.
I walk down the corridor leading to the gym, around this time its mainly empty.
I see Cole in the distance and try not to pay much attention when i see a bunch of people with him.
I get closer to see what going on and of course, Saiki's in he midle of all this.

"Hey Cole, knock it iff would you."
He turns to me.


"Dude why are you even doing this, he didnt even do anything to you guys."
Saiki looks at me with the same emotionless stare.

"Look Finn if i were you i would leave this alone, so why dont you go to class and pretend like this never happen-"
I slap him across the face.
The two peopole started to run towards me when cole intrupted them.

"You guys go ill deal with him myself."
Saiki got up and started to drag me to gym class.

"Hey where do you think your going scott free for something like that!"

Cole goes in to punch me, i reactivley coverd my face to sheild myself from the blow but it never came.
Confused i look up to see saiki holding Coles fist with his hand, still that emotionless stare.
He looks so unfased.
Like this didnt bother him.

"Would you leave us be already? We have a class to attend to."
Cole looks me dead in the eyes, almost telling me that he'll get me next time.

"Sure i will, but dont expect to walk of scott free next time babe."
I physicly gaged as he called me babe.

Me and Saiki start walking back to class a few minutes before the bell rings.

"Thanks for having my back there, i guess."

"Just returning a favour."

Omg i finnaly got this chapter out oof-
Anyways id like to say thank you to my good friend who's giving the motivation to write a chapter every night.
I hope you liked this chapter and it wasnt too bad!^^

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