Like Father Like Son [ROTTMNT]

By p3ach_r1ngz

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This is not my story, all I'm doing is moving it onto wattpad for those who can't find it.<3 Full creds: E... More

Prologue: a Warrior Scientist's Musings
Chapter One: a Night Like Any Other
Chapter Two: Draxum's Gift
Chapter Three: All Green and Blue
Chapter Four: Let's Make a Deal
Chapter Five: In the Dark
Chapter Six: Nothing
Chapter Seven: Can't Just Do That
Chapter Nine: Breaking Down
Chapter Ten: the Voice Within
Chapter Eleven: Lost and Found
Chapter Twelve: Looking Up
Chapter Thirteen: Talk to Me
Chapter Fourteen: Numb
Chapter Fifteen: My Fault
Chapter Sixteen: Not Quite a Yokai
Chapter Seventeen: Plans
Chapter Eighteen: His Name
Chapter Nineteen: Loopholes
Chapter Twenty: Crossed Wires
Chapter Twenty-One: Flatline
Chapter Twenty-Two: Home and Yet
Chapter Twenty-Three: Not Fair
Chapter Twenty-Four: Static and Silence
Chapter Twenty-Five: Communicating

Chapter Eight: Game, Set, Match

748 18 9
By p3ach_r1ngz

Leo woke up with a start, his head snapping in the direction of the light spilling into the dark room and over him. He squinted, blinking a few times, and struggled to get to his feet when the usual guard stepped into the cell. After a few times of being woken up by his only source of water being dumped all over him, he was leery to allow himself to lower his guard around the horned yokai. But why was he here so early? He was certain it wasn't anywhere near mealtime.

And then two other guards followed him in, Leo remembered what day it was, and his heart sank down into his stomach.

Oh no.

"Don't be causing any trouble this time," the normal guard snorted. He had definitely held a grudge since Leo had locked him in the cell. "We won't be so lenient after this."

"Don't bother," the other guard, a tiger, responded. He was larger, clearly part of the muscle that ran the Battle Nexus. "After today he'll be too tired to do much of anything from what I've heard. Besides, you heard Big Mama. Gus is out and about for today." His tail flicked, and he crossed his arms. "Might as well come along obediently or you won't be in any shape to put up a fight at all," he added pointedly to Leo.

Leo balked and backed up, shaking his head slightly. The guard snorted.

"All right, come on," the third, a penguin with ridiculous eyebrows, ordered, jabbing a finger at Leo. Unlike the other two, who wore gold shoulder armor and green waist aprons, he was clad in the same purple suit that Big Mama's inner circle wore. Despite his smaller size, it was apparent who was in charge here. "Out with you."

Leo swallowed before he hesitantly stepped out of his cell, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the better lit hallways. He hadn't left that room since Big Mama's goons had tossed him back inside after their last meeting. He squinted, stumbling slightly as he was shoved forwards, the guards closing in with the penguin in front and the others on either side. They didn't say anything else, but their message was clear enough.

There would be no escaping from this.

He was a fool, he thought as he watched his feet take one step after another. Surely there was some weak spot, some angle of possible escape that had come and gone while Leo had wallowed in the dark. He was supposed to be smarter than this. He had thought he was smarter than this.

You're slower to catch on than I would have thought.

"We're here," the penguin said, stopping so abruptly that Leo almost crashed into him. Leo startled and glanced back up, his eyes widening as he took in a well-lit room with a dome-shaped ceiling. A large trifold mirror sat in the middle of the room, with two blue shelves on either side filled to the brim with weapons and armor. Leo peered in, confused, and glanced back over his shoulder at his guards.

"You get two items from the right," the tiger said, examining his claws. His tail flicked again. "Those are for the fresh meat."

Leo hesitated, but his usual yokai guard spoke. "Argh, ya get five minutes," he snapped. "Do ya want to get tossed in with jus' your bare hands? Because we can do that."

It was enough to convince Leo to move, over to where the right wooden rack with the clearly more heavily used equipment was. His eyes roamed over the many rusty shields and bright green pauldrons- perhaps the common gear for fighters here?- mentally marking them unnecessary. He had a shell, after all. The expectation was probably one weapon and one piece of protective gear, but he knew that more protection would just slow him down. He had never used it when fighting before and now was not the time to try and test it out.

There were no odachis, unfortunately, and Leo bit his lip. An axe or hammer was out of the question for his fighting style, as were the western swords, unless he was left with no other choice for that last one. With the different points of balance, he didn't doubt that he would let go of the sword or something equally stupid with the western model.

One of the swords was a katana with a black handle. It had a thin scratch down the middle, but when Leo picked it up and tested it it held firm. He weighed it for a moment, unused to the shorter reach, before he tucked it under one arm and his eyes went back to the weapons rack.

Well, if he was allowed two choices.

He picked another katana, this one with a worn brown handle wrapped around several times with an old bandage. It was an inch or two shorter than the other sword, but not enough to overly throw him off.

"Those swords are blue, so they're yours!" Mikey laughed, pulling the orange nunchucks closer. "These are clearly my color, Leo!"

"Time's up, turtle," the penguin said, startling Leo out of his thoughts. "Let's go."

They lead him across the room, to another closed door, and Leo's grip on his new swords tightened. He opened his mouth, one hundred different ways to try and talk his way out of the situation buzzing on the tip of his tongue, but unable to say anything due to one very obvious reason.

The penguin opened the door in front of him, stepping back and waiting as Leo suddenly felt hands wrap around his arms, the tiger and horned yokai shoving him forwards so he basically tripped into the new room. Leo barely regained his footing in time to stop himself from crashing into the opposite stone wall, and he whirled around just in time for the door to slam shut in his face and lock him into a bright yellow room.

He kicked at the door once, twice, and then backed up, foot throbbing. This was basically a tall broom closet. His breath was coming too fast, no, he wasn't ready for this-

The stone wall behind him clunked, shifted, groaned, and started to be heaved upwards. Leo froze, chest heaving, before he tried to straighten himself back up and look somewhat calm. He was pretty sure that he got at least the first part down.

Come on, Leon, he told himself. You love attention. You're great at sword fighting, you've got this. Of course you've got this.

He stepped out into the stadium, drowning in the sudden noise, the very ground underneath his feet vibrating in time to the yokai's yells.

Oh no, I haven't got this at all.

Leo craned his neck, searching the audience. There was just so many of them, he realized. Big Mama's display orbs had never shown the audience in its full capacity and this stadium was huge.

The longer he looked, however, the more he noticed that the seats were only partially filled, yokai sitting in groups like a bunch of scattered seeds. Strange. He had always thought Big Mama's business was booming but- perhaps it wasn't? Maybe she wouldn't have let herself be bossed around by Draxum at all if she was doing well.

And he knew it was stupid, knew that if his brothers had already asked about him days ago to Big Mama that they probably wouldn't be sitting in the audience, but it didn't stop his eyes for searching out every bright red, orange, and purple head covering anyways, and it didn't stop how his gaze lingered on each reptilian yokai or skipped around hoping for a rat-like tail to appear in one of the staircases.

Above him were several orange screens, floating through some means of their own in different areas of the stadium. They all instantaneously flickered to life, a bird-like yokai in a blue version of Big Mama's minion uniform filling the screen. Leo's brow furrowed, and he rested one of his swords on his right shoulder, a comfortingly familiar weight. "Good morning, Battle Nexus fanatics!" he enthused, the constant babble of spectators dying down just enough for him to be heard. "We're starting the day off with a bang! You're all quite lucky to be right here right now because the Battle Nexus is hosting a special tournament for our newest competitor!"

Leo glanced around, trying to ignore the growing sense of dread in his stomach. Despite Big Mama's promise to watch and see how he did, he couldn't see her anywhere. There was an obvious VIP area, but it was currently empty.

"This newcomer right here stated that he could take the spot as champion in Big Mama's stadium by the end of the next two weeks. What do we think, everyone? Do we think he can do it?"

Feet stamped the ground, and the audience roared, Leo startling and spinning back around. They all looked down at him, taking in the small turtle mutant with a glorified dog collar around his throat. He never would have thought getting so much attention could possibly make him feel so small. He wanted to scream back at them, to ask why they thought he wanted this, but all he could do was stand here and take it, Draxum and Big Mama not even bothering to show up.

Honestly, that last part was kind of the most insulting aspect to all of this.

"So, bid a warm welcome to our challenger, Kappa Kid! You can put bets down on if he'll succeed in gradually working himself up to fight Kraken-Tom with our lovely mutual clerk next to the ticket booth." The announcer took a deep breath and nodded. He held up both hands, grinning. "Okay, okay, I'm done with the boring stuff. First up, we have the dangerous double-threat VenoLion vs. Kappa Kid!"

The ground shuddered, and Leo scrambled back just as green light leaked through and a yokai was raised onto the stadium's floor. It was twice the size of Gus, with the body of a lion but two snake heads lifting and tasting the air with long, forked tongues as they swiveled in either direction. One head's gaze locked onto Leo and its twisting, writhing neck stilled, the other head hooking around to also stare down Leo as a throaty growl rumbled in its mouths before it dissolved into a long, breathy hiss.

And, come on, it was him. When the going got tough, he needed to at least crack a joke, even if it was just to himself. So yes, the thought that wow, look at that, two snakes, just like Big Mama and Draxum did go through his head, and yes, he did manage to crack a small grin at his own joke.

It helped distract him from everything else, at least.

"And... match, start!"

Not wasting any time, the VenoLion crouched, wiggled its haunches once, and then it sprang at Leo. Its paws were the size of his head, dagger-like claws sliding out with a slight clicking sound as it aimed straight for him.

Leo dove to the side, keeping his swords close to his body as he hit the ground and rolled so that he didn't stab himself by accident. The ground was a firm rock, causing him to rip the skin on his elbows as he moved, but it did the job in giving him a moment's distance from the snake-lion.

Unfortunately, a moment's distance was nowhere near enough, because the yokai let out a gargling snarl, landing only to immediately take off again in a new direction- right at Leo. Leo jerked his hands up, the swords going across his face in an x-like pattern just in time to meet the thing's giant left paw.

Sparks flew, Leo gasping as his ankles dug into the ground and he was shoved backwards, feet throbbing as they made a continuing deeper trail through the rock. He risked a glance back to rip one foot out of its burrow, scared his ankle would get rolled if this continued, when one of the snake heads lunged for his face, mouth extending to showcase flashing white fangs that snapped at him.

Leo jerked his head back, his arms wavering as the yokai put more weight down on his swords. He shoved back, just enough to jump backwards and whirl, slashing at the snake head that had dared try and bite him. It pulled back, hissed, and the other head came looping around, just out of Leo's field of vision. He barely managed an upper block, his wide eyes reflected back at him in his sword's reflection with the snake teeth wrapped around the sword in a perfect frame of the moment. He didn't have a moment to pause, the other head lunging at him from head on. He danced backwards, ripping his other sword free, and they circled each other, the two heads low to the ground and quite literally snaking back and forth to keep Leo in their fields of vision.

The announcer was saying something, but Leo couldn't listen to anything other than the loud thumping of his heart, warnings in the way of quiet hissing sounds, and his quick, ragged breaths.

I need to finish this, he thought. I can't afford to-

His thoughts struggled to catch up with what little oxygen he had available, somehow even making his thoughts feel breathless.

I can't afford to get exhausted now.

He pushed off on his front foot, twisting slightly to put his full body's force behind his right blade as he bore down on the closest snake head. Its eyes narrowed into thin slits as it saw him coming, a hood suddenly flaring up as it tried to rear its head up and hiss at him-

But it was too late, because Leo's sword ripped through its head with a single swipe, the momentum sending the head flying just high enough so that it sailed over the surrounding walls and into the audience. The remaining snake head yowled, pawing at the stem of its other head as blood dripped onto the floor.

The audience went wild, shouting things at Leo, and he glanced up at them for one second. It was a second that he didn't have, as the yokai decided that it was officially ready to kill him, because it barreled at him, swiping right at his chest.

He dove towards the ground, but it wasn't fast enough; he was yanked backwards as its claws caught on his strap and hauled him back, back, until the strap tore with a loud ripping sound. It gave him enough momentum to crash forwards, onto the ground, one sword tumbling out of his grip, just as he felt the VenoLion's claws touch the surface of his lower right shell, dragging across the surface in a manner that something in his head screamed this isn't right.

His strap fell down, now in two pieces, to dangle around his legs, only held up by the belt portion still wrapped around his waist. Leo panicked, reaching out for his dropped sword, when he saw something move in the sword's reflection. He grabbed the katana and shoved himself up, pushing back against the ground to jump as high as he possibly could just as the snake-lion pounced on the spot he had been lying.

He let out a shaky wheeze, holding both swords at the ready and sliding back into a fighting stance. The remaining snake head hissed again before suddenly the stem of its other neck thrashed, Leo's eyes widening as not one but two heads grew back in its place.


Okay, was anyone going to bother mentioning he was fighting a hydra or was he just supposed to figure that out himself?

Leo tried to rush at it and get another hit in before it stopped healing, but it let out a growl and hopped out of the way, facing away from Leo. He dove again, slashing at its open back, but too late he saw one snake head peering over its shoulder blade at him, tongue tasting the air. The lion body reared up onto its front legs and it donkey kicked Leo right in the plastron, all air rushing out of his lungs as he crumpled around the foot. A wheezed whine escaped him, right before he was sent rocketing backwards, crashing full speed into one of the arena walls and embedding himself thoroughly in the rock just in time for the collar to let out a beep and light him up like a Christmas tree.

He choked on the tang of blood and the acrid aftertaste of something burning, his muscles alternating between jerking and locking up, before he fell forwards again, crumpling to the ground in one big, undignified heap.

He coughed, slowly lifting his face as every inch of his body screamed in pain. The yokai stalked towards him, six yellow eyes seeming to glow as it towered over him, snake heads swaying back and forth with each step. His vision seemed to go in and out of focus, and when it slowly cleared enough so that he could see the announcer wildly gesturing and saying something on a screen across the arena.

His swords- where had they gone? He coughed again, his hands shaking he tried to once again get up. He didn't have time to assess his body's state. There was- okay, there was one sword behind the yokai, which was definitely out of reach. As for the other, the brown hilt had taken a hit, the hilt no longer brown per say so much as just the tang was left, the bandages having lost their own battle of keeping the worn handle together.

Leo's hand closed around the metal, and he dragged the sword towards him. He forced himself to his knees, looking up at the yokai as the snakes let out a unanimous hiss, his opponent certain in its victory.

It moved, paws thudding against the ground as it lunged at him. Leo flinching before he closed his eyes and thrust the sword forwards, both hands gripping the tang so tightly that he felt cuts open on his palms. He was jerked backwards as he felt the blade sink into flesh, and he opened his eyes just in time to see a snake lunge for his neck.

He had one way to win this, and nobody had ever told him that a successful tactic wouldn't work twice.

"Game-," he whispered, not managing to finish what he was saying before both of them were shocked, the hydra letting out a horrifying scream as electricity shot down the sword's metal and right into its body, close enough to the heart that Leo was certain that it did some serious damage. He fell forwards again, barely managing to keep one hand on the sword as the other hand's fingers dug into the ground.

The snake heads fell to the floor, the whole body twitching, and Leo gagged, wiping his mouth off with one arm. A quick glance hazarded a smear of blood, and he used the last of his willpower to force down a whimper as he dragged himself to his feet again. Third time's the charm, he guessed.

The stadium was silent for a moment, Leo glancing up to see everyone watching him with wide eyes. He tugged once on the katana, but it was lodged too deep in the yokai, which twitched and let out a small mewl in response to the action. He shivered involuntarily, his muscles seemingly confused about what the heck was going on, before he let go of the metal like it had burned him.

Actually, scratch that- it had.

Leo looked at his shaking right hand, the fingers where his glove hadn't covered slightly shiny and paler than they should be. Small cuts from the sword crisscrossed on top of the burn. They throbbed in time with his neck with each beat of his heart, and Leo let out a shaky huff of air as he curled his other hand around his wrist. He turned and started to limp away from the VenoLion, intent on trying to leave- he was done, right?- before the collar let out a small beep.

He froze mid-step.

No. Why? What had he done? He didn't dare take another step, didn't dare breath until he figured out what he was doing that was going to set it off again.

"Well," the announcer finally said, Leo's frantic mind latching on to the sound of a voice like an anchor to a boat in a storm. "It seems we got to see Kappa Kid's special move! The electric eel!"

The audience was silent, as if everyone was processing that statement, before the quiet in the air shattered with a roar, the audience leaping to their feet. "Now," the announcer continued, feeding the crowd's enthusiasm. "He just has to finish it!"

There was an echo, a statement half remembered, Draxum glancing over to where he was clutched in Big Mama's hand. "Be sure to finish the fights."

Leo felt sweat trickle down his face, and he placed his foot down, waiting. The collar didn't go off. He took another step, and then another, towards the remaining katana lying on the ground in the middle of the stadium. He slowly picked it up in his non-burned hand, turning to look at the hydra.

Two of its heads were watching them. It raised one head slightly, staring at him, and it hissed again, baring its teeth. Somehow it no longer sounded angry, just... scared.

Where had it been stolen from before it was shoved into the Battle Nexus?

Something was thrown at Leo, and he jerked out of the way to see a cup of some strange green liquid explode at his feet.

"Finish it!" someone yelled at him, a cacophony of voices following in large, unforgiving waves.

And, cutting through the noise like a shark fin in water, another soft beep from his collar.

It... it wasn't a choice. He didn't have a choice.

I'm sorry.

Leo took one step, then another, slowly picking up speed. The hydra's eyes narrowed into thin slits, but it didn't move, Leo able to see his own reflection approaching until he raised the sword over his head and drove it down, right where he thought the base of the spine started.

The hydra went still, slumping as all three heads hit the ground with several soft thumps. Leo almost gagged again. It wasn't the first time he had cut a yokai or mutant in half- there was that worm that one time, or plenty of silverfish- but something about this was- it was wrong. The fight had already been over.

"And the official winner for this match is Kappa Kid! Is this the start of a new champion?"

He stood there, panting, the crowd erupting into cheers as applause drowned out even the sound of his own frantic thoughts. Red petals rained down around him, but Leo wasn't interested in the attention. He was shaking slightly, sweat giving his skin a cold, clammy feeling. He took a deep breath, trying to get his breathing back under control, when he made the mistake of looking down.

There was a puddle of blood- red blood- at his feet, his reflection staring back up at him.

He stumbled, scrambling backwards and falling on his tailbone. His eyes shot down to his hands and his plastron, blood splatters decorating him just like the flower petals now lying scattered across the arena ground.

Why were they still applauding? Hadn't he just- Leo swallowed down the urge to hurl.


No, no, no it wasn't supposed to go like this.

He slowly looked up, just in time to meet Big Mama's gaze. She was standing at the balcony of the VIP area he had spotted earlier in her human form, too far away for Leo to fully catch her expression.

With one shaking hand, he carefully felt the back of his shell, tracing the new indent that glanced off of the bottom right corner.

He had two more matches to go today.

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