Supernatural Imagines/One sho...

By fizzy31funny

22.4K 218 7

Supernatural imagines! That's exactly it - just wrote these for fun so have a read if you want lolz. 😊🥰 More

Dress - Sam
Date Disaster - Dean
Bloodlust - Sam
Kiss me - Dean
Hunting - Dean
Ketchup - Sam
Distraction - Dean
Secret - Dean
Did he just...? - Dean
Vamp Hunt - The Winchesters
Cooking - Sam
Spider - Sam
Rain - Dean
Torture - Sam
Fight - Dean
Auction - Sam
Dog - Dean
That's Kinda Gay - The Winchesters
Notes - Sam
Chick Flick Moment - Dean
Djinn - Sam
My Girlfriend - The Winchesters
Bad Luck - Sam
Period- Dean
Period - Sam
Stitches - Sam
A Pattern - Young Winchesters
Fainting - Dean
Comfort Show - Sam
505 - Dean
Clown - Sam
Crashing the Impala - The Winchesters
Dare - Sam
Handsy - Dean
Klara - Dean
Bobby Knows - Sam

Madison Imagine

221 2 0
By fizzy31funny

Character: Madison 
Type: Idk mate
Word count: 397

Say it with me - Madison was too slay to die. 😞
Based on the season 2 episode - Heart. 

Part of me was disappointed that Sam and Dean appointed me as the babysitter, staying home to protect Madison. However, the other part of me had no problem staying home with a girl that gorgeous.

I sat at her wooden table with a small paperback in my hands. The cover was worn with age and affection and Madison asked: "What are you reading?"

"Little Women," I replied with a smile. "It's always in my backpack in case I have free time."

"Cool," There was a pause before she muttered (more to herself than to me), "I better do my laundry."

A few minutes later, she emerged with a blue basket full of underwear and she casually dumped the contents on the table in front of me. I tried to keep my eyes trained on my book, but as she folded each pair of lacy pants, my attention drifted.

I cleared my throat. "I'm gonna sit on the couch."

She watched me go with a smirk. 

Later on, we ended up watching some trash tv and I got a little more invested than I'd like to admit. Madison smiled at my questions, and I blushed after realising how stupid I sounded.

"I think I'll shut up now," I mumbled, leaning back on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling in embarrassment.

"Don't, it's cute," she flirted, which only made my cheeks turn pinker. She yawned and stretched slightly before saying, "I think I'll hit the hay."

"Ok," I said, "I... I'll be out here." 

"Yeah..." she drifted off, staring at me for a beat too long. She went into her bedroom and closed the door softly.

She promptly opened it again and stuck her head around the edge. "That was your cue to follow me," she said casually. 

"What?" I spluttered, turning my head to stare at her, dumfounded. 

"Come on, y/n," she drawled, as if it should be obvious, "You know you want to," she added slyly.

"But... Sam, Dean. They - I'm... I'm suppose to... er," I stuttered, standing up, gesturing vaguely. 

"Ok..." she said slowly, "I'll give you five minutes to decide." She disappeared into her bedroom again and I cursed loudly, running a hand over my face. 

'Dean would.' I thought to myself, contemplating my decisions.

"Fuck it," I groaned, opening her door. 

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