The Doll Collector's Son

By AJSilis

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25 years ago, The notorious Doll Collector died at the hands of the only woman he failed to kill. He left beh... More

Chapter 1: Jordan
Chapter 2: The Mimic
Chapter 3: Jordan
Chapter 4: Maria
Chapter 5: Kris' Diary
Chapter 6: Jordan
Chapter 7: Kris' Diary
Chapter 8: The Mimic
Chapter 10: Kris' Diary
Chapter 11 - Maria
Chapter 12 - Maria
Chapter 13: The Mimic
Chapter 14: Jordan
Chapter 15: Kris' Diary
Chapter 16: The Miimic
Chapter 17: Maria
Chapter 18: Jordan

Chapter 9: Jordan

287 23 19
By AJSilis

I was just barely out of the parking lot when Annalise's name lit up my screen. I answered through the Bluetooth, switching on the left turn signal. My mind was still on the connection between the women and past Doll Collector victims. Someone was going to be murdered in honor of my mother, but she wasn't killed. Maybe this one will live too, maybe taken as a hostage?

"Jordan, did you hear me?" Annalise asked in a shrill voice.

It snapped me back to the moment.

"Sorry, what?" I replied, switching on my turn signal again.

"The victims, they match up with those of the past." She said.

"Yeah, I know."

"Jordan, Maria Gonzalez is next. The next victim will have the initials MG, and they've been leaving you notes. Marina Galindo, Jordan."

The information passed through the speakers in real time, but it reached me in slow motion. Marina Galindo, MG, Maria Gonzalez. Messages being left for me, the newest victim an homage to my mother, whose initials matched my girlfriend's. They were the two most important women to me.

"Annie, we had a fight, she left my apartment!" I cried.

"Already on it." Annalise said, her wheel screeching audibly through the speaker. "Stay on the line."

I hit the gas pedal, crossing a red light. Several cars honked at me, likely having seen their lives flash before their eyes. Marina's apartment was about ten miles from the field office. I made a sharp left onto the next street, pressing the pedal down further.

"She's gonna be okay." Annalise assured.

"I'm an idiot, she asked me to stay and I did not. I could have protected her!"

I slammed a hand on the steering wheel, cursing myself. Right then in that moment, I made a promise to myself that if Marina was okay, I would pay more attention and be a better man for her. If something did happen to her, I could never forgive myself.

"Coming up on her complex." Annalise announced as I ran yet another red light.

"Wait for me."

One more hard left turn and I could see Annalise's car haphazardly parked on the curb. Her door was wide open, keys still in the ignition. I ignored the urge to lock it up and dashed up to the door. Annalise was jamming a finger into the button marked Galindo. I nudged her away, punching in the code. A loud buzzer sounded as the door unlocked, then we rushed through, allowing it to slam shut behind us. Marina's apartment was just at the top of the second floor.

I took the stairs two at a time, preparing to draw my weapon. Sweat sprouted on my hairline as I made it to the top. I held my breath, realizing the door was unlocked. My hand stopped shaking the moment I reached out to pull the knob. Annalise arrived within seconds, nodding as we prepared to step inside.

The TV was on, low volume, but I could just make out what it was saying. I lifted my gun out in front of me. 

Images of Marina tied up and hidden in the closet propelled me forward. It reminded me of the stories my mother had finally told me about that night. I'd just graduated from the FBI academy, and she felt comfortable describing that night. How she had hidden in his closet and had come upon Barbara's body. I would not allow Marina the same experience.

A flash of movement from the sofa earned the sharp cry of, "FBI, do not move." It was followed by a high pitched shriek.

Seated on the sofa with her legs up to her chest was a young woman. Who was this? A figure emerged hurriedly from the bathroom. I lowered my gun immediately as Annalise began to inspect rooms and I focused on the figure glaring up at me.


She cried out to me in anger, but I was so relieved that she wasn't tied up somewhere that I almost didn't understand what she said. Marina pushed me away towards the door as Annalise made her way back. All was clear.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Marina demanded. "And what the hell is she doing here?"

The glare she cut Annalise would have been enough to slice her in half if Annalise was fazed by those things at all.

"I'll be outside." she said, side stepping me.

"You weren't answering my phone calls. I was worried about you." I said, trying to convey urgency, but her piercing glare wasn't letting up.

"I'm ignoring you. We had a fight."


"Marina, I cannot have you ignoring me when I'm working a case this important."

She lifted a brow and crossed her arms.

"Am I in danger? Or is that something you can't tell me? Since you never tell me anything!"

I finally tucked my gun away and pulled her closer to me. She swatted my hand away, sharpening her glare.

"Marina, there are things I cannot tell you. This is what you agreed to when you started dating me. I work unholy hours and I keep secrets related to my job."

"No, you keep other things from me. We have a fight and you run straight to the office, to her."

"She is my partner, I have known her since childhood."

"I am you partner in life!"

Her friend shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa.

"Marina, whether you're angry at me or not, until this case is solved, you answer that phone. I will bust through a hundred doors if it means I keep you safe. I can't tell you everything, but there is a very real possibility that you may be targeted by the person we are investigating. Annalise likely called it in and there will be an agent here shortly." I explained.

"Why can't that agent be you?" she asked, her tone turning whiny.

"I need to be out there. I promise you, you'll be safe."

She shook her head, turning towards the couch.

"Even when my life is in danger, you're not here."

My phone buzzed with Annalise's message: an Agent Flores would be coming to sit with her. Marina ignored me as I gave her the agent's information to verify before opening the door. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, Annalise was on the phone. From the look on her face, important and concerning information was coming in. My phone too started ringing and Annalise turned away to continue her conversation.

There on the screen was a message from the Special Agent in Charge, Agent Sherwood. A numbness crept over my entire body both in nerves and building fear. The LA Times had already broken a story online about the bodies that had turned up. They had received a letter from the killer taking credit for their murders and had even given them the address to the latest body.

I ran a hand through my hair, gripping the roots. The body was still fresh, laying on the front porch of the most notorious house in all of California. It was his home, where my mother had been held and where his dolls had lived. Why they hadn't torn it down, I had no idea, but now it was the site of a murder in his honor.

Another message came through, this time a picture of a printed note. Jordan it is time to awaken, for I am here.

The numbing started in my toes then swept upwards like a rising wave of bile. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. He was here, he was back. The Doll Collector had returned, for me. As a kid I always had nightmares of him showing up in my room, trying to take me back. My mom had told me as much, he'd actually kidnapped me and drugged me putting me in a closet while he tried to kill her.

A hand touched my shoulder I flinched but didn't tear my eyes away from my screen. He was calling to me from beyond the grave. Another message came through, an order for all available agents to return to the field office. The media had gotten hold of the story and were speculating on the rise of a new Doll Collector. Connections has been made, the identities of previous victims were flooding the airwaves, were popping up as support groups on social media. The note had gone viral and there was no stopping it now.

It was only a matter of time before they remembered who I was and figured out where to find me. I was done. They'd tried to hide me away in this office, but now it would be gone. I couldn't go back to the field office, they'd all know that his spawn was walking through those doors. Another hand touched my other shoulder and finally I turned. Annalise was standing behind me, an expression of worry creasing her brows. She nodded towards the car. There she was, ready to take me to my lynching mob.

Maybe I was being too dramatic, but deep down I knew it was right. Annalise remained quiet during the drive back. I was sure she was worried what this might do to her family too. Wherever the Doll Collector was The Mistress' infamous legacy was summoned too. Their family would know no peace until this was over.

The parking lot was now filled with the agents of our field office. I couldn't move from the passenger seat, but my body carried me out towards the doors anyways. While my mind might be frightened at the thought of facing them all as The Doll Collector's Son, my training had me walking with confidence anyway. I opened the door, allowing Annalise to pass first. A gesture of chivalry, but maybe I didn't want to be the first into the office.

We could hear voices coming from the conference room. They weren't hushed and so it was easy to hear: that's his son? His son has been walking through this office with no care in the world? 

Annalise slipped her hand in mine for a brief second. I appreciated the warmth and the small squeeze she gave it before we approached the entrance of the conference room. A hush fell over the room as they shot their gazes in our direction. The Special Agent In Charge, Agent Sherwood was standing in the center of the room. His expression was the only one that didn't hold animosity, then again, he was the only one other than Annalise that already knew.

He called for the two of us to take a seat in the only two open chairs around the table. We shuffled past, uncomfortably bumping up against the rest of the office that had crowded into the room. Up on the whiteboard were some of the notes that we had already taken.

"I will address this once." SAIC Sherwood began, "Jordan Aleksandrov is The Doll Collector's Son. His mother is in fact Maria Gonzalez, the only survivor. Annalise Valentine is The Mistress' daughter and they both work here in this office. Until this is over, that will not be a problem. Is that understood?"

The silence that followed was enough to cause me to break a sweat, but I remained expressionless. It started as a rumble, but soon the entire room agreed. I was safe for now.

"The killer, henceforth referred to as the Mimic, has claimed the murders this office has been investigating. Notes were sent to me by Agent Aleksandrov and Agent Valentine regarding what they believe to be the connection between this killer and The Doll Collector. The letter sent to the LA Times has confirmed that connection." 

A tch! cut through his monologue.

SAIC Sherwood cut his eyes to the agent standing at the other end of the table.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" SAIC Sherwood asked.

"... No sir." the agent answered.

"Then that's the last we hear from you unless it relates to the case."

He waited a few seconds before addressing the rest of the room.

"I'm passing out the information that has been collected and analyzed. We believe the Mimic is targeting people based on the initials of the Doll Collector's victims. They've already made it up to Maria Gonzalez, they still have a ways to go before they complete the list, but we can't let them get any farther. Agent Aleksandrov's girlfriend has the same initials as his mother. Considering this killer is after Agent Aleksandrov we cannot rule out that she is safe. Another agent is currently staying with her. Because the killer is trying to communicate with Agent Aleksandrov, we will keep him on the case and allow him to continue investigating as he has. IT has turned up the account of someone named Chrissy that followed every single victim on social media. An interview with one of the victim's family members revealed their sister had been friends with someone named Chrissy who displayed some concerning behavior. We will be focusing our efforts in discovering the identity of this person. I will split you up into smaller teams and assign your duties. Agent Aleksandrov, Agent Valentine I'd like to see you."

The room cleared out, some agents took this opportunity to look our way. I wanted to lower my eyes in shame, but Annalise whispered to me to not look away.

It wasn't our fault that we'd been born to killers. That was only half of it, we'd also been born to a better parent. 

I wanted to nod, but sometimes I wondered why my mom made that choice. She could have not gotten involved with him. But then again, if she hadn't, then she wouldn't have met my dad. Annalise wouldn't be in my life either, and I couldn't imagine what my life would be without them. I wouldn't be me.

The last agent out shut the door behind her and SAIC Sherwood stood, rounding the table so he stood before us.

"Quite the situation we're in."

He received silence from the two of us. That went without saying.

"We're going to keep an agent with your girlfriend until this is over. We can't discount the fact that the Mimic might try to hurt her to get to you. It's my belief that they are trying to awaken a killer instinct in you. What better way than with tragedy? When the media finally breaks that you are an agent with the FBI, we will be firing you." 

My gut curled. If it wasn't for Annalise kicking my chair, I would have wilted.

"We will be firing you in name only, it will not be official. But we won't be able to keep the spotlight off of you anymore. You are a great agent, and we don't wish to lose you. Annalise, the same goes for you. We've looped in your respective parents, as we imagine that their names will be brought up soon enough. It's going to get ugly, but I need you on top of this. Agents, please go continue your interview with the families following the Chrissy query."

We nodded and rose as he exited. My phone chittered with the tone I recognized to be Marina's. I figured I couldn't possibly be surprised anymore, but there it was, the message I feared most.

From Marina: You're his son. That's what you've been keeping from me, haven't you? You're the Doll Collector's Son.

The next message to come through was from SAIC Sherwood.

From SAIC Sherwood: Get to your mother's house immediately, they've found her

Hey y'all! It's been a minute. I apologize for not being consistent. It's been very difficult to write. While I have the story planned out, it's just not coming to me, but I'm trying.

I'm gonna have some time off coming soon so I'll be able to write more, but in the meantime, I will try to get back on the weekly schedule. 

Apologies again for being inconsistent, I hope you haven't forgotten me yet.

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