Mario and Sonic: Worlds in Da...

By GamerLightwarrior

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Mario and Sonic team up as their old enemies Bowser and Dr. Eggman have required mysterious powers that they... More

Chapter 1: Spiritual Power
Chapter 2: Worlds in Danger
Chapter 3: The village of Nun
Chapter 5: The Girl and the two dragons
Chapter 6: Secrets of the diamond
Chapter 7 Adventures of the Yurei

Chapter 4: Bowser Jr and Sage

81 1 1
By GamerLightwarrior

We cut to a seen on one of the ships but we find out that Bowser Jr, the Koopalings, Kamek, Orbot, Cubot, and Metal Sonic are on that ship.

Bowser Jr: Wow this Senso guy really knows how to combine ships doesn't he? We can go on vacation if we wanted too.

Kamek: Yes my prince it is indeed amazing.

As the Koopalings start fighting Jr then stares outside the window at someone.

Kamek: What is it my Koopa Prince?

Jr was actually staring outside the window looking at the deck and notices Sage standing there.

Kamek: Is something the matter my prince?

Bowser Jr then stutters.

Bowser Jr: Oh uh it's nothing... I-I want to go outside real quick.

Bowser Jr than ran outside and slammed the door much to the confusion of everyone else.

Wendy: He's been pretty strange lately.

(*Cues: Starfall Islands theme - Sonic Frontiers*)

Bowser Jr runs outside to meet with Sage but the Koopa Prince is nervous.

Bowser Jr: Hey uhh... Sage right?

Sage: Bowser Jr, Son of Bowser the King of the Koopas, and Prince of the Koopa Kingdom, correct?

Bowser Jr is then surprised with the AI.

Bowser Jr: Wow you sure know that much huh.

Sage turns around.

Sage: I looked into my father's data and found information about Bowser and his Koopa army and the encounters they have with the red Italian plumber Mario.

Bowser Jr: Yeah Dad and Eggman are really great friends, together combined they are brains and brawn incarnate but of course you know... Mario and Sonic just had to ruin everything.

As Bowser Jr says this he sadly walks up next to Sage.

Sage: You seem proud to be Bowser's son and a Prince but I get the feeling you have some doubt in you..

Bowser Jr: Eh it feels like every time I fail I feel like I'm a burden to my dad.... When my Dad told me that Princess Peach was my mama I knew it was a lie yet despite that I kidnapped her for him anyway because... Because.... I

Sage: You want to make him proud, don't you?

Bowser Jr: Yeah but every time I fight the Mario Bros I end up failing and as a result I failed my dad. I feel like I failed him.

Sage: Bowser Jr. You are not a burden. When your father was corrupted and became Fury you asked Mario for your help despite being enemies in the past. That alone shows you were willing to do whatever it takes to help your father and you succeeded in turning him back to normal. You are not a burden, Bowser Jr, if it weren't for you teaming up with Mario to help, your father would not be here right now. Don't let yourself down as your father is proud of you.

Bowser Jr: You mean it?

Sage: Yes, I do. You and I are the same, both of us want to make our fathers proud and we'd go to any lengths to help and protect them even if it means teaming up with their mortal enemies.

Sage's words put a smile back on Junior's face.

Bowser Jr: You know I'm glad Eggman created you and became your father. Like the fact that Eggman would father one of his creations is something even my Dad didn't see coming.

Sage: Father and I share a bond unlike any other of his machines.

Bowser Jr: Well it's really nice to talk to someone I can actually relate to you know. Metal Sonic is cool and all but we never really have a bond plus he doesn't really talk as much nor does he and I share a bond. Glad I got the chance to get to know you.

Sage: I'm glad I got the chance to know you too.

Kamek then appears.

Kamek: Clears throat. Excuse me my young Lord, Sage I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Sage: It's alright we have just finished our conversation.

Bowser Jr: What do you want Kamek?

Kamek: How long until we get to Jachai?

Sage: By my calculations we should be arriving soon.

Kamek: Okay good.

The villains continue their ride to their destination.

Meanwhile in Jachai woods

(*Cues: Jungle Joyride Night - Sonic Unleashed*)

The Mario and Sonic characters walk through the Jachai woods as they search for the elders granddaughter.

Sonic: Wow. And I thought Chun-nan was crazy this... is even crazier.

Katherine: Well Sonic in these woods of Tianjin, Tokyo it's pretty easy to get lost especially at night.

Luigi: R-R-Really?

Katherine: Yes. The country of Jachai is mostly wooded area.

Tails: Yeah she has a point.

Tails was seen with a few flying characters such as Rouge, Cream, and Silver.

Tails it's honestly pretty hard to get a birds eye view with most of these bamboo trees in the way.

Mario: Honestly though how is it so hard to find the elders granddaughter with all these wooded areas.

Shadow: We'll have to keep looking and let's hope we find her and soon.

Within a few minutes they continue walking in the woods.

Knuckles: How long are we going to be in these woods?

Daisy: It's like we've been looking for her granddaughter forever.

Katherine: We must keep searching, the elders granddaughter we'll have to find her.

Tails all of the sudden catches something from his radar.

Tails: Hey guys my alarm's going crazy.

Luigi: What's wrong Tails?

Tails: I found several signatures coming are way and fast.

Mario and Sonic realized something is wrong.

Mario: Oh no.


The gang just nearly dodged and incoming bullet bill after them.

Shadow: What was that?

Suddenly they noticed ship above them and they all get a bad feeling. As this happens Bowser Jr on his Clown Car appears before them.

(*Cues: Dragon Ball Super Goku Black arc OSt 29:47*)

Bowser Jr: Hahahaha! Hey Everyone longtime no see I hoped you liked my bullet bill present!

Mario: Bowser Jr!

Sonic: (Sarcastic voice) Yeah we totally loved your present Jr I hope you have another.

Bowser Jr: Oh don't worry there's more where that came from.

???: So it appears we have arrived at our destination.

Just then Sage emerges much to everyone's surprise as she floats next to Bowser Jr.

Tails: Is that...?

Sonic: Sage?

The Sonic characters are shocked at Sage's appearance but the Mario characters seem confused.

Mario: Uh Sonic who is Sage?

Sonic: She's an AI created by Dr. Eggman and also that's who she calls his daughter.

Mario: Wh-What?!

Luigi: Eggman has a daughter?!

Daisy: I've always known Eggman doesn't treat his creations with nothing but disrespect but I never thought he'd eventually father one of his creations not even Metal Sonic does that really mean Eggman has a soft spot after all?

Sage: It may seem crazy to you by what Sonic says is the truth I am my father's daughter.

Bowser Jr: Yeah you hear that punks? Eggman has a daughter and together with her and yours truly we'll be an unstoppable force.

Sage: Mario I am aware of who you are and who your friends are thanks to data I've collected from Father.

Mario: Yeah so what if you're Ro-butt-nick's daughter that won't stop us from whatever plan you guys have in mind.

Sage: I respect your courage however you cannot stop us. Let's go Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr: You got it!

(*Cues: Antagonistic Battle*)

Bowser Jr and Sage fly into attack, as Mario and Luigi retaliate by shooting fireballs at them only for Sage to summon a spiky shield to block the plumber bros' assault.

Bowser Jr: This is it guys in order to get one of the 5 diamonds! WE WILL DEFEAT YOU!!

Sonic tries to homing attack Jr but he dodges with ease and punches him as well as punching Knuckles who joined in on the attack. Luigi attempts to do a Super Jump Punch but Sage dodges and teleports behind him and knocks him away with her telekinesis. The Mario and Sonic characters tried their hardest but Bowser Jr and Sage's combined efforts were too much for them Bowser Jr throws another bullet bill at them while Sage fires a laser from her hand which hits them much to Katherine's shock.

Katherine: No guys hang on!

Sage then teleports in front of Katherine while Bowser Jr.

Sage: I don't believe I recognized you before. Are you an ally of Mario and Sonic?

Katherine: So what if I am what is it you want?

Bowser Jr: In case it's not clearly we're here to get the diamond before Mario and Sonic does so stand aside.

Katherine: As if...

While Katherine and Bowser Jr talk Sage takes a good look at Katherine.

Sage: (to herself) Something is really strange about her she appears to be an ordinary person traveling with Mario and Sonic but she seems to have power we don't know of.

Sage then places her hand on Katherine's shoulder while the latter is still arguing with Bowser Jr.

Sage: (to herself) I'll have to use the powers Senso gifted us to see what's up with her.

Sage does so but once she does she has a complete look of shock on her face as she gets her hand off of Katherine.

Bowser Jr: Huh? Hey Sage what's wrong?

Katherine: Is there a reason why you felt the need to touch me when my back is turned?

Sage: (to herself) It can't be... Could it be that.... This woman's power is the same as Senso Tatakai's?

Bowser Jr: Uhh Sage I don't know what's but you have to snap out of it!

As Jr says this Shadow charges at them.

Shadow: Get away from Katherine!

But just then Metal Sonic steps in front of them and stops him in his tracks.

(*Cues: Zamasu's Overwhelming Power*)

Much to Shadow's surprise Metal Sonic pushes him back. The rest of the Mario and Sonic characters recover an attempt to continue fighting.

Mario: Now's are chance!

Sonic: Let's go!

Only for the Koopalings in their own Clown Cars and Kamek to fly into help.

Larry: Hey we're the ones you're fighting!

An all out battle rages as Sage charges up an attack and flies at Katherine who catches her hand.

Sage: Tell me: What powers are you hiding? Why do you have the same power as Senso? Who are you truly? Something tells me you do not appear as you say you are, you are hiding something aren't you.

Katherine: You dare throw such accusations and  ridiculous nonsense at me when I don't even know what you are talking about.

She escapes Sage and gets to the Mario and Sonic characters.

Katherine: We need to move we can't waste time anymore time with them, we need to find the elders' granddaughter!

Sonic: Easier said then done they got all of us backed into a corner!

Katherine: Not for long.

Katherine closes her eyes and claps her hands then a huge whirlwind surrounds the Mario and Sonic heroes and the whirlwind disappears along with the heroes much to the dismay of the Mario and Sonic villains.

Bowser Jr: (growls) Those rotten bugs.

Kamek: Oh no matter my young Lord we'll see them again soon enough. For now let's continue searching for the diamond.

Sage: Yes and hopefully we'll see her again.

Sage had a look of suspicion on her face wanting to learn mor about Katherine.

Meanwhile the Mario and Sonic heroes all appeared in another location thanks to Katherine.

Silver: What just happened?

Katherine: I used my powers to escape even further into the woods.

Wario: Well in any case at least we got out of there.

Katherine: Right so we must keep moving.

Before they could walk however Blaze turns to the left and notices something.

Blaze: Hey guys look over there.

When they all looked they noticed a young teenage girl laying on the ground in an open area next to a cave.

Rouge: Is that who I think it is?

Daisy: I don't know but I think it might be.

Blaze: According to some of the Nun villagers I've talked to only 3 people went into these woods.

Tails: And 2 of the 3 people is the elders which means the girl we're looking at is...

Luigi: The elders' granddaughter. We found her.

Mario: Well what are we waiting for let's go.

Sonic: Yeah and let's make this fast before Bowser Jr, Sage, and the others come back.

Everyone ran down there to the elders' granddaughter as Katherine touches her.

Katherine: She appears to be injured but it's not fatal and she's alive just unconscious, I'll use my powers to heal her then we can-

Before Katherine can finish they hear a loud roaring sound much to everyone's confusion.

Tails: What was that?

They then hear footsteps as something was clearly coming from the cave.

Luigi: Oh no!

(*Cues: Confrontation with Iblis - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)*)

When the sounds became louder everyone gets into their stances as two big things come out of the cave then we see two dragons. The red dragon is Chinese while the blue dragon is Japanese.

Katherine: You can not be serious!

Mario: Stand tall everyone we can do this!

Sonic: Yeah remember we've got this!

The two dragons roar at our heroes as they prepare for battle.

To be continued on Chapter 5

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