
By Dazed_Days

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Three young women struggle to find their way in a war-torn galaxy, These are their Confessions. BOOK 1 (Credi... More

Act 0: A Reckless and Wild Youth
0.1 In The Beginning
0.2 Rendezvous
ACT 1: We Are All Soldiers
1.1 The Malevolence

0.3 A Family Collective

6 0 0
By Dazed_Days

Sabé liked her life in politics, her battles were fought with words and policies rather than with a blaster. Though, there were days she wished she could stand beside the man she loved on the battlefield if only to relieve some of his burdens. And perhaps, to keep an eye on him for some piece of mind. The war had certainly stirred up issues all over the galaxy, and though she yearned to have him close, Sabé knew Obi-Wan could not stay behind on Coruscant just as she could not leave her own sphere as a representative of her home planet. And with the war came new security measures across all planets, meaning Sabé could not busy herself with frivolous meetings and instead had her anxiety brought forth since Typho made it a point to inform the sisters about any skirmishes and active battles that may have an effect on the Naboo System.

And so Sabé found herself trailing after her sister into the Chancellor's office following concerning news they had received. Her long blue dress trailed on the soft carpeted floor as she entered the chambers. Sadly, she found herself unsurprised to find Grand Master Yoda of the Jedi making his way out of the office. Ever since the war had begun, the presence of Jedi within the Senate was becoming stronger where it had once been a rarity. Still, Sabé bowed her head slightly in greeting.

"Greetings, Senator Amidala, Representative Nabierre," He acknowledged the two with a kind smile.

"Master Yoda. So good to see you," Padmé replied formally, bowing.

"Good, it is, to see you, Senator," He nodded to the sisters, "All is well, I hope, Representative."

"Yes, Master Yoda," Sabé responded, stepping up to stand beside her sister, "I hope we aren't intruding."

"Not at all," Chancellor Palpatine stated, motioning for the women to approach, "I received your message. We were to discuss..."

"The new security measures you put into effect on Naboo," Sabé reminded him, clasping her hands in front of her.

Despite the proverbial wall that separated their ranks within the Senate, Sabé had always had a good rapport with the Chancellor from when he had been the Senator for Naboo over a decade earlier. In fact, it had been Palpatine who had insisted that Sabé follow her sister into the Senate following the end of her term as Queen. Since then, he had been a good teacher and had looked out for both Sabé and Padmé as their policies became more outspoken.

"My security chief tells me there are several new battles in the Outer Rim?" Padmé questioned.

New battles, though they were to be expected, wouldn't bode well for their new anti-war propositions nor their continuing crusade to limit the Banking Clan's increasing pressure to deregulate the banks to fund the war. Truthfully, Sabé was hoping that these battles were too small to be concerned over and that they really were small skirmishes. Still, with so many unknown variables, it was important they receive the best information possible in order to not get run over in the Chambers.

"Including a small skirmish with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin," Palpatine revealed, causing Sabé to tense.

"Anakin?" Padmé didn't seem outwardly concerned, but Sabé could tell by the stiffness in her posture that she was far more worried than she was letting on," Are they in danger?"

"I'm afraid the Jedi's efforts to strike a secret treaty with the Hutts...have gone terribly wrong," Palpatine sighed, walking back to his desk and motioning for the women to take a seat, "Jabba believes Anakin has abducted his infant son."

"A Jedi would never do such a thing!" Sabé insisted, "Even one as impulsive as Knight Skywalker. Do they have evidence to support such claims?"

"The word of Count Dooku, I'm afraid," Palpatine informed them, folding his hands on his desk, "Though I fear something far sinister is afoot."

"Perhaps I can get that treaty signed. I will go to the Hutts and convince them of Anakin's innocence," Sabé raised an eyebrow at her candor, " a representative of the Senate, of course."

"That is very courageous of you, Senator, but far too dangerous," The Chancellor insisted, "Besides, we've attempted to contact Jabba... he won't accept communication from us."

"Jabba the Hutt has an uncle in the old downtown area here on Coruscant," Sabé cut in, mind going a mile-a-minute in how she could get her own Jedi out of the predicament, "Perhaps we can reason with him and reopen negotiations. With the support of the Guard, of course."

"Please, my dears, I beg you, reconsider this," Palpatine urged as the women stood to leave, "Even with the Coruscant Guard, this is far too dangerous for Senators such as yourselves. Your place is here, safe, and not making deals with the Hutts."

"Don't worry, Chancellor, we've dealt with far worse than the Hutts," Padmé assured him.

"Do take care, Senators. The Hutts are vile gangsters, I wouldn't want something terrible to happen to such dear friends such as yourselves."


The bar was as gritty as Sabé had expected and despite her experience in underworld dealings, she could never get used to the grime the way Padmé could. She didn't like the way her boots became sticky with whatever horrendous substance had been spilled there. Nor the way the male patrons sized up her breasts in a way respectable men never did. Still, between her and Padmé, Sabé did not have the same target on her back which meant that it was her responsibility to take on the more unsavory parts of the job, despite her sister's protests.

"Your majesty, you have an important visitor," The bounty hunter droid announced as Sabé made her way through the room to where Ziro sat.

He was as large as she had imagined, with deep purple skin and circular yellow tattoos. Ziro's size alone made him quite the intimidating figure, but Padmé had experience standing up against many individuals who hoped to use their influence to silence her.

"Greetings, Ziro. I am Representative Nabierre of the Galactic Congress," She introduced herself, gently lowering the hood of her cloak and revealing her face.

"A representative?" Ziro mocked, "In this neighborhood? I can hardly imagine it."

"I know that you are the uncle of Jabba the Hutt of Tatooine," Sabé breezed past his snide remark with professional flair, "I come to ask a favor of you."

"A favor?" Ziro hummed in thought but motioned for Sabé to continue.

"There has been a grave misunderstanding between Jabba and the Order of the Jedi," Sabé explained, "I believe it is to the benefit of both parties that this issue be resolved."

"How may I serve you, Representative?"

"I was hoping you and I could resolve this dispute and broker a treaty between the Republic and the great clan of the Hutts."

"A treaty? A treaty?" Ziro cried, insulted at the very idea Sabé had presented, dashing her dreams of having any sort of reasonable discussion, "A treaty is impossible. My nephew Jabba's son has been kidnapped by your Republic Jedi scum!"

"I implore you to reconsider, there's been a misunderstanding-" She tried to placate him, but to no avail.

"There is no misunderstanding," Ziro insisted angrily.

"I have it on good authority that it is the Jedi who have rescued his son," Sabé tried to remain calm despite the circle of bounty hunters slowly growing tighter around her, "If you can put me in touch with Jabba, I am confident my colleagues can convince him of the truth."

"No! No more discussions," He cut her off, "Escort her out!"

"Please, Ziro! Your nephew Jabba is in danger. You're being deceived!"

"I said throw her out!"

The droid grabbed her arm roughly, yanking her back despite her protests. This certainly was not how she had envisioned this negotiation to go. Still, as she made her way back to her ship disgruntled and a little disheveled, all hope was not yet lost.


"Master Yoda has a saying. 'Old sins cast long shadows.' " Ahsoka began, looking at her brooding master, "Do you know what he means by that?"

"He means your past can ruin your future if you allow it," He replied, narrowing his eyes at his young apprentice "But you forget it was Master Skywalker who said... 'I don't want to talk about my past. '"

"Okay, fine," Ahsoka replied, taking in the dry planet, "There is so much more we can talk about out here. Like the sand."

"The desert is merciless," Anakin said lowly, "It takes everything from you."

Being back on Tatooine was painful for Anakin. He could still hear the cries of the Sandpeople when he tore apart their village and every time he blinked he swore he could see his mother's face, torn and sickly from where she hung inside one of the huts. And the fate of his sister, sold off to some vagabond only a few years after he had left. Part of him knew the likelihood of her being sold off to a brothel, even as a child, was far too realistic for him to consider. He would find her one day and bring her safely home to the Temple, or perhaps to stay with Padmé - anything to keep the last member of his family safe, no matter the cost.


When her sister hadn't returned from her own meeting with Ziro, Sabé had become quite nervous. Knowing Padmé, Sabé was sure the younger woman had stumbled into trouble as per usual. Still, she hadn't been expecting 3PO to come to her with the news that Padmé had actually been captured by Ziro and was being held prisoner. It made her feel a bit guilty that they hadn't initially involved the Coruscant Guard in their plans like she had told the Chancellor they would, and Commander Fox certainly shared words with her on their way to Ziro's club. But armed with her own blaster, Sabé knew her sister was tougher than they gave her credit for and was sure she was doing fine.

Sabé, despite Fox telling her to stay behind him and his squad, stormed the bar angrily, interrupting an intense discussion between Ziro and her sister. Leveling her blaster, she glared at the Hutt, "Let the Senator go and we can negotiate calmly."

"Oh, I don't think so," Ziro huffed, "Seize her!"

But his droids had no chance to follow the order as Fox and his squad emerged from the dark archways, blasters primed and ready. Fox himself rolled past her and the men quickly began shooting the bounty hunter droids while Sabé made for her younger sister. Rushing to her side, Sabé passed her the spare blaster she had brought for the occasion. The women ducked and weaved to avoid enemy fire and slowly made their way to where Ziro was attempting to escape.

"Stop, Ziro! Stop right where you are!"

"I'm glad to see you're doing well, Padmé," Sabé said, leveling her blaster, "You had me worried."

"I was busy negotiating," Padmé replied.

"I can see that."

"Should we arrest the Hutt, Senator?" Fox interrupted, coming to stand beside Sabé, keeping Ziro in his sights.

"I had no choice!" Ziro cried, "Dooku said he'd kill me if I didn't help him kidnap Jabba's son! You have to believe me! I love that Huttlet!"

"Oh, I believe you," Padmé told him, an angry look on her face, "And I know Jabba will too."

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