The Calm Before the Storm: Ev...

By RainbowKermit

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Elizabeth begins a journey with her friends. To a place they could that was once perfect in every way imagina... More

Heaven on Earth
The Will to Know and Understand

The Darkness Not Yet Discovered

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By RainbowKermit

The night grew long and out of sorts, I felt this weight hold me down all day. As if there was a giant animal sitting on me, crushing every bone in my body, but there was nothing there. My classes were becoming such a blur and felt blended together. I just wanted to escape this godforsaken place..

"Elizabeth, are you listening?" Someone asked, the voice sounds so small.

I came to after hearing my name.

"S-sorry." I said, hoping the person who had said my name wouldn't be mad.

"Ms. Williams, if you're not going to pay attention in my class then I'll have to send you to the principles office." Exclaimed my teacher.

"I'm sorry, I'm here. It won't happen again." I said lowering my head down in embarrassment.

I can't believed this happened again. God, this sucks. I wish I could just sink into the void and never come out. This is the worst. At least this is my last class of the day. It feels so long though. To be fair it always does, but today it feels even longer.

The teachers words began to squish together. Becoming nonsense like every other teacher today. Today feels so slow and drawn out. As if whoever wanted me to suffer managed to do so very well. Maybe it's just me playing games within myself.

I just have to make it through for about twenty more minutes and then this will all be over. For now I just have to sit and try to listen.

"Marcel, could you sit with Elizabeth during study time?" Asked the teacher. He sounded deeply annoyed.

"Of course." Marcel vocalized, with a smile.

Marcel is one of my dear friends, Jenny and Lori always joke that he has a crush on me and has for a long time. Even Mason says so, but it's not like Marcel ever says anything to me about it. Does he expect me to say something first? Boys are weird with how they go about their feelings or anything in general.

I need to clear my thoughts of these rumors my friends put into my head. How though? He's right their giving me a charming smile - wait a minute.. No no no.. I think I have a crush on him too. Dear Lord. I guess I can never clear my mind of him and his smile, his nice blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes that you could fall into as you look into them. There I go again.

Well, there's fifteen minutes of class and he's paired up with me for the remainder of it. This will probably be the hardest fifteen minutes of my life.

"Hey Elizabeth, are you doing okay you seem to be out of it today." Marcel asked, as I sat there looking down at my desk.

Trying so hard not to look into those beautifully wondrous eyes of his. Why did the teacher pair him with me? Was he trying to make my heartthrob? I don't like any of my teachers. They always make me feel uneasy and dread life even more than I already do.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I answered, still looking down.

My face was beginning to warm up from sitting there with him across from me. Can't time go a little faster?

After I had answered Marcel he began to talk about the work we were doing. I put all my focus on the paper rather than looking at him. Hoping it wouldn't hurt his feeling that I was doing that. I looked at my watch five minutes left. Oh thank god, I said to myself inside. Continuing on with the classwork, I felt Marcels hand touch my arm. I jumped a bit to his touch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to tell you about this place everyone's been going to after school." He proclaimed. He removed his hand from my arm.

His touch being so soft and gentle, it felt like rose petals when the first bloom. But I needed to find out about this place he mention.

"What is it? Also, where is it?" I asked. Still not looking him directly in the eyes.

"It's a place called "Heaven on Earth" it's by the old cemetery. Everyone I've talked to raves on and on about this place. So I was wondering if you'd want to go with me." He said softly, I could feel his gaze upon me grow deeper and deeper wait for my answer.

"Is everyone else going?" I asked, eventually giving in and looking into his soft blue eyes.

"Everyone in our group is going. They wanted me to ask you if you'd come with me." He said looking into my eyes. "I wasn't sure if you would come, I could pick you up if you want me to." He continued. He gave me this adorable smile.

He never smiles at anyone like that, maybe he does like me as more than a friend. Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

"What time would you pick me up?" I asked analyzing his face in full detail.

"Well I could pick you at four o'clock, if you want." He replied. Still giving me that perfect smile.

God I could melt as of right now. Four o'clock sounds like a decent time.

"That sounds perfect." I answered.

The bell rang and dragged me out of the trance I was in. I gathered all my things and was about to leave.

"See you at four Marcel." I said looking back at him with the sweetest smile I could muster.

"See you at four." He said smiling back at me.

My house isn't too far away from the school so I just walk home. Lori walks with me most of the time. She's a quiet person who loves reading, she does it while she's walking sometimes. I found her near her locker.

"Hey Lori," I began to say, "guess what." I waited for her to close her locker.

"What's up Elizabeth?" She asked, closing her locker.

"Marcel asked me to go to this place called "Heaven on Earth" he said everyone was going." I proclaimed.

"Ah, yes. We're all going around four. Mason said he'd pick me up." She said smiling.

She has a crush on Mason, I don't know if he has a crush on her. He's very straight faced most of the time, kind of like a brick wall.

We began walking out of school, heading to our houses. Hers is before mine, she lives a lot closer than I do, but mine isn't too far from hers.

"So have you ever been before?" I asked, wondering if she knows anything about this place.

"No, but with the way people at school talk about it I figured to give it a try. Jenny's coming too, Mason and I were going to pick her up." She said. She was still smiling, like the thought of Mason was still on her mind.

To be completely honest with you it probably is. There's no doubt about it. As we walked we got closer to her house.

"See you later Elizabeth!" She yelled as she got into her house.

"Later alligator!" I yelled back.

I continued walking, watching as the leaves began to fall one by one, one after another. Fall was my favorite, just watching the leaves change colors made me happy.

I got inside my house, no one was home. I figured mom and dad were still at work. So I went up to my room, I changed out of what I wore to school and put something cute but not revealing on.

October 23, 1974

Dear diary,

Marcel asked me to go with him and everyone else to a place called Heaven on Earth. I don't know anything about it but maybe it might be fun.

Hopefully he notices my outfit. Although I don't really care if he does or doesn't. But if he does, all the merrier.

He said he would pick me up at four. It's only two fifty six right now. So I'll do my homework and wait for home to come.

I forgot how cute he was until today when Mr. Rodgers paired him with me for the last fifteen minutes of class. His eyes are so soft and decadent. His smile is so perfect and welcoming. His hair is way too perfect to be honest but it's amazing. It looks like it's soft. I've never touched his hair.

I'm starting to think I do have a crush on him. Would he ever want to go out with me? Maybe, but I don't know really.

I hope this place were going to is fun. If not I'm not going to go again. I'll just have to wait and see.

Elizabeth Williams

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