Speculative Park (Season 1)

By Edeemer17

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After the events of No Such Luck most of the Loud's are in Jail except for Lori who agrees to become Lincoln... More

Opening theme
Rescuing Prehistoric & Mountain Dragons
A Neanderthal Undertaking
Saving Big Al (Allosaurus)
Rescuing the Dodo Bird
Reviving the Scorpios Rex/Isla Nublar adventure
Abandoned Mantahcorp Island
The Amazon Savannah
Ice age Paris, Mediterranean & Kansas
Dragons of the past & future part 1
Dragons of the past & future part 3
A notice

Dragons of the past & future part 2

177 5 2
By Edeemer17

Narrator: Previously on Speculative Park

Lincoln: just imagine Toothless actually finally interacting with other Night Furies

Sid: well what are we waiting for? Let's go rescue some dragons!

Lisa: the Nine Realms takes place in an alternate timeline where that extinction/ecological collapse didn't happen

Be careful Lincoln & Stella, Rakke Corp owns the fissure where the show takes place that means any of the main characters from the show like Tom Kullerson see you

It could be catastrophic

*They see a dragon*

Lincoln: a dragon!

Stella: and not just any dragon Lincoln, it's a night light! *realizes* that's thunder!

*We see Lisa & Sid with a Deadly Nadder*

Sid: yep that's definitely stormfly

Narrator: Now to be Continued

*We see Lisa & Sid on Stormfly as they continue throughout the Hidden World*

Lisa: you know Sid, this place is extremely fascinating

Sid: what makes you say that?

Lisa: despite the fact dragons in this timeline go extinct, it's really amazing that this place is essentially a worldwide caldera that's developed into an ecosystem that allowed dragons to evolve in the first place

And according to my scanners readings this place is over 250,000,000 years old

Sid: you mean?

Lisa: indeed the Permian mass extinction event in this timeline was essentially The Hidden Worlds creation, and it's likely not truly but likely that the dragons in this franchise's universe are the direct descendants of stem-mammals from the Permian

Sid: if that's the case then That'd actually be pretty cool

*Soon they spot a Hideous Zippleback*

Lisa: okay a Zippleback but it's not Barf & Belch it's a different individual

Sid: well let's rescue this big guy!

*Lisa activates the portal while, Sid heads over to the Zippleback*

Zippleback: *Growls*

Sid: easy buddy, we aren't gonna hurt ya

*Sid puts her hand out to reassure the hideous Zippleback and soon the dragon calms down*

Lisa: see, we're friends not enemies

*Soon Lisa opens up a portal*

Sid: alright big dude, you're new home awaits through that portal

*The Hideous Zippleback sniffs the portal as it caws out to several zipplebacks they come out and they also cautiously head through the portal including Barf & Belch who Lisa catches going through*

Lisa: okay, Hideous Zippleback down!

Sid: that's good to hear, now we need, hmmmm Speed Stingers, Thunderdrum, Timberjack, Skrill, Scauldron, Scuttleclaw, stormcutter, Raincutter, Hobblegrunt-

Lisa: Sid don't read the whole list!

Sid: sorry but I just want to see all the dragons on the list I made before we went into the portal

Lisa: how come I didn't see it?

Sid: I had it in my backpack

Lisa: fair enough, anyways let's try to rescue some more dragons

Sid: just what I was thinking

*They walk off as we cut to Stella, Feathers, Thunder & Lincoln still flying in the hidden world*

Lincoln: alright the next dragon we should rescue are more Night Lights

*We cut to Lincoln, Feathers, Thunder and Stella arrive near a silver maze as they land they find night light tracks*

Lincoln: at least were on the right track and-

*Thunder gets excited as he sniffs the tracks*

Stella: looks like someone's excited to find others of his species

Lincoln: indeed he is

*The four walk through into the silver maze and they are a bit annoyed*

Lincoln: we could just fly over it

Stella: yeah that is true

*We see them flying over the Maze as they land near the center Thunder immediately begins to act aggressive and hostile*

Lincoln: you okay Thunder?

Stella: Lincoln Look!

*She points to a sleeping Skrill*

(Pretend Tom, Alex, Diangelo and Jin aren't here)

Lincoln: man that's a big Skrill, it must be a Titan wing

Stella: Titan what?

Lincoln: a Titan wing it's an extremely rare stage in a dragons life, where they get really big and powerful but again it's an extremely rare occurrence in a dragon and judging by thunders glaring and growling at this thing, he and this Skrill have a history

.........a bad one...........by the looks of it

Stella: well let's get this Skrill into the park and-

Lincoln: I don't think that's a good idea

Stella: why?

Lincoln: what if this dragon is the reason they're are no other night lights in the area think about it, this giant Titan wing could've either killed them or drove them out of this place

If we bring this guy back with us he might do the same thing to the dragons and pterosaurs in the main aviary but since they won't be able to fly out and escape, it'll just kill them

Stella: we could build another aviary just for this guy and-

Lincoln: Stella it took nearly 15 years just to get the main one built and it's construction began in the year 2000 and was completed in 2014 where would we hold him until then?

Stella: but *sighs* you're right, you're right it would take too long, I just really want to rescue this Skrill

Narrator: Lincoln and Stella can't save every dragon they find, so this time they'll let the sleeping Skrill lie

*However Thunder's Growling mixed with Stella & Lincoln's conversation has unfortunately woken up this behemoth from its slumber*

*The Skrill sees the four and immediately glares as it gets up Lincoln notices*

Lincoln: uh Stella

Stella: what is it and- the Skrill is awake and it's behind me isn't it?

*Lincoln nods in fear, Stella turns and sees the Skirll*

Skrill: *Growls*

*Thunder continues to growl as we cut back to Stormfly, Lisa & Sid as they find a hoard of Monstrous nightmares and the firework queen*

Lisa: that Red Orange Monstrous nightmare must be hookfang, otherwise it wouldn't have allowed the fireworm Queen be with them at all

Sid: Look!

*The see the Older Nightmare looking concerned for a sick adolescent as it turns to the Queen, the large fireworm picks up the adolescent*

Lisa: what do you think she's going to do to that adolescent Monstrous Nightmare?

Sid: I don't know

*The Fireworm Queen injects her venom into the nightmare and after a few seconds the monstrous nightmare gets back up with its flame coat on it*

Sid: now I get it,

Lisa: get what Sid?

Sid: Stoker Class dragons must depend on fireworm venom to heal themselves when they run out of juice, a perfect example of a symbiotic relationship

Lisa: indeed when two species benefit from each other's cooperation

*The older Monstrous Nightmare sees the two and it immediately heads over to them and it sniffs them the other nightmares are a bit cautious the fireworm Queen is a bit defensive*

Lisa: this is definitely hookfang and that younger nightmare must be his child

Sid: definitely Lisa it definitely is Hookfang

*The Monstrous Nightmare gets excited when it sees Stormfly*

Sid: yep you're definitely Hookfang

Lisa: I'll set up the portal

*As she sets up the portal we cut back to Lincoln, Stella, Feathers, and Thunder who immediately flies up to face his nemesis*

Lincoln: Thunder wait!

Stella: I need to get a tranquilizer gun or something!

*Soon they hear another dragon and they turn around and see a Razorwhip*

Lincoln: a Razorwhip?!

Stella: it seems it wants to help Thunder

*The Razorwhip joins in the fight as the Skrill is just about ready to kill Thunder the Razorwhip does a spine shot at the Skrill, it's metal scales sink deep into the Skrill's hide causing it to roar in pain

This allows Thunder to get back up and he and the Razorwhip team up, the two dragons take turns and attacking the Skrill eventually they knock the Skrill into a big wall causing it to break open and the injured Skrill defeated sulks off into the new habitat*

Lincoln: holy.........crap............

Stella: dang that was impressive

Lincoln: at least Thunder got his revenge in a way

*Thunder lands and Lincoln pets his head*

Lincoln: it's alright Thunder, I'm not mad at you, I was just worried

*Soon the Razorwhip lands and it's immediately hostile but Lincoln goes over*

Lincoln: easy, easy boy we're not enemies at all we're friends

*Lincoln gains the Razorwhip's trust just as Stella sets up the portal and opens it*

Lincoln: alright mr Razorwhip just go through this portal and you'll be in a brand new home

*The Razorwhip nods and it heads through the portal as Stella, Feathers, Thunder & Lincoln her roaring and soon a Monstrous Nightmare appears*

Stella: man this mission is our lucky mission after all, we've got a monstrous nightmare

Lincoln: I got this *he grabs a fish*

Stella: uh where'd you get that?

Lincoln: I was saving this for Ash but he doesn't like fish so I might as well offer it to our new friend over there

*The Monstrous Nightmare gets a bit aggressive*

Lincoln: it's alright mr nightmare, I am a good guy not a bad guy I brought you something to eat

*Lincoln drops the fish on the ground as the monstrous nightmare slowly walks up to the fight and eats it and it starts to calm down*

Lincoln: that's it buddy

*Lincoln shows the nightmare a portal as it cautiously walks through, as we soon pan to Lincoln, Thunder, Stella & Feathers flying in a different biome*

Stella: although it took us a few hours to get to this place we're finally here

Lincoln: yep

*We see them land as Thunder sniffs the air and gets excited he calls out*

Thunder: *roar's excitedly*

*Soon three baby dragons rush out of their cave*

Stella: Awwww they're so cute

Lincoln: yeah........so so cute

*Suddenly two big dragons land and they're not happy at Lincoln & Stella being in their territory*

Lincoln: this is not gonna be easy at all

*We cut to Lisa & Sid as they're still riding Stormfly*

Sid: okay, we've rescued a few Speed Stingers, Meatlug and her Gronckle family, Barf & Belch alongside a few Zipplebacks and Snaptrappers do you want to find Garth

Lisa: who?

Sid: Garf the Deathsong, he was a Deathsong that imprinted on the dragon riders

Lisa: ooh that Garf,well let's go and find him!

*Stormfly gets excited by Garth's name as she flies faster to where she knows where he is as we cut to Lincoln, Feathers, Stella being confronted by the other night lights*

Stella: can this day get any worse?

Lincoln: Don't jinx-

*Suddenly an older night light drops nearby after coming out of his cave*

Lincoln: us *sighs* dang it! Kinda wished we had Ash right now

*The Elder lands and he immediately growls at the two kids until thunder jumps in the way and he's excited to see them, the elder sniffs thunder and he immediately recognizes him as he nuzzles him*

Stella: what just happened?

Lincoln: I have no idea

*Soon the adult Night lights stop they're aggression as they nuzzle thunder as the babies join them and Lincoln puts two and two together*

Lincoln: oh I know who they are now, they're thunder's family

Stella: his family?

Lincoln: he's the light fury looking night light is definitely his mother, and the more night fury looking ones are his father no possibly his grandfather, this is amazing! We could take a whole family of night lights back to Speculative park

*The Elder turns to Lincoln and Stella as Lincoln calms him down*

Lincoln: it's alright big guy, we brought your grandson back to you and we're here to help you

(Pretend Tom isn't in the frame)

*The Night Light elder starts to calm down*

Lincoln: that's it big guy, we're friends and we're here to help you out, we're gonna take you out to a brand new home where you'll be safe and sound from any larger dragons

*Stella sets up the portal and the Night Light family is a bit hesitant at first*

Thunder: *Friendly croos*

*The Night lights including the elder understand and they head through as the portal closes as we cut to Stormfly as she finally spots Garf, the Deathsong has snuck out of the hidden world through

A secret entrance through his territory and got himself some fruit on his island*

Lisa: there is Garf

Sid: alright let's rescue him and be on our way to find the alpha night fury toothless and rescue him and his family

*The Deathsong sniffs Stormfly as she lands he immediately gets up and rushes to her they embrace just as the other Deathsong arrives it's ready to spew its amber on Stormfly, Lisa and Sid

However Garf aggressively gets between them as it tells his surrogate that they aren't food but friends*

Lisa: did Garf stop his surrogate parent from eating us and Stormfly?

Sid: well Stormfly has us so he's probably assumed that we're her friends and she and Garf so have a genuine friendship

*The other Deathsong stops it's attack and submits to Garf*

Lisa: and Garf has become his parents alpha, that's fascinating usually an animal, I thought like Garf would've been casted out to find their own territory

Sid: I guess for Deathsong's it's completely different anyways let's rescue these two Deathsong's

*Lisa sets up the portal and the two Deathsong's go through the portal as we cut back to Lincoln & Stella once again flying in the fissure*

Stella: what's the next dragon to rescue?

Lincoln: the fault ripper

Stella: are you sure? 

Lincoln: well rescuing it will prevent Tom and the riders from needing to confront it since the fault lines it created will never have been made 

Thus the dragons could be protected for a short bit of time 

Stella: well where is it and- 

*Suddenly the fault ripper appears and tries to attack them*

Lincoln: Holy crap! Talk about James Cameron's avatar! 

Stella: that little attack attempt definitely reminds when Jake and Netiryi were attacked by the Great Leonopteryx 

*Thunder gets aggressive along with feathers soon the fault ripper tries to attack them but Lincoln and thunder dodge the attack*

Lincoln: Stella! Set up the portal!! 

Stella: but what about you?!?! 

Lincoln: I'll distract this thing long enough now go! 

*Stella lands nearby close to the fight unbeknownst to her as Tom is recording her & feathers with his drone*

Stella: come on! Come on!! 

*as Stella struggles to get the portal open, Lincoln & Thunder continue to distract the fault ripper soon Stella gets the portal opened*


*Lincoln & Thunder see this as they lure the fault Ripper towards the portal* 

Lincoln: alright Mr Fault Ripper time to send you to your new home! 

*Thunder uses his Echolocation as he dives the Fault Ripper flies through the portal just as it closes* 

Lincoln: Yeah baby! WHOO!! 

 *As Thunder lands as we pan to Tom's drone as it flies back to his house*

Stella: Man, Lincoln that was impressive the way you just lured the fault ripper into the portal that was sick! 

Lincoln: thanks and- *Stella kisses his cheek as he blushes* wow 

Stella: yep

Lincoln: that was something and, let's just get back to rescuing dragons 

Stella: alright back into the fissure? 

Lincoln: back into the fissure 

*They get on their respective dragons and fly back into the fissure as we hear Tom's voice in the background*

Tom: *offscreen* who are they? what was that strange portal were they using? And are they riding on dragons?! 

*We cut to Lisa and Sid as they explore more of the hidden world*

Lisa: so far so good, we've got dozens of species into the park, on the list I made so far 

Sid: yeah all we need now are Some Stormcutters, a few changewings and finally the fury family including the alpha night fury toothless himself 

Lisa: speaking of toothless look! 

*They see Toothless flying towards a giant fungus as he lands on it he falls asleep*

Sid: man he must be really tired 

Lisa: I'll say it ain't easy being the king of dragons 

Sid: definitely, and if he's here then it means his family can't be too far away 

*They fly as the episode ends*   

To Be Continued 

Edeemer17: for any of you that are tired of the nine realms being the main focus of the story then don't worry it'll have one more segment in part 3 and it won't be as long to focus 

On the actual HTTYD Hidden world so don't worry anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter 

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