I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
CH. 26
CH. 27
CH. 28
Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 19

328 15 11
By BeckySmolder


Friday: January 4, 2013

Dear diary,

It's four days into the year and I'm conflicted. Ever since my breakdown on New Years Eve, Klaus and I have been solid. We haven't fought or argued about pretty much anything. It was like a honeymoon stage all over again.

Of course Klaus and I push each other's buttons, but it hasn't escalated. We've been enjoying ourselves. We're having sex regularly again. And by that I mean we did it twice yesterday and twice today. I feel good. Not just sexually. I feel hopeful.

Which is why I'm concerned. I'm starting to feel this joy with my life, despite the fact my fiancés life is at stake as is his entire family's. And it's because of that joy I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, something to go wrong. Yes, I want this year to be fruitful and full of prosperity. So far there's promises for everything I want in this world.

Klaus and I discussed in bed tonight a destination wedding. After of course coming to an agreement that it wasn't too soon to plan. No, things didn't feel like oh let's get married today. But I knew soon I'd feel ready. We would be ready. My concerns for our future were there. However, I was confident we would marry. And the perfect place is Paris. Our colors would be white, purple and gold. I could picture it, extravagant and vintage. Something beautifully chic with bohemian vibes. Like I would be walking on air, on cloud 9. It all sounded perfect. It was picture perfect in my head. Klaus and I dressed in purple. I don't know why, but that's what I envisioned. Bold. Different. Tasteful.

However, every time I prepare for something good, something bad happens instead. I'm going to plan a Paris wedding and our plane will be hijacked and I'll end up on an abandoned  island or something. Never to be found.

But a perfect wedding plan, couples therapy which I'm excited about after our first session yesterday, my friends moving in next weekend, my perfect house with my new puppy, Hope was safe and sound, and I was on path to finish with school next year... Me and my guy were going to have a beautiful life together, the stars were aligning... What could go wrong? A million things. I didn't know how or why. But they would, something friggin would!

I had anxiety about a stressful period coming up. As if Aurora having white oak wasn't enough. Yesterday she dug a hundred gravesites and buried Freya in one as a game. Klaus luckily saved his sister from the psychopath's plan, but Aurora still escaped with the weapon and was MIA.

Not to mention Aya and the Strix with their coven are working on destroying the sire link. Which made the Originals susceptible to attacks. Their lives would no longer endanger the rest of the world of vampires. I could only imagine how many people Klaus has sired that want him dead. I mean, I've seen the Strix. They hate Elijah! Just for being a traitor, a sell out... and because Tristan took over and he hated Elijah. But I mean if polished vampires like them could hate a posh guy like Elijah... The monsters that would be after my hybrid fiancé? I don't think I'll ever be safe. I'm an easy target. Get me, Klaus will come to save me. I am a potential hostage for a lot of vindictive ancient vampires. That was frightening!

I guess that's what could go wrong. I could be kidnapped, tortured and/killed. My perfect life of husband, house, school would vanish. What I have or could've had wouldn't matter if I was dead!

Klaus assures me everything will be fine. The more confident he is, the more worried I become. Lately, he's been cocky on subjects like that and survived by the skin of his teeth. There was a faction who wanted him and Elijah and Rebekah dead. Speaking of, Elijah told Klaus and I—mainly Klaus, his secret, the one I knew he was hiding! He daggered Rebekah. She didn't leave on Christmas. When she went to, the cursed skull mark appeared on her wrist again. The one that turned her into a savage, a ripper. So she insisted Elijah put her down. Leaving a trail of bodies would lead the Strix to capture and potentially kill her. But of course, yesterday when Aurora tried to kill Elijah and/or Klaus, Elijah had a change of heart. Seeing as he was shot and Klaus had to dig the bullet of his chest cavity. He almost died and left Rebekah lost to the entire world. So he gave us the location of her should anything happen to him and we needed to wake her.

That was all in the Mikaelson world. We needed to find Aurora. Kill her. Find Aya—kill her. Stop the delinking spell. Yeah, those bastards stole Jackson's heart before Elijah and Hayley could dig it up. They were too late. And that heart was the missing link. Not to mention they probably need Klaus and Elijah. Which is why I insisted Klaus and I stay in all day. I was cloaked, my house was guarded, and no vamp besides Klaus, Hayley and Marcel could enter it. Felt like the safest place we could be. Or St James' bar where there was no magic allowed. However, a vamp fight would still be a vamp fight. So home was best. Lots of cuddling, lots of sex, lots of quality time watching tv. I had no complaints today. Hell, I wanted this every single day. Klaus and I forgetting about the rest of the world.


Saturday, January 5th
12:10 PM

I frowned, being towed along by Klaus. "Isn't it a little early to start drinking?" I asked my fiancé as we were clearly headed for St. James' bar.

"It's lunch time. Why don't you get food here? There's an old friend visiting us," he replied, not even bothering to look at me.

I rolled my eyes, not arguing. Upon entering, Klaus looked around. It was slightly crowded, as always. But it was still early and so, it made it easier for Klaus to point out to me the only man at the back bar. My brows raised, it was a profile view, but he looked familiar.

Klaus tugged me along to the front bar ordering three shots. He was served all to quickly, handing one to me so I shrugged and took it just as he said, "wait,"

"Oops," I croaked, pressing my casted hand to my chest. That burned. I wasn't sure what the hell it was but I never wanted it again. "That was nasty."

Klaus snorted, carrying the other two shot glasses to the back bar. He snuck up and around the guy sitting there with his back to us, looking down at the floor. He was clearly having a hard day. Klaus put down one of the shot glasses and slid it towards the guy while I stood a couple feet away, unsure what was happening.

The man then turned his head to face my fiancé. I gasped as I recognized him. "Welcome to New Orleans, old friend," Klaus said smoothly, voice slightly low and calm. It had a chill to it. He was suspicious as he was pleasantly surprised to see the young man.

"Klaus," the guy breathed, adjusting the shock expression on his face. I didn't think it was a secret my boyfriend lived here. Not to him. Hell, not to any vampire in the world at this point. "As I live and breathe."

"Stefan Salvatore in the Crescent City. This ought to be very good, or entertainingly bad," Klaus said as I slid up to stand beside him.

Stefan's eyes widened, looking at me, "Dani?"

I grinned, nodding, "You remember me?"

"Uh, yeah. Wow... I didn't know you two were still together," Stefan said, picking up the shot glass he was given and taking it with ease.

Klaus chuckled, pulling out the stool next to Stefan and patting it. I took the seat, "thank you, baby."

"We're very much together," Klaus said, his arms caging me in as his back pressed to mine and his blue eyes stared Stefan down. It was a look that was enough to make anyone squirm.

Stefan's jaw clenched, "I see."

"We're engaged," I told Stefan, smiling proudly as I stuck my hand out for him to see my ring.

"Congratulations," he said, voice unsure. He then looked at Klaus, putting on a brave face. "I'm just in town for a little R & R... But it's nice to see you both. Um, how are Elijah, and, uh, whoever else you've brought back from the dead?"

"Oh, you know the Mikaelsons. Never a dull moment," Klaus answered. Then he took his shot. And before anyone could say anything Stefan's phone on the bar began to ring. It was easy for me to catch the caller ID that said: Damon before Stefan declined the call, flipping his phone over. "So, of all the gin joints, you pick ours... Four walls invulnerable to the magic of those pesky locator spells. Bit of a coincidence, isn't it?" Klaus questioned.

Stefans gaze shifted briefly before he answered simply with, "Damon's looking for me, and I don't want to be found. I figure you, of all people, can relate to family drama."

Damon. His brother if I recall. What a jackass. "I'm hungry," I chimed in.

"Sylvia, this is an old friend," Klaus said, turning his attention forward to the bartender who was cleaning up the other side. She walked over to us. "Please keep his cup brimming."

"Mmm. Cute old friend. Where have you been hiding him?" Sylvia smirked with a seductive tone to her voice. I rolled my eyes at the two. She was human, but she was well aware of the supernatural life.

"Quaint little place called Mystic Falls. Home of the mining fires that prompted a town-wide evacuation," Klaus answered her.

"Sylvia, I'm starving. Can I get the barbecue chicken sandwich and a small side of gumbo?" I asked.

"Sure thing, D," she said.

Without missing a beat, Klaus was back to his accusatory tone, addressing Stefan. "It was very noble of you to stand up for the human faction as you did, in such uncharacteristically sweeping, dramatic fashion."

"I did have some help," Stefan replied.

"How is Caroline?" Klaus asked.

I scoffed, shoving him away from me, "Really?"

"Sylvia, I think we're gonna need another round," Stefan called out to her.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked Klaus.

"That's his girl," Klaus shrugged.

"How do you know that?" I questioned then, my tone hardening. "You're keeping tabs on her?!"

"Lower your voice, love," he said, and I could just hear the hint of warning. His eyes shifted to see if I attracted any attention. Arguing with me in public was embarrassing to him. Which was stupid because if everyone knew we were in love, dating, engaged whatever, and it was obvious I was a weakness of his. Why would anyone be surprised the big bad hybrid gets nagged on by his lover just like anyone else?

"Answer my question, Niklaus," I retorted.

"I keep tabs on everyone," he said quickly. "Everyone all the time."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. That's how I know your father has a girlfriend."

"What?" I gasped.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere. How do you think I knew Stefan arrived into my city? I know in his, he's dating Caroline who just gave birth to twins with some witchy—"

"They're siphons," Stefan corrected.

"Siphon babies. And there are half vampire, half witches that took over Mystic Falls. No one lives there anymore," Klaus filled me in.

"My dad has a girlfriend?"

"Yes. She's Puerto Rican. She's a few years younger than him. She's an archeologist too. I think it's getting serious, he's been seeing her since last May—"

"Last May!" I exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's your father's business to tell. Besides I could be wrong. They could be friends with benefits, not serious at all. Just working off the stress of work. Celebrating historical finds with their bodies—"

"Oh, stop," I said, gagging.

Stefan's phone rang again and this time he excused himself, walking a few feet away. "I periodically have people checking in on all your loved ones," Klaus admitted.

"That's... sweet. Maybe creepy," I sighed. "Why haven't you ever told me?"

"Didn't think it was a big deal," he shrugged. "I get the basics. Making sure they are physically and financially well."


"They all are, but I may have had a landlord lower your cousins' rent so she didn't have to move now that her girlfriend moved out."

"Abby moved out?" I gasped. "Klaus! You may not care about things like that, but I do! I want the gossip."

"Don't you think spying is wrong?"

"You're the one who's spying."

"Yeah, but I'm not emotionally invested in these people. I just make sure they're well, and that means you're happy."

I ran a hand over my face, slightly amazed as well as overwhelmed. He was right. It wasn't right for him to tell me what he learned from his secret spies. It wasn't his secrets to share. But I can't believe that the people I loved, are hiding things from me.

Well... I did hide my engagement. And my pregnancy from my entire family. There's also the fact my fiancé is a vampire/werewolf hybrid.

"I guess everyone has their secrets," I said.

Klaus smiled, kissing my cheek, "When they're ready, they'll tell you."

I nodded, "is my dad happy?"

"I think so, love," he chuckled softly. "I want you to be happy."

"I am," I smiled, placing a hand on his cheek as he moved in front of me. "I love you, you crazy person."

"Right back at ya," he muttered, his lips brushing mine before kissing me deeply. I moaned softly, leaning into him. I really did love this maniac. He surprised me. All the damn time.

"Food's up," a voice called, breaking us up.

"Thanks, Sylvia," I giggled. "Want to sit at a table."

"Go ahead, let me get us drinks."

"I just want a soda."

"Okay, love."

I then took my plate and moved to a table suitable for up to four people. Stefan soon joined me, giving me an awkward smile. "How's um, Brooke?" He asked and I chuckled.

"She's doing well," I answered. Crazy how things turned out. She and I hooked up with Stefan and Klaus, respectively. She's gone through three guys, on her fourth since Stefan. And I've had an on and off thing with Klaus for nearly three years. "Still in Wisconsin. She's dating a really nice guy. We're both about to start our junior year of college. Things have been well. You?"

"Yeah, I'm alright," he shrugged. "My girlfriend did just birth twins. As a loophole surrogate for her professor and his now deceased wife."

"What? Wow."

"Yeah my buddy Ric, the professor, on his wedding day, his wife was murdered. She was pregnant. She belonged to a powerful coven. They transferred the twins to a safe womb. So Caroline carried them for seven months. Nearly died in the delivery room. The twins are siphons—"

"What does that mean?" I asked, curious and intrigued in this story.

"Witches who can't do magic on their own. They need to draw magic from something or someone before they can do anything... Caroline's a vampire. Vampirism was a spell. They were bleeding her dry, so she had have an emergency c-section. But the twins made it difficult, they didn't want to lose power by being born, out of their surrogate."

"So, she carried two lives in her womb, she gave birth to them, and now she plans to hand those cooing little faces over to Alaric without so much as a hiccup of hesitation?" Klaus questioned sarcastically as he joined us, carrying three glasses. "Yeah, you're probably right, that does sound like the Caroline I remember."

"Stop it," I scolded my fiancé, taking my drink.

"If you care about her as you say you do, why aren't you with her now?" Klaus questioned him.

Stefan winced, "Like I said, family drama. Speaking of, umm... Damon's found himself in a bit of a werewolf predicament. I know I said he was a pain in the ass, but is there any chance you'd be willing to spare some blood? Just in case things go south?"

"Sure he will," I answered. "Now tell me more. What are the babies names? Boys? Girls? One of each?"

"Two girls—" Stefan was saying.

"That is the mark of the Phoenix Sword," Klaus suddenly growled. I furrowed my eyebrows, grimacing at the bloody 'X' mark on Stefan's chest under his shirt.

"You've seen this before?" Stefan asked, eyes wide and desperate.

Klaus slid back away in his seat, "Tell me you have not been careless enough to make an enemy of Rayna Cruz!" He shouted.

"Why do you think I'm here, Klaus?" Stefan retorted.

"Who is Rayna Cruz? An ex of yours?" I scoffed, looking at Klaus confused. He was beside himself as he stood up with a huff. I haven't seen his this type of angry in a while. Spiteful.

"So, you came here to hide, to seek refuge in my town, to enjoy the perks of my hospitality in the city where my family sleeps, and all the while, you lure in a vicious hound with your scent?" Klaus sneered.

"She can't find me in this bar—"

"Well, maybe not under this roof, but you are aware that she was born in New Orleans? Terrorized the Quarter for years, thrust her blade through the heart of some of my best men on the steps of St. Anne's Church. She will pursue you until your paranoia and despair far outweigh your desire to live. Here, elsewhere, or in hell, she will find you," Klaus stated matter of factly. Oh, god. His ferocity stemmed from fear. I could see it in his eyes. He was ready to protect and defend.

"If you know how to outrun her, tell me what to do, Klaus!" Stefan begged.

"I'll tell you what you don't do," Klaus growled in that low, calm voice. "You do not draw a huntress to a town full of vampires. You do not drink my bourbon whilst lying to my face, and you do not dare ask me favors ever again. Is that clear, old friend?"

Stefan sat there speechless and petrified, bleeding through his shirt. "Klaus, why don't you calm down for a minute? Hear him out. Please?" I asked.

"No," Klaus said sternly. "Stefan... Get out."

"If I leave, she'll kill me," Stefan argued, utterly distraught. His life was at stake. I understood. Not that I knew exactly what was going on.

"And if you stay, I will," Klaus retorted through clenched teeth. "Get. Out." Stefan glanced at the door then at me, but didn't budge. "Get out!" Klaus roared, causing me to jump.

I winced as Stefan stood up, head down as he made his way out the bar. "What the hell?" I hissed.

"Rayna Cruz... Is a vampire hunter. The first immortal vampire hunter," Klaus said. "She has a sword. It's better than any stake in the world, when she stabs you, you die and your soul gets sucked into an orb on the sword. It's hell in that orb. And even if you're lucky to escape, you're cursed. That sword leaves a scar, like it did on Stefan. If that scar opens into that shape of an X wound, it means you're next to be hunted again. And that sword of hers is a magical GPS. She always finds her target."

"So she'll pass a million vampires just to kill Stefan right now?"

Klaus sighed, "her sword tells her who her victims are... The biggest and the baddest, the worst vampires around."

"You'd be a target," I said.

"Me, Elijah, the entire Strix."

"That's not a bad thing, if she can take out the Strix," I pointed out.

"And then it's me. And I'll have to be on the run for eternity. I wouldn't have time to kiss you goodbye without having to fight her away."

"And she can't die?"

"It's called the Phoenix sword. She dies, there's ashes and a fire and she rises back from the dead. And she's tough to kill."

"So Stefan doesn't stand a chance?" I scoffed. "And that's alright with you?"

"If he's here, she'll be here. And this city will crumble under her."

"You should've heard him out," I argued. "He doesn't seem like one of the worst vampires on this earth."

"I don't care why he's marked. I won't be."

I shook my head, "whatever. If you feel right with your decision, I'll let it go. What do I care if Stefan dies by some badass lunatic huntress and her magic wand?"

"Don't try to guilt trip me, love, it won't work. I've killed for less."

"He's your friend!"

"He's tried to kill me a dozen times."

"Then why do you still let him live?" I quipped. "Not to mention, everyone in your family has tried to kill you before... I see those assholes all the time. Rebekah, Freya, Elijah, Kol..."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "just eat your lunch."

I shrugged, continuing to eat while Klaus sat down beside me. It was only a moment of awkward silence before a phone across the table started ringing. Oh, shit. Stefan left his cell. Klaus reached for it, reading the caller ID. I scoffed, "of course." It was Caroline.

Klaus didn't pause, he clicked accept and pressed the phone to his ear. "Hello, love," he answered.

I elbowed him, "put it on speaker."

"Who is this?" I heard a voice ask as Klaus followed my demand and placed the phone down on the table between us.

"Ouch. Has it really been that long?" Klaus asked.


"And his fiancée, Dani. Remember me?" I chimed in, glaring at Klaus who looked giddy. Oh, he made me sick! Him and his lingering feelings for everyone!

Caroline didn't have a chance to respond. A baby crying filled in the silence between the three of us. Klaus chuckled, "I know that sound all too well. You might try picking her up?"

"Please," I snorted. "You were deaf when it was the middle of the night. I know that too well."

"Just hold on," Caroline sighed.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Klaus whispered in my ear, nipping at my neck.

"How am I talking to you right now? Where's Stefan?" Caroline asked.

Klaus moved away from me then, "By the way, what's your stance on hand-me-downs? We have a chest that was once owned by Louis XV. It's being wasted on my daughter's outgrown onesies. Any interest?"

"One, these babies aren't mine, they're Ric's—"

"Yes, that's been made abundantly clear to me by your boyfriend."

"Two, I didn't call you. I called Stefan. Yes, my boyfriend, who's currently running for his life while I sit here playing worst-case scenario. Except these babies that aren't mine, won't stop crying, and now, this entire diner hates me. So, if you could refrain from gloating in the face of my misery, that would be very much appreciated," she ranted.

Klaus sighed, eyeing me. I kept eye contact, trying to read him. "Stefan will be fine," he said.

"How do you know?" Caroline asked.

"For her? You'll do it for her?" I whispered, smacking his arm over and over with my good hand. Klaus smirked, scooting himself closer to me like he was trying to squish me.

"Because I will ensure it," Klaus continued talking to her like I didn't exist. "So, here you are, in college, building a life for yourself—"

"Klaus, I'm not doing this with you," Caroline interrupted him, clearly frustrated.

"I take it children were not involved in these plans?"

"No, they weren't. Luckily, these aren't mine."

Klaus laughed then, "So you've mentioned... You know, my family challenges the bounds of my sanity. They drive me to do unspeakable things; all the while, finding fresh and inventive ways to torture me. But, as it turns out, my family is what makes me truly happy. It's not a crime to love what you cannot explain. I was sorry to hear about your mother, Caroline. I'm sure she would have loved to see you with the little ones."

"What happened to her mother?" I whispered, frowning. He really did keep tabs on everything. My family? Weird. But understood. Why her? They never dated. Never slept together. Never kissed. I never knew what was so special about her Klaus considered leaving me for her. Hell, he did leave me.

"Oh, my God," Caroline gasped, filling in the silence that I noticed was amongst us. No more crying baby in the background. "She's finally sleeping."

"Well, then we mustn't wake her. Goodbye, Caroline," my fiancé said softly before hanging up the call. I stared at him then, blankly. I didn't want to feel this jealous. But I did no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I hated the joy on his face, talking to his past love interest. "You know, that could be us."

"What?" I spat.

"New parents."

"No," I shot down. "I want to strangle you right now. We are definitely not ready for kids. We're not even ready for marriage and I have this damn ring."

"You are so dramatic," he scoffed. "We've done a damn good job with Hope."

"We got her at eight months. We've never had a newborn," I quipped. Rebekah had Hope the second day of her life, and they were on the run for eight months.

"The last ten have been all us."

"And Hayley."

"She was a wolf for six of those."

"Whose fault is that?"

"Her own," he snorted. I gave him a dirty look. "You are mad and jealous over some girl from my past... I thought she was cute once upon a time. That was years ago. Now I'm here. Engaged to you. Asking you to have my children. Come on, Dani."

"You didn't see the smile on your face when you spoke to her... hell, when you say her name."



"Save it for therapy on Monday. I have an old friend that needs saving."

"You're an ass," I grumbled. "Go. I'll find my own way home."

Klaus rolled his eyes, standing up. "I'll call you."

"Sure you will," I mumbled as he walked away. So much for not arguing.


Saturday, January 5th
10:30 PM

I was back at the compound. An overnight bag on my shoulder and my dog in my arms. Klaus said to meet him here, he wasn't coming over my house tonight. I wanted to tell him to kick rocks but my curiosity for how his day went, overpowered my grudge.

"You daggered Rebekah? And you're just telling me now?" I hard Freya's voice as I made my way upstairs, heading to Klaus' bedroom.

"She sacrificed herself in order to protect us. And, to protect her, I've told Niklaus, and I'm telling you. No one would have known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life," Elijah was explaining as I popped my head into the study where they were speaking.

"The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family, and foe. Rebekah was fallen by family. That leaves friend and foe. You and Klaus have a lot of foes," Freya sighed.

"Just one or two," Elijah joked.

"Thankfully, not many friends," I added, making my presence known. They glanced at me in the doorway while a throat cleared from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Klaus and Stefan speed walking towards me. Penelope in my arms started wagging her tails, her eyes wide as she looked at my fiancé. She seemed to adore him.

"Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend," Klaus introduced as he, Stefan, and I entered the room. The witch gave him a deadpan look while Elijah smirked in amusement. Clearly this was a coincidence to the conversation they were literally just having. Klaus shrugged, "One of my trickle-down sirelings. Long story." Then he turned to his frenemy. "Stefan, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister. Also a long story."

Stefan nodded, giving a weak, nervous smile at the blonde. "Stefan needs a favor," Klaus said, giving Stefan a pat on the back.

"You're an old friend, are you?" Freya questioned, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. I could hear the air quotes around the word friend. She was weary.

"Well that kind of depends on your definition," Stefan answered, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. He was clearly nervous. I couldn't wait to tell Brooke I saw him again!

"He's cool, Freya," I chuckled. Klaus gave me a questioning look, I gave him a nod. Then he left the room, Elijah hot on his heels. Whilst I was to ensure Stefan got the help he needed. "Sit down, Stef. Take off that shirt and show us this scar."

Stefan gulped, doing as told. While he was unbuttoning his shirt, I excused myself to put my stuff in the bedroom. Including my dog. By the time I came back, Stefan was shirtless and being awkward. While Freya was stirring things in a bowl, crouched in front of him.

"So, um, just full disclosure... I dated your sister once," he told Freya.

She chuckled while rolling her eyes, "Oh. While that seems like a great story, let's get back to your wound. A mystical vampire huntress stabbed you with her magic sword. Klaus killed her, but, surprise, surprise..."

"She regenerates," Stefan finished for her.

"And won't rest until you're dead."

"Right. So, no matter how far I run, this wound acts as a beacon, drawing her to me. So, I guess you could say it's been a bit of a rough week," Stefan chuckled nervously while Freya began pressing a cement like ointment over his bleeding wound. Ew.

"Well, I can't cure the wound, but this paste will mask its signal. Just let that dry, and you'll be on your merry way," Freya said.

"You know, not that I was expecting a, uh, parade or anything, but why is everyone so eager for me to go?" Stefan questioned as I took a seat next to him.

"What's troubling the Mikaelsons? Oh, let's see. There's Elijah's super-secret society of ancient vampires," I scoffed. "One of their more zealous members, a bitch named Aya who broke my finger, and happens to be an old flame of Elijah's, is trying to undo Esther's most powerful spell."

"Which is?"

"None of your business," Freya chimed in.

I shot her a look but I didn't say anything more. I didn't have to. Klaus was back, standing in the doorway. "Hayley called. The crescent wolves found Aurora," he filled us in.

"This is going to be a long night," I assumed.

"You're not going," Klaus said.

"Yes, I am," I frowned. "Why not?"

"It's dangerous."

"I never get to go anywhere."

"I love you," Klaus smiled. I walked over to him to kiss him goodbye. "Get some sleep, baby girl."

"How am I going to sleep?" I scoffed. "You're running towards danger. I worry about you. Constantly!"

"I am fine," he stated slowly and surely. "Trust me."

"It's not about trust," I frowned. "Anything could happen to you. You don't know what, when, where, or how—"

"Have I ever not come home to you?" He cut me off.

"Be careful, please. Confidence is sexy, cockiness is a mistake," I told him before kissing him again. "And I love you too."

He smiled, giving me a tight squeeze with one arm. A second later he was leaving the doorway while I stayed frozen, trying not to think about all the horrible things that could await. It's terrifying to think that any time he leaves my side, it could be the last time I ever see him. On average that's true for everyone. It used to be less likely for me as Klaus is pretty unkillable. But now there was a weapon that could end him and many, many people that would outnumber him. Realistically, odds were against him.

But Klaus was right. He's always come home to me. At the end of every bad day, every fight with a formidable foe, and every dark night that promised his demise. It wasn't trust I needed. It was blind faith and hopefulness.

"He'll be okay," a voice said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at Freya, nodding. "Klaus and Elijah will not fall at the hands of Aurora. I mean, come on."

I laughed lightly, "Fair point."


Saturday, January 5th
11:43 PM

Klaus and Elijah left the compound an hour ago, but apparently after 10 minutes of confronting Aya, they were rendered useless. Now I was worried sick because they were missing. Hayley went into some sketchy place to check for Aurora and instead she found Lucien. When she came back out, everyone else was gone.

Now Lucien was guzzling down blood bags, while Marcel and Hayley argued in the courtyard, and I was harassing Freya to find Klaus and Elijah now. Stefan was still here, alarmed and confused at the situation at hand. I did my best to explain that Elijah's sireline, a faction called the Strix were trying to break the sire bonds at this precise moment.

Freya gasped, standing up. "What is it? Did you find them? Did the locator spell work?" I asked.

"They're under a spell," Freya said. "The chambre de chasse."

"English, Freya," I snapped.

"Representational magic. They're unconscious. But consciously they're in a room with objects that represent them, according to the witch who did the spell," Freya explained.

I groaned, "Been there, done that. Send me in."

"Send you in?"

I nodded, "yes. Finn did that spell to all your brothers once. Klaus pestered him until he knocked me out and I joined them too."

Freya frowned, "I need more power."

Then she up and left the room. I glanced at Stefan for a moment before deciding to follow her. I had more important things to care about besides being a host to our guest. "I had no idea that Aya was gonna take Klaus and Elijah down! And regardless, why the hell are we trusting this guy all of a sudden, huh? He's the one who ran off with Aurora the first chance he got," Marcel was arguing as Freya and I descended the stairs to join the rest of the riffraff.

"You can hardly fault a man for following his heart," Lucien scoffed a weak defense. "Yet, the moment she started raving about firing white oak into Klaus, well... Words were said, hearts broken, veins drained."

"You're one to talk about trust. Who was it that handed my dead husband's heart to the people that helped murder him?" Hayley quipped bitterly.

"I bought your life with that heart!" Marcel exclaimed, frustrated and exasperated for sure. "But hey, you know what? You called me here, so if you have another plan? Please, let's hear it."

"It's simple. We storm the coven house, stop the Strix from completing the de-siring spell. Period," Hayley explained to him.

"Okay. Well, that's easy for you to say. You're not sired by anybody, are you?" Marcel scoffed.

"We're all on the same side," I spoke up. All heads turned to me. "Look, I need Klaus, and he needs you guys to save him. That can't happen if we waste time arguing or you're too mad to work together. None of you can do it alone."

"It's not just about de-siring... We've got to stop an execution," Lucien said.

"What are you talking about?" Marcel asked as my blood seemed to run cold.

"A lovesick teenage witch with a runner-up heart is somehow going to break the sire link?" Lucien asked sarcastically, "I'm sorry, but your darling Davina is in over her head, and Aya knows this. She will let Davina de-sire both brothers, then test the spell's success by firing a white oak bullet into Klaus' heart. I mean, it's win-win for her, if you live, Marcel, well she's won. If not, at least she's eliminated the rival sireline, including me."

"His prophecy witch said she saw Klaus die and his entire sireline burn," I whispered in shocked at the realization.

"She watched us fall, she watched us burn, every soul Klaus ever turned," Lucien recited. We all exchange worried looks. Freya then took my hand. "When Aya tests this spell, Klaus will fall either way. And, if Davina fails, as she likely will, the two of us will die as well."

"I'll get you in," Freya whispered to me. "You'll have to help them break out."

"Actually make that the three of us," Stefan spoke up, suddenly joining us.

"What are you doing here?" Hayley gasped in surprise.

"It's a long story," Stefan smiled weakly.

"Marcel, glad you've arrived. You know where this is happening at, right?" I questioned.

"It has to be at the Davila Estate," Marcel said.

"Then let's find a way to get in, without any of us getting killed," Stefan said.

"I got blueprints of the place," Marcel said, pointing to the map on the table. Stefan and Lucien gathered around it then.

"What's the plan?" I asked, looking between him and Hayley.

"She wants to go in guns blazing," Marcel scoffed. "I need a moment to think." He then walked away, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

I raised a brow at Hayley, who shrugged, "We'll come up with a plan to get them back."

I turned to Freya, "Best case scenario, Klaus and Elijah escape the spell, and save themselves. I need you to send me in."

"I'll need to channel someone. I'd channel Finn, but he's all for letting our brothers perish," Freya said.

I glanced back at our team, getting an idea. She needed someone to channel and we had a couple of someone's. I dragged Freya over to the coffee table the boys were gathered around. "Could use one of these access tunnels to slip into a back room," Stefan was saying, pointing out a path.

"Mmmm," Lucien hummed, grimacing.

"What? Worried about getting a little dirt on your thousand-dollar shoes?"

"Actually, I'll be doing most of the heavy lifting, since the vampires we're facing are, what? Seven times your age?" Lucien retorted before looking around at the rest of us. "Is this really the best help we can get?"

"Doesn't matter. We're not getting their bodies back," Marcel stated, joining us again. "Strix from all over the world are flying in to make sure this spell goes off. They're guarding every entrance and exit."

"Well, you're their leader. Call a meeting. Schedule a retreat. Order them to stop," I demanded. "Because we are getting their bodies back. Now."

"Nah, nah, nah, nah," Marcel refused, shaking his head at the mere thought of it. "I do that, Aya has no problem staging a coup."

"Marvelous. I guess it's on me to come up with our grand plan, then," Lucien scoffed.

"No need, Lucien. Freya figured out a way to get the boys out of the chambre. She just needs a strong enough power source," I said, smirking as I glanced at Freya who quickly caught, given by her own smile.

"You can get them out?" Marcel asked.

"I'll try with magic, and at the same time Dani is going in their heads to help crack the riddle," Freya answered.

"That means we need to buy you guys some time, keep the Strix occupied," Hayley concluded.

"Wait, so you want me here holding hands with the leftover sister while you take the toddlers and tackle the Strix? You must be joking—" Lucien was complaining before Freya raised her arm, flicking her wrist to snap his neck.

Luckily he fell down on the couch behind him. "Huh, that was impressive," Stefan commented.

"Well, I work better with quiet," Freya grinned.

"Wait, so the plan is that the three of us are gonna keep one hundred of the world's most ancient vampires occupied?" Marcel asked.

"Well, there could be another way," Stefan said. "All you have to do is get us to the front door."

Freya plopped down next to Lucien, "let's go, Danielle."

I sat down next to her, holding one of her hands as she pressed her other to Lucien's chest. I glanced at the other three vampires, who were pulling together a plan to distract the Strix and hopefully the witches before they do the spell to break—

A flash of darkness, told me I was unconscious. It was followed by a flash of white that slowly faded as I blinked open my eyes, vision blurred for the first few seconds. There was the sound of a violin playing, and heels clicking the floor.

"Danielle?" A gasp came. I turned my head to see Elijah above me sitting on a chair.

"What is she doing here?!" Aurora suddenly bellowed as I sat up from the floor. Elijah helping me to my feet quickly. The harsh silence of the rest of the room, hit as the violin playing halted.

"Love?" Klaus called. I turned around to see him walking over to me. His arms soon engulfed my entire body like I was the one in danger. "Why are you in here? How?"

"Freya," I explained simply, pulling away and cupping his face in my hands. "We have to get you out of here. Now. Did you figure out what represents you? Once Freya knows, she can get you out."

Klaus frowned, "we're trying to figure it out, love."

I stared into his blue eyes, relieved. This wasn't real per se. But I felt better being with him. I could see he was still alive and well. "My holy heavens. Look at you two," Aurora spat hatefully.

I turned back to face the rest of our company, glaring at the redhead in particular. Her brother beside her, putting down the violin. I should have known this is what was going on. "How could a woman really love either of you?" Tristan spoke up, his big, wide eyes staring right at me though.

"Even if she can stomach all your treachery, she's left to face your brother," Aurora chimes in.

"Is that what this is about?" I frowned in confusion, glancing over at Klaus who nodded.

"Yes, again, with the same tune you've been singing since you came to town, how Elijah ruined our love," Klaus mumbled, bored obviously of the subject.

"I speak of both of you. Did you not rip Aya from Elijah when you forced him to abandon his loyal Strix? Just as he tore you from me? All in the name of "Always and Forever." A ridiculous concept that ensures both of you spend your immortality alone," Aurora said.

"You say that as if I'm not standing right here as living proof," I scoffed. "I love Klaus. More than anything. He and I will spend eternity together. And I get along with... majority of his family. Present company most definitely included."

"The fact that you're still human says otherwise. Cami turned. Didn't that steal Klaus' attention from you?" The redhead asked, raising a brow and feigning innocence as if she didn't know the answer. "I struck a nerve, didn't I?"

"Don't listen to her, love," Klaus whispered softly, standing next to me and grabbing hold of my hand as we stood as a united front.

"Tell me something, Aurora, have you met your brother Tristan?" Elijah chimed in. "Between deception and rampant abuse, he frequently—repeatedly, isolates and abandons you. Of course, he's painfully aware of something that we've known all along; you are a deranged and ridiculous child who cannot be left unsupervised. Do you know... I think the greatest mercy I ever paid my brother was to compel you to leave him."

He paused then. Tristan as hateful as ever, glaring at him, eyes full of disgust. While Aurora was on the verge of tears. "Et vóilà! Ten centuries later, He came to that conclusion all by himself... Well, look at that. So, it appears I've struck a nerve," Elijah added.

I chuckled softly, rejoicing in her pain. Especially as Klaus slithered behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist. "This is the only woman I want," Klaus stated. I couldn't see him but Aurora was staring right in my direction but her eyes had to be on him. Her chin quivered with anger, eyes narrowing into slits. "I have never loved anyone as much as Danielle. That is why, human or not, I proposed. She will be my first, my last, and my only wife. And we will spend eternity together. Always and forever."

"Always and forever," I whispered, placing my hands over his that rested at my waist still. Klaus nuzzled his head in my neck, placing a kiss.

Out of nowhere, Freya appears, "Quickly. Find me what represents you in here! I can break you out from inside. But I don't have much time or power."

Klaus let go of me, stepping forward to speak but then suddenly he gasped, knees buckling. "Ah!" I yelled horrified as his throat cut open, a small slit that had blood spilling out. "Freya do something!"

"Niklaus!" Elijah shouted, rushing forward to grab hold of his brother as he stumbled to the ground. I raced forward to, eyes watering. I was scared to death. I had no idea what this meant. "Niklaus," Elijah cried out this time as Klaus coughed, choking on blood.

Elijah darted back, his throat doing the same, cut right across. The man fell away from us. "

"Oh God. It's starting," Freya said.

"The spell," I realized, gulping and wiping my eyes as I braced Klaus' body against me.

"What represents them, Dani?" Freya asked.

"I don't know," I cried. I grabbed hold of Klaus' face, trying to get him to focus, "You have to tell me. Guess, I don't care. Baby, please."

"The kings," Klaus croaked out.

"The knights," Elijah coughed at the same time.

Freya rushed around us all. I followed her with my eyes to see her approach a chess board. She picked up a couple pieces. "Which is it? The kings or the knights? We need to decide now," Freya informed us.

"Wait, no," I frowned as Tristan was smirking beside Freya. Aurora was walking towards us too. Neither were concerned about their guesses and possibility of breaking out. They weren't stopping Freya. Which meant both king and knight were wrong.

"How perfect! Even in this crucial hour, your ignorance blinds you," Aurora said as she kneeled down beside Klaus and I on the floor. "Even if you never learn from your sins, at least you will die because of them... and I get to watch."

I scoffed at the realization, "Take the queens!" I shouted at Freya. It was obvious. This was a scorned lover. Aurora. And her partner in crime was Aya, not Tristan. He could devise no plan from the bottom of the ocean. And Aurora said it, Elijah compelled Aurora to leave Klaus, who in turn begged Elijah to abandon the Strix and Aya. "The women you betrayed represent you," I explained my answer.

"Aurora... Aya," Klaus caught on, his blue eyes locked onto my watery ones as Freya grabbed the correct chess pieces and began chanting.

"I love you," I whispered, scared. The room started to shake, which gave me hope that this was working. Freya was breaking the spell apart.

"I love—"

It was all black then before he finished speaking. I gasped as I woke up on the couch beside Freya and Lucien who was screaming. "No... Davina's breaking the link!" Freya cried.

I held my hand to my chest, panting as I saw the redness of Lucien's skin and faint vein lines appear. I stood up anxiously, "But they're awake now, right? Klaus, Elijah? I don't care about the link. I just want them to live."

I was full on crying now as Freya wrapped her arms around me. Lucien's screams stopped then. His body returned to regular color. He was breathing hard as he slowly sat up.

"It's done," Lucien said. "The sire link. I felt it break. Freeing me from Niklaus once and for all."

A sob left my lips, "what if—?"

"He's not," Freya cut me off. But her eyes were full of tears first despite her confident words. I nodded in agreement. Think positive. The chances of Klaus' and Elijah's sire bonds breaking and the two being killed in one full sweep? Low. Very low. It couldn't happen.

I pulled away from Freya to check my phone in my back pocket. No missed calls. However I tried Klaus anyways. It rang and rang and rang. There was no answer. I hung up as it went to voicemail. I let out a shaky breath. "I need to check on Hope," I said.

I was sure the toddler was fine, but my nerves weren't. I needed a distraction. I needed comfort and affection. I needed a part of him. Because I had no idea if he was alive or dead. But I knew the latter would kill me.

Just as I made it up the stairs, my phone rang. I hurried to answer it, without fully seeing or reading the caller ID. "Klaus?" I whispered hopeful.

"No," Marcel came through instead.

"Marcel, is he—?"

"He's alive," he rushed out. Time nearly stopped as relief filled my body. "His sire link is broken. But he's well. He told me to call you. His phone has suffered some water damage."

"Where is he? Why isn't he calling me?" I asked softly, sitting down on the steps. All of a sudden I felt exhausted. Like every ounce of energy just left my body. "Is be okay?"

"He's... Being Klaus."

"I want to speak to him."

"He left."

"What? He's on his way home, right?"

"He said he needed to take care of something. Asked me to call you."

"What's more important than letting me know he's okay?" I questioned, outraged all of a sudden.

"Revenge," Marcel answered. "That's why I'm calling. Elijah went after Aya. Klaus went after Aurora to put this nightmare to bed."

"Oh, my god, Elijah!" I gasped. I assume if he wasn't alive and well, Marcel would've been broke that news instead of filling me in on Klaus' plans.

"He's alive and his sire line is intact," Marcel informed me. "The Strix are still indebted."

"That's a win," I whispered. "Lucien said he felt it. What was it like?"

"It hurt like hell at first. And then it was like a switch, a sense of relief and release. It's freedom."

I smiled softly, "I'm happy for you, I guess. But..."

"Klaus has a lot of enemies."

"That. And the fact I'm an easy target to get to him, but no. If you felt it. I wonder how Klaus felt? Thousands of vampires breaking free from him? It must've been painful. And your sense of freedom... May be his emptiness."

Marcel sighed, "He'll get through it. He has you."

"Thanks, Marcel," I said, lips turned upwards. "Have a good night."

"You too. Get some sleep. Who knows when Klaus will be home."

"Hopefully soon. Goodbye."

"Night, Dani," he said before I hung up. I stood from the stairs, making my way back down to fill Freya and Lucien in on what I learned. Both Mikaelsons were fine and Marcel reported no bad news. No one hurt. Just Klaus' broken sire line.


Sunday, January 6th
6:29 AM

The bedroom door creaked as it opened. I patted the comforter down to look as Klaus was finally getting home. Another wave of relief covered me. I knew he was alive. But seeing him as he lived and breathed, sneaking into the room, assumably trying not to wake me. "I couldn't sleep, not without you," I said, smiling tiredly as his eyes locked on mine.

"You waited up for me?" He smiled himself, also weakly. I wasn't sure if it was just because he was tired or if he upset. He had a long night.

"I did," I said, patting the spot next to me. "Come here, baby." Klaus' lips turned up more and more, into a full blown out grin now. He shut the door behind him before getting into bed with me.

"You going to tell me I should've been home sooner?" Klaus sighed as he laid down beside me.

I rolled my eyes, amused. "This isn't my home," I whispered softly, scooting closer to him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

His arms wrapped around me and I cuddled into his chest. "I'm okay, baby girl," he said, kissing the top of my head. "Everything is going to be okay."

"I don't care about everything. I care about you," I said, caressing his cheek.

"You saved me tonight."

"I'd die for you," I swore.

"No. Never," he stated. "It's me who will die for you. Not the other way around. Not ever. Okay? I've lived my life. You need to live yours. No matter what."

I stared at him for a long moment before leaning in for a kiss. Our lips moved slowly, both of us getting consumed little by little. It wasn't until Klaus started pulling me on top of him, that we came up for air. We were both panting, looking deeply into each other's eyes. An unspoken question in the air.

Usually after nights like this, where Klaus was left vulnerable, we didn't have sex. We kissed and usually he wanted space. So he'd take a long shower before joining me in bed. Or we cuddled and talk for a long time before getting a good night of sleep.

Klaus slipped a hand behind my head, pulling my face back down to press his mouth to mine. Our lips slid together, tongues twisting. I settled on top of him, undoing his pants with haste. Klaus groaned, sliding his hands up the oversized shirt I wore. The only thing I wore besides a pair of panties.

Once his jeans were undone, I pushed them down his thighs, raising myself enough for them to get past me. Klaus wasted no time, ripping my panties off. I didn't complain. His lips moved down my neck as I, equally as impatient, raised myself above his throbbing cock, sliding down until he filled me completely.

A moan left his lips as I let out a small breath, grabbing hold of his shoulders as he adjusted himself to lean against the headboard. I grinded my hips down onto his member, over and over. My shirt went flying across the room. Klaus' large hands squeezed my breasts, his forehead pressed to mine, and our pants filling the room. Our eyes didn't part as we moved as one. Up and down, up and down.

Even as we grew closer and closer to our climaxes. I wanted to throw my head back. But when I tried, he grabbed hold of my chin. My entire face scrunched up in pleasure as a sinful yell of release, past my lips. My thighs shook as Klaus raised his hips to continue thrusting into me, as I quivered and clenched around him. He pinched my nipples and nipped at my lips with his teeth. "Cum, baby, please," I begged, whimpering at how sensitive my pussy was at his rapid speed after I orgasmed all over him.

"Not yet."

I bit my lip, tightened my thighs around his waist, tears falling from my eyes as I groaned in pleasurable pain. Klaus even dared to slip a hand between my legs, rubbing fiercely at my swollen clit. I dug my nails into his skin as the sensitivity edged away, and instead this clawing inside me begged for a second orgasm. I chased and chased that high. Klaus rolling us over so I was on my back, head at the foot of bed as he continued to fuck me into oblivion.

"Tell me who you belong to," he growled in my ear.

"Y-you," I moaned, loudly over the slapping of our skin. Klaus stilled then. I turned my head to face him, desperate and confused. "Why'd you stop?"

"I'm yours," he whispered, forehead against mine. He moved again in deliberate strokes, each one harder than the last until he froze for a moment, his jaw dropping as he reached his climax finally. Seconds later he moved slowly in and out of me, mouth sucking his way down to my nipples. He barely moved between my legs, but with a couple fingers rolling my clit between them and another hand kneading my right breast as he sucked the left. I was melting under him, tugging his hair as I felt my body boil over with pleasure.

Klaus finally stilled, kissing my cheek. The rest of his body collapses tiredly against me. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly, circling my hips as I rode the residual waves of my high. "I'm entirely yours, Klaus," I panted, turning my face to bring our lips together one more time.

~Picture: Klaus and Stefan at St. James 🥃

Thoughts?? Stefan came to visit! Wasn't that nice? Remember he dated Brooke in book 1 when Klaus and Dani first got together 🤣 Now here he is, dating Caroline... Thankfully that wasn't blown out of proportion between our favorite couple.

Instead the focus was on Klaus, who almost died. But now his sire line is broken. That can only mean one thing. His enemies will be lining up. Dun, dun, dun! Yet, the danger of the situation tonight brought Danielle and Klaus closer. Is this a good sign or a fluke moment? Let's see...

P.S—you're welcome. Last minute decision to have the sex scene at the end... I found a good stopping point but continued on for another 400 or so words because I know I've been skimping out on the sexy bits of Klaus and Dani.

If you liked this chapter leave some red emojis for the love, blood, & chaos in this chapter ❤️‍🩹🍷🩸

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