โ€ข SparkVamp: Life with eachot...

By IHeartMensMilkies

489 6 5

Many tales of Sparkling and Vampire at the bar. Plus the juice bar regulars. Do be cautious most of these may... More

๐Ÿ–คAddiction-Part 1๐Ÿ–ค

๐Ÿ‹ Accidents happen.. ๐Ÿ‹

393 4 1
By IHeartMensMilkies

Sparkling cookie's POV:

Ah, Saturday nights! My favourite if I'm honest, every Saturday is a good night for everybody to gather around at the bar for a drink, or even just to party in all notes. Well, I have to hand the partying part to Mint Choco Cookie, he normally creates the music to entertain the guests, quite the talented guy he is. Oh shit right I had an order. One of my.. PERSONAL favourites, the raspberry frisp, Who was ordered by milk cookie, I should probably get to it..

"Half a cup of ice.. splash of raspberry.. and some cream!" I shook the ingredients into my shaker which after I poured into a small margarita shaped glass. Sliding it across to Milk Cookie. "Ta daaa! Your Raspberry frisp, Made how you like it! Oh by the way, we ran out of the type of milk we normally use heh.." I secretly screamed inside my head hoping he wouldn't mind. "Oh! That's fine! A drink is still a drink regardless!" He smiled and turned around to watch Mint Choco's performance. Although it felt empty.. where were- Oh nevermind. Herb and Vampire both walked in the door, they're both smiling but seem to be talking intense..?

"No! Vampire, if anything is times by 0, then the answer is zero!" Herb cookie said as he slightly slammed his plant pot onto the counter as him and Vampire both sat. "NO! LISTEN. LISTEN. IF I TIMES 0 X 10, THEN SURE. I HAVE NOTHING. BUT 10 X 0, IM JUST NOT TIMESING THE 10. SO WE STILL HAVE A 10." Vampire crossed his arms yelling at his lungs then swiveled his chair around. I couldn't help but chuckle. They always have silly arguments then end up crying to eachother about it later. "Hey, you 2, how about we discuss this over drinks ey?" I said trying to step in. "Why? Is it because nobody has ordered and you need a pay check?" Herb cookie said with the straightest face ever, which not gonna lie.. kind of threw me off. "I'LL DISCUSS THIS OVER A DRINK OR 10!" Vampire swiveled his seat back around to the counter at the speed of lighting with a grin. "Heh, not suprised, so, what'll it be? The usual?" I ask, already grabbing his favourite glass. "Yep! I'm glad you get to say it for me, by the time of this 'DISCUSSION' and halving to deal with alchemist having a breakdown for using "3,999" Grains of sugar instead of "4,000". Makes me having to do less easier!"

I chuckled once more and grabbed out his favourite bottle of wine. For some reason, that wasn't even funny yet I still laughed. Heh, he must have some special 'charm' about him. "Im gonna go sit up by front to watch Mints performance!" Herb cookie smiled and waved as he dashed to the front holding onto his plot plant for dear life. I gave back a small wave and continued on Vampires drink as he swung himself back and forth in his chair. I chuckled, "Something on your mind?" I asked. "Huhhh? OH- Nahhh, just a little excited, hopefully this Wine'll help me be able to deal with Alchemist going 'oH vAmPiRe, hElP mE wItH tHiS bEcAuSe yOu oWe me BlAhh blAH BLAHH.' " I couldn't help but let out a laugh. His charm surely is something else, he is quite the character.

I poured the wine into his glass and slid it to him retro style. "Thanks!" he immediately grabbed it afterwards and chugged it down before I could even wipe the wine stains off my hands. Hm, I've been working quite a while.. what's the time anyways? Oh, it's 11:10. I'm 10 minutes late for my break- I've only got 20 minutes left. "Hey vamp, I'm on break, you wanna come down front with me to see Mint preform?" I asked rolling down my sleeves as I leave behind the counter. "Eh, nah, no thanks, I watch him practice and Rehearse all the time anyways.." He says leaning back on the counter. "Eh, suit yourself! But come down to meet me when you want!" I said, to which I walked off.

I found my way to the front where Herb had a little table he made sure to occupy. I sat down next to him and watch Mint Choco and his small little band. I'm suprised he only chooses to perform here. Mint Choco is super talented! INFACT I'm quite lucky and a little flattered he does perform here. We all clapped and cheered on, as the neighbourly thing to do. Hopefully Rootbear Float cookie took over my shift.. eh, actually, I wouldn't really wish for that either, he never takes any rules here seriously.. especially customers limits. Eh, oh well, this is my break! Besides, this song is my favourite.

-30 Minutes Later-

Mint had finished his final song. Everybody clapped and rose from their seats. I'm proud of him for being able to go so far. Oh crap MY SHIFT- I kind of jumped up from my seat. "Hm? You good Sparkling?" Herb asked. "Yeah yeah I..FORGOT-ABOUT-MY-SHIFT." I say. "Well, it's a weekend? Don't you guys close at 12 anyways?" He says slightly tilting his head. "Oh that's right- I Should probably try and tell the others it's time to leave." I say rolling my sleeves back up. "Okay!"

I walked around explaining to the others that we were closing, which some took to heart while others didn't. Bit of a hard and awkward job.. but, eh, it's what I'm payed for regardless. "Hey Sparkling! We're heading off now!" Herb and Mint waved from the door. "Ah, alright! Have a good night, oh, and stay safe!" They waved once more as they left the bar. It seems my other employees left to.. hm. Oh well, guess I'd rather clean it MY way, in all honesty. I walked over to the counter to bend down and grab the supplies.

I opened the cabinet but it seemed it wasn't there, I had to crawl across the floor to see which cabinets they were put in. "Heh... wow, y-you got alot' hidin' in that *hic* trunk of yours.. heh." Wh- WHO AND WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT- I swear everybody left- Did some drunkard hide from me to stay longer- Wait what does he mean my trunk. I looked up from where I was.. and I didn't expect who it was. It was Vampire? And why did he look so.. intoxicated? He only had one glass which I gave him- Oh my fucking god, Rootbeer took over my shift. Alright.. just deal with him like other customers.

"Sparklinng." Oh right hes there- "Yeah? What is it bud?" I ask standing up. "Why have you.." He looked at me up and down, "Why have you always been hiding that *hic* nice body of y-yours anyyyways..?" He said with a slight chuckle as his eyes slowly gazed down. But seriously.. WHAT? I mean.. its weird because I don't really feel weirded out. It's just weird to hear him say that- Wait, do I like it? No no- He's just being drunk. He couldn't possibly..- "OI.. gonna answer me duuude?~" Vampire snapped me out of my thoughts again. "Oh, yeah, UHM.. I guess I've just not been into selling my body? Sorry, I don't have an answer for that.. but how about we call Alchemis-" "NO." He cut me off. Which was weird, normally he'd just whine. "I dont.. donnnntmrmm.. WANT herrr.." He looked away then chuckled for a second. "I waaant..you..~"

What. HUH? WHA?! This is so.. OPEN for him? I mean, he's always open.. but it- Feels refreshing? Gah I don't know anymore. "Alright Vamps. Your clearly drunk. Come on, I'll walk you home, since we're all alone here." He slowly lifted his head up gazing me right in his nice shade of purple eyes. "Alooooone?" He said that as he slid himself over the counter, to which he almost slid off of so I had to try and catch him, which did not go to plan as we both fell on eachother. "Gah- Ah, Vampire, you okay? Did you hurt yourself from the fall?" He didn't respond really, he just started chuckling then looked at me. But something was poking me. Did he break his glass? No, because it'd probably hurt.

"Hey Vamp, is your knee in my leg?" He slowly looked back down and checked. "NooooOpe!" He replied. I didn't really know if I COULD believe his answer, so I checked myself. And.. it was not what I was expecting. He had an.. odd structure in his pants. Then it hit me.. he was.. HARD. Well, I mean he couldn't really control it.. I wouldn't blame him- This is pretty.. intense. Well- It could just be because he's Drunk. Yeah, that's it, just because he has that.. nice rosy cheeked complection.. and his fluffy red hair and.. his calming but funny eyes. Wait what am I even sayi- "UghhhHh.. Sparkliiing.. quit poking me man?~" Vampire said with a groan as he face planted himself into my chest. "Vampire, I'm not poking y-." Without thinking I immediately lifted him up to check. And yep..i was hard too..

Well, I suppose it's fine.. but if he's feeling the same way I am.. Wh- No Sparkling.. control yourself..- "Sparrrkliiiing.. quit teasing me okayyy? Let's..Lets just *hic* Get intoo it?" I felt myself blush with his words.. but then he lifted himself up.. AND LITERALLY RIPPED OPEN MY SHIRT?! "Heh.. see THISSS.. is what I'm fuKIN' talking about!~" Vampire places his hands on my chest. I accidentally let out a bit of a moan from surprise. But I didn't feel embarsssed.. maybe even a little proud. But Vampire took that to the extreme. "Ohhh.. sparkliiiing.. I didn't know you were like that, dearrr~" Wh.. dear? I'm not gonna lie.. I'm a little flattered.. and that felt nice to be named.

"It wasn't purposely.. but.. if you want. It could be." Omfg.. WHY DID I SAY THAT? Maybe it's Vampires charm.. I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Whatever it was.. I'm feeling quite aroused in it. I deserve something nice after quite a long day of work. I mean come on, 20 minutes of a break? Perhaps this is a temptation.. but, let's just see if Vampire really wants this. "Vampire, please, make sure you want to do this.. because I don't want you to do it just because your intoxicated." I stare at him in the eyes as I say this. He places his hand by under my chin leaning my face slightly up. "O-Of course.. I may be intoxicated.. but *hic* that doesn't stop me from.. wanting to f4ck you." I wasn't expecting that.. but am I glad it wasn't anything else.

Before I could react I felt a pair of cold pale hands slide down my pants.. I wanted to react but all I could let out was a moan.. heh, better then a scream. "Hey Vamp- You could have asked me to remove my pants first if you wanted t- Ah-nGh~...." I was cut of from something lightly rubbing the area between my groin and my dick.. I felt myself blush as I look at where Vampires hands were.. and yep. They were on it. It felt.. good.. even if that's weird. But why would I be compaining? Wow, it's warm in here.. "Spaaarkliing.. Should we go sloweerrr.. or fast?~ Choice is *hic* youurrsss.~" Vampire looked at me with another grin. I gave him a grin back. "Slow or fast? I think you'd know the answer to that my good friend.~" Wether it was his charming and beautiful Aroma.. or perhaps the warmth in here, I couldnt care anymore. We both needed this.. and I needed him.

I started pulling off his shirt as he looked back down grinning as he pulled down my pants in union. After he removed his shirt, he sat just under my groin. "Now.. if I remember.. you- *Hic* Wanted it fast? Hmm, I think I can do better t-then.. that.~" Vampire said as he moves his hands down into my boxers pulling out my dick. I let out a small grunt as he did.. I've never known how.. "sensitive" it was. Vampire placed his cold hands around it and slowly went up and down.. I thought he was going fast? Why was he teasing me? Even though he knew what he was doing.. I couldn't help but continue to smile at him. "Ohhh.. hmm..? Seems I'm gonna need some bribery to go fasterrrr..?~" He said slowly leaning towards my face. Heh, Knew it. "Bribery? Like wh- Ngh- like what?" I asked trying to hold it together. "D-Don't fOoooooL me. I know your trying to- *hic* Hold it in.. come onnn.. let it out.~" He said slightly annoyed but still his drunken smile on his face.

"Hm.. make me.~" I said grinning back. His face changed for a second, then he bolted back.. and went at it. I couldn't.. contain myself.. anymore. "Gngh~..Ah-ngh- Holy...sh..it.~" Vampire stroked it, and stroked it.. after each moan that had escaped my mouth.. he seemed to have sped up. "Heh.. oHhh sparkling. Wether it be your v-voice.. or your MooOans.. I'm so glad to be able to hear you..~" his voice aggravated me. Not in a bad way.. more that I needed him to rub it more then I needed to hear him. "Ugh.. s-stop with the small talk Vamps.. just keep going or it's-nGh.. ahh..~ My tUrn.. g-got- Mmm..~- That?" I said shaking to place my hands on his groin area. He stopped stroking it, grabbed my hands.. then sort of threw me sitting up.

I had closed my eyes from flinching, but when I opened them I still couldn't see.. wh- I put my hands to my eyes and something was covering them. "Vamp, what did y-" "You complain to m-much my dear..~ So then.. if you can't see w-what I'm.. doing.. it'll be *hic* better.~" He cut me off. I felt sa little offended but then my hands were pulled down almost at the speed of light. I went to go and grab Vamp but I couldn't move my hands.. almost as if they were tied up- "Ah-Ngh..Fff..Ahhh....~" Wh- Why did I moan? Wh- Is something.. Why do I feel something "In" me? Did he.. oh, vampire, you sneaky bitch.

I felt myself fall onto the floor.. as he pushed "it" in and out.. in and out. "Ngh-Heh....ahh..~ Oooohh.. Spaaarrkling.. I would have never k-known I'd felt so good being able to explore your world...~" He said that with such.. seduction.. I couldn't even speak.. just moan... I never wanted to leave this.. it felt to good. I just layed there and let him explore me. But I wasn't gonna let him get all the fun. I flipped myself over and managed to just feet the the top of his groin.. which I slid my hands down to his dick. "Ngh-Ah-What are.. you d-doing Sparkliiiing..?~" He said with a grunt. "Having my fun o-of course..~" I started rubbing the top of his dick as he moaned and shoved his in mine faster and faster. I could hardly hear my own thoughts over our grunts and moans. But I finally got my hands out of whatever was tying them up. And grabbed vampire. Shoving him to the ground.

"Huuuh? Whaaat? What's thisss EYY?~" He said in a bit of a whine. *i removed my blindfold and found out he tied me up with his pants and shirt. He was laying there, fully unclothed while I was also. I ties each one of his arms to the cabinet handles so he couldn't move. He looked both confused but seducted. This was my chance now.~ I shuffled myself slightly limping from everything that happened, and wrapped my hands around his dick. "Ohhhh..?~ G-Going old school now arrre we Sparkling?" He said grinning once more in the Vampire-ly way he does. "Hell yeah we are. And don't you even try to run.~" I said as I leaned my head down and started to lightly suck on his tip.

He let out quite the moans. His legs shook trying to get out a reaction.. but this wasn't enough. I'll be finished when he gets to the climax. I lowered my head so his dick went deeper into my mouth. Many small moans escaped.. i couldn't stop. I didn't want to. Neither did he. I gripped onto his leg as leaned his head back moaning and grunting. I started sucking up and down as I felt my own dick get fully hard. I had to cross my legs so it'd remain still.  That was when I felt something else in my mouth.. but what could it have been? Surely not anything gross considering I had a good look of it. I lifted my mouth off of his dick to see a white thick liquid running down from the hole between his tip. Heh, somebody had gotten to excited. Vampire had noticed and creamed more and he pushed his legs in together moaning and trying to stop it. Heh, somebody was embarrassed.~ "Oh? Seems somebody had cummed to late to soon.~" I said trying to mock his words before. "N-....I....GnHnhhhh..~" He couldn't even speak.. just groaned and shut his eyes shaking. Heh, pathetic to have gone soft so early Vampire.

I leaned back down and started licking his tip.. getting both his cream and the taste of his cock in my mouth. It was.. so good.. a little sweet but yet also thick.. heh. But he still continued to cum. I needed him to be so weak he couldn't no more. Just to teach him a.. heh.. "Lesson". As I licked his tip I traced and stroked my hand around his dick. Mostly around the area between the bottom of his dick and his ballsack. He let out the loudest moan I ever heard from him. Then he stopped shaking. And basically dropped. I lifted up my eye view to see him laying there.. looking so weak he could move. I continued to stroke his dick to see if he'd cream anymore. But nope.. he kind of just stopped. I lifted up my head and shuffled over to him. Lightly grabbing his head and turning it to me, his eyes were fluttering to be weakenly opened. "You.. heh.. good Vamps..?" I say with all breath i have, cum still sitting in the sides of my mouth. "I.... th.. *hic*.. cant do.. more....~" He tried to sit up but gets pulled back down.

Just then.. the doorbell to the bar rang. The door creaked open. Fuck. WERE CLOSED? WHO WAS IT?! "Hey? Uhhh.. If your still here I got your text Milk Cookie? Is my brother still here?" Shit. It was Alchemist. But me and vamp were..- THAT DOESNT MATTER. I grabbed my shirt and quickly put it back on, buttoning it at the speed of light. I lifted my head slightly up so I could just see Alchemist. "Uh- Hey Al! Vampires here! He just uhh.. passed out without a shirt on?!" Wow sparkling good Exuse. "Oh- Well, since y'a know your down there could you put it back on him? Feels weird to see it considering, well, one of 2 things to be precise! I'm a girl, and he's my brother." She said as she sat at one of the tables. I chuckled nervously, and quickly put on my pants.

"Psst, Vampire. You still awake in there?" I said slightly shaking him. He slowly and weakly nodded. I put his boxers, shirt and then pants on. I helped him stand. "Ah, phew, alright Vampire, let's go home. Milk told me you were passed your limit and as I can see and.. for some reason smell, I can tell he was telling the truth." Alchemist said kind of giving a 'Are you serious ri' neow bro' look. I was about to walk him back when Vampire clinged himself to my chest.. literally, his hands were gripped onto my man boobs. "NoooooOoo.. me and S-Spaarrkling were having soooooo.. much fun..~" He had a seductive tone in his voice.. I blushed slightly but had to play it off. Vampire layed his head on my shoulder not wanting to go. I sighed and was about to convince him to go back to alchemist until- "Hm, fine then, if you really want to stay then do so.. I've got more to do anyways.

Alchemist walked away without even asking if I had time to take him in, I did, but it's still kinda weird, but eh, they're both weird. In their own ways. Vampire chuckled and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. I couldn't help but hug him back. But then he absolutely passed out. I caught him before he fell. I threw him over my shoulder chuckling even though I still felt his cum in my mouth. I turned off all the bar lights, then proceeded to head upstairs into my small little apartment. Walking up there I could hear vampire kind of chuckling and mumbling between his snores. Kind of funny but I'm still glad I can hear his voice. I never would have.. guessed he felt that way.

Perhaps I should discuss it in the morning. But now it all makes sence. I loved him, that was it, he may have had a charm, but that wasn't what was affecting me, it was the fact I loved him. I unlocked the door to my apartment, closed the door behind me and walked to my bedroom. I basically threw him onto the bed but he didn't even move a muscle. I chuckled and tuned off the lights. Laying beside him. I gave him a kiss across his rosy red face. Throwing the covers over us. "Good night, Vampire.~" I shut my eyes, about to go to sleep- but I got a smack in my face. I grabbed vampires hands away and put them back down beside him. He then rolled over and put him face in-between my man breasts. He was warmer then usual. I kissed him on the head and then closed my eyes.. drifting to sleep. Awaiting another day.

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