🍋 Accidents happen.. 🍋

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Sparkling cookie's POV:

Ah, Saturday nights! My favourite if I'm honest, every Saturday is a good night for everybody to gather around at the bar for a drink, or even just to party in all notes. Well, I have to hand the partying part to Mint Choco Cookie, he normally creates the music to entertain the guests, quite the talented guy he is. Oh shit right I had an order. One of my.. PERSONAL favourites, the raspberry frisp, Who was ordered by milk cookie, I should probably get to it..

"Half a cup of ice.. splash of raspberry.. and some cream!" I shook the ingredients into my shaker which after I poured into a small margarita shaped glass. Sliding it across to Milk Cookie. "Ta daaa! Your Raspberry frisp, Made how you like it! Oh by the way, we ran out of the type of milk we normally use heh.." I secretly screamed inside my head hoping he wouldn't mind. "Oh! That's fine! A drink is still a drink regardless!" He smiled and turned around to watch Mint Choco's performance. Although it felt empty.. where were- Oh nevermind. Herb and Vampire both walked in the door, they're both smiling but seem to be talking intense..?

"No! Vampire, if anything is times by 0, then the answer is zero!" Herb cookie said as he slightly slammed his plant pot onto the counter as him and Vampire both sat. "NO! LISTEN. LISTEN. IF I TIMES 0 X 10, THEN SURE. I HAVE NOTHING. BUT 10 X 0, IM JUST NOT TIMESING THE 10. SO WE STILL HAVE A 10." Vampire crossed his arms yelling at his lungs then swiveled his chair around. I couldn't help but chuckle. They always have silly arguments then end up crying to eachother about it later. "Hey, you 2, how about we discuss this over drinks ey?" I said trying to step in. "Why? Is it because nobody has ordered and you need a pay check?" Herb cookie said with the straightest face ever, which not gonna lie.. kind of threw me off. "I'LL DISCUSS THIS OVER A DRINK OR 10!" Vampire swiveled his seat back around to the counter at the speed of lighting with a grin. "Heh, not suprised, so, what'll it be? The usual?" I ask, already grabbing his favourite glass. "Yep! I'm glad you get to say it for me, by the time of this 'DISCUSSION' and halving to deal with alchemist having a breakdown for using "3,999" Grains of sugar instead of "4,000". Makes me having to do less easier!"

I chuckled once more and grabbed out his favourite bottle of wine. For some reason, that wasn't even funny yet I still laughed. Heh, he must have some special 'charm' about him. "Im gonna go sit up by front to watch Mints performance!" Herb cookie smiled and waved as he dashed to the front holding onto his plot plant for dear life. I gave back a small wave and continued on Vampires drink as he swung himself back and forth in his chair. I chuckled, "Something on your mind?" I asked. "Huhhh? OH- Nahhh, just a little excited, hopefully this Wine'll help me be able to deal with Alchemist going 'oH vAmPiRe, hElP mE wItH tHiS bEcAuSe yOu oWe me BlAhh blAH BLAHH.' " I couldn't help but let out a laugh. His charm surely is something else, he is quite the character.

I poured the wine into his glass and slid it to him retro style. "Thanks!" he immediately grabbed it afterwards and chugged it down before I could even wipe the wine stains off my hands. Hm, I've been working quite a while.. what's the time anyways? Oh, it's 11:10. I'm 10 minutes late for my break- I've only got 20 minutes left. "Hey vamp, I'm on break, you wanna come down front with me to see Mint preform?" I asked rolling down my sleeves as I leave behind the counter. "Eh, nah, no thanks, I watch him practice and Rehearse all the time anyways.." He says leaning back on the counter. "Eh, suit yourself! But come down to meet me when you want!" I said, to which I walked off.

I found my way to the front where Herb had a little table he made sure to occupy. I sat down next to him and watch Mint Choco and his small little band. I'm suprised he only chooses to perform here. Mint Choco is super talented! INFACT I'm quite lucky and a little flattered he does perform here. We all clapped and cheered on, as the neighbourly thing to do. Hopefully Rootbear Float cookie took over my shift.. eh, actually, I wouldn't really wish for that either, he never takes any rules here seriously.. especially customers limits. Eh, oh well, this is my break! Besides, this song is my favourite.

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