The Fall From Grace

بواسطة Chloe__Davison

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Alexandra Berezins life has never normal. As a half-blood vampire she is an uncommon being and one with many... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Eleven

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بواسطة Chloe__Davison

Alexandra wakes to a loud scream in the night. For a moment she believes it may have been a dream of hers until she hears it once more, recognizing the queen's voice. She bolts out of bed, not caring that she is in a nightgown and runs down the hallway towards the main dining room. She comes to a halt once she sees the queen in a pile on the floor and Patrova trying to comfort her. "Patrova, what is going on?" She asks quietly and the woman looks up at Alexandra with sorrowful eyes.

"Alexandra..." she straightens as she hears the male voice behind her and turns to see her older brother. He looks as if he has been through a fight, his clothes soaked in blood, but the blood smelled of the McAlisters. She shakes her head, looking back at Patrova, as if she can tell her that something terrible hasn't happened.

"Where is Dylan? Why are you covered in blood? Why are you here?" She is shaking as Isabella cries on the dining room floor. Alaric looks at her with sorrow and steps forward, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Alexander escaped and he killed Vladimir. I have been ordered to bring the queen, Lillian, and you back immediately. You are no longer safe away from the mansion." Her eyes widen and her legs wobble underneath her. She has only been here for a few months. She has learned basic control and nothing more. Sensing her shock Alaric wraps his arm around her to keep her standing.

" he- How is he?" She looks into her brother's eyes and she can see that her mate is not handling it well.

"He needs you, now more than ever. He hasn't left the study since the incident and Brandon says he has been drinking." Alexandra nods and turns to see Patrova gathering her daughter from the ground.

"I will be joining you, my daughter needs me now." Alaric doesn't argue and they aren't able to pack anything before they are escorted out of the home and into a black SUV with tinted windows. She feels her mind pulling at the edges of a feeling, a darkness she hasn't felt in her lifetime.
She feels the tears begin to fall as the sadness and anger begin to swallow her own emotions and she doesn't know where this is coming from. She knows that this emotion does not belong to her, especially not the nervousness that accompanies it.

Dylan? Is that you?

There is no answer but another feeling begins to enter her body, recognition.


She covers her mouth at the pain that comes from the sound of just his thoughts. She can't imagine what he is feeling in full force.

I'm coming home my love, I'm coming back to you.

The feelings disappear suddenly as the connection breaks, knowing that it is her that is unable to maintain it. She tries again to connect to him but is unable to do so. Alaric sits in the back with her and the smell of blood is making her throat sore.

"Sister, is the blood bothering you?" She peaks up at him and he scoots closer to her. Moving in her seat, he leans down and she grasps the collar of his shirt, pulling herself up so that she can bite into his throat. His hand grasps the back of her head and she wraps her arms around his neck. "That's it, drink deeply, you will need your energy."

She feels the tears run down her cheeks as the blood pours over her tongue. She has learned in this time away that she can take more than she originally thought during a feeding and it has helped her control herself. She pulls away but he urges her to continue. She gets on her knees and switches sides, digging her fangs into the other side of his throat. He cradles her gently as she feasts on his blood.

When we get back Alexandra, Dylan is going to need your blood. You are going to be his rock. Anything he needs he will look to you for and within reason, I need you to give it to him.

Her teeth sink deeper and she holds him tightly until he pulls her away. She knows that she is going to be the only solid thing in his life for a short time until he adjusts to what has happened. As his wife and mate she needs to do what she can to comfort him.

She falls asleep in her brother's comforting hold, waking once the car comes to a stop. She rubs her eyes and Alaric looks down at her with worry. "Are you ready to see him?" She nods and sits up, stiff from sleeping in the car. She steps out of the car and makes a mad dash for the front gate, letting it open as the security team verifies her identity.

She isn't dressed fancy or anything but her only concern is that she needs to see her husband. She rushes ahead of everybody into the mansion and finds herself in front of vladimirs study door. She opens the door to see her mate head down on the desk. "Dylan?"

His head snaps up and he is in front of her in a matter of seconds, pulling her into the study. He shuts and locks the door behind her and she can see the half empty whiskey bottle on the desk "Princess, oh you have returned." His lips meet hers and she opens herself up to his advances. One of his hands grasp her breast as the other begins to pull at her pants.

"What do you need?" She asks breathlessly as he pulls at her pants.

"You." She backs away from his advances, remembering the reason she left in the first place. Sex is not something she feel comfortable giving him because her body is still sore from Alexander's attack.

"I'm sorry, I can't give you that yet. I can offer you my blood and comfort but my body is still off limits." She says sitting against the desk, wrapping her arms around her abdomen. He may have lost his father in a horrific attack but she lost her sense of privacy and safety in one as well, now that monster is once more at large.


She feels the tears drip down her cheeks as she feels angry at herself. She can't give her husband the one thing he wants from her because she is too weak to overcome what happened to her.

I'm sorry. I just can't.

She is quickly in his arms, wrapped in that embrace once more, and the numbing feeling that comes with it. She feels him kiss her fang scar before digging his fangs into that same spot.

I've craved this, your blood is the only thing that satisfies my hunger. I can wait for your body but I can't wait for this.

Her fingers dig into his shoulders, there is pain with his bite, which isn't common between the two of them. She tries to connect with him like she had before but there is a wall up, all she can feel is emptiness.

"Dylan, you're hurting me." She whispers and he pulls away but as he looks at her she only sees two dark voids instead of those beautiful green eyes of his. He spins her around so that she is facing away from him.

"Put your hands on the desk and stay still." Her blood runs cold as he wraps his arms around her body. Her body listens to his demand without hesitation and his hands run up her shirt as he digs his fangs into the unmarked side of her neck. She grits her teeth against the feeling of his arousal against her backside and for a moment the feeling of his command wavers.

His hand grasps her breast and she whimpers, she doesn't want to be touched. She knows that this is not the normal Dylan, that something with him is extremely off. Her vision waivers as he continues to drink from her, taking much more than he normally would.

Help! Somebody help! This isn't my Dylan!

She begins to move against him, trying to get him to let her go before she loses consciousness. There is no answer to her mental cry for help and she feels like it is in vain as his other hand begins to pull at the waistband of her exercise pants.

"I said no!" She screams and her body glows as he is suddenly thrown from her. His body hits the wall at the other end of the study just as the door breaks open. She sinks to the ground, her body too weak to remain standing as the glow fades. She catches a glimpse of the person in the doorway as they aim a weapon at Dylan who sits against the wall.

"Princess Berezin!" The person calls out as her eyes close and she begins to sink into unconsciousness.

"Don't hurt him...this isn't like him. Don't hurt him." She mumbles as everything fades. There is silence in her sleep, she feels at peace and as she opens her eyes she is lying next to her body on the study floor.

Blaze stands with a gun pointed directly at Dylan who looks at him with void green eyes, no emotion present. "So you turned your emotions off, instead of dealing with the pain. You could have raped her or worse killed her!" Blaze's purple eyes are dark with anger, she knows he is only trying to protect her. He picks up his phone but before he can dial out Alaric comes running into the room.

"What the hell? I heard Alexandra's cry for help, what is going on?" He looks down at her limp body lying on the floor and rushes to her aid. She watches as he sighs in relief at her signs of life. His angry gaze turns to Dylan who is looking at them unfazed. "Blaze, take her somewhere safe and don't let anyone near her except yourself and I." Alaric says and blaze tenses as Alaric is at his side, taking the gun. Once the gun is secured and still pointed at Dylan, Blaze comes to her side, lifting her into his hold.

"Don't worry, I'll get you somewhere safe." He whispers as they leave the room. She follows him down the hallway, watching as he holds her body carefully. Even if she were made of glass, he would not have broken her, and it made her body warm. He brings her to a room she has not seen, opening the door for her to see the red and black drapery. He lies her on the bed, sitting down next to her as he checks out her neck wounds. "You're not even healing, let me help you." He whispers, biting into his wrist, holding it up to her mouth.
She can feel her body pulling her back in, but it isn't strong enough. Blaze pulls his wrist away, noticing she isn't taking in any of the blood and frowns. "Forgive me for what I am about to do princess but you need to heal." He says, getting off of the bed and shutting the door to the bedroom. He meets her back on the bed and digs his fangs back into his wrist. He holds it there for a moment before leaning over her and bringing his lips to hers.

Her eyes spring open and she is no longer staring at him from the outside but from inside her body. His sweet blood drains into her body and she reaches up grasping his face.

More... I need more.

He pulls away from her but it doesn't stay that way as she pounces out of her spot and lands straddling him. She can see the flush on his cheeks but the only part of him that she cares about is the veins pulsing in his body. "Blaze...Blaze I need..." she can't make a coherent sentence form and yet he smiles up at her.

"Let me help you, my goddess, I live to serve the Berezin queen." He sits up and adjusts so that he is sitting against the headboard. She sits on his lap but the position gives her a better angle to feed from. She pins his arms to the side, driving her fangs into his vein. She feels him tense but his head falls back as he lets out a sigh. "You don't have to make this feel good for me, but I'll apologize for how my body is reacting right now." He says as she feels what he means underneath her. Her face burns with a flush but she can't fathom letting this hurt him.

She lets go of his hands, hers finding their way into his short hair. His hands grasp her hips, but then wrap around her,pulling her closer. His legs move to where she slides down, rubbing her butt against the bulge in his black work pants. "Ah, dear goddess, as good as this feels, I need you to pull away." She does as she is asked and quickly climbs off of him, not comfortable with the position. He grabs a pillow and covers his lap as he peaks over at her.

"I'm sorry, I can't control how my bite affects others yet." She says and pulls at the edge of her shirt, not knowing what to do with her hands. He lets out a chuckle and waves her back towards him. She sits on the edge of the bed but doesn't look at him.

"This is my room, you will be staying here. As of now I am your personal guard. My real name is Bennett Ashwood and I was once the guard of Alexander and his mate Amari. Once the fall of the Berezins happened I came to work for the McAlisters. Alaric entrusted me to you once you came here." She can't contain her shock. He looks no older than she and yet he is at least three times her age. He moves over so that there is a big empty space on the bed. He pats the spot away from him and she flushes even deeper, knowing he wants her to lay down and rest.

"Where will you sleep if I am hogging your bed?" She asks and he chuckles pointing towards the couch. She tucks her hair behind her ear and lies back on the bed. She feels exhaustion weighing down on her and before she is able to process anything, she is slipping into sleep. She vaguely feels her hand grasp fabric and smiles, feeling safe.

"Sleep safe goddess." She hears Blaze whisper and she does just that. She doesn't dream, just peacefully drifts inside of her mind. She feels as if somebody is trying to enter her safe area but they are not successful. She hasn't slept this peacefully since she was a human and she is reveling in the feeling.

"Oh is she sleeping?" It's Alaric's voice and she grasps the sheets tightly.

"It's alright goddess, you are safe." She wants to respond to him but her body is still asleep even though her mind is not. "Yes, I was going to move to the couch but as you can see I've become a pillow. I don't mind though, she's rather cute when she is like this." She can hear Alaric stifle a laugh but she is mortified by the fact that she is hugging Blaze in her sleep.

"She is still a married princess so don't get any ideas, Dylan would see you dead if you touch her romantically." She feels a hand on her arm, a comforting presence keeping her body sedated. "I just hope she sleeps through what I'm assuming is about to happen in the next few moments. He called a mortal girl to his room and I don't believe it was for her blood." Her mind is immediately connected to another's as Alaric says this.

Alexandra...I wish this were you.

Her vision fades and she is once more standing outside of her own body. She quickly runs out of the room and down the halls to were Dylan's room is but stops as she hears the noises coming from inside.

"Oh yes my lord! You feel so good, don't stop!" She walks through the door and sees the worst sight in front of her.

On the couch of the drawing room her mate is naked and fucking another woman. "You like this don't you, you dirty little slut. I'll fill you up, don't think you are getting away from me." She feels her stomach drop as her husband continuously thrusts into this mortal woman.

"My king, I'm all yours, do with me as you please." He pulls out of the woman and stands her up, bending her over the back of the couch. Her long blonde hair falls down the front of the couch. He gets behind her and places his hand on her back as he pushes himself inside of her. "Ah! My lord!"

Alexandra watches in horror as her mate, her one true love, cheats on her with this house maid. She wants to slap him, to hurt him but before she can do anything else she is ripped back into her body. Her eyes spring open and she is still curled up against Blaze. Her hold on him tightens and he reaches down, gently running his fingers through her hair.

"Goddess, are you awake?" He asks and she looks up to see that he is reading a book intensely. She looks over his features without saying a word to him. He has a sharp jawline and a slight shadow of a beard. His eyelashes flutter and he makes eye contact with her as she surveys him. "Is there something wrong?" he asks and she reaches up, running her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.

"No, just thinking that I've never really looked at you." She pulls his head closer and his lips meet hers. At first he is in shock but soon that melts away as he pulls her back into his lap. He is surprised at how fiercely she is kissing him, her hands pulling at his shirt.

"Goddess, you are married. We cannot do this." He says, trying to be the responsible adult, even as she grinds against him causing his body to react.

"My husband has taken a woman outside of my marital bed. Why can't I do the same?" He feels her reach down and unbutton his pants. He can feel her hurt, the anger that is swelling inside of her right now. She knows that Dylan is jealous of Blaze for no reason, she wants to give him a reason.

"Alexandra, I will not take advantage of you. If you still want me once the hurt and anger goes away then we can talk." She wants to scream. She knows that nobody cares that Dylan is a mated and married vampire, they still sleep with him willingly. She feels the tears of anger in her eyes as they run down her cheeks. Her hands grip his shirt at the edge of his waistband and she keeps her head down, not wanting to look at the vampire rejecting her.

He places his finger under her chin and raises her face but she still isn't able to make eye contact with him. "Don't look at me, I'm pathetic." She says and he leans in, making her look up.

"You are anything but pathetic and I am not rejecting you. I am just asking you to wait until you are ready to be touched again." His lips brush hers tenderly before he kisses her on the forehead. She lies against him, comforted by the sound of his heart humming inside of his chest. He holds her gently against him and she doesn't know if she has ever felt so safe.

The door to the bedroom opens and she peaks over to see Brandon in the doorway. "Alexandra..." it's Jason's voice and she sits up, trying to see Jason. He peeks out from behind Brandon and shoves him into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, I've been instructed to not allow anyone but Alaric and I within her company. Please come back when Alaric is here as well." They both can't hide their shock but Alexandra tells him that they can stay, climbing off of Blaze. Jason moves around his mate and comes to her side,taking her hands.

"Ally, what do you need, what can I do for you? Dylan's not in his right mind but that doesn't excuse his behavior. Isabella has also not left her room since returning." Alexandra looks away from him and takes her hands back. She looks over to Blaze who has returned to reading his book and Brandon who is just watching him.

"Shouldn't we talk about what we walked in on? You are married to my brother Alexandra, you cannot be sitting in another man's lap like that." This catches both hers and Blazes attention, but her anger is the first to show. Her body begins to glow as she recalls the feeling of Dylan grasping her breast and trying to pull her pants down.

"Right now my so-called husband is buried in a mortal maid. Earlier he didn't take no for an answer and touched me when I didn't want to be touched. As far as I'm concerned I can handle this how I feel like it." Brandons eyes widen as he backs away, grabbing Jason and pulling him behind him. Alexandra feels two arms come around her and the glow fades as calmness falls over her.

"Alexandra, calm down, your raw power could hurt somebody and I know you don't want that. Calm down my queen." Blaze whispers in her ear, pulling her back against him. Jason raises his eyebrow at her and she flushes and looks away. Blaze's arm wraps around her abdomen and she cringes at the pain that her body releases. "Is there something wrong with your stomach, Alexandra?" She pulls his arm off of her stomach and pulls it up to see the yellowing bruising.

"Alexander was able to get to me in my sleep and crushed my uterus, including the life growing inside of it." She doesn't get a chance to breathe before Blaze is speaking up.

"Leave my room, Alexandra and I need to speak privately for a moment." He commands and the two men obey as he places his hand gently on hers. "Is that why you don't want to be touched? You feel violated from what your father took from you without being near you." She nods as the tears roll down her cheeks. She places her hand over her slowly healing abdomen.

"Dylan would not be gentle with me if I would have let him have his way in the office. He made me stand there while he drank from me and hurt me." She wipes her eyes and looks up at him, seeing the torn look on his face. He grasps her hands, pulling her back into his lap. He reaches up and pulls her face to his, gently kissing her.

"A queen like you should be made love to not fucked. I don't think he knows the difference. I can teach you the difference, then you won't fear being touched." He says and reaches between them, pulling his pants down slightly past his hips.

"Wait the door is unlocked, let me go lock it!" She jumps off of his lap and quickly locks the door, looking over to see a pile of clothes lying on the couch. "Can I change into a nightgown? I don't want you to see how badly I'm still bruised." She says and grabs the night gown and switches out her clothing while Blaze watches, rubbing himself slowly.

"Whatever you want to make you comfortable this is going to go slow, but I promise by the end of it, you will not fear my touch." She walks over to him, nervous because she has never been with another man. She looks down and her eyes widen as she sees him out of his pants. "What's wrong?" He asks, still touching himself. She flushes and can't believe she is about to say what she is thinking.

" think you might be uh..." she stumbles and his lips quirks up in the corners. Her face is bright red as she plays with her night gown.

"Ah don't worry, even if it's bigger than you are used to, I'm sure it won't hurt. I won't hurt you." He grasps her hand and he brings her closer, as she climbs back into his lap. She doesn't have any underwear on and she can feel him skin to skin but he just sits for a moment. He begins grinding himself against her, letting her body moisten on his length.

She listens to his breathy sounds of pleasure as he cups her face in his hands and brings her lips to his. "Mmmmm" he groans as she feels him throb against her. "Only when you're ready." He whispers and she kisses him deeply as she raises her body up. His hand moves down and his fingers find her excitement. "Oh god, you're so wet. I'm going to put my fingers in now, okay?" She nods eagerly and bites her lip as she feels two fingers sink into her. "Oh you're already squeezing just around my two fingers." He begins to move them in a come here fashion and she groans against his lips.

She lowers herself slightly feeling his tip where his fingers are. "Oh gods, can you put me on my back?" She asks and he pulls his fingers out of her, doing as she asks and lies her on her back with him on top of her.

"Do you want it now?" He asks and she nods, spreading her legs for him. He reaches between them and runs himself along her, teasing her, before slowly sinking inside of her. She opens her mouth to let out a cry of pleasure but he shoves his wrist in her mouth to muffle it. "Oh my you're so tight. Fuck your going to milk me dry my goddess. I can't let you make a lot of noise. I'm sorry but let me take care of this." He begins to thrust after a moment and she moans into his wrist, feeling so full that she can't think.

His movements are slow and drawn out as he removes his wrist from her mouth and pulls the shoulder of her gown down revealing her breast. He kisses and drags his tongue along her nipple before sucking it into his mouth. Her head falls back as she tries to hold back her moans. "Ah!" She groans as she feels his fangs nip at the skin of her breast. He removes his mouth and they make eye contact for just a moment.

"I need you to get on top." He mumbles and she nods and he wraps his arms around her. He rolls so that she is on top and from this angle she is able to control the thrust and hit her sweet spot much easier. He watches her begin to take control on him, only going so deep that she can hit the spot inside of her that makes her face contort in pleasure.

"Right there. That's the spot." She whispers as she uses his torso to hold onto. She begins to make more noise as she hits her g spot more urgently with him. He reaches up and covers her mouth with one hand and reaches into the nightstand with the other. He quickly pulls out a small item and turns it on, letting her hear the small buzzing sound. Her eyes widen as he slips the small object between them and places it against her clit.

The orgasm she experiences is instantaneous but he keeps the vibrator on her clit as he begins to thrust deeply into her as she finishes. "Oh god, that's it, fucking squeeze me. I'm going to cum goddess, I need to pull out." He says but she shakes her head, taking control once more.

"Please don't, I-I need to feel you cum inside of me Bennet. I can't get pregnant again yet so don't worry. Just let me feel it." Her use of his real name and her surprise kink makes him reach down to his sides and grasp the sheets. She reaches down and covers his mouth as she moves her hips faster and with urgency. He moans against her hands as he grasps her legs thrusting so he meets her body with his. She can feel him throbbing inside of her and the warmth that enters her as he growls against her hand. "Oh yeah, just like that." She says and his hand reaches up covering her mouth as well as he finishes emptying himself inside of this queen.

Their bodies relax and she groans as he pulls out of her. He grabs a tissue from beside the bed and cleans himself up before telling her she should go take a bath. She nods and jumps out of bed, a small ache in her lady bits telling her that she is no longer used to the activity.

Blaze sits on the bed as she takes a shower and there is a knock at the door. He stands and goes to unlock it, having changed into more relaxed clothing. He opens it to see a rather irritated Alaric glaring at him. He walks in and looks to the messed up bed with even more anger. "If you have something to say sir, I need you to say it, she will be out of the shower before long." Blaze has no fear of Alaric, he knew him when he was just a tiny baby.

"Please tell me that my baby sister and you did not have sex in the two hours I left you alone." Blaze does not answer and smirks at Alaric who is being a very overprotective older brother. He grabs Blaze by the shirt and brings him face to face with him.

"We are two consenting adults and it's only fair that I get to have the same liberties Dylan does." It's Alexandra's voice that breaks up their  squabble. She is looking at them with a bored expression as her body aches from the pleasurous incident that just took place. She is wearing a different nightgown than before but it is still more revealing for her to sleep in with Blaze in the room. Alaric let's Blaze go and he returns to Alexandra's side without a thought. Alaric watches the two for a moment before sighing and shaking his head. Alexandra looks over at him and smirks.

"You are just doing this to hurt him back." Alaric says and the smirk on her face gets wider.

"So what if that is the case. He's doing it too." Blaze speaks up and Alaric's eyes turn dark as the guard grasps the back of his sister's neck and kisses her deeply. She giggles and wraps her arms around him, pulling him closer.

"You two are playing the dangerous game of an unstable prince. I will turn a blind eye for now but if he finds out then I hope you are ready to deal with the very real repercussions." Alaric says before turning and leaving the two lusting vampires in each other's arms.

Her mind drifts to Dylan as Blaze lays her down for a second time in the last few hours. They are not quiet like last time, Blaze enjoying her noises of pleasure. He strips her completely naked, seeing her yellowing abdomen. He acts as if he doesn't notice it as he spreads her legs at the edge of the bed.

"I can't wait to taste you." He says as he kneels down and pulls her pelvis to his face. His tongue moves against her swollen bundle of nerves as his fingers enter her. "Mmmm good girl. You're such a delicacy in every way."

"Ah!" She cries as his mouth leaves her aching center and his fangs sink into her inner thigh.
You and I are not so different are we? If only the way you are feeling right now was because of me.
Dylan's voice in her head only made her arousal stronger. He is her mate and maker, his body forever will entice hers. She feels Blaze's mouth pull away from her and he stands. There is a look of concern on his face as she looks up at him dazed.

Don't be shy Alexandra, let me feel the way this man makes you cum. Be the bad girl you are with me for him.

She nods to him and his lip quirks up. He grabs her by her legs and flips her over, allowing her stomach to stay off of the bed. She drops her knees onto the bed so that Blaze gets a full view of her backside.

Oh if I were in front of you, you could be sucking me off right now while getting it from behind.
As his words pass through her mind she feels Blaze enter her, stretching her body to accept his. "Oh god, fuck!" Her words trigger something inside of Blaze as he is less gentle with her this time. He kept his hands locked around her hips as he thrust himself inside of her, listening to her moans.

"Good goddess your body is so perfect. I never want to stop." He says and pulls out, moving her to the center of the bed. He climbs on top of her, careful to avoid her healing midsection as he pushes himself back into her.

Get out of my head Dylan.

Their connection snaps as Blaze begins to thrust again. She doesn't allow Dylan's peeping behavior to ruin her fun as Blaze continues. He treats her gently while not needing to be as gentle with her body. She soaks in the attention as they finish their quicky and she heads to the bathroom to clean herself up.

She looks into the bathroom mirror seeing Dylan's fang scar resting on her skin and then looks at her yellowing abdomen. She feels the emptiness inside of her, the ache of not holding her own mate. She feels the tears fall down her cheeks but doesn't allow Blaze to hear her.

Why are you so sad?

Dylan's voice in her head just makes her cry harder, she wants to hold him, to tell him that everything will be okay. She can't promise this though, she feels the fear that her father has planted inside of her and knows that she is not safe anywhere she goes until he is dead.

Come to my mothers study, she wishes to speak with you.

She sighs and exits the bathroom looking to Blaze who is asleep against the headboard. She sneaks to the door and exits the room, still in her nightgown. She looks down but knows if she goes in to change she will wake Blaze and he seems tired. She hurriedly rushes into down the halls and to the door of her old bedroom. She sneaks in knowing Dylan is with his mother and grabs a robe from the bathroom, his robe. She smells it, smelling him and faint traces of another woman, but tries to ignore it, knowing she is going to smell of Blaze.

She leaves the room and continues down the long corridor to the queen's study. She raises her hand to knock on the door but it opens and she sees Dylan staring back at her with those empty eyes."Come in princess." He mumbles and turns away from her without another look. She enters the room and looks at the desk to see Isabella.

Her long brown hair is tied up on top of her head and she has bags under her eyes. Patrova sat beside her with her hand on her shoulder, knowing that her daughter was in the worst pain she would ever have to feel. "I'm glad to see that you were well enough to join us Alexandra, I was just having a nice long discussion with my very stubborn son about you just now." Isabella says and Alexandra bows to her.

"I'm sorry for my appearance, my queen. I snuck out of my current dwellings so as not to wake my guard." She says and Dylan scoffs, causing everyone to look at him.

"He's no doubt exhausted. Your recent activities most likely have you both tired." She can see the jealousy behind his hauntingly dark gaze and Isabella looks to both her and Dylan with a raised eyebrow.

"I would say you should be tired too, my prince, you have been keeping the house maids busy for the past few days no doubt." She sneers back at him and watches as his lip quirks up in the corner. She feels the anger course through her as he chuckles. His mother slams her fist down on the desk, making them both pay attention to her alone.

"My husband is dead, which means until all of this is sorted out I will hold the title of ruler. Brandon has agreed that since my dear heir is not in the mental position to take care of these matters, he will be handling Vladimirs funeral preparations." Dylan's eyes darken but he doesn't say anything. Isabella falters and puts her hands over her face, her shoulders shaking as she begins to cry again.

"Isabella..." Alexandra says and she feels tears begin to fall down her own cheeks as Patrova leans over to comfort her daughter. She puts her head down and tightens her hands into fists. She doesn't expect the gentle touch that grazes her face, wiping away her tears. She grasps the hand, keeping it on her face, before looking up into those green eyes.

Don't cry princess.

Despite everything that has transpired with them in the last twenty four hours she drops his hand and wraps her arms around his waist, missing the feeling of his comfort. He wraps an arm around her as she listens to his mother cry, wanting to leave the study.

"We are going to go back to my room, I believe Alexandra and I have many things to discuss." Dylan says and steers them out of the room. He shuts the door and leads them to his room, never letting his arm drop from her shoulder. They come to their room and he opens the door to the drawing room, leading her to the couch. He sits her down and gets down on he knees in front of her.

"Dylan, I don't like us hurting each other." She mutters and he stretches up, kissing her gently.

"Normally you being with another man would drive me insane. The very thought of another man giving you pleasure would make me feel the way you feel about the maid, but having all of that turned off is the best thing I've done for myself. I can feel what I want to." He mutters with his lips just above hers. Her eyes widen and she feels his hands run up her legs.

"But the pain...the pain reminds me that I have power. It fuels my power." She says and he moves away, his hands still rubbing her shaking thighs. She fears only his touch, because it brought her the best feelings and the worst experience of her life.

"You are all powerful without suffering. All of the pain you feel from the attack, the feelings of my use of the maid. You shouldn't have to feel those things to channel your powers. Turn it all off my princess. Turn it all off and reclaim your life. Let yourself feel the bloodlust and the physical lust that you push down so hard." She shakes her head trying to move away from him but he grasps her face making her look at him. His eyes show his determination and another emotion. His long hair hangs in his face as he grasps the edge of her panties and pulls them down her legs.

"I'm so scared that he is going to hurt you or me. My body is scared of your touch because the trauma it experienced is tied to you." She says as he moves back in kissing her fang scar gently. He spreads her legs and pulls her closer to him. "I'm so scared Dylan..." Her mind becomes foggy at his touch and as he pulls away, looking at her one last time.

"My princess, if you turn it off, the fear goes away, the power you have will be controlled by you, and you will be able to handle anything that comes your way. Nobody will dare to fuck with the Berezin queen." Her eyes widen as his hands move to her waist just above her bruising.

"Please don't touch me there." She says and he pulls her hair to the side as he leans in.

"Turn off the fear and the pain my princess and I promise that you will have the time of your vampiric life with me, just trust me." He pleads as he sinks his fangs and himself inside of her. She groans and holds him tightly against her as he stands, hoisting her up with him. He carries her to the console table and sits her against it, thrusting into her, careful to avoid her abdomen. His intake of her blood is slow and steady, causing pleasure to course through her.

Turn off the pain princess. I will protect you.

She closes her eyes and her head falls back against the wall as he partakes in her in every way. Her mind goes numb as she lets the idea of turning it off sink in. Her whole body begins to pulse with a different need. She imagines a switch in the back of her mind and it flips. Her whole body shudders as everything begins to melt away, the only feeling left is the feeling of her mate's body inside of hers.

"Ah!" She groans as he grasps her butt for leverage and his thrusts become deeper. He pulls his mouth away from her neck. He kisses her deeply and she can taste her own blood on his tongue and it ignites her hunger inside of her. Her bloodlust is stronger than she has ever felt it, she wants fresh human blood.

"Mmm Dylan take me hunting." He stops and looks up at her with an excited glint in his eyes. She couldn't feel the pain as he grasped her waist and lifted her once more. He carries her to the bedroom and pulls out of her as he sits her down and bends her over his desk.

"I can feel everything except pain, fear, or my own nervousness. Meaning no matter what I've been doing in the meantime my sweet princess, I still feel my love and lust for you." He says and and runs his hand up her back causing her to shudder. She feels him enter her again and her eyes roll back as they have sex against his desk.
Once he is finished and he brings her to her own climax they lie in bed together after showering once more. "That was amazing." She says against his lips and he smiles, peeking at her through half open eyes.

"Do you still want to go on a hunt? I understand that it will be your first. I doubt that I will have to show you how it's done though." He says and she smirks feeling the familiar ache in her body for blood. She gets out of bed and heads to the closet, finding an athletic outfit that will make hunting easy. She walks out of the closet and Dylan is also dressed casually.

"Let's get out of here." She says and grabs his hand giggling as she slides on a pair of sandals. They hold hands as they walk down the quiet halls, it's daylight so most of the McAlisters were sleeping, except Alaric who watches those two from his doorway down the hall.

They slip down the stairs and out the door, getting the clearance to leave the property for their hunt. Dylan looks down at his mate, feeling proud of her for choosing to turn the pain off. He knows that if she accepts the darkest parts of her she will be an all powerful queen. He leads her away from the marketplace and into the shadier side of town, where the rogues go to hide.

"Dylan, why are you bringing me here? It looks abandoned." She says and he chuckles making her look up at him questioningly.

"Princess, we are rogue hunting. They taste so good and they have tried to kill you on multiple occasions so payback is due." He says and they enter the alleyways. She sniffs out the air smelling the stale blood and scent of mildew. She can hear faint heart beats in the distance and it makes her body feel dry.

Patience princess, we will arrive soon.

She grins as they enter an underground tunnel and she catches the whiff of fresh blood. Her eyes widen as she watches the tunnel open up into an intricate market area filled with humans and vampires. She can tell which are fresh rogues and which ones aren't. At some of the tents they are selling humans to vampires, this is blood slavery.

"Ready to feast my love. All of these rogues are criminals and they deserve what we shall do to them." She feels her sharp fangs against her tongue and her vision turns black. She watches as her body registers the differences in their heartbeats. The rogues have a slight one and their blood flowed slowly.

"It's the prince and princess, seize them!" Somebody yells from the crowd and Alexandra's eyes snap open to see people rushing towards them. Dylan leaps forward before she does and she watches as he grasps a rogue woman, sinking his fangs into her. Alexandra looks around noticing a small girl on the dirt floor with blaring red eyes. She  doesn't have a chance to see Alexandra coming before she is on top of her.

"You still smell human." She whispers into the neck of the girl she has pinned underneath her. The girl trembles as Alexandra sinks her fangs deeply into her veins. The girl doesn't put up a fight as Alexandra drinks from her deeply. She knows that she should pull away but the blood tastes human.

Don't stop, it tastes so good. The girl under you will only kill others if you allow her to live. It is her own voice in her head, but a different side of her, a much darker side. The girl begins to claw at Alexandra as she begins to suck down her blood in a hurry.

Yes that's it, embrace it, embrace the first kill. It will make us feel so much better! She removes her fangs and looks down at the woozy girl. She takes her fingernail to the girl's throat, slicing it. The blood spews out and Alexandra's mouth clamps down on the wound until it stops bleeding.

I need more. I'm so hungry.

She drops the rogue's body and looks around to see others are trying to fight back but Dylan is either feeding or killing them. The humans locked in cages looked tasty but she knew that they deserved to have a life like hers. Despite not having the pain in her body she still feels compassion.

She walks towards one of the cages with around fifteen young girls in it. They all look at her with fear but she smiles down at them. "I am here to give you a choice. You can live the life of a feeble human blood bag or you can turn and come with us." The girls look at her with surprise and she sees one in the back that catches her eye. She is small and has dark brown hair, something about her reminds her of her mother. "You in the back with the dark hair, what is your name?" She has fear in her eyes as she looks at Alexandra but even she can see the bruises covering the woman's body.

"My name is Ariana. I'm only twenty four, I don't want to die here, please don't kill us." Alexandra smiles showing her fangs and the girl backs away. She smells divine, very similar to mother when she was a human. I want to taste her, I need to taste her.

"Don't fear me, I am going to taste you now and give you a new life." Alexandra says and grasps Ariana's arm, pulling her out of the cage. She pins her against the outside of the cage and gives her a once over. "Grab hold of my shirt, I'm going to feed from you first and then give you my venom." Ariana does as she is told and Alexandra turns her head to the side, seeing the large amount of fang scars on her neck.

She sinks her fangs into one untouched spot on the girl's neck causing her to tense. "Ow!" She cries but Alexandra is lost in the taste of her blood immediately. It's so sweet and pure, she wants it all but once she starts to become weak she knows that she has to give her the venom that will save her. Alexandra's grasp on her tightens as she forces her fangs as deep as they will go into her body and she feeds her venom into Arianas body.

Her body goes limp in Alexandra's arms and she pulls away, watching as all of the other fang scars disappear before her eyes. She lies Ariana on the ground and the others look down at her. "We have a lot of human maids and vampire maids, if you do not want to make this choice now, please do not. It's a lifetime commitment but you are free to come with us. For now remain here while we finish the rest of the rogues off." They nod and she turns away as she looks to see how many rogues are left, her fangs ache. She notices another rogue approaching her feeding mate and quickly intercepts the man, tackling him. She pulls his head back, slitting his throat, letting the blood make a mess of her outfit as the drinks from the cut. The blood stops quicker than he can heal and she pulls away with a giggle. She looks over seeing Dylan's adoring gaze and the blood that stains his clothing. 

"Rogue killing is such a rush isn't it? I like watching you have a good time. It's sexy and animalistic, a side of you I never get to see." He says and she hears a growl from behind her turning to see several more rogues entering the blackmarket area. She licks her lips and stands, feeling her powers begin to pulse through her. Her hand glows and she imagines a bright glowing scythe. 

"Filthy beasts, it's time for you to die." She says and and rushes towards them the scythe slices through several of them at once and the blood splatters all over her as she giggles wickedly, enjoying this power.

"It's the Berezin princess, our master has told us to take her as a prisoner!" One of the rogues says and she looks at him with a bored expression. He isn't anything special, most likely a low life who chose this life over one as a thief or murder.

"Your master is just a little bitch who can't do his own bidding. I will however thank him for this meal he has prepared for me and once my new fledgling wakes, her as well." She turns to see the young woman still lying on the ground and Dylan places his hand on her shoulder.

"You made a new vampire, you must be tired, take care of her and I can detain these fools for a later snack." He says and she grins wickedly. The scythe disappears and she turns to look at him, placing her hands on his cheeks.

"I'll take you up on that offer my mate, they do look rather tasty but I do need to make sure my young one gets some fresh blood after she partakes from me." She says and gives him a small peck before reaching her hand behind herself, shooting shards of her energy through some of the rogues. She turns and her eyes turn black until she hears something behind her. She turns and sees Ariana on her hands and knees, staring at the ground in a haze.

"Go to her my princess, I will bring you one of them for her to feed from." Dylan whispers in her ear and she does as she is told. She races back to the girls side, placing her hand on her back as Ariana cries out.

"It hurts, oh god it hurts." She grasps her throat and the tears fall down her cheeks. Poor child is only just getting started on a rather dangerous journey.

"I know, but the blood will make it better. If you drink a little from me, I can give you a whole rogue, even let you pick one to devour. It will make you feel so much better I promise." The gentleness in her voice is reserved for this girl. She looks up at her maker and her eyes bleed black making Alexandra smile. Arianas eyes widen as Alexandra brings her wrist to her lips and bites into her own flesh.

Arianas body tenses as she grasps her throat but Alexandra shoves her wrist into the woman's mouth before she has a chance to lose her mind. The humans watch the two vampires, embraced against on the ground as the fledgling drank from her wrist. A protective feeling settles over her as she feels the new creature of hers drink from her. There is a loud voice that echoes through the underground and the girl in her lap tenses, curling into her maker's hold.

"Did that man hurt you?" She whispers to the young vampire and her grasp on her wrist tightens. She looks up at her mate and opens her mouth to stop him as he grasps the man that yelled. "Dylan, bring that one here, he needs to pay for something he has done." He turns and looks at her smiling, putting the rogue's hands behind his back as he leads him to his mate.

She pulls her wrist away from her fledgling and makes her look at the well dressed rogue in front of her, she can feel the hatred coming off of Ariana as the two look at each other. "Why would you bestow such a gift to such a low life? She's just a blood bag." Ariana snaps at his words, tackling him, grasping him around his neck.

"You turned me into a blood bag! Now your life is in my hands. Beg for me to spare you, like you made me do all those times when you took my blood." There is so much anger in the unstable vampire's voice and everyone just sat by watching as she drove her fangs into his neck. The amount of blood that spilled out of his wound as she fed on his life made Alexandra happy.

"I am rather full now, call up the others and have them help you come drag the rest of the rogues to the dungeons. I will keep her fed this way." She doesn't have to say another word as Dylan pulls out his phone and dials out.

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