
By A_Strange_0ne

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Wilbur was a hero, the second best hero to be exact. And it was his job to protect everyone that resided in h... More

Prolougue || Goodbye
Chapter One || The New Vigilante
Chapter Two || Nightmares
Chapter Three || Mellohi Reappears
Chapter Four || Exhaustion
Chapter Five || Stab Wounds and Secrets
Chapter Six || Tech Labs and Sneaking Out
Chapter Seven || Forgiveness and Crime(?)
Chapter Eight || The New Scientist and New Leads
Chapter Nine || The Return of Shift
Chapter Ten || Revealed Identities
Chapter Eleven || Stressed Comfort
Chapter Twelve || Immune
Chapter Thirteen || The Party
Chapter Fourteen || Developments
Chapter Fifteen || Shift
Chapter Seventeen || Information and a New Ally
Chapter Eighteen || The End

Chapter Sixteen || An Offer

181 8 1
By A_Strange_0ne

(No pov)
!!Blood, fighting, swearing!!

Dream cackled, like actually, cackled. Wilbur took a step back in horror, Dream was Shift?

"Wh-what..." Wilbur said in disbelief, Dream grinned before taking something out of his pocket and throwing it at Wilbur.

Wilbur was too shocked to move, everyone watch in horror as it landed at the base of his neck. He suddenly felt a sharp pain and clutched his neck, he fell to the ground and cried out as his throat was ripping itself apart-

"Oh... come here birdie." Dream said sweetly, against Wilbur's will, his legs made him stand up and walk over to Dream, horror and fear was clear in his eyes.

Dream stepped down from the dais and met Wilbur halfway, Wilbur watched in horror as Dream raised a hand to his scarred cheek and lightly caressed it. Wilbur wanted to believe the pity and guilt in Dream's neon eyes, but he couldn't. His body wouldn't let him.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry I hurt you." Dream spoke softly, as if Wilbur was made of glass. "Everyone has consequences for using their power, I'm sorry you got caught in mine." He spoke gently, Wilbur loved that tone. But he couldn't help but hate it now.

"Oh, sorry, you are released." Dream commanded softly, Wilbur coughed and crumpled to the floor from the pain of the strange device on his neck, Dream followed him to the ground and pulled him into his arms.

Wilbur hated how his arms were still warm, he hated how soft they were, he hated how it comforted him. Blood filled his mouth as Dream rubbed his back and whispered gentle reassurances and glared at the other heroes.

"Let it do it's work, darling, it'll be okay." He whispered softly, Wilbur couldn't help but have tears leave his eyes. How could Dream do this? How could he betray Wilbur? How could he hurt them all?

"It'll keep you safe, love, it stops your immunity and you'll be safe." Oh how he loved that word. Safe, something he could never feel. If only he understood sooner, if only he didn't love Dream to the ends of the earth.

Dream hummed and carded his free hand through Wilbur's soft, brown hair as the hero coughed and choked on the venom and technology in his blood, Dream hummed the song. The song Shift sang, the song that gave them a fake lead.

Wilbur's violent coughs and choking eventually came to a stop, he looked up with betrayal in his eyes. "W-why?" He asked, his voice was hoarse and he most likely wouldn't be using his commands for weeks.

Dream's eyes softened, "Oh, darling, don't you understand? This city is run by corrupt liars." He explained softly, Wilbur didn't understand.

"I don't understand." He spoke, Dream laughed lowly. "That's fine, birdie, you'll understand soon." He reassured before looking up with a harsh look in his eye.

"Walk over here, stay just within earshot." Dream commanded harshly. Against their will, the hero's group walked forwards until they were just within a few tiles of the couple.

"Wilbur asked why I'm doing this," he told them harshly, "I'll be kind enough to let you all hear my reasonings, though you'll most likely choose the wrong side." Dream scoffed at the end.

Wilbur then noticed the feelings in their eyes.

Sapnap's and George's and Bad's were purely betrayal, hurt, and confusion.

Angel looked horrified and worried for his son, whom was still crumpled in the villain's arms.

Techno looked worried for his 'twin' as well, he looked like he'd kill Dream once he wasn't frozen.

Tommy and Ranboo looked pure horrified, they were both worried for Wilbur, but what had Dream done to Tubbo?

"My 'villainy' started the day my brother was selected for the Temple Keeper position. I'd stolen his intelligence power from before he'd left, he said it was to help me remember him. He said he'd visit and that he'd be back, but he never showed. He was my older brother, and the city took him away." Dream scoffed, the hand carding through Wilbur's hair got tenser but softened once it felt Wilbur shiver.

"I was forced to raised my young sister, her name was Drista, she was ten when XD left and fourteen when she died." Dream said bitterly and bowed his head.

"I'd started simple crimes by then, stealing money and food by using my brother's intelligence to scrape by. I was eventually confronted by Zero and Angel on a street with a jewelry store." Dream went on, Wilbur saw Phil stiffen as he remembered that battle.

"I'd gotten a hold of Zero's power by then, and they had already figured out how my power worked, so during the fight, they used their storm to collapse the building my sister was in, Zero proceeded to blame it on me. I'd decided after I saw my sister's body, that Zero would pay." He said angrily with a dry laugh.

"It took a few months, but soon I'd successfully kidnapped Zero. But my power tends to drive me insane, so I accidentally killed them." He stated stiffly, "Not like I regret it though." He scoffed, Wilbur tensed, how did Dream's power drive him insane?

"That lead to where I am now, when I first entered this Temple, I was excited to see my brother for the first time in years. But I found the Temple in ruins, my brother, XD, was dead. I found him on an altar, he was a sacrifice." He stated bitterly, everyone was shocked to hear that.

"This city has taken everything from me and walked away singing La Di Da, like nothing happened. It killed my sister, brother, and forced me into villainy." He summed up, he smiled bitterly, "I'll take some questions, speak."

"Did you ever truly like us?" Sapnap and George asked in unison, Dream's smile faltered as he sighed. "Yes, you guys were just busy with the Hero's Training Program and Drista was gone, I was lonely and things escalated too quickly." He explained and avoided eye contact.

It seemed like a good enough answer for them, because they fell silent and didn't speak up again.

"How did you know?" Phil suddenly asked, Dream laughed, "I assume you're talking about the identity thing? I noticed you were looking at me too closely, so I planned to throw you off the trail at the party." Dream laughed, he suddenly paused, a grin spread across his face.

"What did you mean by 'you're power makes you insane'?" Bad asked quietly, carefully. Dream paused before sighed, he began curling Wilbur's hair around his finger's, the brunet was basically unconscious in his arms.

"Every power comes with a consequence, Bad, I've yet to figure out George's or Tommy's though." He sighed, "My consequence is that I go a bit insane if I use I power too much. I never meant to hurt Wilbur that night, but I couldn't control my power." Dream closed his eyes before speaking again.

"Phil's curse is that he can't touch anyone without them dying, Techno's curse is to hear voices that crave blood, Sapnap can't get too mad otherwise he'll burst into flames, you can see the dead and feel the pain of others, and Wilbur can barely speak after a command." Dream listed off a few, everyone grew shocked as to how much he knew.

Dream smiled, "Off topic, but did Phil ever tell anyone why he adopted Tommy?" Everyone went quiet, Dream chuckled, "I'll tell you all then."

"The night after I killed Zero, I hurried to a hideout where I faked being kidnapped by 'Shift'-" Dream giggled as he said that-"- I discovered that Zero had a son, one that would most likely inherit their powers, but stronger. Phil adopted that child out of guilt and pity." Dream laughed lowly as everyone watched the blood drain from Phil and Tommy's face.

"Dad?" Tommy squeaked, "You didn't... you didn't want me!?" Tommy cried, Phil looked horrified, speechless, as did the other heroes.

Dream laughed, "Everyone, freeze." He spoke, "I'll have you guys escorted to the dungeons until my project is done." Dream explained and typed something into his watch, "Medallion is now the commander." He spoke, a ding was sounded from his watch and he smiled.

"Medallion can deal with you lot, I need to help my love understand why I've done this." He said and stood up, he struggled with Wilbur's wings but surprised them all with his strength. Dream bowed them all goodbye before walking up the dais and disappearing into the doorway, taking Wilbur with him.

Wilbur didn't register where they went until Dream gently placed him on a bed and sat on a chair near the door. He hummed quietly and tapped his fingers, Wilbur curled up and wrapped his wings around himself tightly as he felt magic take his shoes away.

The bed room looked to be fit for a royal, it was circular but had fancy bedside tables, a delicately carved wardrobe, and yellow cushioned chairs, the walls were stone brick but the ceiling was a detailed painted of a tundra with a castle in the sky.

The window had a intricate stone from, but was clearly one-sided, as Wilbur could people outside yet they never saw him. Sconces were perched on every wall, casting a warm glow over the room.

The bed itself made the room seem all the more royal, it was canopy bed with an intricately carved beige wooden frame and soft yellow curtains, the sheets were the same shade of yellow but the numerous pillows were white. It was comfortable, Wilbur found, he practically melted into the mattress the second he was set there, but he stopped himself and remained stubborn.

How could Dream do this though? He loved Dream to the sun and back, and now this? Did Dream ever love him, or was it a lie? Did Dream only pretend to love him in order to get information?

"Are you alright, love? You seem... sad." Dream asked worriedly, Wilbur curled up tighter. The bed was so warm and comfortable, but Wilbur hated how it was Dream's.

Dream and stood from the chair before walking to Wilbur's side of the bed, the blond kneeled down and opened the drawer to the bedside table and took out his green string bracelet and slid it on, he shuddered but turned to Wilbur.

"Am I stressing you out? I didn't want to hurt you." He said quietly and began gently removing Wilbur's mask. The hero didn't move out of fear of what Dream might do.

Dream carefully placed the mask on the bedside table before looking back at Wilbur, his eyes softened significantly. The avian took a deep breath before speaking, "Did you ever love me?" He asked quietly, hesitantly.

Dream looked shocked before his eyes filled with guilt, "Of course I did, birdie, maybe not Siren," he spat out the word 'Siren' like it was a bad fruit, "but I loved Wilbur, I'd sacrifice the world for him- you." Dream explained in a loving tone, Wilbur sighed and tried to touch the device on his neck, Dream quickly stopped him before his hand came in contact with it though.

"No, no, no." He said gently, "It's not finished yet, it'd hurt if you touched it, birdie." He whispered, Wilbur's brows furrowed in confusion, "What is it?" He asked.

Dream smiled faintly, "It's a certain type of power suppressor, specifically designed to prevent you from using your power and being immune to my commands." Dream explained, Wilbur fell silent with a shudder, the blond lightly brushed the dark curls from the hero's face.

"What are you going to do to my brothers, father, and friends?" Wilbur asked reluctantly, Dream fell quiet before standing up and moving to the other side of the bed.

The villain took off his shoes before sitting next to Wilbur, "I don't want dirt on my bed." He mumbled, he lightly tugged Wilbur to face him, Wilbur soon found himself face-to-face with the beautiful villain.

"I have the most sinister, diabolical, horrifying plan for them." Dream said darkly, Wilbur couldn't help but shift away from him. Dream laughed to himself, "I'm kidding, love, sorry for spooking you." Dream apologized sincerely, Wilbur relaxed but didn't move closer.

"The real plan is," Dream began, Wilbur tensed and prepared for the worst.

"Nothing," Dream answered honestly, Wilbur looked up, shocked, "Huh?" He said, Dream shrugged. "I was lying when I said they were going to the 'dungeons'," Dream explained honestly, "It's just a tower with a bunch of bedrooms like this one." Dream shrugged and gestured to the room around them, Wilbur sighed with relief.

"As long as their out of my way and not causing trouble, no harm will come to them." Dream explained, his eyes flashed with hurt, "I may be a villain, but I'm not a monster." He added quietly.

Dream shook his head before taking ahold of Wilbur's hands, "I want to offer you something, actually. I hope you don't turn it down." Dream said hopefully, Wilbur looked up hesitantly and Dream took a deep breath.

"I want you to join me, Wil." Dream asked quietly, "You'd never be in danger and we'd create a new, safer city. Everyone would be happier, no harm would ever come to you or your family again." Dream offered quietly, he looked at Wilbur with anxious, hopeful eyes.

Wilbur went quiet for a second from shock, his brain suddenly began forming a plan, one he could run by Phil tomorrow if he could. One that would help everyone.

So, Wilbur gave his response,


He said, Dream's eyes lit up and he squealed happily, "I knew you'd say yes! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" He cheered happily, Wilbur almost felt bad for the soon-to-come betrayal, almost.

Wilbur smiled at Dream's excitement though, it was contagious, the blond kissed his forehead, his two cheeks, and then his nose. "I knew I could trust you birdie." He whispered happily, a yawn followed quickly after.

Dream sighed and kissed Wilbur's forehead again before nestling himself into the sheets. "Night, darling." He said tiredly, his words blended together from exhaustion. "Goodnight, Dream." Wilbur responded quietly. His plan was set and Dream was going to face consequences for his actions.

It was horrifying for Wilbur to think about it that way, he'd loved Dream for years, and now he was betraying him. Even if it was for the good of the city, Wilbur still felt guilty.

Wilbur sighed and moved closer to Dream, the blond sighed happily and it was peaceful.

And off to sleep they went.

(2465 words)

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