How the world works

By Iexist_congrats

1.1K 131 1.3K

How does the world work? Well, some people are strong, powerful, smart, or manipulative. Some are even all 4... More

Anyone there?
Crack chapter as promised
Bonus angst
Its... over
More bonus angst.
Even more bonus angst
Bonus Fluff
more art for story!
Next book
Cheda terrifies everyone


19 3 43
By Iexist_congrats

Why is life so cruel? Bad doesn't know. Dream had scared him pretty badly but he knew things would work out in the end.

When dream disappeared, Bad stole a boat and made for the coordinates Skeppy had left him. He expected to rescue everyone dramatically, not to see them crying over a phone and all to be perfectly fine. Mostly, sorta. Ok, somewhat fine. Tommy was gone, people were hurt, both Dream and George had been killed. But it was alright, because he had met his one goal in departing for the island.

He has Skeppy back! With his tiny 2'2 friend on his shoulder, he heads down into the hidden room behind his statues. The Egg.

Tommy is gone, but that's OK. The Egg said it is good. So it must be. Skeppy is put off by the Egg, it's obvious. But that's OK too. Things will work out now.

Someone is lost. Says the Egg.

"Who?" Asks Bad aloud. Skeppy jumps.

"Who are you talking to?" Skeppy asks.

"SHH" Bad shushes.

An old friend you have yet to meet. Replies the Egg. Bad smiles, he loves riddles. The Egg tells him to go east and so the two soul mates head out together, neither sure of what they seek.

They walk towards where a moon is rising in the east as the sun goes down behind them. Skeppy is very clearly uncomfortable with Bad's attitude. They walk all the way into the woods and eventually come across a path. The Egg directs them down until they reach a clearing.

On a fallen log in the center of the meadow sits a boy. His hair blows softly in the chilly wind but he does not shiver. He doesn't feel the cold.

Neither Bad nor Skeppy seems happy now. Because they both know who lies ahead of them.

"Tommy?" Asks Bad. The boy turns and they see him. It's like Tommy. But his skin is gray. Black veins reach up his neck from a black stain in his shirt. The remnants of his death. This isn't Tommy.

"Hello! I'm Phantommy, It's good to see you guys. I've been alone too long." Says Phantommy with a bubbly voice and a huge grin.

Ghosts represent either what their living counterpart wanted, or their polar opposite. Which is he? Did Tommy want to be happy? Or was he just... not? Both options sound rather depressing.

"Wanna play a game? Games are more fun with friends. You're... Bad. Right? And,uh, Skeppy? Yeah! Skeppy!We can play tag!" Phantommy continues. He remembers their names? Bad is ashamed to admit he knows practically nothing about ghosts. Most people don't. Everyone avoids glatt if they can and ghostbur is strange, even by ghost standards.

Bad convinces Phantommy to go with him to find more people to play with and leads him back to civilization. The streets are empty, as usual. Bad tries to look for someone to help him with this. He checks shops and restaurants to no avail. About to give up, he tries Nikis bakery and finds probably the worst person there. But it's someone.

There's Ranboo, and Niki. Little baby Michael too. But at the counter, his eyes red, his nose runny, is Tubbo. And Mexican dream is gone so it's most certainly not drugs. Bad decides now is an absolutely terrible time and that he had to find someone else to help him. But Phantommy has other plans.

"TUBBO!" He yells so loud that even those who reside in limbo could hear him. Tubbo freezes and turns.

"Tommy..?" He hiccups. He sees the ghost and his heart drops. No. No no no no no. So this is it? His best friend is really gone.

"Big T! Bee boi! I missed you! I was in the woods and there was nobody there. Then I turned and I saw them! And now I'm here!" Phantommy points at Bad and Skeppy. Tubbo begins to cry again and Phantommy hugs him.whi h unbeknownst to him doesn't help.

"Tommy, I-" begins Tubs but he's cut off.

"I'm not Tommy." Says Phantommy in a serious voice. Until now, he's acted giddy and peppy. But now...

"Do you wish I was?" He asks Tubbo. No one says a word. Then Tubbo nods, ever so slightly. Phantommy smiles grimly.

"That's ok. We can still be friends." Smiles Phantommy. Then he stands up and holds out his hand as if to make a handshake.

"Hello, my name is Phantommy. I am 2 hours old, I think, and I like women." He says in a very serious manner. Tubbo laughs, still sad but somehow consoled by this. He sounds so much like.....

"Hello Phantommy. I'm Tubbo. I am 18 and I like ducks." He says. Phantommy shakes his hand firmly with a goofy grin.

Puffy comes in through the door and stops. Happy tears spring to her eyes.

"Is that To-"

"No. Im Phantommy. Tommy is gone. Why is this so hard for you people??"

"Oh, my mistake. '' Puffy apologizes. She watches the two friends interact. There's a good feeling in the fact that not even death can end a friendship like theirs.

Everyone watches Phantommy try to cheer up Tub boy. He spins really fast on a swivel stool. He improvises some slap stick comedy. He dances, sings, and tells jokes. Tubbo smiles at it all but is clearly still hurt and Phantommy just can't seem to figure out why. It physically hurts Puffy to watch.

Eventually, she pulls Ranboo aside.

"Keep an eye on him, won't you?" She requests. They both know that this naive Tommy, no, Phantommy, will be a lot of trouble if he isn't in it first. Ranboo nods and writes it down in his book.

"2 hours... didn't Tommy die hours ago though? Maybe it's just Tommy and he can't remember tha-'' Ranboo begins but he's cut off.

"He's a child, he surely can't comprehend the passage of time with ease. You sure don't." She says softly. Then silence as they watch Tommy stuff sticks up his nose for Tubbos amusement. Wait, no. Not Tommy. Phantommy.

"He's not Tommy, because he's the one thing Tommy never could be." Puffy finally says mournfully.

"Dead?" Ranboo asks. Puffy shoots him a disapproving look. They both look over at Tommy, I mean Phantommy, who is now trying to see how many cookies he can fit in his mouth at once, currently it's 11.

"No, a child." She responds.

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