The Tales of the masked man

By GoldIsDaHooman

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The Tales of a man so insane that he decided to temper with the unnatural. Stories hear from near and afar ar... More

The Story Behind an Unsolved Crime
A Gruesome End
How do the masks work? (not a part of the story!)

The Final Plan

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By GoldIsDaHooman

A meeting between five teenagers occurred in a basement filled with nothing but a table and grey walls, floor, and ceiling. They were around the round table that was made out of wood. They didn't know each other before this meeting, but now wasn't the time to create a bond. They all looked at each other and decided to introduce themselves to make their planning easier. One of the teens stood up. He was a man with blond hair and brown eyes; he was pretty tall, maybe between 5 feet 11 and 6 feet 2. He was wearing a white shirt with brown jeans and a pair of black shoes made of leather.

He looked left to right, then started to talk, « Hello, my name is Andrew Wallers. I am 15, and I'm here to tell you all how I met and survived Him, but to be clear, I won't talk about it in detail because I don't want to remember what that wicked man did and also because I was four so I mostly forgot a lot of details ». Andrew sighed. He then stared at the floor, trying to remember everything he could. He was hesitant to talk about it at first, but then he remembered that he had invited all of them to make a plan to finish the terror that Hurricane was in and that if he, the inviter, didn't take part in this, then he would be a coward, just like his dad. He looked up and stared at the crew for a few seconds. He then opened his mouth and told them the story of how he met Him.

« It was a few years after my mom and dad had divorced. She decided to move somewhere calm and peaceful, as she said it. So, we moved to Hurricane, and it started great, I met new people, made new friends, and I even went to a far better school than when I was in my old town; it was great, at least before I met Him... » he was smiling through the start, but when he mentioned Him for the first time, his smile faded almost instantly.

« I was running through the park in the west part of the city, like usual, but this time, I had a bad feeling, like something bad was happening right near me and that I should run away from the park. But... I didn't listen to my senses and did exactly the opposite of what I should have done because I started going toward the source of this strange feeling. » His voice started to shake as he continued talking more. I mean, who could blame him? If you could see His true nature, you would be as scared as he was if you were in this situation.

« This feeling of dread led me to a strange house. It wasn't a good-looking house, far from that, but it didn't exactly look abandoned. There wasn't any entrance in front of the house, but there were windows, and god, I wished there weren't any. I walked closer and closer to the window. When I first looked inside the house, I didn't notice anything strange. There was an old clock that seemed to work well, and there were paintings of a family, a house, and two teenagers. I could see the stairs leading to the first floor. But when I looked closely at the stairs, I saw something that wasn't something that a four-year-old child should see... I saw a man with a weird mask on his face, it looked like a smile, but it was so wide that it didn't look natural. The eyes of the mask were a pitch-black circle, a circle that never understood or felt emotions every time I looked at him. I had the same feeling of dread that I had in the park. I felt that if I didn't run, I would die... after staring at him for about a minute, I saw something terrible. He was dragging a corpse down the basement of the house. The corpse had multiple injuries on the head and the torso. The blood of the corpse stained the floor as He dragged it away. But something else happened, the man looked at me, and he waved at me, saying hello with his left hand before dragging the corpse again » everyone in the room could see the fear in Andrew's eyes. It was logical to be scared after seeing such things at that young age.

Andrew then sat down, and another person stood up. It was a man with dark brown curved hair and dark brown eyes. He had a blue jacket with a dark green shirt and black pants with brown shoes. He wasn't that tall; he was smaller than Andrew, maybe 5'6 feet tall? He looked like a chill dude, but you could see that he was very nervous about being there.

« My name is Josh Daylight, I am 18, and just like all of you, I survived an encounter with Him... ». He looked down at the table and started speaking.

« I had a friend called Sammy Vert; he often went to the pizzeria I was working in to talk with me. He was a cool dude, but one day, he vanished. I had no info about how he was. The only person left of his family was his father, but, hum, he wasn't in the mood to talk with me, so I searched for him myself. So, I went to the forest near the old house, I heard a noise coming from the back of the house, and when I went to the back of the house, I, um, saw Him with Sammy; the only thing is that Sammy was dead and He was going to burn the corpse to ashes. I couldn't see his face since I was facing His back, but I could tell that he was huge; I would say 7'4 feet, and that is the minimum that I can come up with in terms of how tall he was; he could've been 7'7 feet that I wouldn't be surprised! Unlike Andrew, I didn't try to be curious, and I ran as fast as possible to my house and locked myself in for three days. After that, I returned to my job and continued managing my pizzeria, and nothing happened».

Josh breathed in and out and then sat back down, and someone else decided to stand up after a minute had passed. It was a woman this time. She had black skin, black curly hair, and light brown eyes. She wore glasses and had a t-shirt with blue and light blue lines all over it. She had purple pants and a pair of black shoes similar to Andrew's shoes. « My name's Mary, Mary Joe, and I'm 16, and I'm also a victim of Him » « Um, Are you from Texas? » Andrew asked. Everyone looked at Andrew. Josh was wondering why in the world he was asking that, while the others were just confused at the question itself, « Yes, I am from Texas. Why do you ask? » responded Mary.

« Because my dad was born in Texas and had the same accent as you... » He Answered. You could feel the discomfort in his voice.

Mary sighed and then started to talk again « As I was saying before getting interrupted by a certain someone » Mary looked annoyingly at Andrew and slowly looked back at everyone « I was a victim of His crimes » Mary then looked at Josh and immediately looked away after Josh looked back at her « I am in a situation similar to Josh, I had a friend that got killed by Him, his name was Jack, and I was fifteen when he killed him in cold blood » « I had a part-time job as a night guard in the same school I was studying in. But one night, when I went to my duty in the security room, there were two more people in the building, the first time I looked at the cameras, I saw Jack running to the generator room. It seemed like he was running away from something I couldn't see. I looked at the camera in front of the generator's door only to see a Man that I didn't know. He was standing outside the door, waiting for Jack to open the door. He waited until a blinding light flashed through the whole building, meaning that Jack had activated the generator. I couldn't see for a minute before recovering my sight, and when I did, He was gone; well, I thought He was before the door of the generator's room opened, and I saw Him instead of Jack. He was covered in blood, and in His left hand... He was holding the head of Jack; He had cut it out of his body. I called the police as soon as I saw this, but when they came, the killer had already left the school, so they couldn't do anything » « Of course, they couldn't do shit,» muttered one of the people on the left side of the room. The person that said that was a man with light brown short straight hair, he had a woodcutter jacket that was covering a white shirt and blue pants, he was also wearing a pair of black leather shoes because it was one of the shoes that were the cheapest in the local store. He had dark blue eyes and seemed like a kind person, even if he tried to act tough. They all looked at him, some were curious, and the rest just waited for him to introduce himself. « Quite a nice way of getting the intention, am I right? » said Andrew. For him, the guy looked a little cocky, and he didn't know what he was doing there. He never looked that much horrified by what they told everyone. « You are right! Now... let me introduce myself » the man responded with a smirk., Josh looked at the man. He knew that he was trying to look confident. He knew because he tried to do the same when he was still in high school, and it failed terribly, and everyone knew he wasn't that tough in reality. « My name is William Frederick, but you can all call me Bill; I'm 17, and I am a direct victim of Nittrius ». Everyone was shocked, 'how did he know his name?' 'Why did HE know his name?!' were all the questions that were going through everyone's head as he stopped speaking. « God, you were right, Ryan. I can't keep acting tough as much as I would want to,» said Bill with a sigh. Then another boy spoke up, « I told you, you aren't built for this .» The other man, that seemed to be called Ryan, answered. Ryan had a bowl haircut, black hair, and almost the same clothes as Bill. The only difference was that, unlike his buddy Bill, he had a green shirt. « So... it is best for me to tell my story as a whole so that I don't have to introduce my friend Ryan that joined me here.»


I moved to Hurricane when I was four years old. My mom and I left Florida after my father died in a war... my dad was a fantastic man. He was French, but he left France for Florida after my grandmother died, and that's where he met my mom... I will stop talking about my father as he is irrelevant to this story, and just thinking about him would... make me cry... At the time, I was scared to go outside, I never knew why, but I had a gut feeling whenever I went outside, like someone was watching me with evil intent. But, one day, my mom forced me to go outside so that I

could make some friends, well... it wasn't really what happened... far from that...

She was going to the park, but then she met a friend of hers, so they started talking for a while, but after ten minutes of waiting for her to finish talking, I got bored and started walking around the park, and that's where my life went downhill...

He was there, and like always, he was wearing what I would call his favorite outfit... a fucking black suit! But anyways, he walked near me when no one could see me from every angle, and right after I saw him and noticed he was following me, he knocked me out. I woke up in what seemed like a basement. There was a wooden table and a little window that wasn't big enough for me to go through. I could see a staircase leading up to a door, and as soon as I started going up the stairs, He opened the door. He had some tools with him. When I saw him, my first reflexes were to run to the table, but what could I do to defend myself? I was four years old at the time. I was not strong enough to fight him... He walked into the room after what felt like an hour, and a wide smile grew on him when he saw me. He then walked towards me and grabbed me by my hand and dragged me to a chair, and used the knife to stab a non-lethal part in my left hand. He had done that for four days at night. He used his knife to cut some flesh out of my body and stabbed certain parts of my limbs that couldn't be lethal so that I wouldn't die. After that, he would use some bandages to stop my wounds from bleeding. He said every time that 'It was for an experiment, to know if something similar would happen if it was human emotion and not emotion created by them.' I don't know what he meant by that, but that wasn't the problem. He would give me food and water for me to survive, but one day he would make a mistake that saved my whole life. The smell of blood was everywhere, he healed my wounds, and unlike other times, he had spoken to me directly.

Nittrius: I would like to speak with you, child

I was shivering. It was freezing outside, but something else made me shiver more than that. His gaze, just him looking at me, made my whole body shiver.

Nittrius: Let me Introduce myself, then it will be your turn

I nodded rapidly. There was a feeling of dread that grew around him.

Nittrius: my name is, Nittrius. What is your name, child

Bill: M-My name is W-William...

Nittrius: Now, William, I will leave for an hour. You will have this room for yourself, be good, or I will have to cut your living time in half.

I couldn't respond. If I tried to negotiate, my living time would be cut in half, and if I did anything that wouldn't help his experiment, I would have my living time in half. At first, Nittrius wanted me to stay here for a month, but I broke the rules two times, which lowered my living time two times, so I didn't have much time left to live.

But after that unexpected talk, He left me alone in this cold basement. He had given me some time to live, but for how long will he keep this promise? I didn't know and didn't want to know, and that's when I saw it. He had left the door to the basement unlocked, « was it a test? » I asked myself. It couldn't be just a mistake, right? But at this time, all I wanted to do was to leave this horrible place, so I decided to overcome my fears and started walking up the stairs. Every step I took on the stairs scared me to go up again.

And at last, I finally made it out of the room, but now that I was outside, what do I do now? The only place I knew that could be safe for me was my home, but where was my home? Since I had never left my house before, I couldn't say, but it wasn't time for me to be in despair. What if he comes back early? If it were the case, I'd have to be quick, and if I'm not fast enough, it would be the end.

I broke the window with the chair that was in the basement and then jumped through the now-broken window. I got minor cuts when I landed outside because of the broken glass on the grass outside. Still, it didn't matter because all that mattered at that moment was to go back home and do it quickly!

I ran, faster and faster, who knows where he could be, that's where I bumped into someone familiar, it was a woman with brown eyes and long blond hair, she had a blue dress with a white jacket on top. She had looked at me like she had seen an animal get kicked in the head or something similar to that, or like she had seen a ghost. She rushed over to me and saw the cuts made by the glass. I tried to tell her everything that happened, but I was so stressed and scared that I talked way too fast for her to understand me. She took my hand and rushed over to a house. She opened the door and put me on the sofa. She said that she would call my mom and that I would be safe, and at that moment, I started to cry because of how happy I was to be alive. Then, someone came quickly into my house; it was my mother, and tears flowed down her eyes. She rushed towards me and hugged me. It must have been hard for her, too, for a mother to lose a child that she cared about. And I became calmer and calmer, letting me have the freedom to talk and have others understand me. I told her I wanted to go to the police station to tell them where I'd been. When we arrived at the police station, a bunch of cops looked at me with surprise. I can understand why they were surprised; I mean, I had been missing for more than two days.

One of the two detectives went towards me and told me to follow him to a room. I was initially scared, but with my mother's help, I went in there. The corners of the room were dark even though there was a lamp that hung on the ceiling that had a bright light that was illuminating the room. There was a table and two chairs facing each other, and I could see a one-way glass on the right side of the room. The detective and I sat down on the two chairs, I was on the chair near the exit, and he was on the opposite side of the room. He was looking right at me. I started explaining everything to them, but after a moment, I could see that the detective began to chuckle, « Why are you laughing, mister? » I said quietly. I was a little confused. Why was he laughing? Did I say something funny? He looked at me and said, while laughing, « Do you think I will believe a story this stupid? » « Like, really, a killer that kidnaps children and does experiences on them? » I was shocked; why didn't he believe me? I was telling the truth. Why would I lie about something this big? I stopped myself from crying. If they wouldn't trust me, then there is no reason to help them. I stood up and left the room, destroyed. If they wouldn't believe me, then who would? I then saw my mother leave a room right near the room I was in. I rushed towards her but then stopped, I didn't stop myself, but she stopped me with her hand. Then, she did something that I didn't expect her to do. She slapped me; I could see in her eyes some hatred. «Don't talk to me » she said coldly. She then grabbed my arm and dragged me to my house that was nearby, and after that, nothing happened that was related to Nittrius, but after the day I went back into my home, my mom neglected me. It was like I didn't exist for parts of the day. I would go to school, return to my house and eat dinner without her saying a word or looking at me. At some point during high school, I started doing drugs like weed, marihuana, and crystallized meth. But exactly a year and a half ago, when I went into my hiding spot behind a wall outside of my high school where no one would see me smoke, someone was also there, but he wasn't smoking. He looked towards me, and weirdly enough, he started chatting with me.

Bill: What do you want?

???: I just wanted to talk a bit. Why do you ask

Bill: You followed me, didn't you?

???: O-oh, it was that obvious?

Bill: Well, no one knows about this place, minus me, so it was pretty obvious, yeah.

???: So, what's your name?

Bill: The name's William, but please, call me Bill

Bill: And what's your name?

???: My name is Ryan

Bill: So, Ryan, why did you follow me?

Ryan: As I said earlier, I wanted to talk a bit because I don't have any friends since I'm new here

Bill: Wow, you too?

Ryan: What do you mean by "you too"?

Bill: Well, I don't have friends either

I took some weed from my bag.

Bill: You want some?

Ryan: No thanks

Bill: Alright...

I put the weed that I took from my bag back inside it and closed it shut.

Ryan: Why do you smoke that stuff anyway?

Bill: This stuff helps me calm down

Ryan: Calm down from what

Bill: My mother has been stressing me out the last few months, and this shit helps me calm down

Ryan: How is she stressing you out exactly?

Bill: God, you're acting like a fucking therapist, but fine I'll tell you, but please, don't act like the others...

And then, I started to talk about everything that happened during the first few years of my suffering, as I like to call it. But this time, after I told the whole story, unlike the others, he didn't laugh or mock me but looked sad and concerned for me. I felt like I wasn't insane after all. I felt... normal again.


Bill looked at the three people sitting on the other three chairs. He expected them not to believe him, just like they did. But against all odds, they did the exact opposite of what he thought they would do. They trusted him and believed him, just like Ryan did.

Andrew sighed, stood up, and went towards the door, reaching for its knob.

"What are you doing, Andrew" Josh asked Andrew, who was trying to leave the room by the exit.

Andrew looked at the round wooden table and Josh with a tired look. "We need to discuss a plan to stop Him, but I can't think while sitting, so I suggest we talk about the plan while walking, and we can also search for tools that can help us," responded Andrew. Bill and Ryan looked at each other for a few seconds before standing up and walking towards the door. Mary followed right after Bill and Ryan did. Andrew smirked and opened the door. John rushed towards the group while walking up the stairs to go outside. Bill could hear a faint "WAIT FOR ME, GUYS!" behind him. After Josh joined the group, they opened the door and went outside. After a minute of silence, they started talking.

Josh: Not cool, guys, not cool

Mary: I found it funny when you ran just to go back with the group

Josh: Well, I didn't find it funny

Everyone started slowly walking towards the gun shop at the very end of the city.

Ryan: So, does someone here have a plan?

Bill: I have a plan

Andrew: Oh? You do? Well, that makes it easy.

Bill: I didn't say that it would work

Mary: Just say it already, you damn wanker

Bill: Alright, Alright, no need to be rude

Bill: So...

Josh: So?

Mary punched Josh's arm.

Josh: Hey, what was that for?!

Mary: Let him talk

Josh: Okay...

Bill: So, I was going to talk about the plan

Bill: Knowing Nittrius, he will most likely chase one of us if he sees us. So my plan would be that one of us will be used as bait to lead him somewhere. I think that the construction site would be perfect because there is a building with some iron bars on the top and a lot of space to trap him there. Two of us will be pushing the iron bars on him, one of us will be the one to activate the trap, and the two last people left will go on the hill near the construction site with a sniper so that they can shoot his skull if he does not go into the trap or if he survives.

Bill: But I don't know what kind of trap will work on him...

Mary: Why don't we set him on fire?

Bill: Well, we can. All we need is alcohol so that when we ignite the lighter that I have in my pocket, a more prominent area will be touched by the fire.

Andrew: I can just ask my mom for a bottle of Vodka

Josh: Vodka? Are you sure it will ignite? And how did your mom even get a bottle of Vodka, aren't the soviets not allowed here?

Andrew: Yeah, my mom knows how to make Vodka because my grandfather was Russian, and he taught her how to make Vodka.

Josh: I see, but you didn't answer my first question.

Andrew: It's alcohol. I'm sure it will ignite!

Josh: If you say so...

They then arrived at the gun shop, which was a little shop in a dark corner of the city. It wasn't cheap to buy a gun from there, but it was high quality, and the guns were often used for hunting animals in the forest. The group asked Josh to go in since he is legally an adult and he has a gun license. It took some time for him to accept to use HIS money to buy the gun.

~ Mary's POV~

After seeing Josh go to the gun shop, she started to doubt the morality of this whole plan. Were they really going to kill someone? Yes, he did terrible things in the past but were his crimes so bad that it was right to kill him? He did kill her friend, but wouldn't it be better if he was arrested rather than killed? At first, she was going to leave the plan right after everyone told their stories, but this idea changed after she heard what he did to Bill, torturing such a young child for something as little as an experiment. It was cruel, very cruel, and evil, but she still had doubts about the plan. She looked at Bill. She was curious about the relationship between him and Ryan. They were both with her and Andrew, waiting for Josh to return. She breathed in and out until her stress was gone, and when she wasn't stressed anymore, she started the conversation.

Mary: So Ryan, you two are friends, right?

Ryan: Yeah...

Mary: Aren't you both something more than just friends?

Ryan: No, Ewww, gross

Mary could hear the disgust in Ryan's voice. To be honest, she already knew that he would answer like that. She looked at Bill, but his reaction was very different. He looked... sad? Even hurt, she shrugged. It was probably nothing. Maybe he was just like her? Perhaps he wasn't so sure about killing him after all? She couldn't blame him since she was in the same situation as him.

Mary: Alright, dude, no need to be so rude.

Ryan: I'm not rude. I'm just spitting facts!

Andrew: Calm down, you two! If we start to fight, then we will not be able to do the plan!

Mary forgot that he was still here with them. He was right, they were going to do something precarious, and if they started to fight over some little unimportant details, then the plan would be harder to do.

Josh: Hey, guys! Guess what I got?

Josh: A fucking sniper!

Mary and Bill looked at Josh. He had a smirk on his face. He was holding a sniper capable of killing someone quickly and efficiently. He had to pay a lot of money to buy this kind of sniper since it was 35% more deadly than a standard sniper, but it was worth the money since even if he survived 2/3 of the plan, he would not be surviving one shot from this sniper.

And with that, the conversation between Ryan and Mary ended.

~ Josh's POV~

They walked towards the construction site to set up the whole plan. It took them 4 hours to take all the tools needed and 1 hour to plan the entire thing. They decided that this plan's rightful strategist and leader should be Bill. He was the one who thought of a way to kill Nittrius, he found the perfect place, and he planned how to do the plan with ideal efficiency. They waited until night to start the plan, precisely 10 PM. They took a total of 5 bottles of Vodka and other things that could help spread the fire in a big area, like gasoline. There were iron bars on the third floor of the unfinished building; just like Bill said, they looked around and saw a good place to pour the inflammable liquids. It was near the building, so they could mobilize Nittrius just before burning him. Like Bill said before they went to the construction site, "remember, if he does not go into the trap or if he manages to survive, shoot his skull with the sniper immediately."

When they entered the construction site, Ryan knew who should be at what job. He wanted Josh and Andrew to carry the iron bars on the unfinished building so they could throw them on Nittrius when the time came. Then he and Bill should go on the little hill near the forest near the construction site so they can shoot Nittrius with the sniper. Lastly, Mary will be the bait; she is faster than any of them and could use Bill's lighter immediately after Nittrius enters the trap.

After a little moment of preparing, one after one left to go to their places, leaving only Andrew and Josh to go to the third floor of the unfinished building. Luckily for them, the entrance of the building was open so that they could go up without much issue. They arrived quickly at the third floor. The third floor was so high that if you fell from this height, you would die immediately. There weren't any walls on this floor. You could see the iron bars near the edge of the building, Andrew went near one of the iron bars and tried to lift it, but of course, he couldn't lift it entirely, but he had the strength to drag it. They placed the iron bars so they could push them quickly on Nittrius when Nittrius came.

~ Bill's POV~

After they formed the groups, Bill and Ryan walked on a path so that they could go on the hill near the construction site. It took them 10 minutes to get there. Usually, the path would take 5 to 7 minutes to go there entirely, but it took them three more minutes because the sniper was a little heavier than it should be, but despite this, they were here before Mary activated the trap. They looked around to find the best spot to be in when Nittrius would come. They then settled quickly after finding the perfect place. To lighten up the mood, Bill started talking to Ryan.

Bill: Hey Ryan!

Ryan: What do you need, Bill?

Bill: A week ago, you told me that your parents were coming back in one week and a half

Ryan: Yeah, what about it?

Bill: When they return from work, do you think I can meet them at your house?

Bill: Also, I wanted to go to your house since you never told me or asked me to hang out in your home.

Ryan: Yeah, you can go to my house, but only when they come back...

Bill: Great! Now, can you tell me when you see them coming here?

Ryan: Yeah, don't worry, I will...

Ryan: It's my job anyways, so of course, I will do it

Bill: Thank you...

Ryan: Yeah, no problem...

~ Mary's POV~

She was shaking a lot, not because she was cold or something similar to that. She was scared to meet the person who slaughtered her friend Jack. No one knew if she would survive meeting him for the second time, but if she did, no one would ever be hurt again. She gulped and then started to walk towards the door. After every step she made, she began to shake more and more. She froze when she finally went near enough to knock on the door. "What if I fail?" she thought, she didn't want to die, and she knew that if she failed to lure him, then it would not be him but her that would die. The second she knocks, she will have to run faster than before. If she ran as fast as she could, she would take 20 seconds to enter the trap she and her friends made. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door...

Knock, knock, knock...

She walked away, still looking at the door, prepared to run as fast as possible, but she stopped after 3 seconds, "Did I bump into someone?" she thought to herself. She slowly looked at who she bumped into. When she found out who she bumped into, shivers went all over her body... she bumped into Nittrius...

Her eyes widened, and in an instant, she ran away from the house, going as fast as she could. The only thing she thought about at this moment was that if she stopped, it would be over; she would die. She rapidly took Bill's lighter hiding in her pocket and lighted it up. She could see that the construction site was near her, so she started to run even faster. When she reached the trap, she threw the lighter at the inflammable liquid, igniting it. After running for 3 seconds, she stopped and looked back at where the trap was. The fire was gigantic. You could see the fire from very far away. That's how big the fire was, and in the middle was positioned Nittrius. She looked at the third floor of the building where Andrew and Josh were. She then saw iron bars falling on Nittrius, stopping Nittrius from moving his legs. Was it finished, was he gone?

~No one's POV~

Nittrius's legs were crushed by the heavy iron bars, and the fire burned his whole body. Mary slowly approached the fading fire to see if he was indeed dead. Bill wasn't sure if he was actually dead, while Andrew and Josh were happier than ever. The five friends' joy disappeared simultaneously as the fire, and a loud noise was heard near Mary. It was the sound of a gunshot, Nittrius was still alive, and he had just shot Mary in the heart. Against all odds, he survived, but not intact. His body was covered in burned marks, his right arm was entirely burned, his two legs were dislocated, and his face... his mask was burned to ashes making it possible for everyone to see his face. No sane person would want to see it... the skin of the left side of his mouth was burned, letting everyone see his muscle system. His left eye had a gaping hole instead of an actual eye. There was also a scar on his left eye that was so big that it only stopped at the middle of his left cheek. A smile grew on his destroyed face, a grin so big that it looked unnatural and uncanny. He looked at his dislocated legs, and in five seconds, he "repaired" his legs back to where they were before. The sound of the bones cracking was heard from afar. It was so loud that even Bill and Ryan could hear it faintly. He looked up to where the iron bars were thrown from and saw two people, those two people were Andrew and Josh, and in an instant, Nittrius shot Josh in the skull, making him fall to his death, accompanied by Andrew, that lost balance after he got scared by the gunshot that went to kill his other friend...

~ Bill's POV~

His hands were shaking. He had just seen the death of Nittrius, "was it over?" he thought. He started to smile at the same time as Andrew and Josh. Even though he didn't believe he died, he was delighted with just the fact that he could have died, but of course, he didn't... His eyes widened as the sound of a gunshot was heard around him. He then saw the body of Mary fall forward toward where Nittrius was. Bill could see the wound made from the bullet on her back. His hands were shaking even more. He couldn't aim the sniper at Nittrius's head properly because of how scared he was. Then, right after the first gunshot happened, another one occurred, and this time it was directed at Josh. The shot destroyed the interior of his brain. Bill could see his body fall from the building with Andrew following him. He died after he fell down the building and landed on the iron bars. This scenery shocked Bill to the core; he made new friends, and all those friends died, killed by the same man who ruined his whole life...

He had had enough. He didn't want someone to die at the hands of Nittrius, he aimed perfectly at Nittrius's head, and as he was about to pull the trigger to finish the suffering of possibly thousands of humans, someone kicked him on his left side, making him drop the sniper he had in his hands, who kicked him? Who would stop him from finally ending the man that ruined people's life? He looked slowly at the man on his left. He was hesitant to look, but he did anyway, and what he saw shocked him even more than the death of all his friends... The man that stopped him from finishing Nittrius off was Ryan... the man that helped him through the darkest moment in his life, his only friend, was working with Nittrius all along... Bill looked at Ryan's eyes to only see eyes filled with no emotion. A little smirk grew on Ryan's face; it looked like he was mocking Bill. Bill stood up. If it were anyone else that would be the traitor, he would have fought the person, but the difference was that he didn't have the heart to fight what he thought was his best friend, and instead of fighting Ryan, he ran as fast as possible to the forest behind him, making sure that no one finds a way to follow him, seconds after seconds, Bill slowly faded into the forest...

~ Ryan's POV~

He looked at Bill, who was running away from him. He never thought of Bill as a friend and instead thought of him as a fool for trusting him just because he told him how Nittrius kidnapped him and took pity on him. He looked at Nittrius, who was severely injured, "was it what he wanted?" thought Ryan. He had told Nittrius about the whole plan one hour before it started, but why would he follow through with the plan? "I guess that is something that I will not understand about Mister Nittrius" he muttered out loud.

Ryan started going down the hill and walked towards the injured Nittrius. He had some bandages on him to help Nittrius if he was injured. Ryan could've killed Bill, but he wasn't much of a threat to even try. He looked at Nittrius and started a small conversation...

Ryan: Mister Nittrius, are you okay?

Nittrius: I am feeling normal.

Ryan: What are we going to do about Bill?

Nittrius: Do you mean William?

Ryan: Yes

Nittrius: Don't worry, he isn't much of a threat anymore

Ryan: Alright...

Nittrius: What makes you good at your job is the fact that you have a patience, similar to me

Nittrius: You waited an entire year so that you could sabotage their plan of killing me

Nittrius: I am impressed

Ryan: Thank you mister Nittrius

Ryan: And mister Nittrius

Nittrius: What is it?

Ryan: Is it time for us to finally start it?

Nittrius: Yes, absolutely...

Nittrius looked at the moon and smirked.

Nittrius: It is time for us to start our Final Plan...

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