The Tales of the masked man

By GoldIsDaHooman

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The Tales of a man so insane that he decided to temper with the unnatural. Stories hear from near and afar ar... More

The Story Behind an Unsolved Crime
A Gruesome End
The Final Plan
How do the masks work? (not a part of the story!)


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By GoldIsDaHooman

This story start in a place, more precisely, in the United States, all takes place in a British family, a family constituted of a father, a mother, and two twin brothers. Wait, twin brothers? That doesn't seem right. They are very similar, but the similarities only apply to the outside

because their personalities are very different. The twin had both straight hairs, but their hairs

had different colors. The tallest had black hair while the other had brown hair. They didn't

dislike each other because they had a bitter hatred for someone else, their parents. They

weren't good people, and their marriage could be summarized as "a greedy woman married a

greedy man." They never wanted the twins, but they had to keep them because if they

didn't, their popularity would drop very low since everyone in their neighborhood knew

about the twins, and the parents adored popularity, so they decided to keep them even if

They didn't want to.


"Nittrius!" the mother yelled. She was getting more and more annoyed as the taller twin,

Nittrius, wouldn't wake up, "is he deaf?" she thought. It wasn't the first time she was

screaming his name this early. She then walked to Nittrius and Nils bedroom. She was

pissed that it was the third time she had to make any efforts for what she

called her sons "brats." Step by step, she was getting closer to the bedroom, when she

arrived right in front of the bedroom's door, she prepared herself to punish them severally

for not behaving well. She quickly opened the door to see that they weren't in their rooms,

where were they?

She heard noises coming from the kitchen, footsteps, and they were coming closer and closer to her. She was getting nervous because it didn't sound like her son's footsteps, so who was

coming toward her?

A man with a gray and black striped sweater came with a mug full of coffee. It was her

husband, Jonathan. "What are you doing near the room of those brats," he said with a calm

and intrigued voice, "have you been sleeping well, honey?" he asked. It was evident that her

wife, Rose, hadn't gotten enough sleep this week. "And to answer your question, I was about to wake those brats up and-" " They are at school." Rose was relieved. She was very popular in her neighborhood, and she is trying to keep it that way. She didn't want them to

disappear just like that; it would be bad for their reputation.


Nils was excited to go to school since tomorrow was the final day of high school. He was so

happy that he was about to start singing if they didn't arrive in time. Nittrius, on the other

hand, wasn't excited or sad that it was the end of high school. Nittrius, like every day, had a

black book in his hand; it was the same color as his pants and a white chemise. It wasn't the

ideal thing to wear, but it was the only thing that could fit him right now. His brother wore

a very similar outfit since their parents wouldn't buy different clothing. The only

difference in terms of clothing is that Nils has a brown scarf, an old lady gave it to him after

he helped her clean her backyard one time, so she created this scarf as a reward for his help.

Nils and Nittrius had a weird sight when they entered the high school. There was almost no

one in the school, maybe they came too early or too late? They decided to go to their class.

As usual, they didn't know if they were late or not. Their class does have an old clock,

so going to class is the best way to look up what time it is.

They opened the classroom door slowly and carefully. Nittrius entered the door and only

saw the teacher. She wasn't a bad teacher, she knew her job very well and explained

it to the students in a way that everyone could understand, but she did have a smile that

could give you some goosebumps, the only person that didn't seem to be scared of her smile was Nittrius.

Nils then entered the room and looked at the clock, "10 AM" it seemed like they were on

time, but why did no one come today? Nils didn't know. He looked around the old

classroom. The janitor had just cleaned the old desks, he looked at the very back of the

class and saw something that he wasn't expecting, there were people! He looked closely and

counted around five people. He recognizes two of the people. One of the two was called Jim, and the other was called Dave, or at least, it's not his real name, because his real name is

David, but the school and himself prefer to call him Dave rather than David. Nittrius walked near Nils. He talked to the teacher, and, apparently, since it is the last week of high school, the students are allowed not to come this week. And since there was nothing left to do, the principal allowed them to roam around the school.

Nils had the idea to take everything in his locker since he should've done that three

days ago. He ambled towards his locker. He was humming happily through the corridor. As he walked closer and closer to it, he had this weird feeling, like he was being

followed. When he was about to open his locker, he thought he heard someone walk right

behind him, but it could only be his imagination, maybe it was someone walking through the corridor? why would he care about a random person walking through the hallway for reasons that didn't include him. He opened his locker and took things still in it, like his English books and photos that he took during December, and kept them in his locker because he couldn't put them anywhere in his room. Nils closed the locker and turned to his left so he could go back to the class.

Suddenly, Nils got punched on his head, making him fall on the dirty ground. In a matter of seconds, he felt a tremendous pain in his left leg, and he couldn't scream or see the faces of the people who were attacking him. He didn't have time to understand what was happening.


Nittrius got up and opened the door leading to the main hallway. Since they could go almost

anywhere they wanted in the school. He would go to the library to pick up some books about anatomy or any other books about a similar topic. He left the classroom and walked through the hallway. After a minute, he found the library door. It wasn't far away

from the lockers, so he decided to take a quick look to see if Nils was near just to know where

he was. When he looked at Nils locker, he saw something. Nils was getting attacked by

Jim. He was pushing Nils head on the floor, and he put all his mass on Nils left leg, which is

undoubtedly painful. He is almost taller than Nittrius, which at that time, Nittrius was 6'3. But instead of going toward his brother and helped him, Nittrius was satisfied with what he saw, and a large smile grew on Nittrius. It seemed like Nittrius was happy. His smile looked similar to a child who celebrates their first birthday gifts. He looked around the scene and saw Dave, who was not far away from Dave, And just like Jim, he was helping Jim by pushing further Nils left leg.

Nittrius waved at Nils and walked into the library. It was the first time that Nittrius was truly happy.

The journey ended, Nittrius got called by the Nursery. Apparently, a student found Nils

knocked out on the floor; he had a bloody nose and a broken leg. Nittrius put Nils on his back

home because he can't properly walk, "Thanks, Nittrius! Without you, I couldn't go home and

I would have to be stuck at school," he told Nittrius, Nittrius sighted. "Bloody hell, do you not

know what a brother is, mate?" questioned Nittrius, since Nils taught him how to be a good brother, so it seemed bizarre that he would just forget that he would forget that.

After a long walk, they were near their home, it was not the most reassuring home created,

but it was the only place that they could live in. He walked slowly towards the door. He was

uncertain about what would happen after he opened the door. After a moment of thinking,

Nittrius opened the black door. When they opened it, they saw someone waiting for them,

their father. He looked pretty mad. Nils was scared that his father would attack them.

Nittrius tried to walk toward their room, but when they were almost near their door, they

heard someone walking towards them, Nittrius turned and saw their father, Johnatan.

"What are you two doing?!" the man yelled. Nils started to shake in fear, "We were

going to our room," the scared boy responded. When Nils responded to his question,

he became angrier and angrier. He walked back to the living room and smashed the table in anger; the table broke on the impact of his fist.

The noise was deafening. You could probably hear it from outside. Johnatan

slowly turned his head to the two boys. Nils decided to make himself as little as

possible so his father won't yell at them even more. "I don't know why I decided to

use MY money for you, brat!" the man yelled. Nittrius opened the door and entered

with Nils, and he then closed it as fast as he opened it. He took the key and locked the

door shut. He didn't want to hear the screams of his father furthermore. Luckily,

since Nils and Nittrius skipped lunch because of Nils's injury, the school decided to give

them leftover food from lunch that was still eatable and enjoyable. Who would say

no to lasagnas? So, Nittrius opened the box with the leftover lasagnas. He also had

two forks and two knives that he picked up from the kitchen yesterday. All he needed

was a plate. He was questioning himself if he should go out and take some plates

from the kitchen but then realized that he could use the metal box and its cover to

make two plates. They were lucky to have a food source today since it's rare for them to eat something after an incident such as this.

After they ate their food, Nils and Nittrius decided to open the door, but before they

had to take a shower, and so they did. after everything that happened, they were

tired, they had to rest mentally for Nils since he got punched, kicked, smashed and got his left leg broken in 20 minutes straight, while, Nittrius had to rest physically since

he had to pick up his brother across almost the entire city in under 20 minutes.

The next day, Rose was waked up by the sound of someone knocking on the door. Who would bother her at this hour? She started walking towards the door. The knocking became more and more persistent. When she reached the door, she

opened it. She was annoyed that someone would want to disturb her at this time.

When the door opened, she saw a policeman standing on her porch. She was getting more and more scared as the silence between the two continued when finally,

the policeman cut the silence of finally spoke, "is this the Mortuus household?" the policeman asked. Rose looked around to see if more cops were with him. After a minute, she finally answered, "Yes, it is. What is the problem, sir?" she

responded. It was evident that the man was here because of something that had happened yesterday. "There were some reports of loud noises coming from this

house. Could you confirm if this is, in fact, the right house?". Rose was sweating from

stress. What if he found out? What would happen to them? What would everyone

think of them? She quickly thought of a response that could put them out of this

problem. "I can say that I do not think this is the right house. I wasn't home now, but I knew that my husband, Johnathan, heard loud noises coming from the

next door. I think it was the Jamesons, if I remember well. And, from what

I heard, they are quite abusive with their step-son," Rose responded. She thought of a

long lie-in in under a minute. It was not entirely a lie since the Jamesons were

abusive towards their kids, so she didn't see a problem telling this secret. The

policeman nodded and left the porch. She decided not to tell anyone about the

conversation between her and the policeman because she didn't

want to make her husband angrier. He was already pissed, so she didn't want him

to break another table. The day wasn't very eventful for the family; the only

difference was that, instead of reading books, Nittrius was helping his brother move

through the house since their parents didn't buy crutches for Nils. The night settled as

fast as the silence in the house, no one had a reason to be mad about something, so it

was great for the family since it's rare for the father not to find a reason to

be angry about something. The next day arrived. It was a rainy day. The rain didn't

seem to stop. It made Johnatan mad since he hated the sound of the rain. Nils woke

up just before Nittrius, so he decided to try and go to the living room to greet his

parents. When he arrived in the living room, he immediately sensed that he

shouldn't talk much with his dad. So he decided to first say hello to his mother, he

walked difficultly towards his mother, when he came near his mother, he said hello

to her then started walking towards his father. When Nils finally went near his father,

he decided not to talk but said hello to him with his right hand. His father wasn't

happy to be bothered by someone, especially his son. He looked at him furiously. It

seemed like it would have been a good idea not to talk with him or come near him.

Johnathan took Nils's wrist and opened his mouth to say something but was

interrupted by the sound of a door closing shut, Nils and Johnathan looked at where

the sound was and saw Nittrius. He was walking toward his father. "Good Morning

Fath-"Nittrius couldn't finish his phrase that his father, armed with a knife, planted it

in Nittrius's left eye, and when Johnathan took the knife out of Nittrius's eyeball, it (the

eyeball) got scooped out of its orbit, an average child would've screamed or reacted

badly at the pain of losing an entire eye so violently, but Nittrius didn't respond as

expected, he started smiling wickedly towards his father, but it seemed like it was only him that saw the intent in Nittrius's smile because Nils and Rose thought that, Nittrius was trying to seem fine, but honestly, it wasn't that. His smile was made of pure evilness.

After the accident, Nittrius was locked with Nils in their room. Locked is not the right

word, but you could say that they weren't allowed to go outside. Rose did give them.

Some food and water, but nothing more than that. The rain stopped as the moonrise

from the sky, after eleven PM, everyone went to sleep, well, almost everyone...

Nils woke up from his slumber. He had a dream where someone was walking around the

house, and the footsteps were echoing through the hallway. Of course, it was just a dream, but it did scare him a bit. He closed his eyes, trying to sleep again, then the silence of the night broke. Noises were coming from the hallway, footsteps. Did he hear that correctly? Maybe he was just dreaming, I mean, he did not sleep well last night, so perhaps he just misheard something? He closed his eyes once more and decided to keep them shut. He once heard a noise, but it was not coming from the hallway but their bedroom door this time. Maybe Nittrius went out of the room to do something. He looked to his left to see if Nittrius

was awake. When he looked to his left to look at the bed opposite the room, he

looked closely to see if he could see Nittrius. But then he got stopped by forces coming from

in front of him. He was stabbed right through the heart without knowing who killed him.


Johnathan was sleeping peacefully, but after some minutes he woke up because of a weird

noise coming from his bedroom, it seemed like water drop noises, is there a problem with

the plumbery? It seemed so because he heard water dripping from somewhere in the

bedroom. He also noticed that he had problems with breathing. He didn't have asthma, so it

couldn't be that. He decided to leave his bed, but weirdly enough, he couldn't. Every time he

tried to move his wrists or legs, he felt terrible pain that would stun anyone from pain. He

couldn't see very well since he didn't have his glasses, but he could still see a little bit. He then

started feeling tremendous pain in his neck. He didn't feel that pain before. Did someone

just attack him? He couldn't tell, he began to look near his chest to see if someone was

there, and at that moment, he finally saw who had attacked him, Nittrius. He could only see his face. The only thing that did scare him was his malicious smile. It looked like he was truly happy. It would've been great if he wasn't smiling at this current moment. Johnathan looked to his left to see if Rose noticed anything or if she was awake. But when he turned his head on the left, he saw his wife dead, the water drops were not water but blood. The blood was coming from the neck of her fiancé, Rose. Her eyes were lifeless, and before Johnathan could attack Nittrius,

Johnathan died of blood loss. There was only one person who was still alive in the Mortuus

Household. It was Nittrius. His smile grew bigger and bigger as he saw the knife in his

hands covered in blood, the blood of the unworthy because he decided to use a machete

for the only worthy one. His brother was the only person he knew well. He also wanted to

end their parent's life, but his fears took over him, and he decided not to continue towards

this plan. Nittrius does not feel fear, sadness, anger, or disgust. The only emotion he truly

felt was happiness, some people would think that happiness means good intentions, but

Nittrius only finds happiness in the suffering of another being. Nittrius sighted, it took a long

time for this plan to work. Who would have thought he made that plan nine years ago

when he was only six years old. Nittrius walked towards his and Nils bedroom. He looked

towards Nils body. He decided to finish his plan once and for all. He took the body to the

family's secret basement, Nittrius and his uncle were building some sculptures there, but

he wasn't here to build mere statues this time. He had put Nils body on a long table and

started to work. He picked up a sawmill and cut Nils head off his body. He then took a

scalpel from his father's workplace and started cutting the skin and muscles off Nils body. He continued until the only thing that remained of the head was the skull. And then, he

finished the job by remodeling the bones of his body and skull and merging them until the

product was finally done. And finally, it was done, Nittrius took the white mask made out of

bones, but it seemed much empty. It needed something more. He then saw the blood of Nils

coming out of the body, which gave him the idea to draw with Nils blood. He draws two big

eyes and a big smile, similar to his smile of true happiness. He waited for 3 hours until the

blood became black, and finally, he wore it. He could see quite generally, so it was great.


Jim woke up. It was now the final day of high school, next year, he would no longer be in

this high school, but he will be in a college. And since it was the final day, everyone had to

be here. Jim got out of his bed, wore his favorite gray sweater, and headed to high

school. When he went to class, he saw everyone, but he felt like someone was missing. He

looked left and right and noticed that two people were missing, Nils and Nittrius. Jim heard a

noise coming from behind him. It was a door, and someone opened it. He looked behind him and saw a tall man wearing a white mask with two big black circles as eyes and a big black smile.

Jim suddenly stands up, "Who is this person," Jim asked. He had never seen this guy before. Was it a transfer student? The teacher looked quite sad, and he didn't know why. He thought it was because it was the end of the year, but it seemed different. "It's

Nittrius, Jim. Don't you recognize him?" the teacher responded. "But where is Nils?" Jim asked "He is. Unfortunately, dead," the teacher answered again. "Dead?!" Jim thought. He was shocked and confused at the same time. How did he die? Why did he die? Was it his fault?

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