KNY Fanfiction - The Last Bre...

Por RasshuBenaio

989 12 19

"Demons and humans... We place labels on them such as good and evil though there is no such thing" Between 20... Mais

Gentle Breeze
Inside the Lion's Maw
Fanged Demon
Silver Wind
Past Wind Hashira
Now a Demon slayer
Sakonji the Water Pillar
Flame "Samurai"
Gyutaro Shabana
Returning Home
A Demonic Hashira
Frigid Cold vs Rampant Heat
Where the Waterfall Lilies Lie
To See You Happy
"It's Fresh"
Harsh Waters Ahead!
Sadistic but Innocent Smile
Inner Carnage
A date under the moonlight
After everything... I stand before you
(Artist section)

A Lion's NightLife

26 0 0
Por RasshuBenaio

Walking down the path along with Sakonji, Rasshu looks further ahead to see Daichi waiting outside along with his crows... Happily waving at the young man, Rasshu exclaims that the mission was successfully completed without any casualties, dawning a cheerful face as she happily nudges Sakonji around! Daichi looks pleased, happy to know that his choice of sending the two slayers was a good one, after all, getting up to meet the slayers. Daichi walks slowly toward Rasshu, as he holds something in his hand... Daichi smiles while he looks into Rasshu's signature staring eyes as he beholds her a piece of paper with a gold outline embroidered on it as he cheerfully declares Rasshu to be the newest member of the hashira rank! She jolts up as she completely forgot about that mission being her last mission before her official dubbing as one of the great slayers! Though a slightly embarrassed expression dawns on her as she might be one of the weakest hashiras... at least she's a hashira right?

Accepting the paper in her hands, Daichi Ubuyashiki stands up straight and invites the two hashira for a cup of tea, and they both accept. But while the duo sits, Neither of them actually drink the warm beverage as they would need to remove their mask, plus Rasshu doesn't favor any type of tea, to Daichi's dismay. Regardless, Daichi takes this time to explain all of the quirks that come with being a hashira, and Sakonji spaces out, listening to the young master's soft voice... Daichi starts to get excited as he starts to explain how hashiras have the choice to set up a mansion in the area that they are assigned to and how she can finally start passing down that unique "bravery" style of hers. Funnily, the thought of Rasshu teaching her very own student makes her nauseous, to Sakonji's delight as he chuckles! She begins to get really antsy as she starts to overthink all the possibilities of this going wrong as a comforting hand rests on her shoulder; Sakonji states that if he taught her then she can probably teach students too...

After the three "finish" up their tea break, Daichi gets up and starts to walk down a closed-off area while Rasshu and Sakonji followed suit... She always wondered to herself where this road would lead to as they come up on this big patch of land surrounded by long, thick vine-like trees adorn with a few red lily-like flowers that seemed to glow faintly. Her eyes look at the open field as Daichi assigns her this land... the land that once belonged to a hashira that made their own breathing style based on the wind one respectively, just like Bravery breathing! Daichi gently pats Sakonji requesting if he's ok with Rasshu staying at his manor just a little longer until hers is done being made, as Sakonji bows exclaiming that he wouldn't mind.

Later that afternoon, Rasshu excitedly tweaks the design of the base design of her manor as she doesn't want any place too flashy even if her assigned district is known to be the flashiest one out there, the entertainment district! Known for its festivals and big cities, Rasshu seems a bit conflicted about why she ( the most socially inept hashira) was picked to look over this district but Daichi seems to know best so she reluctantly took it... finishing the mansion design, she sends the plans via crow as she lovingly thanks the blackbird for being dependable like always~ Sitting alone with her friend, Rasshu starts to question Sakonji about the roles and responsibilities of being a Hashira? It turns out a hashira is viewed as one of the strongest slayers as they usually have the power to defeat a lower-ranked demon or might have special abilities that set them off from the rest... Hashiras are most likely the ones to die on their missions due to them dealing with demons that are exclusive, highly-ranked in danger status. But to balance it out, S ranks are very few and far in between... And to Rasshu's dismay (or delight since no one can truly tell what her expression is at times); All hashira are certified in teaching their own breathing styles! While explaining all of the changes that Rasshu would be dealing with, he feels a slight change in atmosphere as he looks at Rasshu; she's glaring off with a worried expression etched on her face... Sakonji rubs her shoulders, trying to calm her down as becoming a hashira is nothing to be stressed about, it's only natural evolution for the slayers... and if she's ever ready or content with her success, she can always retire! They both chuckle a bit as they promise each other when they get older they'll retire together and whoever has the most kill counts is the best hashira in the world!!! Sakonji proudly mocks his friend as he puts on a gallant pose, claiming that when he wins he finally gets to beat her up for all of that bullying she's been doing! All of those random sneak attacks, hiding his red tengu masks when he's sleeping, picking on his plain face, and pulling his hair!? It's all gonna come back and hit Rasshu like a steam train when he finally wins!!! The two laughs as everything fades like a memory...

a few more years have passed as Rasshu holds her own in her place; the Lion's Manor. The manor looks like a sleek building with sharp edges and a dark red, gold, and black color scheme... resembling nothing ever seen in Japan.... Many new demon slayers visit this place for training and when they walk in they are greeted with a purple outfit that hangs on the wall of the building... the same outfit that her late brother used to wear during his training... but besides that, the manor was the perfect size when it came to her training! She would become known as the strict teacher that slashes her pupils with her wooden stick if any student was being unruly! And among the hashira, she didn't talk to many except Sakonji, often forgetting the names of the others but she was viewed as nice overall! As with her being the second oldest hashira, she was often paired up with everyone. Daichi would realize how well she adapted to others in a mission, usually bending her forms to accommodate her teammate's styles, it was a sight to behold! Lastly, with her being older than most, she would often be seen secretly roaming the Demon Slayer Foundation at night, keeping watch while everyone slept, seemingly being accompanied by Daichi as they would talk about a plethora of topics.

Returning back to Rasshu in the current day. The Bravery Hashira, sitting on the roof of her building, looks at her students below as they enjoy their break time... but while sitting under the hot light of the bright sun above, one of Daichi's crows land next to the bravery hashira as she gently pets its head... the crow fluffs up its feathers as it relays the message sent, "an abundance of recent demon sightings in region C: entertainment district! Rasshu Benaio has been requested to go in solo and put an end to the commotion! The estimated culprit: a tall and absurdly-lean demon that has been spotted around the area!" The Hashira nods to the crow and accepts the mission as she jumps down into the training field below, alarming her students! She puts her hand up demanding everyone's undivided attention as she cancels the classes until she returns, dismissing her class she returns to her manor, packing some belongings since this might be a long mission from how the culprit isn't set in stone and there seem to be low sightings of that demon, making the hashira question if he is real and not some person running around... getting ready to set off on the journey to her district, she is escorted to the train station by Sakonji; her best friend but recently a crush of hers. Sakonji just caught wind that Rasshu was going on a surveillance mission as he explains that they are pretty low-risk, high-reward missions. Usually, these missions are just false claims that take a month or two to be finished so it's like a mini-vacation in his eyes! The lady hashira chuckles a bit as she exclaims if she doesn't make it back, he'll have to pick up the slack and start teaching again! Both waving to each other as the train departs with Rasshu in it!

Listening to the bustle of the train carts, Rasshu looks beyond the window, looking at the scenery passing by her as the landscapes mix into each other... She laments to herself as she wonders where she's going to stay, whether will she be feared because of her appearance, and how lonely is it going to be...? Shifting in her seat she puts her hand on her sword hilt and rests her eyes... drifting in her dreams, her body lays relaxed in her seat, and then *BAM* her head hits the seat in front of her as she is rudely awakened from the brakes of the train! Hearing the intercom blare loudly above her it calls out the destination: Entertainment district, Yoshiwara city! The tallish hashira gathers her bags as she stumbles off into the bustling city! The hashira's eyes gleam at the packed roads and the loud noises as her memories flood in. The last time she was here was when she first became a hashira, she and her buddy; Sakonji traveled throughout this assigned region to help her get a feel for her duties and this city was one of the last stops during that trip. Yoshiwara was a city known for having the most lavish and highly praised citizens in the world as this city was considered to be quite the rich area but what no one talks about is the dark underbelly that permeated through the back alleys; the poor living conditions, the high pollution rates, the high rates of abuse and sex trafficking, even the big celebrities that live here try to stay away from those sides of the city. Walking among the crowded roads, Rasshu holds fast to her map desperately as she attempts to locate where her temporary lodge is... but each time she makes progress, she is swiftly distracted by some unruly citizen or some big booming sound! The hashira tries to keep up a strong and stern appearance but the more she stays out in this mess of a place, the more her stature wobbles and her senses dull. Looking solemnly up at the sky, she looks at the sunset as the night lights begin to cut on one by one and more people start to flood the streets! As if this couldn't get any worse, Rasshu violently gets shoved into another person in front of her as the map gets blown out of her hands into the air above! After her embarrassing fall, the tall lady stumbles up as she brushes the dirt off of her black uniform just to realize what happened to her... Frantically, she scans the nearby area to find any resemblance to a map but after a few minutes of trying to find it, she gives up and starts to freely roam the cramped streets...

Occasionally stopping to ask shopkeepers directions to the hotel she was going to stay in, she finally pieced together that she was only a few miles away from her destination! Happily, she clutched her bag as she walked among the people but while she was approaching her street, something caught her eye... A large burly looking man cornering a fragile-looking lady in front of a pretty-looking building... Slowing down a great bit, the hashira slowly moved into earshot of the conversation and she quickly realized what was happening! This so-called man was drunk and berating the pretty lady standing before him. Nearly spewing out gibberish, the drunken man waved his barely empty bottle around the lady's face as he cursed at her, calling her a good-for-nothing hag that is too uppity to make for a good wife! Lifting the bottle up, the man swings at the young lady but with the swiftness of the wind, Rasshu appears in front of the lady and viciously intercepts the bottle with pure force! Shocking the drunk, Rasshu silently glares into the man's soul with utter malicious intent prompting the man to back off begrudgingly but as he looks at Rasshu's body, he spots her katanas! With a scowl, the drunken man wobbles backward and curses at the hashira, believing her to be this young lady's pimp or something and with a stumble, the drunk makes his way away from the domineering demon slayer... Watching the man intently until he's out of sight, Rasshu then turns towards the young lady... A pale-skinned woman with green eyes, long black hair, and a beautiful pink and white gown... bending down to meet the woman's height, Rasshu puts her hand on the lady's arm to check for any wounds but with a swift sting, the hashira is met with a horrendous slap across her face! Holding her cheek with shock in her eyes, Rasshu angrily shouts at the woman!



Rasshu: For fuck sake then... What's your damn name?

Daki: Like I'd tell a peasant like you but since you did handle that unruly man for me I guess you should have the honor to know... I am Daki, the future Orian of this establishment!

Rasshu: what the hell is an Orian...

Daki: ...

Looking at the tall golden-skinned woman, Daki's eyes grew shocked as her face began to warm up from second-hand shame... but before Rasshu could repeat the question again, Daki grabbed the hashira's uniform collar and dragged the girl into the brothel where she worked at. Now alone in the young lady's room, they both sit down as Daki looks on in frustration at the confused woman that sits before her very eyes... Questioning the validity of Rasshu's mindset, Daki calmly asks Rasshu to repeat her previous question but when she reminds the young lady of it... It sends Daki into another bought of frustration!

Daki: How can someone so old not know what an Orion is?

Rasshu: Eh? Why is that such a problem huh? Is an Orion like a big job position or something? Are you trying to be the manager of this place?

Daki: ACK- Of course not!? WAIT, do you even know where you are? Do you even think? Like look at my dress and tell me you don't know what I do?

Rasshu: What are you talking about?! You just look like some lady in heavy makeup and a pretty long dress!? DO I LOOK LIKE I KNOW ABOUT JOBS THAT NEED YOU TO LOOK PRETTY?!



Daki: I- I... I HAVE YOU KNOW... that I perform the highest form of pleasurable activities with customers of the highest social status!

Rasshu: Like that drunk man-

Daki: SHUT IT BEFORE I CUT YOUR THROAT! Ughh... It's just been hard recently...

Rasshu: recently...?

Daki: nevermind... your too dense to understand anyway... it's too complicated for someone like you...

Rasshu: ... well then ... I'll leave you be then... stay safe...

With a tense atmosphere surrounding the two women, Rasshu finally gets up to find that hotel of hers but before she gets to the sliding door Daki pipes up. With a begrudging expression, Daki thanks the tired hashira for dealing with that brute drunk from earlier. And responding according, Rasshu pauses and does a slight head nod as she slides open the room's door. Finally leaving out the room, Rasshu makes her way out of the brothel and back into the busy lights of the city but as she looks around, her memory fails her and she starts to panic a bit... She can't remember where her hotel was supposed to be! After staring at the bustling crowded road, she takes a big breath as she steps into the road but as soon as she does, someone yanks her uniform collar causing her to jolt! Looking back, Rasshu meets the frustrated glare of an angry Daki! With no remorse, the young lady starts to berate the hashira for standing in shock for so long in front of the brothel! She's legit, scaring her customers away with that ugly style of hers! Rasshu glares at the nagging lady as she explains that she's trying to find a specific hotel around this area, it's just... the city life is kinda... new to her... Looking up at the bright moon, Daki pinches her own head and takes a big deep sigh while she grabs the confused hashira's arm. Displaying such aggression and harshness, Daki pushes her way through the massive amount of people as she guides the awkward lady to a hotel down the road. Helping the inexperienced hashira, Daki helps Rasshu get checked into her room as they start to talk a bit... And finally, after everything is done and Daki is about to leave Rasshu alone, the pretty lady begins to crack a small smile as she claims that they are even now... but if Rasshu gets lost again... she can always visit her at the brothel down the street... since shes nice and all, Daki claims that if Rasshu is up for it, Daki can teach Rasshu about the ways of the city and all Rasshu has to do is keep protecting her from stupid customers... Nodding, they both agree and make the deal.

It's been a month now, and as Rasshu sits atop a building hidden in the shadows of the night sky, she starts to doubt the demon sightings... No sighting of that demon anywhere at all, though some of these citizens might need some patrolling from time to time. Listening to the many sounds of the city, Rasshu looks toward Daki's brothel as she wonders about her boisterous friend. Ever since she met Daki, Rasshu has been very watchful, often making sure Daki didn't get into any big problems while she went out to find new customers. And when they weren't working they always met up at night often talking the nights away. Overjoyed, Rasshu was actually one of Daki's few genuine friends that actually cared about her for her and not her looks, while Daki secretly adored her new buddy just as much... but Daki doesn't know something... Rasshu has to leave sooner or later... and it's getting around that time to leave as it's becoming clear to the hashira that there was never any demon to be found in this city. The only trouble Rasshu had the misfortune of encountering was the many sleazy humans that roamed the dark back alleys of the dark city. Finally making the decision, Rasshu sits up and sneaks into the window of Daki's brothel room but as soon as she climbs in, someone drags her to the ground and clubs her upside the head! Comically whining, Rasshu hisses at the pain with an outraged Daki standing over her wielding a big sandal!



Rasshu: I already know your schedule! Stop acting like you weren't slacking off anyway! Plus... I felt like you needed to know something

Daki: Rasshu, What is so important that you needed to sneak into my window unwarranted?

Rasshu: I'm going back home soon... like... moving away from this city as a whole...

Daki: Leaving? Aren't you a demon slayer that got stationed here or something like that?

Rasshu: well... yeah.. but no... Im, not just a demon slayer... Im the highest demon slayer rank, a hashira... to be more specific, Im Rasshu Benaio the foreign breathing style user; the breath of bravery.

Daki: ah... I've heard of you before... maybe this is why oni-chan hasn't come out in a while... no one really talks about demons and demon slayers around here but I knew I felt like I recognized that weird fit of yours before... but here's the kicker... If you knew that you weren't staying... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER!?

Rasshu: It never crossed my mind you know-


Rasshu: Eughh... I didn't come here to get yelled at cha! I just wanted to let you where my place was in case you ever wanted to send a letter or to come to visit me if you happened to be in the area! GOD!

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