Forever Yours (Stay With Me S...

By Liya_Loves_1D

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The countless struggles of Lily and Niall continues as distance, untold secrets and lies threaten to ruin the... More

Author's Note - 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note - 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note - 3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note - 4
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note - 5
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note - 6
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Last Author's Note

Chapter 36

150 8 2
By Liya_Loves_1D

I woke up the next morning with the most beautiful feeling I had ever felt in my life. The ring was set tight around my sleek finger, and shone at me as if with a teeny smile. I was so out of the world happy that I smiled like an idiot, not knowing if ever I'll stop.

I'm engaged to Niall.......we're getting married!

I sighed loudly, and sat up straight in bed – the smile still fixated across my lips. I stretched my left hand before my face, and peered at the ring. After a few seconds, I brushed my lips over it – feeling the cold exterior of the diamond soothe me.

"Good morning, little mommy," Niall entered the room, holding a tray with two plates, and glasses.

"Good morning," I smiled, stretching my arms out for a hug.

He kept the tray on the bed, and leaned in to hug me before sitting beside me.

"Mmmm....the eggs smell great," I pointed at the plates that contained eggs, and toasts along with two glasses of orange juice.

"Have to be, after all I cooked them," he shrugged, faking pride. I giggled.

"So, how's my beautiful fiancée feeling this morning?" he rubbed circles on my back.

"Awesome," I smiled from ear to ear.

"Great, because I've taken an appointment with the doctor for today evening."

"How long have you been up?"

Niall laughed before replying, "Since 9."

"What's the time now?" I asked, knitting my brows.

"10.45 Am."

"Fuck my life, did I just sleep for eleven and half hours?" my eyes widened.

"Wow, you're giving vibes of a sexy badass chick. 'Fuck my life', wow!" he lifted his fingers up to quote "fuck my life."

"Does that appeal you?"

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Well, thank you then. I try by the way," and both of us cracked into laughter at my reply. "I'll rush and freshen up. Don't start eating without me, okay?" I climbed down the bed, and demanded with my hands on my hips.

"Oi, I can wait," he faked being ashamed.

"I'll try to trust you, Niall with eggs smelling that nice lying before you," I turned around, and ran inside the bathroom.

As I peed, and brushed my teeth, Niall shouted all kinds of explanations to me as to how he has resistance power, especially towards something I asked him to do. When I finally exited the bathroom, I found him with a glass of orange juice in his hand.

"Ahhmm....technically, I didn't break my promise. You see, we drink juices, and you told me not to start eating," he arched his brows.

"You're very cute, do you know that?" I smiled, walking towards the bed, and climbing on it.

"I try," he shrugged.

We commenced to eat the breakfast while I analyzed how stomach-aching funny Niall's explanations on his resistance power were a few minutes before. Finally he decided to change the topic, when it got a little monotonous.

"I've to tell you something," he said.

"Go ahead," I took a bite off a toast, and gulped down some juice.

"Greg will be online with my whole family on Skype at 5.00 Pm. I'll tell them about your pregnancy, and our engagement today. Be prepared."

"Should I be afraid of something?"

"No, are you?"

"No, but you're announcing as if predicting a possible volcano," he laughed loudly at my reply.

"Jesus, Lily. This pregnancy has improved your sense of humor. You're so funny," he almost sobbed in laughter.

"Thank you, boss. And just so you know, I'm in fact excited to talk to them face to face for the first time."

"My mom will be delighted to learn about our engagement. She really adores you."

I turned crimson, and could only just nod my acknowledgement. "And what about the boys?" I asked.

"I told Liam to get online on Skype as well at night, I mean when it's night here. He didn't reply anything yet, let's see. Or else, I'll call each one of them up," he retorted.

"Looks like you've got everything planned out," I winked.

"I do," he winked back, and I laughed.

We spent the rest of the day talking to each other. It was such a relieving act that I fell all over in love with Niall again. He shared so many stories of his childhood with me, half of which I had heard some trillion times before, but I didn't care. It was a beautiful picture flashing before my eyes as I saw him laugh – the sound filling up the entire room. I just sat there, and listened to him, and I felt that I could spend my remaining existence doing so. My heartbeats accelerated, and that old friend of mine – the inner voice, constantly murmured a reminder in my ear of how much I love him, how much I'm incomplete without him, and how much safe I feel with him.

In the noon, Niall spared me from his cooking, and let me cook for a change. He had been over protective towards me since I broke the news of my pregnancy to him. He apologized to me all the time for being clingy, however, little did he know how happy those made me feel. I cherished every moment with my heart.

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I cooked a proper Indian meal of rice, dal (sort of soup), potato fries, and chicken curry that I made a less spicy not for Niall, but for myself because I knew he'd scream at me for being stupid. We ate our lunch sitting on the couch, watching 17 Again on Star Movies. I completely drooled over Zac Efron, and cried at the end of the movie while Niall rolled his eyes, claiming he is hotter than him. I laughed at his insecurity because it made him so irresistibly cute. I also narrated to him a story about a boy, Jenny used to have a massive crush on. He unfortunately didn't feel the same way about her, and instead humiliated her in front of the whole school after learning about her feelings. As revenge, we called up her mother from a telephone booth, and informed her that her son is gay and sexually abusive to all his male friends in school. She cried over the phone, and we laughed like total mean girls.

The conversations extended more than the normal time, and I went for my nap late at 3.30 Pm. Yes, nap, you heard it right. On Sundays, Niall made me take naps too. He finished up some office work and phone calls to his boss before it was 5.00 Pm, and we had to Skype talk to his family.

I changed into a nice pink top and pajamas before combing my hair properly, and applying some mascara, and lip gloss. Niall laughed as he entered the room with his laptop.

"What are you doing?" he inquired, climbing up on bed after turning all the lights on to discard darkness.

"Don't laugh, I'm trying to look nice," I brushed my hair using my fingers.

"They're just my family, not beauty pageants' judges, Lily," he laughed at his own joke.

"Hahahaha, not funny, go away," I whined.

"Sorry, I won't. And now get here; Greg will scream if I get late. He is very particular about time," he turned the laptop on, and connected the dongle.

I rolled my eyes, and climbed up on bed as well. I sat perched beside him as Skype soon flashed four smiling faces and one giggling face at us.

"Hi, son," Maura's voice stood out among everyone as all of them waved at us.

"Hi, mom. Hi Greg, Denise, and Dad," he waved back, and greeted everyone. "Hello, little man. How ya doing?" he leaned in, talking to Theo who only giggled while making funny noises occasionally.

I sat still, only smiling, and not knowing what to say. "Ohh," Niall realized he needed to introduce me. "Mom, Dad, this is...." he was cut.

"Lily, we know," Bobby said, nodding at me.

It was the first time I was ever talking to him. Niall looked so similar to him, especially his eyes which were as if photocopied from his father's. I stared at him, and perceived what a wonderful human being he must be. It was clearly conspicuous in his face, in fact, his serene face.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Horan. I've heard a lot about each one of you from Niall," I smiled.

"Same here," he took a glimpse of Niall, but I dared not to see what the blondie's expressions were.

"Well, she is a lot prettier than how she looks in pictures, son," Bobby said. I blushed immensely as I played with my fingers, and looked at them.

"Yeah, she is," Niall replied, and I could feel his eyes on me.

"So, how's everything going up there?" Niall inquired as I lifted my head up to look at the screen.

"Great," Greg answered this time."Theo's becoming one hell of a kid, I must tell," he rubbed his nose at his son's stomach, making the baby giggle harder.

"And what about you, Denise?"

"My job is riding like a horse, and your nephew is definitely one hell of a baby. He misses you though," she smiled.

"Aww, I miss him too, so much. Send me some pictures of him someday."

"Yeah, let's send him the video of last week where he danced at Bruno Mar's song, Treasure, what say?" she asked Greg who nodded in delight.

"Send me that as soon as possible," Niall's eyes widened in excitement.

"So, Lily, how's your job going? Maura asked.

"It's going great, thank you for asking," I smiled.

"Yeah? Are you loving it?"

"Yes, I am, I am."

"Niall told me that you're a fantastic writer; ever consider to make that as a career?"

"Ahhmm....I do, but the hope seems very faint. Let's see," I shrugged.

"It's never too late to fulfill your dreams. If it's meant to happen it'll happen," Bobby said. I smiled widely, and glanced at Niall who also flashed me a grin. I thought about Niall's optimism, and only realized where he got that from.

"Anyways," Niall said. "We've got some news to tell you all."

"Alright," Maura retorted. I could see her eyes glimmering.

"So, yesterday I proposed to Lily, and she said yes."

Maura almost shrieked at the statement, and asked, "Let me see the ring, sweetie?"

I knew she was talking to me so, I showed her the ring on my hand. "It looks perfect as if made only for you," she said, and I turned pink.

"Thank you, Maura," I replied.

"Congratulations, we're very happy for both of you," Denise said.

"Yeah, only you could handle my stupid kiddo brother. I still don't know though what you, and so many other girls saw in him. He is dumb, really." Greg chuckled, and we all burst into laughter except Niall who grumbled.

"So when is the wedding? Is it there? Do we have to come down to India? Please tell us the date from before," Maura said.

"Mom, calm down. There is something else we need to tell you guys too," Niall almost screamed.

He took a look of my face as I blinked briefly, signaling him that it's time. "Lily....Lily is....she is pregnant with my child as well," he said, almost mumbling.

This time, the whole family erupted into fits of clap. Bobby, however, kept his calm, and only smiled from ear to ear. "Congratulations to both of you. We're extremely happy," he smiled, nodding.

"Oh my God, I'm gonna be a grandma once again, this is insane," Maura sobbed.

"Mom, it's alright, calm down," Niall said as Greg wrapped his arm around her.

"Did you see a doctor?" Denise asked me.

"I've an appointment today evening," I retorted.

"Good. Take the medicines regularly, and walk a lot. Drink water, and just be happy, okay?"

"Okay, thanks for the advice, Denise."

"No problem, little mommy. Take care."

"Shoot, we gotta go. We've the doctor's appointment from 6.00 Pm," Niall said.

A rumble of "yeah okay" broke out. Everyone waved at us, and suggested me to eat, sleep, and drink properly.

"Bye guys, take care, and keep us updated on everything," Greg said.

"Sure," Niall replied, and I nodded in agreement. "Bye, take care all of you."

The screen soon turned blank as I felt a mammoth stone fall off of my mind. Niall and I exchanged glances, both of us breathing in the happiness that coated us. And before I knew, he held me in his tight arms. I felt him smelling my hair as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"I can't wait for you to be an addition in my family," Niall muttered in my ear.

"Me too," I muttered back, biting my lower lip.

"You've to take care of yourself, alright?" he said, once we pulled away. His hands cupped my face.

I nodded with a smile.

"Now, get ready. We'll get late for the doctor's appointment."

"Yeah," I replied, and both of us climbed down the bed.

I fetched a floral printed skirt and black sleeveless top from the wardrobe, and entered the bathroom. After I came out, I found Niall standing before the mirror that was fastened to the wardrobe, and brushing through his hair with his hands. He wore a pair of skinny blue jeans, and gray half sleeved sweat shirt. His hair due to routine bleach looked so blonde that I imagined an Irish prince standing before me.

"You look....handsome," I leaned against the door, and smiled at Niall.

He ceased brushing through his hair, and locked sight with me. "Really?" he lifted his eye-brows. I nodded.

"Thank you. Even though, I know still, feels good to hear," I laughed at his chuckle.

Soon we found ourselves bracing up to leave the apartment. Niall held my handbag, pocketed my mobile, and even picked up my shoe before I slipped them down my feet, and finally opened the door for me.

"Wow, that got me real impressed, Horan," I smiled.

"Look, I know it bothers you, but I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're pregnant, and I'm gonna take care of you throughout these nine months, alright?" he pocketed the home keys.

I blushed like anything, biting my lower lip before jumping into his arms. "I love it, duffer," I kissed his cheek. He smiled just like a baby.

We held hands, and walked down the stairs. On hitting the road, I insisted on walking till the road coincides with the main road as per Denise's suggestion. Although Niall nagged initially, he caved in eventually. Finally after what seemed like forever, when we reached the juncture of the main road, Niall spotted a cab, and instructed the driver to pull in.

"Daycare Nursing Home," he informed the driver after we boarded the cab.

I took a look of my mobile, and saw that it was already 6.15 Pm. "Ahhmm....Niall?" I nudged him.

"Yeah, baby?"

"It's 6.15 Pm," I showed him the mobile.

"Fuck, ahhmm....I'll...I'll just call the receptionist, and inform that we're on the way," he rummaged in his pocket to fish his mobile.

"How far is the nursing home?" I inquired the driver.

"Another fifteen minutes, ma'am," he retorted.

"Yeah, better call them," I nodded at Niall.

He dialed the keypad of his mobile, and put it on his ear. I minutely looked at him as he patiently waited for someone to answer at the opposite end of the call. A loose strand of hair fell over his forehead, and I moved it, brushing a hand on his cheek in the process. He smiled at me.

"Hello? Yeah hi, I'm Mr. Niall Horan, I called in the morning," he said. "Yeah, yeah, I know we're late. We.....yeah, of course, we'll come. In fact, we're on our way.....le....leaving? no, no, no.....please, tell her not to leave, ma'am. My fiancée has been pregnant for weeks now; she needs to see a doctor. Please.......ahh ha, okay, thank you. Bye," he hung up.

"What did she say?" I asked as Niall pocketed his mobile.

"The doctor has some plans with her kids so she will leave early tonight."

" are we holding her back?"

"No, she is on her last patient before you."

"Ohh okay, that's good. I wouldn't have liked to hold her back from spending time with her kids."

"And what about our baby, Lily? Do you wanna keep him away from treatment?"

"Oh God, of course no, but...." I was cut.

"It's okay, Sir. During pregnancy, the hormones kick in real bad. Don't you know feel bad about her thinking of others especially if it involves kids," the cab driver said in proper English.

Niall and I looked at him, stunned. "," my fiancé nodded.

"My son lives in Singapore, he taught me to speak in English," he read our expressions, and smirked at the rear mirror.

"How many children do you have?" I asked him.

"One boy and one girl."

"What do they do?"

"My daughter is in college, and son is an engineer in Singapore."

"Why do you still drive a cab?"

"This is my identity. Whatever I've been able to do for my children came from doing this, I can't forget where I started from," he pulled in before a building. "Also, my kids are living their lives, my wife and I are happy with this," he turned back, and smiled.

And right there, the weirdest thing happened to me as I saw my father's face flash before my eyes. I kept peering into his naïve eyes, and felt my father more, and more close to me. It was like he was smiling at me, talking to me, and if I extend my hand, I could feel his skin on mine, his touch after so long.

"Lily?" Niall patted on my back.

I jerked off, and looked at him. "Yeah?" I replied as the image of dad vanished now off the driver's face.

"We've reached, darling. Let's go?"

"Yes, yes, let's go," I nodded as both of us got down the vehicle.

Niall paid the driver, and turned around to leave, but I stood still. The driver smiled at me. "Have a healthy pregnancy, ma'am. I hope you two a very beautiful baby."

I stared at him, and smiled. "Thank you," my voice cracked. My heart dropped to my feet. I missed my father so much. I placed a hand on my belly, and thought about him as the driver took away the cab.

"Baby, what happened?" Niall asked, keeping his hand on the small of my back.

"He couldn't even live to see his first grandchild," I murmured.


"My father," a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Lily...." He sighed, and embraced his arms around me. I closed my eyes, and sunk in the warmth of his body. "Baby, it's okay. Listen to me," he pulled away, and cupped my face within his palms. As I looked at him, he continued, "He is very proud of you, okay? You're a good girl, and he must be happily watching you from up above. Both he, and your mother, and Jenny. Alright?"

I sniffed, and nodded with a smile.

"It's okay to be sad, I understand. But don't cry, they wouldn't want to see you cry, would they?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Good, now let's go," he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I wiped away the few tears from my face, and walked with Niall into the nursing home. A receptionist smiled at us as soon as we stepped in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Horan?" she asked.

"Well, not yet," Niall smiled.

"Huh?" she furrowed her brows, baffled.

"She is my fiancée."

"Oh, okay. What's your name, ma'am?"

"Lily....Lily Thomson," as I said, she scribed my name on a piece of paper.

"Okay, you guys can go in now. Doctor Mukherjee is waiting for you," she smiled, and handed me the piece of paper that had my name, and roll number written on it.

"Thank you," I smiled back, and nodded so did Niall.

We walked through a small lane kind of a thing before a noticing a cabin at the right. Niall opened the door for me, and I entered the cabin.

"Hello," a woman greeted us.

She had short hair, and very beautiful eyes. She had a lean figure and very fair complexion that caused me to stare at her shamelessly.

"Hello, doctor," Niall poked me in the arm as I finally broke my gaze from her.

"Please have a seat," she held onto her smile.

We occupied two chairs placed before her table.

"Can I have that paper, please?" she pointed at my hand.

'Ohh....yeah, sure," I handed her the piece of paper.

"Miss, Lily Thomson, right?"

"Yes," I smiled.

"So how did you find out about your pregnancy?"

"Home test device."


"A week before."

"Okay, I don't wanna dishearten the two of you, but one home test isn't enough to confirm the pregnancy."

Both Niall and my jaws dropped, and lips parted.

"Sometimes, the devices lie in the stores for months, and get dampened, resulting in giving wrong results. That is why we suggest taking at least two or three tests just to be fully sure."

" saying that there's a chance of her not being pre...pregnant?" Niall mumbled. I could feel a lump in my throat.

"Even though it's one in a million chances for a device to give wrong result, but I've seen a lot of my patients get wrong results."

I covered my mouth with both of my hands, and felt numb in my body. I couldn't take this anymore; I simply wanted to run back to home.

"Don't be sad, I'm sure, both of you are expecting a beautiful child. C'mon, let's test your belly," she pumped us up.

I rose to my feet with her help, and walked inside a small room that was built within the cabin. Before entering the room, I turned around to take a look of Niall's face. He smiled an assurance at me, and mouthed, "I love you." I smiled, and sighed before stepping inside the room.

The room had a movable and adjustable bed inside it. A huge machine and a wash basin were situated at one corner.

"Lie down here, Lily," the doctor gestured at the bed. I nodded, and obeyed her instructions.

She moved the machine towards my bed, and dragged a chair along too. She sat on it, holding a hnd blender kind of a thing in her hand.

"Pull up your top, let me see your belly," she said.

I pulled up my top, and revealed my belly to her. She adjusted my robe according to her requirement, and rubbed some jelly all over my belly. Once she was done, she turned the blender thing on that didn't make any noise though, and rolled it over my belly. I felt ticklish as the machine moved over my skin.

"It feels weird," I said.

"Yeah, I know," she replied, nodding.

I looked down at what she was doing, and noticed that my naval looked like a hard button. My eyes widened at the sight, it felt very icky to see that.

"Lily.....I think, I've got..." she looked at me, smiling. My heartbeats accelerated. "Good news for you." I smiled from ear to ear.

"I can see the baby, you're pregnant. Congratulations," she blinked briefly, signaling hope.

"Thank you doctor, it's really a great relief," I couldn't stop smiling.

"Do you wanna see the baby?"

"Oh my God, can I see him?" I was startled.

"Yes, honey, you can," she laughed mildly at my stupidity.

I straightened up, keeping my belly revealed. She continued to roll the machine over my belly. "Look, do you see this kidney...bean shaped thing here?" she pointed at the screen on that huge machine.

I squinted my eyes as I tried to search it. "Ahh haa, I found it, yeah," I nodded.

"That's your baby, dear," she smiled.

"That's.....that's my baby?" I was super startled now. "It's beautiful....I mean, I know it's only a bean shaped thing,'s beautiful," I placed a hand on my chest where my heart hammered against. I didn't want to cry, but tears begged me to let them escape.

"Can....can I call Niall?" I asked.


"Thank you," I retorted. "Niall? Niall?"

"Yeah?" he screamed out.

"Come in here," I said.

He ran inside the room in a blink of an eye. "What?" he asked.

"Do you wanna see your baby?" the doctor inquired.

He ran a hand through his hair, and smiled. I could see his eyes well up. "Can I?"

"Of course, come here," he walked, and stood beside me on the doctor's instruction.

She rolled the machine again, and this time it was easy to spot the baby. "That bean shaped thing is your baby," she pointed at it on the screen.

He rested his palm on his cheeks, and gasped, "Jesus." He glanced at me, and all I could think about then was forget that this was India, and the doctor would feel uncomfortable, but just kiss him. He was my baby, and he was right there, looking so vulnerable before me. I had to protect him.

"Niall," I said, and took his hands in mine. He ran a hand through his hair again, and smiled at me. I shook my head, signaling to not cry, and he nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe, it's tinier than what Theo was when he was born," I laughed at his reply.

"I guess Theo is your first child?" the doctor asked.

"No, Theo is his nephew," I said. "And we're engaged, not married yet."

"Ohh..." her face fell. "Does your parents..." she was cut.

"My parents are dead, and I've no one else, but him as my family."

"And my family is super happy about it. We can't wait to go to Manchester," Niall explained.

"I'm sorry; it's just that, I don't wanna get indulged in runaway pregnancy cases of young couples. You know, it's a huge deal in India," she looked at me.

"We're not runaway pregnant couple. We're engaged to be married, and his family is totally into this with us," I snapped. "If you could write the prescription, we'd like to leave."

"Sure," she nodded.

Once she cleaned my belly, and moved the huge machine and her chair away, all three of us exited the small room. We took the two chairs as the doctor took her seat. She scribbled a number of medicines on her notepad, and tore the paper off, and handed to Niall.

"She needs to sleep, eat, walk, and be stress free. Eat lots of fruits, and avoid junk food, and drinks," she said. Both Niall and I nodded.

"That's it?" he asked.

"Yeah,' she nodded.

"Thank you," I said, and rose to my feet. Niall followed me as we turned on our heels to leave the cabin.

"Lily?" she suddenly called out from the back. I turned around.

"I had my first child when I was 25. My husband died after a few months of our baby's birth. I was lost, and clueless. My parents lives in another city, and they were old so, couldn't have come down. I handled everything all by myself," she said, and swallowed.

"You're lucky to have him and his family by your side. Enjoy these nine months," she smiled.

I smiled back, and stared at her for a good few seconds. "Thank you, doctor."

"Call me Rima, I'm just 30. Not very old, I guess," she chuckled.

"Sure," I laughed, and said, "Bye, Rima."

"Bye, take care," we waved, and left her cabin.

Niall folded the prescription, and pocketed it. We clasped our hands together, and walked out of Daycare. Cool breeze kissed our bodies as the weather breathed in a perfect November night. The confirmation of my pregnancy made me feel very happy. I wrapped an arm around Niall's and we walked slowly through the hustle and bustle of the city.

"What if you were not pregnant?" Niall asked, suddenly.

"I would've been crushed," I whispered.

"Why? It's not that we couldn't have had a baby later."

"I know, but I'm so excited about this. The baby, the engagement, shifting to Manchester with you permanently, Niall, everything is finally happening as I want. I wouldn't have wanted to live without any of these."

"And you were skeptical about all of them in the beginning," he chuckled.

"Yeah, stupid me."

"I think our silver lining is just around the corner."

"I feel the same too, but let's not raise our hopes."

We laughed, and kept walking. The weather added to our happiness. Soon we spotted a cab, and boarded it. I kept my head on Niall's shoulder, and the hands on my belly.

"How do you feel?" he asked, wrapping his arm around me.

"Relaxed," I sighed.

I closed my eyes, and didn't know when I fell asleep. My eyes opened when I heard Niall nudging me hard by taking my name.

"Hmm," I hummed.

"We've to get down, baby, wake up," he murmured in my ear.

"What?" my voice broke.

"His car broke down; we've to walk from here."

I looked around, and saw that the surrounding was really dark. "Where are we?"

"Paradise is just fifteen minutes away from here; we'll walk, c'mon," he patted on my back.

I growled, and straightened up before we got down the cab. Niall paid the cab driver as he almost flew off right after it. We commenced to walk slowly, taking one alley that was crazily dark with just one flickering streetlight.

"What is this street? I've never known it," I grumbled.

"Honey, you're not supposed to know all the streets of Calcutta. Let's just walk, we're near to home," Niall comforted me.

I suppressed my irritation, and walked with him in utter silence. After quite awhile, we reached a point where only a left turn was present. It was obvious that we had to take it so; we kept moving to take it. Suddenly someone popped out of nowhere, and stood before us. The alley was really dark, but the lights from the buildings around sufficed to show that the person before us was carrying a gun in his hand. I gasped, and immediately put my arm around Niall's. He embraced me tightly.

"Let's just go without making any noise. He might not have anything to do with us," Niall whispered in my ear.

I nodded as I felt tiny droplets of sweat form on my forehead. However, as we moved further, the person blocked our way, and stood right in front of us.

"We're just going home, sir. Let us go," Niall said. I started panicking.

"I get to decide whether you'll go home or not, sir," he mocked.

"What do you want?"

"Everything," he retorted, and came a few steps closer to us, revealing his face in the dim lights.

And I felt that the world stopped moving around me. He looked scarier than ever, and had an extreme stubble look. My eyes widened, and breath choked in my throat, and I knew Niall was feeling the same as well. Even though he met him just once, I knew Niall remembered him well.

After all, how could he forget the guy who almost ruined my life – Aarav.

"Aarav, put that gun down. You can't force anything on anyone," Niall said, his voice breaking.

"Fuck off, you Irish cunt. I've waited for this moment all my life. I kept quiet only for Rita, but now that she is gone, I've no one to answer back," his eyes flashed terror.

"Why are you doing this? You're an well-educated, good looking man. Any girl would be lucky to have you. Don't do this, brother."

"Don't call me brother," he pointed the gun at Niall. My eyes widened, and I started sobbing. "And if I'm so good, why can't I have her? Huh?" He made a grumpy face that only frightened me.

"She belongs with me. You can have any other girl, man. Just look out there, I'm sure someone is waiting for you."

"Oh please, keep those pep talks for someone else. I'm here to get the real deal. I want her, and I'll have her," he replied, and ran before grabbing my wrist, and snatching me away from Niall.

I screamed, and cried as Aarav continued to point the gun at Niall.

"Aarav, please don't hurt her. She is pregnant," Niall said, helplessly. I could see his eyes become watery.

"What?" he mumbled. "You got her pregnant?" his eyes widened now.

"We love each other, please try and understand. You can't take her away like this."

"Shut up," he shouted, looking away. "I'm not gonna take her away from you....I'm gonna take you away from her," he laughed devilishly.

"No, no, no, please don't do anything to him, Aarav. I beg of you, please," I joined my hands, and cried.

Aarav slapped me hard, causing me to fall on the ground. I fell on my face thus, hurting my stomach a bit in the process.

"You son of a bitch, how dare you touch her?" Niall ran towards Aarav, but he knee'd him on the stomach, and punched him on the face as well.

"Niallllll," I screamed as he fell on the floor before me. Blood strewn down his nose as he hummed in pain by rolling from side to side.

"Get up, get up you mother fucker," Aarav pulled Niall up by his collars, and rested the gun right on his forehead.

I covered my mouth with my hands, and wept ceaselessly. "I'll go with you, take me, but leave him, please."

"What?" Aarav couldn't believe his ears.

I didn't meet eyes with Niall. I didn't have the heart to see his hurt filled beautiful eyes. Aarav left his grasp on Niall's collars, and dropped his hand down before walking towards me. He grabbed my forearm, and pulled me up.

"I knew baby that you love me. It took you long to realize, but I'm glad you did it," he put his arm around my waist.

I cringed in all forms of pain, but didn't move at all. "Let's just keep this trash here, and go," he pointed at Niall. I put my lips in between my teeth, and sobbed.

"Stop crying, you bitch," he slapped me once again. "Stop crying for him. I'm your man, and I'm here." He stretched his arms out, and screamed.

At this time, Niall grabbed his hand holding the gun, and struggled to take it away from him. I stood there, helpless, simply watching them fight it out, and hoping nothing happens to Niall. However, Aarav won the fight, and broke free from Niall's grasp. My fiancé jerked away under Aarav's force, and almost moved apart.

"I thought I'd let you go, but I changed my mind," Aarav said, and pointed the gun at Niall once again.

"Please, Aarav, don't.....stop, please, don't do this. We're gonna get married," I pleaded.

Aarav looked at me, astounded, and moved his gaze to my ring finger. "Any last wish?" he locked sight with Niall, and asked.

"To see you dead," Niall dared to say that.

"Too bad, it won't happen," and with that reply, he pulled the trigger.

"Noooooooooooo," I screamed, bending down.

Niall collapsed on the ground with his hand resting on his chest, and eyes almost closed. His gray sweat shirt turned maroon. I caught him staring at me for a few seconds, smiling. Soon, they closed, and I felt the world shut forever for me.

[A.N: Calm down, everyone. The story isn't over. Loads are yet to happen.]

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