By Sonali_nefelibata

645K 46K 22.5K

AN ENGLISH NOVEL! ✨An Endearing Adherence!!!✨ #1 in doctor (out of 26K stories) #1 in husband (out of 11.4K s... More

✨ CHAPTER 53✨ + Very Important, Kindly See!
🌠Au revoir Super Soon!🌠
✨ 365*2 ✨
EPILOGUE~1 (Part-1)
EPILOGUE~1 (Part-2)
EPILOGUE~2.0 (Part-1)
EPILOGUE~2.0 (Part-2)


4.6K 390 501
By Sonali_nefelibata

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This chap is affectionately dedicated to -



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"Please don't come closer, unless you plan to stay..................."

"Where's my blue shirt?"

Shaurya asked. Manjiri darted her gaze from her phone to look at him. She found him standing with his side of the wardrobe wide open.

"You need that too."

She drawled wondering how many shirts do a normal person requires for packing when he has to go out somewhere. More than half of his cupboard's contents were out. Some were royally placed on the bed and some were neatly stacked and stuffed inside his trolley bag. Now what else?

"Of course. Where is it?"

Shaurya responded whilst scanning his wardrobe yet again. He frowned when he heard her carelessly instructing.

"It should be there only. Look 'properly'."

"It's easy instructing from there. Why don't you search it yourself, that too very 'properly'?"

He kind of taunted her after turning around.
She sighed looking at him. Why does he have to mess with her senses whenever he has to go out somewhere?

She was already bothered by his plan of leaving for Chandigarh the next day, and on watching him packing his stuff to go there with so much enthusiasm was not helping either. It was only fuelling up her irritation more and more.

Nevertheless, she went to him and even hunted a blue shirt out of his clothes cabinet.

"See, I told you it's here only."

"Not this one, Manjiri. I'm wanting that navy blue shirt of mine which has wooden buttons."

He explained her still looking for his desired shirt. She sighed in defeat and began helping him out despite not wanting to. However, she didn't fail to remark.

"You're too obsessed with shades of blue..."

"Yes, I'm. And I should be cause blue is the colour for doctors."
He casually answered her back. When she didn't react on that, he added, perhaps to give more ground to his notion and liking,
"The colour blue is typically associated with credibility, trust, knowledge, power, professionalism, cleanliness, calm and focus. And because all of these qualities are valued in the medical community, blue is the ideal choice for us. Moreover, very bright or bold-patterned shirts can seem informal and could duly clash with my plain white coat..."

She unruly interjected his speech by hanging his desired shirt on his shoulder and closing the wardrobe with a loud thud. She was so done with his never-ending speech on professionalism.

"Here, take it. Iron is kept in that second shelf."

"Thanks for updating my knowledge. I really didn't know the locations of my own room's stuff."

He retorted sarcastically walking towards the shelves to retrieve the iron from there. At times, it was so damn hard for him to keep up with her drastically changeable temperament.

On the other hand, she attempted to keep mum despite wanting to have an uncompromising hard-headed argument with him right away.

All that severely mattered to him was Chandigarh... His packing... His shirts...
And before she could miss out his phone to include it in the list, it itself started tootling to remind her.

She so wanted to throw his phone down the balcony but when the civility inside her pleaded, she dropped the plan and let her eyes to travel on his handset's screen.

"Who is it? Pass it here."

He quizzed her turning around after putting the iron down.


She replied as she slid the phone his way. With a solemn expression, she went back to what she was doing.

"Hello! Priyal, you've called this late. All ok?"

At one moment, Manjiri heard Shaurya ask Priyal that, and after few moments she heard him exclaiming in surprise and excitement.

"Really? Great then.
Pack your stuff accordingly. Chandigarh experiences harsh winters in December."

Manjiri turned to look at Shaurya when he muttered to Priyal on call,

"Alright! See you tomorrow."

Manjiri looked away when Shaurya turned around almost cutting the call.

"Yes, definitely, will leave for there together. Bye."

She raised her gaze as she saw him walking up to her. When he noticed her stuffing a pair of black woollen socks inside the front pocket of his bag, he couldn't control himself to react at that.

"Why these? I prefer my usual grey ones only."

"These are warmer than your grey ones. And you only told her that winters are harsh there, so it's better to take these."

Her reply was in a curt tone.



"She's also going there?"

Manjiri questioned him as he placed his well-ironed shirt on the bed before making some space for it inside the bag.

"Yeah, now she is going."

He casually replied opening up his shaving kit to recheck if everything was there or not.

"Now means?"

"Our hospital's Chandigarh branch sets up several medical camps in the villages around the city. So up till now Dr Kushwaha was used to go there as a dietetic technician. But since his wife's due date is near, so he dropped the plan and ultimately Priyal being his junior is now going there in place of his."

He explained, assuming that she might be curious to know about how do things work. No sooner did he finish speaking then she asked in great astonishment.

"Dr Kushwaha and his wife are going to be parents again?"

"Yeah. But what's there to be so surprised in that?"

He probed on chancing a glance at her. She looked at him with an unconvinced expression explaining him,

"No. I mean that day in that wedding party, I remember very well that when Dr Kushwaha was asked why he did not bring his family along, he had given the reason that his 14 months old baby-boy was not doing well..."


"So then, how come yet again? I mean..."

She uttered not quite believing but eventually stopped muttering when he turned around with an unusual mirth dancing in his eyes. He was definitely amused.

"What do you mean by how? It's possible.
It's theoretically and biologically possible for two pregnancies to be as close as 9 or 10 months apart."

"But still... Never mind!"

Not that she was alien to such conceptual knowledge but it was just that she never heard about it in real life before. Letting it be a rare case, she decided to not let that thing concern her anymore.

Whereas he looked on utterly entertained, trying hard to stifle his chuckles.

When Manjiri noticed him doing that, she turned to walk away. A second later, she gave a little squeak of surprise as Shaurya cradled her against his chest from behind, squeezing her to him, breathing in her hair.

"What to bring for you from there?"

"You never asked this before. Then why all of a sudden?"

She immediately asked instead of answering, all the while trying to untangle his arms which were around her frame.

"You were required to give an answer and not to question back. So now tell, is there any demand?"

He asked again inhaling deeply inside her hair. He really liked doing that a lot. He wondered if he had become an addict of doing that.

"No such demand. I've everything."

She drawled. And just at then her breath hitched as she sensed him leaning forward, from behind, in a way that his cheek brushed hers. The skin of her jaw tingled from the rasp of his stubble.

"Wow! How simple is my wife!
Are you sure you don't want anything?"

"Well, there's one demand."

She answered on twisting her head to peer at him.
God! He was close. Very close.

Only one?"

He kind of growled, taking her stud earring inside his mouth. Her brain abruptly started malfunctioning at that, but before she could know, she had already provided him her honest answer in a breathy low voice.

"Yeah. Just be back soon."

He closed his eyes for a moment on a wave of satisfaction surfacing within him.
Moments later, he whispered in her ear.

"Ma'am, your this demand will be fulfilled only when you'll answer a question honestly.
So will you?"

She meekly nodded her head. Her eyes were on him throughout.

"Will my absence bother you? And will you miss me?"

She repeatedly blinked her eyes at then. From where does he bring that confidence? She couldn't even think of straightforwardly ask him that and there he already asked her.

He keenly waited for to speak something but she didn't. And it took him no time to figure out that some difficult feelings had finally invaded her being. He breathed out hoarsely before sucking at her jawline.

"I don't think my questions were that hard."

"They aren't easy as well."

She drawled, as if his mouth over her skin didn't send thrilling little shocks down her spine.

His hand caught hers, but he didn't inter lace their fingers together like usual. Instead, he made her spin around bringing her face to face.

"What isn't easy, Silly Head?
You getting bothered by my absence... or you accepting the fact that you'll miss me?"


She managed to say despite having his intense stare upon her. To which he immediately asked, frowning at her.

"What kind of nonsense is that?"

"It's not nonsense. It's just that you'll not get it."

She argued uncaging herself from his hold. However, hardly had she turned when she was yanked back by his arm. Soon she heard him mutter,

"Try making me get that then."

She glanced at him. And he shot her a grin that only widened when he caught her softly smiling at him. Pushing his arm off her wrist, she pushed him back mumbling out loud.

"Pack your stuff. That's more important now."

"But I want you to know that when I imagine myself happy, it is with you.............................."




"And then it happens...
One day you wake up and you're in this place. You're in this place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You're at peace, at peace with where you've been, at peace with what you've been through and at peace with where you're headed............."

Despite being exhausted by the whole trip and of course the train journey, Manjiri just couldn't fall to sleep. It was very late at night, still her eyes weren't in the mood to droop.

She restlessly turned towards him. And as usual, he was sleeping with his mouth slightly open, completely oblivious to his surroundings. Gazing at his sleeping form, a soft smile unleashed from her lips inadvertently.

Not just Shaurya's, but her own behaviour was too surprising her a lot recently.

She hardly recognises herself now. She definitely wasn't the Manjiri who she believed she was. She was different now.

Maybe because she was his now.

With every passing day, she was trying to transfigure herself as per his liking. It was not that he told her his likings or something. It was just that what all she could translate with regard to him in nine months of their marriage, she was trying her best to do that.

It was not that he was forcing her to change herself, but it was his affectionate warmth which she was so used to get from him, was compulsorily compelling her to mould herself into a form which he would prefer to develop a liking for.

Months back she had entered his life, home and room as his legal wife. And she wouldn't lie in telling that in being accustomed to his surrounding at then was really tough for her. But now, after several months, not just his surrounding but he himself had started growing on her. And she was pleased with it.

She obviously didn't have guts to tell him that she would miss him immensely when he would leave her the next day. She would undoubtedly yearn for his presence around herself the entire time. She would ceaselessly long for his reach around the clock.

He was right beside her now but he won't be there the next day, this thought bothered her. She was accustomed to having him around. She just wanted the time to get stopped and the passing moments to last long... Longer that they could ever be. And he should remain in front of her eyes only.

Her eyes literally craved the sight of his. Under the dim blue light, his features appeared more soft and serene. His specs were missing, however she wasn't missing his specs at all. She was able to admire him more without them, as generally his specs didn't let his features to be at proper display for her.

She wondered if he would think about her as well, would he too miss her? Would he too yearn for her presence around himself? Would he too long for her reach?

Just the way he probed her straight out, an hour ago, should she too directly probe him her queries? Would he answer her honestly? Or would he sarcastically counter question her instead?

No, she couldn't afford to invite an unanticipated examination for herself, especially at that hour of night.
She was in no mood to do anything. Not even thinking or overthinking. She just wanted to crawl into his arms and not deal with the world. And that was it.

She wanted to tell him how much he meant to her. She also wanted to tell him that she too wanted to mean something to him.

She wanted to be a part of his world. Maybe she already was a part, but still she was in need of the bigger part.

She agreed that she might not be the best human for him. But only for him, she could even go beyond perfection. Even though she was sceptical, however, her heart already took the step of believing in him.

She wanted him to take her in his arms and hug tightly for long... Long enough until she could start smelling like him.
She wondered was it too much to ask for?

And suddenly just in time Shaurya flung his arm around her, dragging her closer to himself.

She inwardly smiled and discreetly raised her head to glance at his face, all throughout expectantly wishing him to be awake.

But much to her dismay, he was not. A soft sigh escaped her lips on realising that he was a sound-sleeper. He wouldn't get up from his sleep that easily.

She lingered her gaze over his face for a long time and then meekly whispered tugging closer to him,

"With you by my side, I'm complete. Your arms are where I want to reside. You are what I call my home, Shaurya. I really!"

She gently took her hand to push away the strands of his hair which were lazily sprawling onto his forehead. Running her fingers through it, an urge took over her and she leaned in to press her mouth against his forehead softly.

She pulled back smiling. However, her smile got weak in an instant as soon as her eyes fell on his semi-opened orbs.

Manjiri blinked. Shaurya blinked. Both kept staring at each other for few moments.

She automatically tipped her head back when his hand rose to sweep away the loose tendrils of her hair sticking to her cheek. They looked at each other doing nothing other than breathing wordlessly.

"Can you repeat those lines a bit louder?"

He murmured as his hand slid from her cheek to her neck. She gasped inaudibly on hearing his words.

"I didn't say anything. You're being paranoid."

She mumbled pulling away, but before she could completely move back, he swiftly curled his arm around her and kind of yanked her in such a way that she somewhat landed over him. It must have caught her by surprise, because she almost toppled over in response, saved only by his hand on her waist. She was so taken back by his this attempt that she couldn't even scream her surprise.

"Didn't you utter anything?"

He probed again, to which she hesitantly shook her head in negative.

"Such a liar. Anyways, I also want to tell you something."
He muttered collecting her hanging hair altogether. She looked on with curiosity when he added,
"If I'm what you called your home, then you're my solace."

There was no fighting the smile that crept across her face instantly.

"You see, the road travelled with you is beautiful and I wouldn't like to talk about the destination. Because I want to keep travelling, clasping you to me, praying for no stops on the way.
You're someone to whom I want to come back after a long and tired day, take you in my arms and feel at peace."

His words came out in a tone which was barely more than a whisper. However, she seemed to hear them anyway. She looked up at him again, her smile wider than before, more certain, like it was going nowhere. Her eyes glittered with something that made his heart feel light in his chest. He couldn't believe he'd said something so emotional, so honest, but he also didn't want to take it back.

"I'm going to miss you immensely. Please try to be back soon. Super soon."

Her voice quivered as she pleaded leaning in to brush her mouth to his left cheek, and then to his right. At least now, if she were to die the next day, she wouldn't have regrets anymore.

In response, his hands tightened at her waist for a moment before he forced himself to relax. He was undoubtedly floored. It took him time to loosen up every tense muscle in his body, reminding the unthinking part of himself that he couldn't just put his mouth on hers.

He slightly got up, which caused her too to get up. Hardly had she detached herself from him, when he almost bumped himself to her. Making her head rest against the cushion, he lowered his body to hers, grounding her beneath him and the blanket.

In an instant, Shaurya made Manjiri drown in an unusual frenzy. She was sure that he must be able to hear the way her breaths sped up and grew ragged when she sensed no space in between them.

His hands came to rest on either side of her, so that his arms caged her in, his body completely crowding hers. As his face moved closer to hers, his warm breath lightly embraced her skin. And there she went blank, completely blank.

His lips hovered over her ear and he whispered. His tone soft and genuine.

"These days I wonder if you're really the Silly Head I've known all this time."

She peered a glance at him from the corner of her eyes. Her silent indication gave him her message by which she seemed to ask what-does-that-mean.
Sinking his face on the inside of her hair, he breathed nuzzling in there.

"That with every passing day, I fall for your silliness and companionship more and more."

She blinked, dazed, unsure of what to do with all those intense, impossible feelings which plunged within her without any prior notice on hearing him say that.

With his olfactory sense, he inhaled the faint scent of her hair that left him craving for it each time.

Both of his hands found both of hers and he twined their fingers together. Moreover, her whole body went rigid with an uninvited anticipation as his mushes caressingly teased the skin of her ear.

Manjiri sucked in a gasp at the rasp of Shaurya's stubble when he proceeded with his journey of nibbling along her nape down to the edge of her jaw and to her collarbone. The subtle glide of his tongue made her body faintly hum with tantalizing energy, which was her honest response, as she'd never felt like the way she was feeling at then.

Not used to such sensations, she shut her eyes even tighter when his canines started toying with the chain of his gifted locket, which was encircling her neck.

Inadvertently, her fingers threaded into his hair and she tipped her head back to expose more of her throat to him when he sucked the base of her throat.

She wondered if he could tell her pulse was racing or it was just that she was being a ball of thrilling nerves under him. A helpless bundle of dizzying nerves.

Moments later, he tried to pull himself together, but probably everything went far a little too much. And that little too much was so overpowering that he somehow lost all his ability to think rationally.

He so much wanted to let his mouth only to do all the speaking when the tips of their noses brush against each other, he even had tilted his head to perform the needful. But then he forcibly reminded himself that he had some specific and important tasks, and none of which included her or having her. He didn't want to go all the way with her at that present moment, cause he eventually had to leave her the next day. And probably that might be even more harder for him at then, especially after sending their mutual anticipations to soar up high and high.

With a sigh, he reluctantly pulled back peering at her closed eyes. His lips curled slightly. Indeed it was sight to behold. His hand moved to her hair on it's own accord to caress her tenderly. With a smile in his voice, he mumbled out after pecking both of her eyes which were still tightly shut in utter diffidence.

"Ease up!"

Before Manjiri could register his that act and words, she felt him shifting. In an instant, she twisted her head to glance at him. He had went back to his pillow, just next to her. However, he had turned to his side, facing her. He breathed softly opening up his arm for her.

"Come here."

Manjiri stared at him momentarily. Her hesitancy slowly faded as her mind helped her to not care about anything other than being close to him.

Throwing her hand around him, she got nestled inside the crook of his arm.

He looked down at her arm that clung him and smiled spooning her more close to him. She noted that at then she witnessed his best smile ever. And that was so precious.

There was something so comforting about those moments which was without a doubt inexplicable. Moments which both of them wanted to last longer. Moments which were his, hers and entirely theirs.

"When you truly love someone, one lifetime is not enough........................"


Dear ones, do share your honest views on this chap and the story, as this is the only source of motivation which literally pushes me to pen down.
This can also help me in improving. So yes, eagerly waiting now.
I would really appreciate if each one of you will come and put forward your genuine reviews + expectations from me and


This is it for now. Hope you liked it. I am sorry for the mistakes.

In case if you want to share your views or suggest something, you are more than welcome.

My sincere request to all the SILENT READERS - Do vote this chap.⭐

Till then take care and stay connected.

Love ♥️✨

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