
By FlyDice

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka obliterated everything in the white room, and received a special invitation 1 year later... More

Prolouge-Menace to Society
Chapter 1-A New School
Chapter 2-Roasting Session
Chapter 3-Judo Club
Chapter 4-Flexing
Chapter 5-Celebration with the Boys
Chapter 6-The Invisible Hand
Chapter 7-Savage
Chapter 8-Seeds of Discord
Chapter 9-Recording. . .
SS Reminiscent Encounter
SS Disaster
SS Blunder
SS Expelled
Chapter 11-Cruising
Chapter 12-Special Exam Time
Chapter 13-Double Attack

Chapter 10-Gift of Gratitude

3.5K 134 163
By FlyDice

"Yo what's up Kiyotaka! You don't usually call me."

"Well, I just want to ask you for a simple favor."

It was currently 17:00, and I was calling Kazuma while on the bed in my dorms. I could've just gone to his room, but I didn't feel like moving and just wanted to enjoy the beautiful sunset from my window.

Even so, this call would be an important part of my plan moving forward. Well, I call it a plan, but really, it's just me fucking with random 'elites' in this school. Or you could think of it as a gift of gratitude. Yeah, that sounds a lot better.

"What could you possibly need from me? Oh, I know! As an advocate for true gender equality, you need me to help you dropkick a bitch from your class, right?" Kazuma replied excitedly. He seems to be quite passionate about dropkicking people

"Nah, I would just do it myself if I wanted that."

"Oh? Looks like I found my people," Kazuma said in a sagely tone. "Anyways, what do you need?"

"I just wanted to meet with some people from your class. You see, my classmates piss me off a lot with their blabbering, so I felt like making some new to-I mean, friends."

"Do you need my help for that, though?"

"I mean, doesn't that Ryueen guy control everyone in your class? I figured it would be much easier for everyone if you set up this meeting."

"Hmm, I guess you're right. Besides, you're just trying to make friends, right? I'm sure Ryueen won't mind," Kazuma responded. I didn't miss the tone of apprehension in his voice.

"Don't worry about it, you learned some basic judo right? I'm sure that even if he minds, you can beat him," I lied as easily as I breathed.

"More like it's a matter of if I can escape or not," Kazuma muttered. "Anyways, since we're such good friends, I'll help you make more. I'm not sad that you're looking for more friends even though I'm right here; nope, not at all."

"Um, okay? Thanks though, I appreciate it. If your classmates aren't willing, just tell them that I'll give them a million points or something."

"It won't be my problem then if they beat you up for not giving them a million points. Well, not like they can anyway haha."

"Hmm, that would be pretty awkward. By the way, have you eaten dinner yet?"

"Yeah, I ate around half an hour ago. What, you gonna eat with the boys?"

"Was going to, but since you already ate it's kind of pointless."

"Wow, didn't know you cared about me that much, Kiyotaka," Kazuma replied in a sly tone. What I meant was that since I couldn't get free information about his class if he wasn't there, then there was no point in going, but that's a moot point.

"Of course I care about you, you're one of my good to-ahem, friends. Well, see you during lunch tomorrow I guess."

"Yeah, see you then.

He hung up. Since it was getting late, I should probably go get some dinner. Despite being the masterpiece, I was still average at cooking, so I usually got my dinner from the cafeteria or the convenience store.

Today, I decided to go to the convenience store and buy some pickled mango ice cream. Some might call me a monster, or even a demon, but I believe that every flavor deserves love. Of course, to go with the ice cream, I bought a loaf of bread as well. It even had raisins in it for extra nutrients. It was sort of a personal policy of mine to try something new every day since new experiences are always fun and refreshing.

After the purchase, I felt like going to a more secluded place. Maybe somewhere open and fresh, like the rooftop. I'm sure I can get a better view of the sunset from there.

I slowly strolled to the school, devouring my ice cream on the way there. I started climbing the stairs to the rooftop, my silent steps echoing throughout the stairway. As I got closer, I could hear a faint noise. With each step I took, I could hear it more and more clearly. When I was just a couple of steps away, the sound registered. It sounded like. . .moaning?

The noise was penetrating, and I could feel something stir inside me. Have I finally awakened the emotions hidden in the deepest depths of this empty shell? That's quite an edgy way to say I'm horny, but really it's just chemical reactions involving my hormones so am I really feeling anything?

I went up as discreetly as I could and peeked through the door.

I regret peeking through the door.

What I saw was such an unholy sight that the author's limited vocabulary can't even begin to describe it. Even though it was so. . .uncanny, I couldn't take my eyes of this sight. Throughout most of my life, I've been learning everything, with boundless amounts of knowledge that a normal person could never hope to learn in a lifetime. I thought that I knew it all.

How naive I was. Society really isn't like how they described it in books. If I hadn't spent a year outside the white room I would probably be even more confused.

Through the crack of the door sat a lone girl looking at her phone. Based on the documents I looked at on that government official's computer, she was Shiranami Chihiro from Class 1-B. She was um, pleasuring herself with a picture of Ichinose Honami from Class 1-B as well.

I've read about lesbians on the internet, but I've never actually saw one myself. I felt like I was looking at an entirely new specimen, and her moaning was getting even louder. Doing it outside was very brave (and kinky) as well. Anyways, this was pretty interesting, so I decided to take a picture to commemorate this moment of discovery.

Luckily my phone was on mute, or else she would probably drop out from hearing someone taking a picture of this scenery.

That's why I decided to post the picture on the school forums. Using another account, of course.

I mean, I had to share my discoveries with the world, right? That's what they taught us in the white room, anyways (even though we never could if I never destroyed it). Plus it was kind of funny as well, so why not?

After posting the picture, I continued to watch. For research purposes, of course. I mean, as a curious person that has barely interacted with society, how could I not? Yes, all of it is for science and knowledge.

Since I had nothing else to do, I might as well eat my dinner here.

After conquering the bread, I decided to head back to the dorms. Honestly, I was surprised that Shiranami was still going at it when I left. However, I stumbled upon an uninteresting sight upon returning: Horikita.

Initially I planned to just get a drink from the vending machine and then head back to my dorms, but then I noticed Horikita's apprehensive expression. She seemed real slim and shady, so I decided to follow her.

She turned the corner, and I was about to as well until I sensed another person with her.

"Suzune. I didn't think you'd follow me this far," he said.

Wow, Horikita engaging in social activity? I never knew she was capable of it.

"Hmph. I'm far different from the useless girl you once knew, niisan. I came here to catch you."

"Catch me, hmm?"

Niisan? In the dark, I couldn't see the person she was talking to. Was she meeting her older brother?

"I heard you were placed in Class D. I suppose nothing has really changed in the last three years. You've always been fixated on following me, and as a result you don't notice your own flaws. Choosing to come to this school was a mistake."

"That's... You're wrong about that. I'll show you. I'll reach Class A right away, then—"

"It's pointless. You will never reach Class A. In fact, your class will fall apart soon enough. Things at this school aren't as simple as you think."

"I will definitely, definitely reach—"

"I told you, it's pointless. You really are a disobedient little sister."

Horikita's brother stepped closer to her. From my hiding spot, I could see him plainly.

It was Student Council President Horikita. He displayed no hint of emotion. It was like he was staring at an uninteresting object. Well, I guess he was. He grabbed his younger sister by the wrist—she offered no resistance—and pushed her against the wall.

"No matter how I try to avoid you, the fact remains that you're my little sister. If people around here learned the truth, I would be humiliated. Leave this school immediately."

"I-I can't do that... I will definitely reach Class A. I'll show you!"

"How incredibly stupid. Do you want to relive the pain of the past?"

"Niisan, I..."

"You possess neither the abilities nor the qualities needed to reach Class A. Get that through your head."

He moved forward, as if about to act. The situation looked fraught with danger. That's why as an upstanding citizen of Advanced Nurturing High School, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I mean, who am I to refuse free blackmail material?

"Who's there?"

Hmm, looks like Horikita's brother was sharper than I thought. Or maybe I was getting rusty with my stealth skills? Not like I had much in the first place.

"Whoops, looks like I've been discovered. Anyways, what are you doing with your sister, president?" I discreetly put my phone back into my pocket, with the recording still going on.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita looked confused. The younger one, that is.

"That's none of your business," replied the student council president.

"Really? But she's my friend, you know?" I responded, just to piss her off.

"Wow Suzune, you made a friend? I'm honestly surprised."

"He's...not my friend. Just my classmate." Horikita faced her brother fully, as if denying him.

"You continue to confuse independence with solitude. Grow up," her brother coldly said. Well, I had to agree with him honestly.

"Wow, so harsh, Horikita-senpai. But you know, your brother's completely right. You're such an incompetent egotistical bitch who probably became my seatmate because of all the bad karma I built up in my past life or something like that," I spat.

It's time for another social experiment, and this time it's between siblings. If an outsider just comes in and insults your little sister, how would the bigger brother react? Normally the brother would defend her, but I had no idea if he would actually do that because of their unique situation.

"Didn't you say you were her friend?" said the brother.

"Indeed I did."

"Then why did you insult her like that?" Am I getting yandere vibes from this man right here? The guy who insults his sister like she's nothing? I guess he does care for his sister, then. Seems like there are all sorts of familial love in this world.

"Well, it was the truth." I shrugged. "Besides, from what it looked like, you don't care about her at all, right? If her own family can insult her, then why can't I?"

"That is our business. Besides, what kind of friend insults another friend so ruthlessly?"

"Just following your example prez. You're a star student after all, right?" This broke his composure a little, so I decided to taunt him a bit more. "That's why as Horikita's friend, I will treat her the same as the student council president, her own brother. You should treat your own classmates like family after all, right president?"

I moved forward, as if I was going to attack her, exactly like how the president did. However, contrary to my expectations, he didn't defend her or attack me. Instead he regained his composure and turned around as if to leave.

"Ayanokouji, was it? You're an interesting one."

"Why aren't you stopping me, president-senpai? Aren't you worried about your sister?" I queried. Depending on his response, I could somewhat gauge his abilities.

"You'd know better than attacking someone in front of the student council president, right? Even though it's annoying, it's always about who is involved, rather than what happened. This is just how society functions, and it's the same at this school."

"Well, thank you for your lecture, Mr. Niisan. I'll be heading back to the dorms as well, then."

We went to our respective dorm buildings, leaving Horikita sitting up against the wall. Or so I thought.

"Wait a minute, Ayanokouji-kun. Did you hear everything? Or was it just a coincidence?"

"Of course it's a coincidence. I don't care about your business, nor do I have any intention to meddle in it."

Horikita fell silent again, before she made a face as if suddenly remembering something important.

"By the way, you said that you would take care of the idiots in our class, right? How much progress have you made?"

"Yeah, I did say that I would take care of them, didn't I? Well, I'd say we're about halfway there, so no need to worry." What I had in mind was drastically different than what she was probably thinking, but she'd find that out later.

"I see. It's getting late. We should probably head back now."

"Yeah, if someone saw us out here they'd probably get ideas. I'll stay here a little longer though."

With that, Horikita headed back to her own dorms. For some reason she seemed less bitchy today. I checked my phone and it said 7:27 P.M. I didn't get any worthy blackmail material, so I deleted the recording on my phone. Can't waste too much storage space now.

Since I had nothing to do, I might as well enact the next steps of my plan.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found who I was looking for. I called her and she picked up a few seconds later.

"Miss me?" I said in the best sarcastic tone I could make.

"Ew, was that supposed to be your sarcastic tone? Anyways, what do you need now?" She went straight to business, as usual.

"Well, I may or may not have uploaded something on the school bulletin board using your account?" I could feel her anxiety seeping through my phone screen, as she frantically opened up the page.

"What. the. fuck. Is wrong with you!" she screamed.

"Well hey, at least it was anonymous."

"That's not the problem here! I could be removed for posting this!"

"I'm sure you'll get out of it somehow. Anyways, did anything happen to that government official?"

"Seriously? You just ignore the fact you uploaded some dirty pictures using my account?" I could hear her sigh heavily over the call. "Well, whatever. If you're wondering, government-official-kun was removed from his position because he was caught sleeping during his work. Furthermore, there was furry amogus porn on his computer. I feel kind of bad for him, even though he was somewhat of a pessimistic slacker."

Wait, he was knocked out for that long? Maybe I overdid it a little. . .

"Good job on ruining someone's life. For some reason, you're way too good at it for a 15-year-old."

"That's just how I am. Anyways, I've got a new order for you."

"What? Is this some sort of "last mission" before I'm removed?"

"Of course not. I'll still give you orders even if you do get removed."

"Isn't that just really annoying? Like you can't even contact anyone outside this school. Quit scaring me and just get on with it."

"You're the one that went off on a tangent. . ." I muttered. I did enjoy this banter though. "On the day of the midterms, you just have to drop off a few answer sheets in Totsuka Yahiko's backpack. You know how to do it, right? Put some obvious ones as decoys, then hide some in the inconspicuous spots."

"Really? This again? Can't you come up with something more original? I swear if I have to do this for every exam and quiz I'll go insane."

"No, this is the last time. . .probably. This time though, I'm not really aiming to expel anyone with this method. Of course, if they did get expelled that just means that Class-A and this school is too weak."

"You're such a big sadist, you know that? Not only do you force me to do these things, all you care about is destroying everyone."

"That's only partly true. Sure, I'm attacking people all the time, but not because I'm a sadist. I'm simply doing it out of curiosity and for fun. I didn't enrol to graduate with a guaranteed employment offer, or to escape from anything. In fact, I don't even care if I win or lose, or if I get expelled."

All I wanted to do was to see the life of a high school student, and how good the future "elites" of this country are going to be like. I already had freedom; I already learned just a little emotion; I already explored quite a bit of Tokyo; all that was left was for me to experience a school life. The chairman gave me this perfect opportunity, and I would pay him back in kind.

"I don't even know how to react to that. Consider it done then."

"Thanks for your service. I hope you don't get removed, Seno Yumi."

I ended the call with my favorite tool, and I was looking forward to how she would get out of her predicament. Her judgement calls are second to none. Except me.

I said in the call that I wasn't aiming to expel anyone from Class 1-A using the framing method, but that was only half true. What I meant was that it wouldn't be Seno framing Totsuka, but instead it would be Totsuka framing his classmates.

According to the documents I saw, the likeliest people that would foil this plan would be Katsuragi Kohei and Sakayanagi Arisu. Perhaps the chairman was biased with his judgement of his own daughter, but if he wasn't then the two of them could form a formidable team.

Since Katsuragi heard my conversation with Totsuka, he would naturally try to stop it. I was sure that he could see through the petty traps that I had set up, but how he deals with it is a whole other problem.

I'll make sure that Totsuka puts the answer sheets in his classmates' clothes and various other belongings a bit before the exam starts, giving Katsuragi a very limited time to deal with the situation. If he wasn't careful, all 5 of his classmates could be expelled.

How will you deal with this threat, Katsuragi? Who knows, enough monologues for today, I'm going to sleep.

*      *      *

 When I woke up the next day, I decided to check the school bulletin board for any new exciting updates. Turns out a lot of people were making fun of Shiranami due to my discovery post.

Wasn't this prejudice against lesbians? Just how prideful are these people? I guess that's just how school works.

I brushed my teeth, took a big, fat, shit, dressed up, and headed to the elevator. When I reached the dorm lobby, a bunch of students were chattering about something. I wonder what it could be?

"Yo, did you see the school bulletin board today? Someone posted quite a picture, I must say."

"What the actual flying fuck?"

"Damn, that's kinky and hot."

"Oh shit, I think I'm getting a boner?"


"I wonder where Chihiro-chan is?"

The commotion was spreading everywhere, a pandemic of chaos (and arousal apparently). I wonder how Shiranami would proceed with her school life? She was supposedly a shy girl according to the interviewer's notes.

I made my way to class with a goal in mind. I haven't disciplined the degenerates in our class yet for losing all of our points. They basically took away my ice-cream-chan fees! How dare they ruin our relationship.

Since the degenerates usually arrived right before class, I would have to use my precious lunch time on them instead. Or I could use the time after school. Either way it's an annoying problem that I'm going to have to deal with.

Of course, I'm not talking about every degenerate in our class. They seem to have fixed their own behavior thanks to Hirata's and Kushida's pleas. After all, how could they disobey their angel?

That's what I thought at first, but it seemed like some people were just incapable of following social norms. Namely Yamauchi, Sudou, and Ike. Even Miyamoto and Hondo had a decent enough attention span during class. They even joined Kushida's study group.

When the bell rang, I made my way over to the idiot trio.

"Yo guys, how you doing with the midterms?" I spoke in a very friendly tone.

"Heh, no need to worry about us Ayanokouji! We are planning to cram the night before, and then completely ace the tests! They called me "the cramming genius" back in middle school, you know?" Yamauchi boasted. I could see everyone around us facepalming at his remark.

"Is that so? Then all three of you are completely confident that you'll pass?"

"Well, how hard can it be right?"

"I see." I looked around and spotted someone useful. "Hey Sotomura, come here for a second."

"Hmm, what could one want from me, Ayanokouji-dono?" Sotomura ambled over to out group, looking confused and delighted at the same time.

"Oh, I was just wondering how your studies have been going. What have you learned so far?"

"Well thanks for asking! I've been attending both study groups, and let's see. . .I learned about functions, historical figures from the medieval era, lab apparatuses, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I think I'm definitely going to pass the exams!"

Looks like Sotomura was quite motivated. However, it seemed like the topics he were studying were completely different from those on the midterm papers I received. According to Soga these exams are supposed to be the same every year, so obviously there was some sort of mistake.

This makes my life a whole lot easier though. I didn't have to make the three idiots go through my white room curriculum training in order to pass the midterms. Even if I destroyed that place, its curriculum was the best for learning something quickly, even if it's not completely legal.

Everyone was studying the wrong topics, meaning that everyone will do shit, meaning that the class average is shit, meaning that it's pretty doable for these idiots to pass. If someone still doesn't pass, well I guess 100 class points isn't too bad of a collateral.

"Well, that's good then. I'm sure that none of you will get expelled because of the midterms then, right?"

"Y-yeah, don't worry about us." They left for lunch. Speaking of which, the boys are probably wondering where I am right now.

I met up with the boys, speedran my lunch, went back to my classroom, and stared out of the window until class ended. This time there was a Keyaki Mall employee trying to devour a stuffed animal, but it was interesting to watch her struggle.

"Ayanokouji, I have to talk to you about something. Come to the faculty room," Chabashira-sensei called out to me. Originally I planned to meet up with some of the Class-C students, but I guess this will have to come first.

"What, are you going to confess?"

"If you don't come with me, then you will face consequences later."

"Aren't you oh so bold, sensei. I'll come with you then."

I followed her to the faculty room, wondering about what Chabashira-sensei was going to do this time. She didn't forget that I'm blackmailing her with a recording, right?

We entered the room, and sat on the sofas opposite each other.

"Ayanokouji, there was an accusation against you from the vice president of the student council. His name is Nagumo Miyabi from Class 2-B, and he is claiming that you were threatening him and his partner. He also claimed that you extorted his points."

"Wow, that's crazy, how could he accuse me of something I didn't do," I deadpanned. "Does he have any evidence?"

"He has some injuries and claims to have a recording as well. Since the evidence doesn't completely prove you guilty, we will hold a trial in the student council a week from now. Unless if you have an alibi or any other evidence to prove you innocent?"

Hmm, I could let Seno make an alibi for me, but that would be a lot of extra work for her. Nagumo might even target her, even if she isn't participating in the class competitions. Guess I'll just use tool #2.

"I do have an alibi, actually. However, would you guys even believe me? Nagumo does have a voice recording of some sorts right?"

"We have technicians to determine the legitimacy of his audio recording. If you claim to have an alibi but the recording was determined to be legitimate, then you will be suspended or possibly expelled for coming up with false evidence. If his voice recording was determined to be fake, then Nagumo would receive the punishment instead for a false accusation."

"I see. Then, I claim to have an alibi where I was hanging out with Soga Minoru from Class 3-D on the rooftop. We bought dinner from a convenience store that day; I bought a sandwich while he bought some sushi. You can confirm these details with him however you want."

I already anticipated this meeting, and planned in advance just for this situation. Not only was I testing the school rules, I was also testing just how capable are the other students in this school.

On the day I drugged a bunch of students using food, I informed Soga about how the faculty will try to contact him about this day. I made him memorize my alibi, so my escape route would be fully secured.

I also set up a trap for Nagumo. I just happened to be able to perfectly imitate text to speech due to my monotone voice, meaning that the technicians won't be able to differentiate my voice from an A.I. If Nagumo wasn't recording, I could've extorted his points using the information I gathered from the documents. Either way, it was checkmate before we even interacted.

Even if the faculty do check the point transfer history, I could make an excuse about making a verbal contract with Nagumo. It's too bad your opponent was me, Nagumo-senpai.

"We will confirm your story with Soga Minoru then."

"I suppose we don't have to hold a trial then? I'm sure the faculty will find Nagumo's recording to be fake before a week."

"If that is the case, then you will decide his punishment during the trial. Of course, the student council will review your decision and decide if it's appropriate or not. If you were found to be guilty, then it would be the other way around. Either way, there's going to be a trial."

"I see. That's certainly an interesting way of doing things. Is that all?"

"Yes, you may go now."

I didn't excuse myself and left the faculty room. I checked my phone, and it was currently 4:44 P.M. What a shitty time.

The meeting that I had with the Class-C students were only one minute away, so I checked the location that Kazuma sent me and slowly sauntered to my destination.

"You're late."

I entered the karaoke room that Kazuma reserved for us, which also happened to be the room I rick-rolled the boys in.

"I got held up by the teacher. Can't really do anything about that," I shrugged.

"Whatever. What did you call us here for?" asked Yamawaki Kyoji. According to my handy dandy memory, he was placed in Class 1-C for his gigantic ego.

"Yeah, Kazuma-san told us that you had something really important to tell us. Since you were his close friend, we didn't mind hearing you out." Nomura Yuuji added. Seems like Kazuma had more respect in his class than I thought.

There were a total of 6 people in the room, including myself. There was me, Yamawaki, Nomura, Yamashita, and Kinoshita. Basically a bunch of fodder that can contribute nicely to my gift.

"I do have something important to tell you guys. Before that though, let me introduce myself." I used all of my social skills in order to communicate amicably with these unsuspecting fellows. "I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, and I have quite the offer for you lot. This could make you rich, and it could protect you from that Ryueen guy."

"Really? He's not lying right, Satou-kun?" Kinoshita said. 

"Well, uhh, probably not," Kazuma chuckled while scratching the back of his head. Was he nervous because of my poker face?

"So? What's the deal?" Yamashita asked.

"Well, I need. . ."

Nagumo POV

Heh, this is perfect. I've completely won.

I just issued some orders to my goons, and now my victory is just a matter of time.

That Ayanokouji probably thought I would submit my recording of him. It was quite impressive how his voice sounded exactly like text to speech. I didn't even realize it that day since I was too sleepy, but he really sounded just like a robot.

However, did he think he could really outsmart me, the student council vice president? How naive. I already know how this school runs. He simply can't beat me.

Since the recording wasn't 'legitimate,' I just had to make a more realistic one. I ordered my subordinates to stalk Ayanokouji and record his conversations. Then, I could use these words as an input for an A.I. This program can imitate a human's voice with just some samples. Man, I love modern technology.

I could then make the program say whatever I want, and then edit it with the original recording to make it seem like he was threatening me and Nazuna. Man, I'm really such a genius. It was a good attempt, but it's too bad that your opponent was me, Ayanokouji.

One week later

I already got all my data and submitted the recording. The school technicians confirmed that it was real just yesterday. This trial is going to be an absolute slaughter.

"Hey Miyabi, we're going to be okay right? I'm pretty nervous. . ." Nazuna showed actual concern. It was weird that she wasn't berating me, but I guess she can be anxious at times as well.

"Damn right we're going to be okay. In fact, with all the evidence on our side, you could say we already won," I stated.

"Well, if you say so."

We entered the student council room along with our homeroom teacher. The only ones there were Horikita-senpai and the purple loli.

"I never thought I'd see you in another trial, but here we are, I guess." the student council president sighed.

"Now don't be like that, Horikita-senpai. Just watch, I'm going to destroy this insolent first-year."

"Now aren't you getting a bit too cocky, senpai." Ayanokouji entered the room along with a defect senpai and his homeroom teacher. She's pretty thicc if I have to say. Why do I feel Nazuna's gaze on me though?

"Hah, you think I can't beat your arrogant ass?"

"Language!" Loli-senpai reprimanded calmly.

"Ahem, let us start the trial then." Horikita-senpai shuffled through his papers.

"The plaintiff side has accused the defendant of violence and extortion of one million points. However, the defendant side claims that the plaintiff was lying and that he has an alibi. Is everything so far true?"

Me and Ayanokouji both nodded.

Horikita-senpai continued. "The evidence the plaintiff side provided consists of his injuries, the point transfer history of one million points, and a voice recording. May we play the voice recording?"

"Go ahead," I responded.

"I'll have to use some more unorthodox methods." Ayanokouji's voice sounded pretty normal. I turned my head to see his expression, but it didn't change. I'm sure he was pissing his pants though.

"What? Are you planning to use violence? How childish," I heard myself laughing.

"You seem to misunderstand me, senpai. Violence is simple, but it's not always the best method," he explained. "No, there's something much more effective then violence. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this, right?"

There was a thud noise, which I put in the recording for some extra flair.

"That's not how you treat a senpai, kouhai. With your intelligence, I'm sure you know better than that." 

"Of course. But you see, I really need that one million points. Honestly, I don't want to do this either."

"Wha-what are you planning to do?" I heard Nazuna's scared voice.

"There's no need to be so scared. I said I wasn't going to use violence right? But if you're so curious, would you like to find out?"

"Fine, I'll give you the million points. But we won't forget this."

"Good. Oh, but since you already have connections within the first year, I'm not going to follow you yeah?"

The recording ended, and I burst out laughing.

"Hear that, Ayanokouji? It's you're complete loss! The evidence is completely on our side."

"Wha. . ."

"Yeah, you thought you were oh so smart, weren't you? Turns out you messed with the wrong person.

"Why. . .

how. . .

is it all going just according to plan?"

He let out the most vicious grin I've ever seen, which gave me some goosebumps.

No, did he predict what I was going to do? No, calm down Miyabi. It's just a bluff, a grin that's meant to doubt myself. Why else would such an apathetic man show any emotion at all?

"Well guys, I have absolute evidence that Nagumo-senpai here fabricated fake evidence. I have to admit though, your acting was impressive."

"Hey Miyabi, he's just bluffing, right? We're not losing, right?" Nazuna sounded genuinely scared. I guess she was off-put by his unsettling, malicious grin.

"Oi president, here's some recordings for you." Ayanokouji tapped around on his phone, likely mailing him whatever shit he recorded. Does he actually have some sort of evidence?

"Just give up Ayanokouji, you can't turn the tides now," I said, not even believing myself. I mean, just look at him! That's the most evil expression I've ever seen.

"Hmm, so it's a video recording. May I show it to everybody here?" Horikita-senpai asked.

"Of course, you may humiliate your vice president." Was Ayanokouji jeering at me?

Horikita-senpai showed us his computer, which showed the goons that I sent after Ayanokouji. Cold sweat started pouring down my face. This isn't right. Did I lose?

"Hey, are we seriously going to stalk this one guy? What's the point anyways?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure Nagumo will reward us handsomely at the end. Don't question the almighty source of money." Did he just call me a source of money? I'll make sure to expel him later.

"Hey, that Ayanokouji guy is coming, let's record him."

"Well, free money woohoo! Yeah baby!"

"Shh, quiet down man, you can celebrate later."

The video showed them recording Ayanokouji with the audio recorders that I gave them. Well, I'm basically fucked, aren't I? Heh, I won't go down without a fight though.

"Wow, I'm impressed Ayanokouji. But I don't see how that recording proves anything?"

"You see Nagumo-senpai, you didn't record me because you're some sort of gay stalker, right? Nowadays, you can deepfake a voice on the internet quite easily. With my monotone voice, it was basically impossible to discern whether your recording had my real voice or not. I don't particularly blame the technicians for their mistake."

So he completely saw through my plans? Is this guy fucking omniscient or some shit? Am I just a side character?

No, that isn't enough evidence, I can still turn this around. Should I though? You know what. Fuck it.

"Is that enough evidence to prove that my recording was fake though? What if I was a gay stalker?"

"You seem mistaken about something, Nagumo-senpai."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Gay people aren't real. At least, not on my watch."

". . ."

". . ."


What the actual flying fuck?

Everyone in the room was silent. Complete silence.

"Well, what I'm saying is that you're not gay. You're a petty liar who faked that recording using deepfake technology and framed me for something I didn't do. I even have a recording of you using that deepfake technology. I also have an alibi with Soga-senpai here, as I was having dinner with him, not extorting your sorry ass."

I don't even know anymore. How do I even monologue this shit? All of this is bullshit, I want to go home.

"May I see the recording of Nagumo using the deepfake technology?" Horikita-senpai asked. For some reason he looked really excited?

"Sure senpai, let me just mail it to you."

Wait a minute, how did he even record me? I was in the fucking dorms! Man, I'm done with this shit.

Sure enough, senpai's screen showed me on my computer editing an audio recording.

"What do you have to say, Nagumo?" Horikita-senpai looked sternly at me.

Looks like I'll just resort to my last weapon: the truth! Mixed with some lies.

"Fine, you got me, I faked that recording. However, the fact that you extorted one million points is a fact. I wasn't recording at that time, so this was my only choice to come up with evidence. Everything in the recording was the same as what happened the day you extorted me. Right, Nazuna?"

However, instead of hearing an agreement, she said something that I didn't expect at all.

"Sorry Miyabi, but I don't know what you're talking about. You faked those injuries, didn't you? You gave those million points of your own free will. When you recorded my voice, I thought we were doing a skit for our school project? You were never extorted. You simply wanted to frame someone that posed a threat to you."

"Hey, why are you siding with him now?" Am I really getting betrayed here?

"I mean, it just doesn't make any sense. He never beat us up. You just gave him a million points because of some sort of deal." Her chagrined expression showed her unwillingness to even be here.

Bitch. Didn't she know that I was protecting her that time?

In the end, all women are just lying vixens. They play dirty in order to win in the end. How could I have forgotten?

"Looks like even your friend here is against you, Nagumo-senpai." Ayanokouji taunted me with his feral grin. "With all the evidence piled against him, will you bring down judgement, president?"

"Do you have anything to say, Nagumo?" Horikita-senpai asked.

"No. I completely and utterly lost. I give up," I responded despondently.

"It seems like this trial has come to an end, then. The defendant has been found to be innocent, with the plaintiff coming up with fake evidence. May the defendant decide the punishment then?"

"Yes sir. Well, how about it, Nagumo-senpai? Your fate is in my hands. Any last words?"

"No. It seems like I've been betrayed. Expel me if you want."

Ayanokouji seemed. . .disappointed? Did he expect me to put up more of a fight? I'm not sure of anything anymore.

"Really? The esteemed Nagumo is getting expelled, just like that? You won't even try to fight back?"

You know what? Maybe he's right. How can I get depressed just from losing? I guess the shock of being defeated for the first time in years was quite damaging to me. It doesn't matter who my opponent is, I will destroy anyone that opposes me.

"Do you want me to?" I replied.

"In my opinion, you have lots of potential. However, you're not able to challenge yourself. You already have complete control of the second year, and nobody could go against you. It would be a shame if I expelled such a promising student, don't you think?"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm giving you a choice. Give me all of your private points and stay in this school, or get expelled with all of your potential and dreams wasted. If you want to have any future at all, you know which option to choose, right?" Ayanokouji proposed to me.

I could either choose to give up my future prospects, or continue fighting. To achieve my dreams, or to give up and live the easy life? The choice is obvious.

"Fine. The punishment for me would be to give you all of my private points then. Deal?"

"Deal, Nagumo-senpai."

Everyone just watched our exchange in shock. Just you watch Nazuna, I'll make you regret your decisions.

"Whew. Now that that's done with, how about we have a little chat, you lying vixen?" I asked calmly.

*      *      *

Ayanokouji POV

I would be a fool to include Nagumo in my gift of gratitude. However, with that whole fiasco over, I'm now dirty rich. I can buy all the ice-cream I could ever want!

"Let's leave, Soga."

"Damn, you're just built different, huh? I'm not getting on your bad side anytime soon."

"It's good that you know."

I left the student council room along with Chabashira-sensei and Soga, leaving Nagumo to deal with his own problems.

I didn't expect Asahina to betray Nagumo, but even if she didn't, I still would've won easily. After all, I planned everything from the start.

Flashback (wooosh)

"So? What's the deal?" Yamashita asked.

"Well, I need some help with something, but it requires some manpower. You see, there's this group of people who's on a witch hunt for me. They are really a pain in the ass, so I want you guys to expose them."

"Expose them? Wait, what do you mean a group of people is hunting you down? This ain't the medieval era," commented Yamawaki.

"Well, all you need to know is that they hold some kind of grudge against me. As for how you'll expose them, you just have to record their conversations. Whether you record with your phone or with these microphones doesn't really matter, as long as you catch it."

I handed each of them some audio recorders that I got a while ago.

"Wait, how does this relate to making us rich?" Yamashita asked.

"Well, he's obviously going to give us points as a reward, duh. But I do wonder how it protects us from Ryueen?" Kinoshita responded.

"Well, here's the thing. I will share one million points between the four of you if you complete this task." A series of gasps were heard throughout the room.

"Ryueen's a violent tyrant, right? And if you reported him, you'd just lose all your points. However, with these points, you can get rid of him without suffering any damage yourself. The school did say that it doesn't condone bullying on the first day of school, after all. These are enough points to share with your friends if you want, and the audio recorders that you just received can be evidence for your report. It's a mutually beneficial deal, isn't it?" I explained.

"Damn, I won't even question how you got one million fucking points. I'm in!" Nomura grinned, and extended his hand. I didn't want to shake it, but it was a small price to pay for my wonderful gift.

"Wait, show us your balance first, then I'll make the deal," said Kinoshita. Wow, her IQ is above room temperature, amazing.

"Here." I showed her my phone, with a balance of 1,069,420 PP. She tapped around on the phone to confirm that it wasn't a photo, and nodded to herself.

"If we're doing this, we would need some sort of contract, right? I don't wanna get scammed after all," Yamawaki said.

"Yeah, we should probably do that," Yamashita agreed. That was a pointless sentence that added nothing whatsoever, but it added to the total word count, which means that it wasn't pointless after all. Yeah, I just wasted 5 seconds of your life, deal with it. Oh wait, you've already wasted lots of time reading this far into this shitty chapter, so author-san, who's right behind you, gives you his gratitude. Man, I really wonder if anyone will read this entire paragraph of monologue. I mean, it's just so long, right? Maybe it should be moved to the author's note section instead for extra retention rate? Oh wait, I don't earn any money from this, so I guess it doesn't really matter ahahaha.

(A/N TL;DR that paragraph is just me adding to the word count don't waste your time reading it.)

"Don't worry about that, I already made the memorandum beforehand. All you have to do is sign it."

I grabbed the piece of paper from my back pocket and spread it out on the table. I even prepared some pens for them. The paper read:

In exchange for providing the recordings requested by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka of Class 1-D, the students who sign this contract will receive a reward of one million private points. These points will be distributed evenly between the students. If Ayanokouji Kiyotaka doesn't provide the million points, the students that signed the contract are able to decide his punishment. If the recordings supplied do not fulfil the requirements specified below, then Ayanokouji Kiyotaka does not have to pay the one million points. Anyone that leaks this contract will face expulsion, along with the Class-C students that signed this contract.

Recording Requirements:

The contents of the recording has to be clear, with no distorted audio. The contents of the conversation that are recorded must be related to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Any irrelevant content will not meet the requirements.

Signed by:


The four students read over the contract, and they signed it with the pens provided.

"Alright, I will make four other copies of this contract so each of us has one." The others nodded their heads. "I will give you more instructions on how to proceed after I get the copies. Can you guys wait for me until then?" I queried.

"Sounds good to me," Nomura replied.

"Damn, 250000 points huh? I wonder what I should use it on. . ."

I left the karaoke room, and author-san was right outside.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"Hey, that's no way to talk to the person that's writing you. I'm here to make copies of the memorandum for you, since I don't want to write some boring sequence where you go to the faculty room and other shit." Author-san responded.

"Is this what you call plot-convenience?"

"Yep! You'll need to pay me 420 points though."

"Seriously? At least add an ice-cream as a bonus."


I got my four copies and a honey jalapeno pickle ice-cream, which tasted. . .unique. I walked back into the karaoke room and handed the copies out.

"Holy moly, that was fast. And you got an ice cream as well?" Yamawaki commented.

"Yeah, I'm even faster than the people who edited the Wikipedia page for Queen Elizabeth II."

"Um, okay? Anyways, what's the plan?" Kinoshita asked.

"Well, since there are four of you, I want you guys to position yourselves in specific positions after school ends. I will limit my movement to the areas around these positions. These positions will be the classrooms, the judo room, the convenience store, and the general area near the dorms. You can just plant one of these audio devices, but if you want to increase your chance of catching these conversations, you should try to record these people with your phone."

"Isn't that kind of risky though? What if we get caught?" Nomura questioned.

"Well, a million points come with some risk. Don't worry though, the people hunting me probably aren't that smart anyways." After all, the government documents showed that most of the competent people from the second year were already expelled.

"This is exciting, isn't it? It's like we're some secret agents or something!" Yamashita said.

"Consider it done then. You can count on us, Ayanokouji-san." Yamawaki asserted. Looks like the power of money made him respect me. Well, if his ego was so huge that he can't work with others, then he would probably be placed in Class-D. That reminds me of a certain someone.

Flashback end

I predicted that Nagumo would try to deepfake my voice for his recording. How? Plot-convenience, duh. With my big brain analyzing and psychology skills, I was able to manipulate Nagumo into doing what I wanted. That's a satisfactory answer right? Don't question the overpowered protagonist.

It was also simple to record Nagumo editing the audio file. All I did was use the hidden cameras that are planted in every dorm room. If it wasn't for Seno, my dear dorm receptionist, I would've never found out. Sneaky government.

"How did you do it?" Chabashira-sensei asked as we travelled down the flight of stairs to the first floor. Soga had some business in his classroom, apparently.

"With the power of friendship, duh."

Chabashira-sensei shook her head, knowing that she wouldn't get any answer out of me. She can try to threaten me again though. Oh wait, I have a recording that can fire her at any time, guess she can't do that.

I do have to say though, this school is easy. Way too easy. Future elite leaders of Japan my ass. The people here get blackmailed by me all the time, with no idea of how to retaliate. Well, I better focus on working on that gift.

Ryueen POV

It was Thursday, and tomorrow the midterms would be upon us. However, it wasn't just any Thursday. Lots of shit has been happening in this school lately.

Just a few days ago, Shiranami Chihiro dropped out of this school. Whoever posted that picture on the school forums is an absolute legend. The power of friendship didn't last long at all, huh?

Not only that, but I heard my classmates conspiring against me. Seriously, do these fuckers know who they're dealing with? The strategy they were using against me was similar to the one I came up with to sabotage other classes. It was like using a spell against the one who made that spell.

"Ryueen Kakeru, please head with me to the faculty room," Sakagami-sensei requested. Seems like he was a bit shaken up.

"Kukuku, I wonder what this is all about," I say as I look at Yamawaki, Nomura, Yamashita, and Kinoshita.

I followed Sakagami-sensei to the faculty room, where he told me that those four students reported me for violence against them. They had injuries all over themselves, which was the supposed "proof."

"Wow, that's crazy sensei, how could they accuse me of something I never did," I deadpanned. "What's going to happen now?"

"A trial will be held three days from now, where both sides will come to a conclusion. Just for reference, do you admit to beating them up, Ryueen?"

"Kukuku, of course not, do you take me for some sort of tyrant? You don't need to worry about me, sensei. I've already got all the evidence to prove that they were framing me. There's no need for a trial."

I showed him a recording where the four idiots were beating each other up, and talking about how they were finally going to get rid of me. His eyes opened in surprise, but it showed annoyance as well.

After all, if I never showed any evidence, there would only be punishment for me. However, four of my classmates are going to take the punishment instead, which is honestly a waste of class points.

"I see. Since there's no trial, the school will take the recording and punish your classmates accordingly. Is that okay?"

"Of course, I'm sure they'll only get suspended for a while."

In the end, useless baggage gets left behind. I didn't want to do this, but this was the only way to win. Everyone are just rocks by the roadside. Nobody in my class can even pose a challenge. All I had to do was order Ishizaki to keep an eye on my classmates and look at the results. It's pitiful.

I will have to question those four later. They wouldn't go against me if there wasn't some sort of incentive. Sure, not many of my dear classmates like how I run things, but by reporting me, they will lose their points and get a personal punishment from me.

Perhaps somebody gave an incentive of points to these people? I'll call him X for now. X has some big balls trying something like that. Maybe he's also the one who posted the picture of Shiranami?

Heh. X thinks just like me. Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary.

I returned to my classroom, where all of my classmates were waiting for me like obedient dogs. Except Shiina and Kazuma, they probably went to the library and the dorms respectively.

"Kukuku, apparently some of you reported me from violence, huh?" I menacingly walked to the four injured students, and slammed my fist on one of their desks. Everyone jolted up in surprise, while Ibuki just clicked her tongue. What a tsundere.

"The four of you. You're in big, big trouble. The school will probably suspend you for framing me." They looked back at me in fear and shock. After all, their plans were completely obliterated, just like that.

"So, spill the beans. Who gave you the balls to go against me?"

"Wha. . .what are you talking about, Ryueen-san? We don't like your way of doing things, so we just reported you," Yamawaki nervously stuttered.

"Do you take me for a fool, Yamawaki? Someone obviously gave you a bunch of points, or else you'd have no reason to report me, right?" I explained.

"It was Ayanokouji! Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from Class 1-D! He made us report you for points!" Nomura admitted.

"Hey, are you stupid? We're going to get expelled from leaking the contract! You fucking donkey!" Yamawaki exclaimed.

"What. . .we're getting expelled? Seriously? Nomura, I'm going to fucking kill you," Kinoshita threatened.

I have no fucking words. X played me. Or rather, these idiots run their mouths too much. Maybe it's for the best that they're expelled. . .

*      *      *

Ayanokouji POV

It was the day of the midterms. It was also the day that my gift would be completed. 

"There are no absences today. It appears everyone is present."

Chabashira-sensei strode through the classroom with a bold smile on her face.

"That's the first hurdle for you leftovers. Are there any questions?"

"We've studied diligently these past few weeks. I don't think that anyone will fail."

"Oh my. You sound quite confident, Hirata."

Everyone wore a confident look. The teacher promptly took up the test papers and passed them out. Our first period test was for social studies. Out of everything they had studied, it was probably the easiest subject. Too bad everything they studied weren't on the midterms anyway.

"If anyone stumbles here, the other tests will be an uphill battle, quite frankly. You'll take this midterm and the final exam in July. If no one fails either test, you'll be rewarded with a vacation during your summer break."

"A vacation?"

"That's right. A dream vacation on an island surrounded by the brilliant blue sea."
"Wh-what is this strange pressure..." one of the boys muttered.

Chabashira-sensei stepped back from the obvious tension the students exuded... mostly the boys.

"Everyone. Let's do our best!"

"Yeah!" Ike howled along with our classmates.

Before long, everyone had their test papers. On the teacher's signal, everyone began. I saw that everyone was pretty confused, as none of the topics they studied were on the exams. I started on my own paper. However, after about 10 minutes, some people held their stomachs in pain.

"Sensei, may I go to the bathroom? I can't hold it in," Yamauchi asked.

"Me too, I think I ate something bad," Miyamoto added.

Chabashira-sensei facepalmed, and she let them go. Man, those laxatives work pretty fast, huh. Seems like the lucky people that got water from the water dispenser that was right outside the classroom were Yamauchi and Miyamoto.

The two were gone for about half of the exam, so it's safe to say that they're pretty fucked. I finished my paper and stared outside the window. This time I saw the Keyaki employee trying to ride a huge fluffy bunny. I don't even know anymore. Maybe she has down syndrome or something.

After finishing all the midterms for the day, I met up with Kazuma and the boys. Apparently, the four students that Kazuma introduced to me were all expelled. Damn, that's crazy. I invested one million points, and in return got thirteen million points from Nagumo and sacrifices for my gift. Quite nice, I must say.

"I heard that four students from Class 1-A were expelled as well for cheating on the midterms. Man, your year is crazy. You guys are losing students faster than my dad left me," John joked.

"Didn't your year lose a bunch of students as well because of that Nagumo dude or whatever?" Kazuma inquired.

"Yeah, that's true," John responded. "Not all at once though. Maybe your year has a Nagumo as well that's just expelling everyone."

"I sure hope not," Kazuma muttered.

"Come on, cheer up everyone! I'm sure that all of us can graduate this school with no problems!" Harambe cheered us on, dispersing the tense atmosphere.

"Well, it's just that when four students are expelled from your class, that's a loss of 400 class points. Man, I'm going to be dirt poor now," Kazuma complained. "But isn't it weird that the four people who became friends with you were also the ones that got expelled? That's kinda suspicious, Kiyotaka."

"Coincidences can be freaky," I responded. "Maybe life just doesn't want me to have too many friends, or else they'll all get cut off."

"Skill issue + ratio + L + bozo + get good + my dad can beat up your dad," John commented. Maybe his dad is just that powerful. "But really, something's wrong with your year. Eight students expelled, and a student that dropped out because someone posted a picture of her. Although it was kinda hot, I saved it in my photos."

"Same man," Kazuma agreed.

I was worried for Harambe, as he seemed to be sort of allergic to degeneracy. Oh well, at least it's better than getting shot.

*      *      *

Chabashira-sensei strode into the classroom, looking around at the students.

Everyone was clearly anxious, holding their breath in anticipation of the test results.

"Sensei. We were told that the results would be announced today, but when?"

"There's no need for you to get so worked up, Hirata. You should have passed quite easily."

"So, when will the results be released?"

"Well, if you'd like, now is as good a time as any. If we waited to do it after class, we wouldn't have enough time for other procedures."

Some of the students visibly reacted to the words "other procedures."

" you mean by that?"

"Don't get flustered. I'll tell you now."

As usual, she revealed the details simultaneously and collectively. She stuck a large, white sheet of paper with everyone's names and test scores onto the blackboard.

"Honestly, you guys are complete idiots. How all of you did so bad is beyond me," Chabashira-sensei ridiculed.

"But sensei, the topics you gave us weren't even on the test?" Sotomura pointed out.

". . ."

". . ."

"Ahem, anyways, since the class average was so low, all of you passed."

Everyone cheered around the room. Perhaps this was the first time that some of them achieved anything in life.

"Except Miyamoto Soshi and Yamauchi Haruki. Both of you failed on the social studies test."

Yamauchi had a score of 11, while Miyamoto had a score of 18. The passing score was 21, so Chabashira-sensei drew a red line above their names.

"What? That's not fair sensei! We were in the bathroom for around half the exam!" Yamauchi protested.

"Yeah! We should be given another chance to retake the test!" Miyamoto complained.

"Rules are rules. You can't retake the tests. Both of you are expelled. Although you. . .struggled valiantly, you still weren't able to pass. You'll be asked to fill out a withdrawal form after class, but you will need to have a legal guardian present when you do so. I'll contact them for you."

Chabashira's words dropped like a bomb on the class, which I'm sure everyone was basically used to by now. Even Hirata looked tired after the umpteenth nuke.

"Is there really no way to save them?" Hirata showed his concern.

"They're being expelled. They got failing grades."

"Could we possibly see their answer sheets?"

"Even if you look it over, you won't find any grading mistakes. I was expecting that you'd protest."

She took out their social studies answer sheets and handed it to Hirata, who immediately looked over every problem along with Yukimura. His expression turned dark when he reached the end.

"There...are no mistakes."

"Well, if you're all in agreement, homeroom is over."

I started walking back to the dorms.

Finally, over the span of three weeks, I was able to complete my gift. I asked Google for the size of my gift, which was 13. Everything had gone to plan. Four students each expelled from Class 1-A and Class 1-C. A dropout from Class 1-B. Two expelled students from Class 1-D. The removal of a government official. However, I spared the 13th person, which was Nagumo-senpai.

As a proper student of Advanced Nurturing High School, it's my job to make sure the environment is clean and that the students here grow up into upstanding elite leaders of Japan. By getting rid of the useless students, I'm preserving the integrity of this school and the future of Japan.

I spared Nagumo-senpai because he had potential to be an actual leader, unlike the ones that got expelled. They were born to rot at the bottom of society, not to lead. Expelling these 12 people even saved the government lots of money with the reduction of class points. Instead of spending so much money on useless people, the government has more finances to improve the state of society.

If the students at this school were really elites, then I would've given a different gift. Really, I'm just the nicest guy ever. Even though I'm disappointed at the lack of elites in this school, I still made a gift. Even though the school was not as fun as I expected, I still showed my gratitude.

This is my gift of gratitude for letting me enrol in this school, Chairman Sakayanagi. I hope you enjoy it.


10533 words

Congratulations! You just finished volume 1 of Savagekouji! Let me reward you with a super long author's note so you can continue procrastinating on whatever you need to do.

Since I love democracy, let's have a little vote for what I should do next:

Make an Ichika x Kiyotaka fan-fiction (more horny)

Make a Nanase x Kiyotaka fan-fiction (more fluff)

Make a one-shot series (bunch of weird shit)

Congratulations, you voted for nothing, because I'm going to do the one-shot series. Get fucked hahahaha. Maybe I'll include these ships in my one-shots if they get a lot of support. Just be warned, I'm shit at writing romance.

Also I gave some drip to ma boi in the cover (yeah all I did was add 2 PNGs):

I'll give him a supreme jacket if this chapter reaches 1000 votes (I don't feel like learning photoshop nor commissioning someone else to do it (unless if you're willing to do it for free = ̄ω ̄=)). Yeah, it's not possible, just like how Ayanokouji can't ever beat Goku.

You may have noticed that this chapter was pretty long. Well, I decided to stick with a format for these volumes. Ten chapters each (not including SS), with the final chapter being some sort of long epic finale for that volume. Btw let me know who's SS you want to see, I'll be doing four and one of them is going to be my OC Seno Yumi so you decide the other three.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this volume, even if some of the chapters were just boring filler lol. Please tell me what you thought of this volume. Criticize the shit out of me. Was it too confusing? Were there too many plot holes? Any feedback would be appreciated.

You can ask me any question you want here, and I'll answer them. Just like a Q&A. There're no dumb questions, right? Right?

Thanks for all the follows, reads, and votes! I'm grateful to all you readers for sticking with me and getting to this point. I guess you could call this chapter my "gift of gratitude" to you, the reader. Welp, that's all from me.

See you next time.

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❝ if I knew that i'd end up with you then I would've been pretended we were together. ❞ She stares at me, all the air in my lungs stuck in my throat...
173K 4.6K 39
" She is my wife, stay away from her!" " Keep trying she will remain mine. " " Show me your scars, I want to see how many times you needed...
1.3M 58.1K 104
Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh, men are idiots." OC x OC