An anthology of weird stories

By anujshah1991

570 103 45

An anthology of weird stories More

Jack who?
The snatchers
The wells of death
Just love
Tragic messages
Cheating is bad
A crematorium
Beyond life and death
Tv message
Reel to real ?
A catholic school
Football ?
Dont leave
Knock knock
Tragedy of errors
Future AD
Friends forever???
Schizophrenia- a misunderstood condition
Ouija board
Weirdness personified
Space odyssey
Organ transplant
Bottomless pit
Toll call
Science project
The key man
The girl with the gun arm
The 10Th club
Andy Shaw's chronicles
Future is present to come
School trip
Room 401
3:03 am
Call me tomorrow. Alright ?
Sleep paralysis
I cant sleep anymore
The algorithm pattern
Angel of death
A good day indeed
Herbert Scott
Innocent ?
The chinese man
The killer
Zombies didnt kill me or her ?
ACP ANDY is back
Julie and julia
The painting
The masons
To be or 2 be
Emily's life
Cruise ship
The Andy Cunningham chronicle
Beyond the mountain of madness
Live to die and repeat
Andy- the reluctant Assasin
Andy shaw- you mess you pay
A weird take on time loops


2 1 0
By anujshah1991

"Bobby! Attention!"  He heard his teacher say.  He came out of his daydream and looked up to see her staring at him.  "Did you hear anything I'm saying?"  He continued.

Bobby shrugged his shoulders.  Before being interrupted, he was daydreaming that he could freeze time, and before that he was imagining himself navigating the class if he was only 5 inches tall.

The teacher continued to yell at him, as they all did, then she detained him after school on Friday night

Why is it that schools are so intent on crushing the imagination of children?  What is it about creative kids that baffles so many teachers?  They punished him for sketching or writing stories in class.  They punished him whenever he slipped into daydream.  His artwork was not the right style for his art teacher;  His music was too modern for his music teacher, and he was also forbidden to use mnemonic techniques to revise exams.  Whenever he deviated from their formula and their methods, he was punished and told that he would never do anything.

At the end of the school day the children ran towards the gate saying goodbye to all their friends and classmates.  Although no one said goodbye to Bobby.  They barely saw him untie the chains of his bike for the lonely ride home.

As he approached his teenage years, he was finding it difficult to connect with other children and was used to being excluded.  Bobby's only companion was his diary, in which he revealed his thoughts and feelings.  Every night before sleeping he would make an entry...

Dear Diary,
  Another crap day at school.  Walked around the playground alone.  Another arrest took place on Friday night.
  On the plus side, there are some great Xbox games coming out this month.

  Same thing happened the next day...

  Dear Diary,
  I saw boys in my class playing football today.  I thought they would ask me to join in, but they wanted me to bring the ball.  I decided to spend my break time in the library instead.
  There was a dispute with the parents again.  I told him I was in custody last night and he threatened to take away my books and Xbox.  If he had done this, my life would have no meaning.

The next day at school, Bobby tried to focus on his classes.  Every time he saw his mind wandering, he would try to draw his attention to the teacher's words.  He lasted 15 minutes before slipping into another daydream.

  When the school bell declared home time for the children, he went to the detention hall.  At least there was no one here telling him what to think.  The supervising teacher read a book, while Bobby and two other boys stared at the walls until their time was up.  When he was done, he went outside to untie his bike.  It had started to rain and the sky was covered with dark clouds, making it felt much later.

Bobby rode his bike on the wet, deserted streets on his usual way home, but before he could reach home, he saw a gang of older boys lurking in a street.  They seemed like trouble so he chose to bypass them through a piece of barren land behind the houses.  The pavement gave way to a rocky and uneven dirt track at the bottom of a tall grass ledge.  He climbed on the grass to avoid some broken bottles, but was soft and slippery from the rain.  The front wheel went out of control, throwing Bobby over the handlebar.  He landed on his back, knocking the air out.
  He did not appear to have been seriously hurt, but sat on the ground for a while and tried to catch his breath.  He was wet and his bike was lying in a heap in front of him.
  "Are you okay?"
  Bobby was trying to locate the source of the sound.  It looked like a young girl.
  "Has your bike broken down," he asked.  It was coming from over the bank, but he could not see who was speaking.
  He dragged himself to his feet and started climbing towards the unknown voice.  Looking at the barren land below, a row of houses is supported on the bank.  There was a girl standing in a garden, peeping through a wire fence.

"I saw you fall and just wanted to check that you were okay," she said.
  "I'm fine...thank you," whispered Bobby, gasping for breath.
  The girl opened the gate and signaled Bobby to come in.  The lawn was overgrown and the house seemed scattered, but was barely recorded in his mind as he gazed at the girl in front of him.  Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail with a red bow that matched her dress;  A pale and innocent complexion with rosy cheeks, and eyes like drops of the sky.  She was beautiful.
  Bobby didn't know what to say.  It was not his practice when it came to talking to girls or talking to kids in general.
  "I left my bike," he said, standing on the threshold.

"We can bring it to our garden if you want. We can check it out, make sure it's safe to ride," offered the girl. "Come on, I'll help you."
  The two of them made their way down the edge of the grass and took the bike back to the girl's garden.
  "Hey...thanks," said Bobby.
  "No problem."
  He checked the bike, although Bobby was only thinking about the girl he was with.  He had never experienced such kindness from a stranger before.
  "I am Lucy," she said.
  "I'm Bobby."
  "So are we meant to shake hands or something?"  He said, reach out.
  Bobby smiled and gently waved his delicate hand.
  "Do you have to run home or do you want to hang out for a while?"  He asked.  "I can't invite you over because mom is sleeping, but I know somewhere we can escape the rain."
  Bobby checked his watch.  "Okay. I have to get home by eight o'clock though."
  "Great! Follow me."
  Bobby picked up his bike and took it along with Lucy as Lucy approached.  They exchanged small talk and she found herself more at ease than she had long realized.  They came across a small cove of trees where the branches joined together to form an upper terrace.
  "It's not much, but it will keep the rain away from us. We can sit here," said Lucy, taking a seat on a log and prompting Bobby to join her.
  He leaned his bike against a tree and sat next to it.  "So, do you walk around here a lot?"
  "Yeah. Sometimes I have to get out of the house. Mom sleeps a lot, you see. She gets very annoyed when I make noise, so I try to stay out of her way."
  "I understand," replied Bobby sympathetically.  "I have arguments with my parents too."
  "Really? On what?"
  Bobby looked down before saying, "I disappoint them."
  "I'm sure that's not true."
  "I'm not good at anything and I'm always in trouble at school."
  "Are you one of those bad kids?"
  "No, I'm not really. I just can't concentrate on classes. They bore me."
  "that's not so bad."
  "My parents want him to have a normal son who was into sports and did well in school. When I try to talk to him about the things I'm doing or the stories I'm writing  So they just roll their eyes," he said. "Most people avoid me."
  "I haven't avoided you, Bobby."  Lucy put her hand on him as she spoke.  He leaned slightly at her touch.  He looked at her until he raised his head and their eyes met.  "I would love a friend like you," she said.

Bobby could not suppress the smile on his face.  "Do you want to hang out tomorrow?"
  "I'd love that. Meet me around three in my garden?"
  "Okay," he agreed.
  They chatted for a while before deciding to go home.  Before leaving home for the night, Bobby gives Lucy a lift on his bike, dropping her off in her garden.

  Dear Diary,
  I'm having a wonderful day and I feel like I've made a new friend!  Her name is Lucy.  She is beautiful and sweet.  We really clicked and she gets me.  We are meeting again tomorrow afternoon.  I'll keep you updated.

  As per arrangement, Bobby meets Lucy in her garden.  She was wearing the same bow and red dress.  She saw that she was torn and torn in some places, but she looked even more beautiful in broad daylight.  They went to ride his bike and he showed some stunts.  She appeared impressed and gave them thunderous applause.  He explained that he never learned to ride a bike, so he decided to teach it, gently guiding him to make sure he didn't fall.  As soon as he put his hand on her back, he noticed that her dress was wet.  Didn't he dry it up with yesterday's rain?  Didn't he have any more clothes?  He thought, but he kept his thoughts to himself.
  Bobby turned and saw a bunch of children.  They were shouting and laughing amongst themselves.
  "Freak!"  They shouted again.
  Lucy pulls Bobby aside.  "Don't pay attention. I get it all the time."
  "But why?"
  "It's because I'm poor and my house is a dump," she said.  "Don't pretend you didn't notice."
  "Freak!"  The children continued.
  Bobby had always shied away from confrontation, but he found himself tapping into the courage he never knew he had.  He inflated his chest and pulled his shoulders back, ready to face them.  The children got scared and ran away.
  "Forget about it. They are just idiots," she said, stroking her arm.
  Bobby and Lucy return to their little den in the trees, where they quell their anger.  He couldn't understand why they called him a freak.  Apart from the tears and tears on her dress, she didn't look poor, especially from afar.  He began to wonder if they knew anything about him that he did not.

  They continued to talk and discovered many similar interests.  Lucy also loved reading, but confessed that she didn't go to school much.  When Bobby asked why, he said it was complicated and didn't offer any more.  He thought it had something to do with his mother, but decided to drop the subject.  They spent the whole afternoon laughing and playing together and forgot all about the incident.
  Bobby left her in his garden.  He looked up towards the house.  She was right: it was a dump.  He felt very sorry for her.  Despite arguments with his parents, he was always well fed and well groomed and made good gifts on Christmas and birthdays.  Maybe one day he can drive her away.
  They stood in front of each other for a moment.  Their eyes met, but Bobby broke his eyes to look at his watch.  "Okay, it's getting late. I guess I should go."
  Lucy leaned over and wrapped her arms around him.  "It's been one of the best days of my life," he whispered in his ear.
  "Mine too," he replied earnestly.
  Bobby went home on his bike, a smile spread across his face and his chest fluttering.
  He met Lucy again the next day and every night after school.

Dear Diary,
  I'm sorry I didn't write an update this week.  I am spending a lot of time with my new friend Lucy.  I've never met anyone like him before and I can't stop thinking about him.  She is very caring and she really listens to me when I talk.  I sometimes restrain myself when I think I'm gambling, but she always tells me to go ahead and say she finds me attractive.
  I sometimes think of him as more than just a friend.  She hugs me and compliments me a lot and this surprises me.  She had a big argument with her mother last night and she cried on my shoulder.  We held each other so tightly and just stood there in the rain for years.  He looked at me with those big blue eyes and I wanted to kiss him so much.  I think she wants me, but I'm afraid to waste what we have.
  Although something really bothers me.  All the children keep calling him crazy.  This is what happens when they see us together and I don't understand why.  She says it doesn't bother her, but it should.  Why are people so cruel?  I notice she wears the same cheesy outfit every day and I'm worried that her mom is ignoring her.  But I have a nice surprise planned for tomorrow.

  When they meet the next day, Lucy is joined by Bobby on his bike and they set off on the main road toward town.
  "Where are we going?"  He asked.
  "it's a surprise!"
  "I don't want to go to town anymore," she said.  "It is very exciting!"
  They arrived at a shopping mall and Lucy seemed overjoyed, mesmerized by the wonders in front of her.  They wandered around the shop windows admiring things and when Lucy pointed to a dress she really liked, Bobby offered to buy it for her.
  "It's surprising," she told him.  He was saving his pocket money for some new games, but last week he didn't even turn on his Xbox.
  "R u serious?"  Lucy was happy.  "But I can't, Bobby. It's your money... I can't."
  Bobby insists and assures her that's what he wants, so they go in and buy the dress.
  "I'll wear this for you tomorrow," she said, and gave him a big hug.  "I can't wait!"
  Bobby offered him something to eat and drink at a fast food place, but the stare he got from the people there made him very uncomfortable, so he decided to finish his meal outside.  In fact, he encountered a lot of stares at the mall that day, as well as a few giggles, and Bobby was sure he'd heard the word "freak" too many times.  But it wasn't enough to ruin their day or take them out of the joy they felt when they were together.  Plus, Bobby secretly hoped that the new outfit he'd buy for her would put an end to the name-calling.
  When he met her the next day, he was wearing a new dress as promised.  This lace was dark purple in color with frills.  She had also untangled her hair, and it was hanging freely just below her chin.  Bobby was stunned.
  "Do you like it?"  He asked.
  "I like this!"  He replied.
  That evening he decided to leave the bike behind and take a walk in the local park.
  "Have you ever dreamed about your ideal future?"  He asked.
  "All the time."

"Have you ever pictured yourself falling in love? Or walking hand in hand, taking the dog over the park on a Sunday afternoon, and then sitting on the couch watching a movie in the evening?"
  "I think so," said Bobby.  The truth is, he had thought about it a lot, especially since meeting Lucy.
  "A girl can dream," he sighed.
  The next ten minutes passed in silence as they walked through the park, in the colors of autumn and the leaves kicking through.  Then he felt Lucy holding his hand.  He grabbed her and they went on hand in hand.  He felt butterflies in his stomach and he couldn't be happier in that moment.
  Unfortunately, this was soon to be interrupted.
  Three boys a few years older than Bobby stood in his way.  "Look, this is crazy!"  said one of them.
  Bobby released Lucy's hand and placed himself between her and the boys.  "Leave him alone," she warned them.
  "is that your girlfriend?"  One of them laughed.
  "mind your own business."
  "How do I steal it from you?"  The eldest of the boys threatened.  "I'll chop off his head and use it as a football!"  At this point, the boy reached out and grabbed Lucy's hand.  As soon as he pulled her towards him, she fell.
  Bobby paused.  He hit a punch in the big boy's jaw, which momentarily fell to the floor.  Then he pounced on the other boy, holding him by the nose.  He felt it lacking in effect and bled out.  The rest of the boy saw his chance and punched Bobby under his eye, but that wasn't enough to make him fall.  Adrenaline ran through Bobby's veins as he grabbed him in a headlock and tightened his grip until he screamed for mercy.
  "Bobby! Pause!"  He heard Lucy say.  He looked down and saw that she was still lying on the floor.  He let go of his grip and the three boys stumbled, lost and humiliated.
  "Fuckin' freak!"  One of them muttered.
  Bobby ignores the parting shot and goes to Lucy.
  "Are you hurt?"  He asked her as he lifted her to his feet.
  "No, I'm fine," she said.  "But your eye... it's all swollen."  He ran his fingers lightly across Bobby's face, where he caught a punch.
  "It's nothing," he replied.
  Lucy leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.  "Thanks Bobby. No one has ever done anything like this for me. You were so brave."
  He blushed.
  "By the way, you dropped something," he said, handing his watch to Bobby.
  "It was supposed to go down in battle. It's good you found it! My grandfather left it with me when he died and my parents would go mad if I lost it."
  "It's beautiful," she said.  "I've never had a watch before."

"Want to try it?"  he offered.  "You can wear it until we get back."  He adjusted the strap and tied it to his narrow wrist.  He held it in the air and showed it as if it were a valuable treasure.  It was lovely how much she appreciated the little things.  Everything about Bobby impressed him.
  They kept walking and he saw that she was limping.  "I just twisted my ankle a little, that's it."
  "I'll give you a piggy back," said Bobby, bowing slightly, so that he could jump on his back.  He was surprised how light she was.  He took her all over the house, right to her door.
  Lucy touched her face again and said, "Your eyes will be black tomorrow."  "What would you tell your mom and dad?"
  "I'll make something. I'm good at it."
  They paused for a moment.  Their eyes met, only this time neither of them turned.  Bobby glanced at her soft lips, pulled her hair back and leaned in closely.  He kissed her and she retorted.  He felt his heart beating.
  They slowly parted and looked into each other's eyes.  She started laughing nervously.  "I was waiting for you to do this," she told him.
  Bobby pounced on him.  "See you tomorrow," he said, as he retrieved his bike.
  "I can't wait!"  He replied.

  He couldn't stop thinking about her kissing, on the way home.  He was overwhelmed with enthusiasm and wanted to greet everyone passing by and announce his happiness to the world.  More than a week ago, he didn't mean anything to anyone and he was just a few lone failures.  Now he was a hero who had taken three big goons and got the girl.  Life couldn't be better.
  She reached in front of his house and went to see the time.  "damn!"  said Bobby, realizing that he had forgotten his watch.  He trusts Lucy and considers leaving her with her until tomorrow, but she begins to imagine that her parents are pushing her to take her home and ask her back.  He could not face the embarrassment.
  Bobby spins his bike and goes back to Lucy's house.  By the time he got there, the sun was setting and the streets were dark.  He saw that there was no light in front of the house.  Afraid of upsetting his mother, he decided to take a walk in the back garden, where they usually met, in the hope that he might get her attention.
  There is no light in the back of the house.
  "Lucy!"  He called in a half whisper.  He made his way through overgrown grass and weeds, drawn to the house.  He called again, but there was no answer.

He went to a window and peeped inside.  He could see what a dilapidated kitchen was.  Walls were streaked with peeled wallpaper, surfaces were covered with plaster and dust, and broken tiles lay on the floor.  Seeing the deprived situation Lucy was living in, Bobby felt his heart sank.
  He turned to the other window.  A dirty mesh curtain obscured his vision, but in an empty and unfinished room, he could make out the figure of a girl.  Her back was towards the window and she was looking in the mirror.
  "Lucy?"  He called  no answer.
  He knocked on the window.  She didn't move.  She knocked again, a little harder, but she remained completely still.  A sense of foreboding rose on him.  He knocked again.
  "Lucy! It's me, Bobby." His pulse started racing and he struggled to swallow. Something was not right.
  He went to the back door and found the door open.  The house looked worse inside.  There was plaster on the floor, holes in the ceiling and no carpet or wallpaper.  It seemed abandoned.  He slowly moved from the shadowy hall to the room in which he had seen the girl.  Floorboards crumpled under foot and he remembered Lucy telling him how angry her mother would be if she was upset.  He could feel himself trembling.  It was no longer about the clock;  All he had to do was check that he was okay.
  Slowly he opened the door and an icy shiver ran across his body.  He felt his knees bent and his belly churning in front of him: a pale mannequin with rosy cheeks and brown hair.  She was wearing a purple dress which she had bought from the mall.  His glassy blue eyes looked blank in a dirty mirror.
  Fear had gripped his body, but he needed to know the truth.  He came closer and gently pushed the effigy.  He fell to the floor and lay there hard and lifeless.  Then he saw that his watch was wrapped around the effigy's narrow wrist.
  Bobby could feel his head spinning and his heart beating as repressed memories came back and his imagination began to give way to reality.  He ran outside and jumped on his bike.  Tears flowed down his face and he went away from that house forever.

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