Oranges For You and Me (แดบโฑสฒโฑโฑ...

By Cherry-BonBon

22 0 0

In an alternate universe where Anna and Nacchan are in the same class and become friends before the others. W... More

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11 0 0
By Cherry-BonBon

"𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵..."

𝘉𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 swarmed my stomach as I waited for my sensei to let me inside the classroom and introduce myself. I let out a small sigh. I need to control my nerves. I'll go in, introduce myself, then sit. It doesn't sound so bad in my head... I pace around the empty hallways hoping to get this over with.

"Walk in, introduce myself, then sit... Walk in, introduce myself, then sit.." I muttered to myself trying to keep calm. I was never good at introductions, especially to classmates. I fiddled with the end of my skirt, letting my fingers explore the fabric while trying to maintain my emotions. I hear the door open behind me and turn to see my sensei.

"Kobayakawa, it's time for you to introduce yourself." He gave me a comforting smile but it didn't calm my nerves in the slightest. I let out a shaky sigh and walked inside the classroom along with sensei. My eyes wandered to my new classmates. Most of their eyes showed clear interest and curiosity, others showed indifference, but there was a particular gaze that caught my eye.

A blonde boy in the back of the classroom. His soft brown eyes were glued shut on me as if he was trying to find out everything about me with a mere look. I might be overcompensating things but I'm sure I see a gleam of adoration in his wide eyes. If I'm being honest, it made me a little uncomfortable. I stopped and faced my classmates and I swallowed my nerves. I just have to introduce myself as quickly as I possibly can.

"Everyone, please welcome your new classmate, Anna Kobayakawa." Sensei smiled and looked over at me. That was my signal to introduce myself. I bowed slightly and closed my eyes.

"I hope we can all get along." I said as I tried not to let my nervousness make an appearance. I look back up to see the class still staring at me. A few people offered me smiles which made me a tiny bit relieved. All that worry for nothing it seems...

"Oh, that's all? Oh well." Sensei stated, seeming to expect a bit more from my introduction. Well, it was a bit short but I didn't want to be up here too long with the gazes of my peers consuming me. I hope he doesn't try to get more out of me...

"Well how about we find you a seat now.." He quickly scanned the room for any open seats.

"How about in front of Keiichi? Keiichi, please raise your hand for Kobayakawa." A chestnut-haired boy raised his hand from the back and I quickly followed, making sure not to bump into anyone's desk. As I get closer to the desk I get one more glimpse of the blonde-haired boy still staring at me. He must have realized I had noticed him as he immediately looked down at his desk, seemingly embarrassed. I try not to think much about it as I stop next to the desk and get a better view of the chestnut-haired boy from before. His hair was a little on the longer side and his eyes felt a little cat-like. I felt a mischievous glint coming from him. He sends me a small smile and wave as I sit down in the seat, resting my bag on the side. As class started I couldn't help but feel a little interested in the blonde boy a few seats behind me.

Class finished faster than I thought it would and now it was time for lunch. Some people like Keiichi-kun left the classroom, others huddled their desks together, meanwhile, I sat at my desk not knowing where to go. I don't have the slightest idea where the cafeteria is so I'll just stay in here... Even if it's a little crowded. I bring my bag to my lap and open it. I dug through my bag a little but my bento wasn't in sight. After a few more minutes of probing around in my bag, my search left me empty-handed and hungry. It seems as if I forgot at home, more than likely still out on the kitchen counter. Well, now I have to go to the cafeteria. I got out of my seat and out of the packed classroom. Even the hallways were crowded. If this is the hallway during lunch, I wonder what the cafeteria is like. I swallowed my fear and started looking around. After a bit of wandering, I bump into someone. Looking up I see a tall guy with long, untamed, magenta hair. He had a laid-back stance and it seemed like he barely noticed me. I remember seeing him briefly in my class.

"Oh. I apologize for running into you.." I bow slightly hoping to get my point across. How rude of me for not paying attention... The guy gave out a deep chuckle.

"Nah it's fine, if anything I got in your way." He gave a small grin. He gave me a look as if he was trying to remember something then it seemed as if he got it.

"Oh, you're the new girl in my class, right? Kobayakawa-sama, was it?" He snapped his fingers and his face brightened, proud of making the discovery. I nodded my head not knowing what to say. I don't even know his name.

"Well I'm Tomoya Matsunaga, I sit right behind Katakura if you didn't know." Matsunaga flashed me another quick grin, almost knowing what I was thinking. I nodded one more time, this time I really don't know what to say. There was an awkward silence that felt like an eternity with how he was staring at me but it was more than likely about 10 seconds. As I'm thinking about what to say, an idea hits me.

"Umm.. do you know where the cafeteria is? I've been trying to find it for the past 10 minutes.." I asked, my voice fading out at the end not really knowing if I should tell him how I was practically running in circles looking for it.

"Oh yeah, I just came outta there. How about I walk you there?" He said as he slid his hands into his pockets. I nodded my head as he turned and started walking the opposite way. I silently followed as we went further into the crowded halls. The walk to the cafeteria was quiet between us, but it's not like I minded. After a few minutes, we made it to the large entrance of the cafeteria.

"And here we are. It gets pretty crazy in there so I suggest you just go back inside to the classroom to eat." Matsunaga pointed his thumb toward the cafeteria. I nodded and once again gave him a bow.

"Thank you for taking me here, Matsunaga-kun." I thanked him gratefully. If it wasn't for him I would still be wandering around the halls and getting lost. He gave me a smile.

"I mean, it would've messed up of me to leave you wandering around until lunch ended." He said while chuckling a bit. I try to smile but I end up giving him my blank face. This seemed to make him laugh even more.

"Well, I gotta get going, see you around Kobayakawa-sama." He said as he walked back from where we came from. I gave him a small goodbye and looked back towards the cafeteria. I walk in and I'm presented with laughter and loud conversations. I look around and I finally spot the lunch line. Thankfully it wasn't very long and I managed to get a bento box quickly. Now that I have my lunch I should get to class. I hurriedly walked to class, this time not bumping into anybody.

I made my way to my desk and comfortably sat down. Well, that wasn't too bad. I open up the bento and take a small bite out of the rice. A little too salty for my taste but I shouldn't be complaining, it was free after all. I finished up and quickly threw the remains into the trash. Now it's time to wait for the bell to ring. I pass time by playing a cute gacha game about cookies on my cellphone.

I zone out while playing when I'm suddenly startled by the bell. I look up to see my people pushing back their desks while others wave goodbye to their friends from other classes. I look down a bit solemnly.

The only person I can possibly call a friend would be Matsunaga-kun and even then we barely spoke to each other. Even then I don't think he would be interested in being friends with me. As everyone settles into their seats I see the blonde-haired boy from earlier. He sat at his desk out of breath, cheeks slightly ablaze. Did he run here? Why would he do that? Class wouldn't start for another 3 minutes. That's when the back door of the classroom is slammed open and appears a slightly disheveled Katakura-kun. He was smiling widely, also appearing a bit out of breath.

"No fair Hashiba, you got a headstart and I fell!" He playfully beamed and walked over to the blonde boy's desk. The blonde-haired boy, which I now know as Hashiba-kun, laughed and was about to reply when once again the door was slammed open, this time appeared Matsunaga. Why can't people open that door quietly... Immediately Katakura-kun's smile disappeared and an irritated expression settled on his face. Hashiba-kun's smile also faltered slightly. Matsunaga-kun stopped in front of Katakura-kun, also having an irritated look.

"Can you get outta my way? You're in the way." Matsunaga muttered angrily, already shoving Katakura-kun out of the way.

"Hey, can you at least be nice about it?" Katakura-kun's already annoyed expression deepened. Hashiba-kun got up and hastily waved his hands.

"G-guys calm down! Katakura, just move out of the way for Matsunaga!" Hashiba spoke for the first time, nervousness seeping through. His voice was a pitch soft and a tone too high, a little cute in a way. Matsunaga and Katakura stared each other down, clearly neither of them planning to back down. Perhaps I should step in. I didn't want to interfere with their conversation but I didn't want a fight to break out. I looked around the class to see everyone not paying attention to the three, as if they were used to the two butting heads.

"Umm.. sensei will be coming in any minute so maybe you should sit down.." I spoke up, my words slowly getting quieter. All three of their heads turned to me and I felt myself stiffen under their gazes. Was I too commanding... Were they going to pick a fight with me? Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all...Hashiba-kun gaped at me, surprised that I said something. He quickly came back to his senses and nodded.

"Uhh, y-yeah! Let's all just sit down, o-okay?" Hashiba-kun stuttered his agreement. The other two both looked back at each other. While they both seemed to still be bothered they decided to back off.

"You know what, whatever.." Matsunaga-kun uttered and walked passed Katakura-kun and sat back in his seat. Katakura went to sit down as well which was coincidentally in front of Matsunaga. Hashiba-kun also sat back down a let out a sigh of relief, clearly glad that their argument was over. He gave me a closed smile. I nodded back and heard the door open one more time, I turned to see sensei with a stack of papers in his hands.

"I apologize for my tardiness. There was a problem with one of the printers. Anyways let's start class." Sensei said has picked up a piece of chalk and started writing on the board.


AHHH THIS IS BASICALLY MY FIRST FIC AND I'M SO EXCITED TO WRITE FOR IT!!! nijiiro days is literally my comfort anime and it makes me so sad there isn't enough content about it out there.

-𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴!

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