Pain in my Eyes

By Tommytyson

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The story that has been missing us the story you are holding. The pain is real when you see it from The Crime... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

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By Tommytyson

Sandra placed her books on her bed after a long day in class. She had one semester before she obtained her law degree. Time had  flown by and she was happy to be almost at the end of college. She was now working as a paralegal for a Law Firm, The TYSON CORP. She worked under a woman named, J'licia Bowman. Sandra never met a woman so driven and precise like her. It seemed like everyday she learned something new. As she got ready to study her cell phone rang. She answered without looking at the caller I.D, "Hello"

"Now, why do I have to go looking for you when you have my number and cold use it at any time?" Stacey say when Sandra answered the phone.

"Hey Stace. Sorry I've been so busy it's not even funny. I was going to call you I swear" Sandra replies' with a smile on her face. She was happy to hear from her sister.

"I heard you work for a big time law firm" this was a statement not a question. No matter how much it sounded like she was asking she was just letting Sandra know that she was tracking her.

"Yeah, I got the job a year ago" Sandra answers she knew her sister would always be keeping an eye on her.

"That sounds about how long it took for me to hear from you" Stacey in her minor dramatic state. "Anyway it seems like college is becoming a dream come true"

"Actually not that close but it has it's good days. These days I have been studying hard with this exam coming up and all" Sandra say sounding humbled. She heard from other people at her job about the exam. It was nothing to play with. Sandra would be twenty-three before she actually faced the exam. J'licia was around the same age, or a bit older as she recalls before she gained her law degree.

"Don't worry you got it handled, I believe in you. So you meet any new hotties yet? I want all the details" Stacey say making them both laugh.

"Actually , no. I have my eyes set on someone though. He's from New Jersey as well" Sandra says feeling her cheeks blush.

"Ah, shit what's his name?"

"His name is Matthew. We went to highschool together and we're in college together. He's a decent guy. Taller than me with a fine caramel complexion. He's going for his law degree as well" Sandra explains about her friend Matthew. 

"Is he hot?"

"Now you sound like one of these white girls up here. But yeah he has it going on" Sandra admits as she laughs with her sister.

"So when are you going to stop playing the he is going to ask me out dance and go get what is yours?" Stacey asked. She always taught her sister to after what she wanted. It was pointless to want or need something or someone placed right in front of you and not go for it.

"I don't know,  last time I checked he had a girlfriend and I don't like men who cheat" I'd rather let them break up"

"Okay I see, so what else have you been doing besides the obvious studying and all that crap?" Stacey say changing the subject.

"I've went to a couple of the parties on campus. They are almost the best parties i went to so far. College is wild" she adds with a chuckle, "I see why a lot of people wipe out of college"

"Well you just stay focus. We both know that nothing is worth losing your chance. So keep your eyes straight and make sure you call me" Stacey says. They said their good-byes and disconnect the call.

After she hung up the phone she began to study. The thought of Matthew crossed her mind. He was in a relationship and Sandra was indeed happy for them, hoping for the best between him and his mate. But inside she wanted him. There was a couple other guys that she had her eyes on, but they turned out to be jerks. It seemed as if college was filled with fools and liars. She studied for about three hours. She placed the book she was reading out of, on the bed and stretched. Her roommate Kelly who was also a part time model had not come to the room in the past three days. She seen her a few times in the college halls but not yet on her side of the room. Kelly was Sandra third roommate, the other two ended up dropping out and going on with their lives. Sandra was still in contact with one of them.

She got up and prepared for a shower. After the shower was to her liking she stripped and climbed into the water allowing it to beat down her head. The cool water gave an extravagant feeling of warmth. She sat under the water for a long period of time before she took a ten minute scrub. She climbed out the shower and grabs her towel. She dries and dress in the bathroom as well in her under clothes. She quickly picks out her outfit for the night. She already made her mind up in the shower she was going out and she just might go to a local bar it was convenient, like she liked it. She sat on her bed and pulled out the safe from under the bed frame. It wasn't too big or heavy and again it was convenient like she liked it. The door opens from a eye scan. She digs in and pulls out two hundred dollars and locked the case, putting it back where she got it from. The safe was a gift from her brother Donte. He like her had a urge for things to be very convenient. It was criminal how they used the word to their power of laziness. Tonight she was going out to a local bar, after dressing she herded for the door to do just that.

There was a bar named, Ricky's. It was a popular spot in her area and she had frequented the bar a couple times. She never really paid attention to the people they weren't really her crowd of people. There were a whole bunch of fake behaviors in the room and a lot of the false energy came from the popularly large crowd, in which she stayed away from. She didn't see why not? So she went in and ordered a drink. She observed the room and noticed a couple people she knew but wasn't really looking for. In fact she wasn't looking for anyone in particular, except Matthew. He didn't drink much but she wasn't surprised that his company did so.

She wasn't to pleased with the likings of Matthew mate, but again she didn't want to be the cause, in fact she only wanted I'm to be happy. She didn't care if it wasn't with her because he showed that he was always going to be her friend. Time would change things but Sandra had too much to worry about in her life then to think about if she was going to still be friends or mates with Matthew when this was over.

And then boom, just the sight of him changed her whole mind again. She hated that. She didn't want to be the ruin and she refused to give into that selfish urge to do so. But then he saw her and what else would he do but, smile. His boyish innocence was so charming to her that it was intoxicating. He was talking to another guy he knew, without much of an attempt he ended the conversation and came over to her. The guy he was speaking to didn't even seem to notice that he was gone. Sandra did and she watched both of them as he came closer to her. When he got to her side only then did the man realize that Matthew was gone. 

"Wow, I didn't think people of your caliber came to bars like this" Matthew say in the form of an introduction. 

"That's because people of your caliber thinks to big of me. So how are you Matthew?" Sandra asked. The bartender came over and Matthew ordered a shot.

"Fine just needed to get away from studying" Matthew says. He had a cup of beer in his hand. he takes the shot and then a sip of beer. "I hope your not driving if you are going to drink"

Sandra lifts her hands up to show they were empty of anything. "I was going to take a shot or two and walk back but I don't think driving is a bad idea." Sandra jokes, "No, I'm just here to play some pool and shoot some darts and then head back to my room" She starts to walk pass him, "FATHER"

Matthew got the picture and backed off. "so do you think we're going to have a problem with the exam? I heard it like the law dictionary put in questions" Matthew catches up to her.

"I've been studying hard and I still don't think I know enough to pass the Exam. It will definitely be a challenge" Sandra admits. She was heading towards the pool table she wasn't that good but she liked to play.

Matthew absorbs her words. Yale was a very prestigious school and being here he was compared to the brains of the school. He sips his beer in thought as they watch people play pool and wait for their turn. Unlike Sandra Matthew loved pool it was his stress reliever he was almost the best on campus. Almost because the one person her didn't play he wouldn't beat. "Don't worry your a genius you will pass it. Me on the other hand, well I have a lot to be studying" This made Sandra chuckle, "Laughing at my expense seems to be the thing going around here. So there's a party tonight do you think you will be gracing us with your presence?"

Sandra thinks about this. She had a lot to study, and usually found every excuse to get in her books. Today was different she wanted to do the opposite. "I think I will come, depends though. I have a lot of studying to do" Sandra say throwing some doubt in her answer for the sake of suspense. She wanted him to want her. They were close friends but his words said he wants more but didn't know how to ask for it. Maybe he did, maybe he was just thinking about her response. Of course she would deny him, she had to. In order for this to ever work they would have to both just come to face with it. But how could that happen if either was too afraid to bring the topic up to the other.

"Well I hope you can release yourself from your books and come party. It wont be the same without you" Matthew states. His face held THAT smile when he said this. She would for sure be there.

"I'll keep that in consideration," she changed the subject to get his eyes off her. They were making her feel crazy inside. "Do you want to play a game of pool?"



Stacey and the Crime Lords relax inside Coocoo's apartment in Queens, New York. They were enjoying their high from the weed they just smoked. They spoke about all the jobs they done. It gained them a good reputation amongst dealers that dealt on a high scale in the drug game. Lisa was telling them about a guy she knew that robbed banks. They were all interested in the details. Robbing a bank sounded fun. "shit, I'll do that for a couple million" replies Coocoo as she passes the blunt to Tiffany.

"Bitch you cant rob no bank you to scary. Besides those dudes have some skill. Being a bank robber is all about time, and you probably be in there making sure the money is tucked away nicely instead of just filling the bag up" Lisa say to CooCoo.

"Okay, so I have a fetish, at least we would know exactly how much money we stole from the bank" CooCoo replies making all of them laugh.

"I'm so bored" Stacey say out of the blue.

"Because your ass always want to be mixed up in something. Your ass need to sit down before you get all of us in trouble. And speaking of trouble when are you going to hire some black people at the laundromat?" Tiffany asked with a smirk on he face.

"Chick I already got black people working. You so busy judging you forgot to actually do your homework" Stacey shoots back.

"Bitch, you have a seven day business, which hires only ten black people, the rest are Chinese. I've done my homework, your ass is racist"

"Racist! Bitch you should be the last one talking. You don't like white people because of their noses. You're the ne who thinks they can smell what people are thinking"

"Actually, I never said I don't like white people. I just think their noses are weird. Like do you see how they are shaped that cant be good for the breathing. Tiffany states in her own defense.

They go back and forth until Stacey phone rang. She answers the phone and speaks for about five minutes. "I have to go guys. I'll call you guys" with that Stacey was gone.


Donte walks in the streets of Redhook projects with Megan. They finally made plans to relax for the day, but something was telling Donte that this was leading to something else. Redhook projects had a big stadium in the back section of the neighborhood, which held a football field at full length and a track field around the football field. They were walking around the football along the track path, Megan was giving Donte a  synopsis of who she was in the real world but the way she made it sound she just made a lot of money pushing papers for clubs. Sounded boring, he liked boring if it was convenient. She was getting good on her words when suddenly, she just changed the subject. "How good are you a solving problems?" she asked with a smile on her face like she just came up with the ultimate idea.

"Never had a problem that I couldn't fix. And it depends on the problem" Donte replies. His mind was racing on what kind of problem she could have and thought of there being another man came up a few times. He just didn't put Megan as the type that couldn't handle a man, especially the way she drives her car. 

"General problems. Things that can be fixed with pressure. Something that can be fixed by attention, how does that sound?"

"Sounds like you are finally getting to the point. A problem that can be fixed with pressure and attention. It sounds like something down my line. I mean that's if this problem really existed. Donte says.

"Oh, it does. I have a problem that I can't really pay attention to right now. One that should have been fixed a long time ago"

"A woman like you doesn't seem to be at lost by a minor problem" Donte replies, not even knowing what he meant but it came out like he was a Professor so he stood firm on his comment. He just wanted her to keep talking so he could figure out if HE could solve her problem or not. He wasn't even sure she wanted him to, but he knew if she didn't want him to she wouldn't have bought the subject up.

"I'm not at lost just a little stuck. Taking care of this problem has become a problem. I don't want to apply pressure because then I would be at lost. My attention is focused on something else"

Donte stopped their walk and looked at her in the eyes. His stance said he was a man of honor and she could trust him. "You sound like you have a lot on your mind. Not confused but stagnated"

"So this is why I came to you" she says and walks on expecting him to follow behind her, and he did.

"You think I can help? That's something new in my books" Donte says sarcastically. He knew he was the problem solver in the family. He took after his dad. Though Demmec was also good at solving problems, he wasn't as progressive as his twin brother.

"Yes. Hopefully. I don't really know. This problem needs attention and I have no time for it. This is the time I'm giving it. When you solve this problem, I have something for you besides your pay" Megan offers.

Donte noticed she said 'when' and not 'if'. She had confidence in him or she was just that arrogant. It also told him that she already included him, he had a problem with this. "How do you know that I will accept?"

"Because the reward is worth it" She states plain and simple.

Donte thought about the movie remark. He would let her  keep her glory and suspense. He also knew if she was trying to play him, she would die. But why would she do that. She wasn't in the streets like him. At least he didn't hear of her being into the streets like him. And the truth was there was levels to this game no matter how how you thought you were. He thought about the reward what it was it better be worth killing for, saying he had to establish a murder to sore order. Murder was war not pressure. No one would be killed, he knew how to apply pressure he was good at that. "Keep talking"

"Not here, I want you to meet someone and then you can make your decision" Megan says. "Let's take my car"


They parked on the sidewalk of the busy streets of Manhattan. They both exit the car. They walk down two blocks wading through crowds of people. Neither of them spoke as they walked. Donte was wondering where she was taking him. They arrive in front of a club. Megan rang the bell on the side of the door. She looks at the camera in front of the club building and smiles. The door buzzed open. They enter the club and Megan walks them over to the bar. A door behind the bar opened and a skinny kid, no older then fifteen comes out. "Hello, Ms. Thurton" he greets Megan.

"Stewiee, I didn't know you were in the city" Megan says smiling at the young white kid.

"I got here last night. My dad will be down in a second. He's on the phone with his lawyer." Stewiee states, "Would either of you like anything to drink?" They both nod their head in agreement. He pulls out a bottle of Bourbon alcohol and pours two glasses. They sip on their glass as they wait. "You guys get comfortable, I have to take care of some business" 

Donte watched as Stewiee walked off to the V.I.P room. "Nice kid" say Megan. Donte nods his head in approval. He looks around the huge empty club, he had a few nights to remember in  this very building. He wondered if that was a coincidence or something noticed these two. He didn't know the manager or the owner but he knew this club sold prostitutes'. As Donte looked around the club, Megan watched him. She wanted him to accept this deal and would try her best in convincing him to take the job. Bringing him to this club was just a start. She wanted him to hear the problem first hand. Hearing the problem from the horses mouth would show him something one way or the other. Ten  minutes of waiting and the door behind the bar opens again, this time the white man who looked like an older version of Stewiee walks through the door. He smiles at Megan. He clears his throat and catches Donte attention.

Megan makes the introduction. Both men shake hands and Donte sat down on the bar stool. "Now that we are all acquainted lets get down to the reason we're here. My problem" Megan states.

"One that we haven't fully spoken about" this came from Donte but it was towards Megan, since she was the one who introduced the problem in the first place, as her problem.

"Correct, but that is the reason why I brought you here. Stewiee please be my guest" Megan replies taken the floor. and given Stewiee the floor.

Stewiee clears his throat again, "It started about two months ago. Some guy came to the club and demanded that I pay a fee for my club" Stewiee looks at Donte to see if he had his attention. Donte nods letting him know he could continue, "At first I'm not willing. Being that we are already under protection. This guy tells me that if I don't pay up the fee he would burn my place down"

"Sounds like someone has a stick up their ass" Donte says

"Yeah, so I pay the first month and now he wants to put strippers in my club. My guess is so he could collect extra money"

"So he is a persistent asshole that comes with a lot of shit?" Donte knew this was down his line of fun.

"Exactly. Look I've been in business sixteen years. This club is all I have. It makes a decent pay, but by the way he's going I will be losing the club in the next year" Stewiee complains.

"So what do you want me to do about this? Does this guy even have a name or a title except extortionist?" Donte questions. He liked to solve problems but something was saying he was getting out of his league.

"His name is Bernie Mac, he's an extortionist working under the umbrella of The BLACK NATION ARMY" hearing this name made Donte smile. He was in.


"We had it backwards" Demmec says getting his partner attention.

She smiles and says, "What?"

"All along we were under the impression that THE BLACK MAFIA was under the BLACK NATION ARMY, when its the other way around" He sets his coffee down on this table. Having his partner work with him ion this case was the best idea he could of had. She was with him when he first started the force and now they were leveling up together. 

"How'd you come across that information?" she questions.

"Billy, when have you known me to give up my resources?" Demmec asked with a smile on his face. It was contagious and radiant.

"Well, when have you known me to let good information go unquestioned?" she questioned back knowing this was why she was his partner.

"You have a point, but this resource can't be revealed he's close to me and I have and understanding that any tip hi gives me will stay in confident with me"

"Fine, he's your C.I." she replies, "You want to go for a ride?" He nods his head, they grab their guns and coats and head for the door. The car they were driving in belonged to Billy. Working out her house was a good part about the job they were on. With both of them on indefinite leave, they had chosen her apartment to be their head quarters. This was where the feds met up with them for briefing and debriefing. The location was also good being based in Staten Island and work being done out in Brooklyn. "So we are hunting to bring down The BLACK MAFIA all in one"

"Yep, with that little bit of information we are clear who the target is" Demmec replies.

"Its not like the feds to have missed such a crucial part of their investigation" Billy states. She was wondering how he obtained that piece of information.

"They are going off word of mouth from a mobster for the Columbians. His name is Jimmy. Checked him out and guess what?"

"What?" Billy asked not one to be left in suspense.

"He's a lawyer. A big top lawyer to be exact. Makes him a very interesting man. He seems different from all the other guys we talked about. Seems like everyone thinks the Black Mafia was premature, but I think these guys know how to paint a picture. Which makes them extremely dangerous in all"

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