Mario and Sonic: Worlds in Da...

By GamerLightwarrior

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Mario and Sonic team up as their old enemies Bowser and Dr. Eggman have required mysterious powers that they... More

Chapter 1: Spiritual Power
Chapter 3: The village of Nun
Chapter 4: Bowser Jr and Sage
Chapter 5: The Girl and the two dragons
Chapter 6: Secrets of the diamond
Chapter 7 Adventures of the Yurei

Chapter 2: Worlds in Danger

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By GamerLightwarrior

We see a large layer at an unknown location where Bowser and Eggman are seen walking in the hallways as the villains talk.

Eggman: Hey Bowser I have been meaning to ask are you sure it's a good idea to leave Princess Peach in a fancy room?

Bowser: Don't worry, Doc I'm sure of it.

Eggman: You know just because she's a woman you like doesn't mean she deserves any special treatment. She needs to be in something more secure like a cell.

Bowser: Don't worry I made sure her room is heavily guarded so if she tries to leave they'll send her back.

Eggman: But remember, Bowser our associate says that one of the plan requirements is we need Peach if she slips through our hands our plans will be wasted.

Bowser: Don't worry, Eggman even if she tries to escape she has nowhere to go we are on a large floating island after all. I'll be sure the lovely Princess is secure.

Eggman: Alright then, you do you. But right now we'll have to see what are next course of action is, especially since Mario and Sonic are most likely still alive.

Bowser: Yeah those two are like cockroaches who refused to be crushed so it's safe to assume that they're probably trying to rescue Peach as we speak.

Eggman: Agreed. Plus at least they have no idea about the source of our abilities which is good for now let's not underestimate them this time.

Bowser: True.

(*Cues: Hidan - Naruto: Shippuden*)

Bowser and Eggman arrive as they open the door to a meeting where we see a large table full of Mario and Sonic villains such as King Boo, King K. Rool, Captain Syrup, Paper Bowser, Eggman Nega, Zavok, and Classic Eggman.

Bowser: Wow recruiting people from different dimensions and timelines I see.

Eggman: Things just got a whole lot interesting.

The mysterious man appears via teleportation.

Mysterious Man: Good you two are here now we can begin.

All the villains each take a seat.

Mysterious Man: Allow me to introduce myself to those who don't know me already. My name is Senso Tatakai. I recruited you all here today so that I can help your rule your worlds and far beyond now we must begin the next phase of the plan.

Bowser: And what exactly IS the next phase of our plan going to be?

Senso: Eggman do you have the crystal that I asked?

Eggman: Yes I do.

Senso: Good. That crystal is part of the weapon a second weapon that has the power of time, space, reality, and dimensions. But in order to complete this weapon we'll need 5 of these diamonds to complete its ultimate form: the Shenghuo. With this we will be able to rule everything as we see fit.

The villains all clap their hands at this information.

Senso: Here are the locations of each stone all in these locations. Make sure you begin your preparations so you can begin the search once you find them send some people to guard them I fear that Mario and Sonic will do everything in their power to stop them.

All the villains nodded their heads in agreement.

Unknown location

(*Cues: Scala ad Caelum - Kingdom Hearts 3*)

Meanwhile Mario and Sonic are still surprised surprised by Katherine.

Katherine: I know you have many questions. But please rest assured I'm not your enemy.

Mario: If that was the case why did you teleport us here?

Katherine: I merely brought you here so I can tend to your injuries as the power you faced is that of the Yinyang clan.

Sonic: The Yinyang clan?

Katherine: I know this because I'm familiar with the power as I am a descendant of the clan. We specialized in powerful spiritual energy. However it appears that this power has somehow fallen to the hands of your enemies.

Sonic: Well she knows that much, Mario, should we listen?

Mario: Might as well I mean with them at this power we need all the help we can get.

Katherine: If this power falls into the wrong hands I fear they will be devastating destruction.

Mario: Then they're should be no time to lose.

Sonic: Yeeah.... about that... Hey Katherine can you take us back to our friends?

Katherine: Of course.

Katherine waves her hand and starts opening two portals.

Mario's world

Meanwhile back at Mario's world the entire main Mario cast gathered around at Peach's Castle worried about Mario and Peach's whereabouts.

Toadsworth: What are we going to do? Mario's missing and Princess Peach has been kidnapped.

Daisy: Oh man I'm scared just thinking all the bad things that have happened to them.

Luigi: Guys I get it I'm scared too but now's not the time to let fear get the best of us, Big Bro and the Princess wouldn't want us to give up. We'll find a way I promise.

Just then some purple magic appears behind them much to everyone's surprise. But it's a portal of Mario and Sonic. Much to everyone's relief.

Mario: Hey Luigi everyone I'm okay!

Luigi: Hey it's Mario see guys there's no to worry.

The Mario characters all cheered.

Sonic's world

Meanwhile back at Sonic's world everyone, most of the Sonic cast got worried of what happened.

Cream: Are you saying Mr. Sonic disappeared while trying to fight Dr. Eggman?

Tails: Yes that is what happened?

Espio: It can't be. Eggman's weapon must've been so powerful that even Sonic doesn't stand a chance.

Blaze: So how do we find Sonic?

Tails: I'm not sure it's almost like he completely-

Before Tails could finish a portal appears behind them as Sonic is waving at them.

Sonic: Hey guys! I'm over here!

Sonic's friends are all relieved.

Amy: Sonic!

Both or Mario and Sonic's friends walked in the portal and reunited with Nintendo and Sega's mascots.

Luigi: Mario, we're so happy you're okay.

Mario: Thanks bro.

Amy: Hugs Sonic tightly. Oh Sonic I thought I never see you again!

Sonic: H-Hey Amy you're hugging me too tight.

Their respective casts all notices each other.

Luigi: Hey it's Sonic and the gang. Long time no see Tails!

Tails: Luigi! Hey it's great to see you!

Many of the Mario and Sonic characters started greeting each other.

Knuckles: Man it's been 6 months since the last time we saw each other in our battle against Yami.

Wario: It sure has been.

Daisy: Hey Blaze, Amy!

Amy: Hi Daisy!

Blaze: It's been some time since we last saw each other.

Amy: Wait.... Where's Peach?

Daisy: She got kidnapped by Bowser, unfortunately all thanks to that overwhelming power.

Tails: Speaking of which Mario and Sonic where are we?

Luigi: And who is that woman over there?

When Luigi asked this everyone started. As Katherine turns around.

Katherine: My name is Katherine and your worlds are in danger.

Many of Mario and Sonic's friends are in complete surprise.

Katherine: I know you are all confused but allow me to explain everything.

Mario: It's okay guys she's good.

Sonic: Yeah just here her out for a bit.

After Katherine explains everything to Sonic and Mario's friends, they all understand.

Tails: So that's what happened.

Luigi: You saved Mario and Sonic by bringing them so you can heal them.

Katherine: That is correct. However I apologize for making you all worry.

Tails: Oh don't worry about it we're glad that Mario and Sonic are okay.

Mario: Yes but I am more concerned about Princess Peach's well being. Is there anyway you can teleport her here?

Katharine: I'm sorry, Mario, but unfortunately your enemy's spiritual energy are too powerful even for me it prevents me from seeing her teleporting her here. Forgive me but I cannot save here even if I tried.

This brings great sorrow to our heroes until Katharine came up with an idea.

Katharine: But maybe there is still a way I can communicate with her.

This immediately destroys the sorrow of the heroes.

Mario: Really?!

Daisy: But how can you do that?

Katharine: Yes I can and I think I know how. It may not be much but this plan might work I just need to concentrate.

She sits down, closed her eyes, and meditated and lifted in the air via telekinesis. Though everyone is confused.

Silver: Uhhh... What's going on?

The villains unknown hideout

(*Cues: Princess Peach - Paper Mario*)

Meanwhile Peach is being held captive in a fancy room as she sits on her bed sniffing.

Peach: Once again I've been kidnapped. This time I'm being taken to another world. What's going to happen to me?

(*Cues: Bowser's Coming - Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam*)

Just as Peach begins to feel sad much to her dismay Bowser and Eggman came to her room.

Bowser: Hello my lovely Princess Peach I hope you are having an excellent day. It's wonderful to see your smile.

Peach: Hmph. Well I got some bad news you monster I'm in a VERY bad mood you monster. We were having a great party until you showed up and ruined everything with your plans and badly hurt Mario and Sonic. I'll tell you what I'll smile when you guys stop these plans and return everything the way it was.

Bowser and Eggman:

Eggman: Come on Peach that is ridiculous and just why in the world would we do that? After all out plans have just begun and besides our associate, Senso says he has plans for you in the future so like it or not you need to get comfortable here because you're not going anywhere especially since we're on a floating island.

Bowser: If you know that if you have any questions all you need to do is ask us I mean we all have the power of the Yinyang clan after all. And with this power everything will be ours.
You take care Princess Peach enjoy your stay here.

Eggman: You watch yourself princess you better not cause trouble.

Bowser and Eggman: NYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

After the conversation both of the villains leave the room.

Peach: Oh no I wish there is something I can do.

(*Cues: Princess Peach - Paper Mario - again*)

Just as she says this some black and white energy appears next to her and it reveals to be Katherine in a astral projection form much to Peach's shock.

Peach: AHH!! W-w-w-who are you?!

Katherine: Relax calm down. I'm not here to hurt you. My name is Katherine I am an ally of Mario and Sonic.

Peach was scared at first but then claimed herself down.

Peach: Huh? You know Mario and Sonic?

Katherine: Yes. I saved them from near death and they have since recovered. But they appear to be worried about you.

Peach: Other than being kidnapped and taken to another dimension I'm fine.

Katherine: That's good to hear. Just so you know I'm not really hear this is just a spiritual projection form and people cannot see, feel, or hear me unless I allow them to which in your case you to do as such.

Peach: Oh I see so I guess getting me out of here is out of the question.

Katherine: But fear not, I am here to gather information. Princess Peach can you describe where you are being held?

Peach: According to Bowser and Eggman, I'm on a floating island. Other than that I don't have a clue.

Katherine: I see. Well is there anything else you know about?

Peach: I overheard multiple guards talking about 5 diamonds in order to complete something called the Shenghuo. And not to mention they will be assigned to those locations by the orders of Senso Tatakai.

Katherine: Shenghuo? Senso Tatakai?

Peach: Yeah but as of right now they don't know the locations yet.

Katherine: I see.

Peach: But we have to figure out where those diamonds are, if Bowser and Eggman get their hands on all 5 of these diamonds all worlds could be in danger.

Katherine: And that's exactly what we're going to do and I think I might have an idea for it. Do you see that door on the floor behind that bed?

Peach looks and notices it.

Peach: That's been there when I got there but it's locked from the other side.

Katherine: I have an idea.

Katherine flies through the door and unlocks the door on the other side and opens it.

Peach: Amazing.

Katherine: Quickly we must find out the locations of the diamonds.

They walk in and shut the door behind them. They walk through an empty hallway.

Peach: I never thought a second passage way is in here.

Katherine: Indeed, let us hope we find what we are looking for in here.

As they walked they found a room where they see an unknown individual talking to someone on the big screen.

Unknown woman: My lord we've found the location of the first diamond. It's located at the in Jachai, in the state of Tianjin, Tokyo, in the village of Nun.

Senso: In form Bowser and Eggman this information and I have them send some of their allies to that location.

Unknown woman: Yes sir.

When Peach heard this she and Katherine are still surprised. They ran back to the room as quickly as possible.

Peach: So that's the location of the first diamond.

Katherine: I will give this information to Mario and Sonic right away.

Peach: Thank you, Katherine.

Katherine: My pleasure and until we meet again you be well.

Peach: I will.

Katherine's astral projection disappears as Peach puts her hands together for hope.

Katherine's location

(*Cues: Kairi's theme - Kingdom Hearts 2*)

Katherine opens her eyes and ends her meditation.

Sonic: So did you find anything?

Mario: Is Peach okay?

Katherine: I can confirm that Princess Peach is indeed okay though she is on a floating island but other than that she's okay and unharmed.

The Mario and Sonic squad all sighs in relief.

Amy: Well that's good to know.

Katherine: But that's not all... I found out what Bowser and Eggman are up too.

(*Cues: Strategy-Sonic Adventure 2*)

Katherine explains everything she's learned about Bowser and Eggman's plan, Senso Tatakai, and the Shenghuo.

Sonic: Are you saying that this Senso Tatakai is working with Eggman and Bowser on this plan for total reality domination?

Mario: And so they need all 5 of these diamonds in order to complete an ultimate form called the Shenghuo?

Katherine: Yes. That's what we've learned.

Amy: If that's what their doing then why kidnap Princess Peach? What plans do they have for her?

Daisy: Yeah that doesn't seem to make sense if there's not a reason to kidnap Peach.

Katherine: I know that there are a lot of questions and I hope that they are answered in due time but at the moment I'm more focused on getting that fist diamond in Jachai.

Shadow: So where is Jachai anyway?

Katherine: Allow me to show you.

Katherine uses a magic spell to create a world map of her world.

Katherine: This is the world map of Sekai. It has 5 continents. Jachai is here. If you go there you should find the crystal in no time.

Mario: Wahoo! Looks like we got ourselves a whole new adventure.

Sonic: That's right if we hurry to Jachai we can find the diamond first before they do.

Katherine: I should also mention that you guys are free to go back to your worlds anytime you want.

Luigi: Great now seems like the perfect time to get some backup.

Tails: Yeah we'll probably need all the help we can get.

Katherine: That will be most appreciated.

Mario: Then it's all set. It's time to begin our nee journey.

Sonic: To save all of our worlds.

All: YEAH!!

And so Sonic and Mario's new adventure begins.

To be continued on Chapter 3

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