A Journey Of Death

By Wjnovels

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What would the dawn of all creation look like? What if you were there to watch the before and after, the star... More

A Beginning
A Middle
The First Death
Death For Love
A Message of Death
War vs Death
The Passage of 'Death'
To Live as Death
The End of Love
An End

The Price of Peace

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By Wjnovels

"You have aged."

"As have you."

In the silent void 'Death' and 'War' met. They did not consider themselves to be old, but they preferred to look it, to show that they had lived and learnt. If others couldn't see results of their journey, then they would show themselves, to prove they had lived.

"You look... happy."

"I am. That which I hate is nearly no more."

'War' smiled, for the first time in a long lonely existence, 'War' was at peace.

"Listen to me now 'Death'."

His figure still stern of stature and strong willed 'War' spoke as 'Death' listened, never uttering a word. It was an honour to witness the end of war.

"I have explained to you before, of the machinations of war, of the seeds that are left to be sowed and tended in blood, so thoughtlessly plucked by dirtied hands. War is truly an unending machine that sits for centuries, brewing and gathering its strength, but finally it has met its foe. For all of its malice war is powerless when all who seek to fight are gone, no longer can they fuel this abominable beast, it is a shame it came at such great cost."

His eyes closed, 'Wars' smile only grew as he spoke.

"I should have been called peace," letting out a light laugh 'War' mocked himself, "but then I wouldn't be where I am now. At the end, talking to you. All things hold reason, even for such strange existences as 'Us'. I will not tell you more of what I have learnt from War, because I do not want that stain to ever rear its prideful head. You are all that is left, even now I am fading, as has 'Love' before me."

"It is time. War is over."

His body fading, 'War' relaxed and embraced the peace he craved.

"I will save a space for you brother. Only you and 'he' are left. Go for all of 'us,' let us rest in death whilst you finish what 'he' started. He who cannot live cannot die. So be happy, for soon, it will only be him. As 'we' shall all die."

"Goodbye brother... I enjoyed... our talks... It seems that death does beat war after all."


Never once did 'Death' utter a word, he stood and listened, mourning another loss on a long road.

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