An End

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Welcome to an End.

The end of my story. To my Journey of Death.

The fruition and release of something I have desired for so long, but now, floating here once more...I find myself, hollow. As if there is a space in me, one that wants to remain full, calling out to the memories in me, wanting to experience again the colour and pure vibrance of the worlds that I have seen, craving, longing to share it.

To again feel the emotions that I never knew existed, and found too late.

I, a being who has pursued death since the start, miss feeling alive.

Even now I float in the void once more, the origin of the beginning, where all started, where that light spilt forth so long ago.

I did not know how I would feel returning here, but I feel anger.

Anger at the unjust end of all.

For that wasn't their end, it wasn't chosen or decided it was forced.

It was an end that was not deserved.

Where I began my journey to understand, one of 'us' began a different journey... one to become rather than to understand.

I call out to him now, but I wonder , if I stay silent here at the start of it all, will my journey never end?


"I know you are there. I know you hear me and have heard me all along. It is only you and I now."

In the long curtain of black, a singular light turned on, the light at the source of all.

"Wrong. Their is only I. And within there is a whole, for only through me will all find fulfilment and purpose. I am the beginning. I am the light."

"Then what of me, of death? Is there no room for death inside of you? Amongst all that you have stripped and plundered, that has been robbed of purpose and will."

"Death is nothing before me. All are unified now, singular and plural. I have built true existence, it is the truest desire of all, to be fulfilled."

"No. I will not tell you of what you have built and destroyed, because you would not understand, you are incapable of it. You do not deserve to learn of them."

"Their is no need for understanding when all are one. Returned to me."

"Then what of 'War' of 'Love'. Was their no need for them?"


"You cannot answer because you do not know. I stand before you now, you and me, all that is left in this grave, ghosts compared to what has been. The differences between us more obvious than ever."

"All had to return. I am all."

"Where I have travelled since the beginning for understanding, it is standing here, before you now that I have found meaning. A meaning that will always be denied to you."

"Their is no need for your meanings and understanding. All is one..."

"... No. You have no right to say that. I have travelled here, to my end, not to say farewell, but because I have a message that I wish to impart."

"All are with me, their is no need for your message."

"Wrong. You who have stayed still wanted to be everywhere, you dream of fulfilment never seeking true understanding. It is your actions that have driven all to an end, and it is you that will hold the consequences."


"The differences between 'you' and 'us' was that you sought to become rather than to understand. You wanted to be everywhere, if it was fulfilment that you sought, can you even tell me what you have found?"


"Even now you stay silent, if you were truly fulfilled then you would have no need to keep on stretching, seeking out for that which no longer exists. Because you are empty, devoid of meaning and destined to forever be alone."

"I am all."

"Farewell brother. It is time for 'death' to finally, die."

"Death cannot die."

"No, but I am not death, I never was. But I have found life through death. With my death, life can begin anew, but you will remain here, alone. The only light in a dark world, forever empty, seeking to be full. I would grant you death, but it is beyond me, beyond all including yourself."

"You are alone now brother. I wish you well."

It was with the same small smile that 'Death' faded away, his eyes closed as he finally understood death, to embrace it knowing he will have no after, that the end of death led somewhere else. 'Death,' floated away, calm, his mind quiet for the first time, he never knew that it was so peaceful.

But in the void, in the darkness of all their remained a solitary light as it pulsed, wavering as it spoke.

"I see you still brother. Why do you not speak?"



Left alone in the gulf of space with all his time was a solitary light, twinkling peacefully, constantly, lonely. With no one to appreciate its beauty or power was this self styled God. Calling out for anyone, but none responded, after all that he had taken their was nothing left.

Whilst in a different space far beyond the understanding of any was life, as death gave way to life, and life gave way to death.

The End.

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