Lost in the Wood (A Legolas F...

By Sabrina909835

3.5K 41 4

The eldest daughter of Lord Elrond joins on the quest to destroy the one ring. What will happen along the way... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Chapter 16

112 2 0
By Sabrina909835

As the first light of morning began shining upon my face, I heard muffled talking coming from in front of me. I immediately noticed the absence Legolas, and quickly was to my feet to see what was going on. I grabbed my bow, pulling an arrow back and turning to face the voices that were talking from behind me. My eyes were immediately met with the bright blue ones of none other than my Aunt, Galadriel. I lowered my bow and walked over to where her and Legolas were standing and talking to one another.

"Vani, I needed to see you before the coming battle. There is something you must know." Galadriel said as she stepped closer to me with her hand outstretched to take mine.

"More news than what was told to me before?" I asked her as I took her hand and began walking by her side.

"You have inherited something, something that is passed down in our family. I was unsure if you had it the first time we met, but after watching you from afar and watching your healing capabilities, I know that you indeed did inherit it from your mother. Vani, our family is called the light, we possess powers that no other Elf can. I am surprised that yours haven't fully shown, but I believe it is because you do not have this ring."

Galadriel slipped a beautiful silver ring off of her hand and presented it to me. I cautiously took it out of her hands, turning it in my own inspecting every inch of it. I felt power emanating from the ring and through out my body, making me want to slip it on my own hand almost as if it was meant to be there. I looked up from the ring, meeting the gaze of Galadriel once more.

"Put it on. It is yours now, I have a feeling you will need it more than I in the coming days. I am traveling home to our homeland, Valinor, never to return to Middle-Earth." Galadriel said to me, taking my hands in hers as she swiftly put the ring on my right hand.

I felt power unlike any other coursing through me, causing me to stumble backwards, Legolas' outstretched arms catching me to prevent me from falling over. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she watched my reaction to having the ring put on my hand.

"That is the reaction I was hoping for, it is true, you do possess the power of your mother and I. The ring helps you harness that power, and use it for good. Powers you once thought you never had will now come to light." She said to me as she took my hands in hers as she stepped to me.

"Power? What power?" I asked her in disbelief.

"The power of the Light. It will show when you need it most, do not be scared for it isn't something that should be feared."

She pulled me into a tight hug, kissing the top of my head in a way as if to say goodbye, before turning and walking back into the woods. I turned and looked at Legolas, disbelief plastered across my face as he pulled me into a hug.

"This is good news, Vani. Do not fret, all will be well." He whispered to me as he kissed the top of my head.

"She said I will need this in the coming days. I fear the battle of Gondor will be much more gruesome than we originally thought." I replied to him as I pulled away to look into his eyes.

"We will win this fight, Vani. We always find a way."

"i hope the troops show up soon. We need to know what we are working with, these orcs are unlike any other we have faced before and there is many more than before."

As I said this, I began to hear the sound of hooves pounding in the dirt in the distance, telling me the troops were on their way to us, arriving any second. Legolas unwrapped his arm from around me, and ran to his horse, me hot on his heels. We began riding towards the sound, hoping to see the men setting up camp. As we topped the hill, I saw tents being set up, and spotted Theoden walking through the crowds of his men. I quickly rode towards him, awaiting the harsh words that I was sure were to spew out of his mouth to me. As I rode up next to him, the daggers he shot from his eyes to me would have made any man turn tail and run the other direction, but I guess it is a good thing I am no man.

"You have some nerve Elf. I cannot believe you rode all the way to Gondor just to convince Denethor to light the beacon, forcing us to go to war with them." Theoden scolded me as I got down off of Alqua and walked over to him.

"Actually, he didn't want to light the beacon. He would have much rather allowed all of his people to die than ask for your help, or anyone else's for that matter. I was the one who climbed the tower and lit it myself. The stubbornness of men needs to come to an end at some point, and that was the only way to get Gondor the help they truly needed. Besides, did you know you have the true king of Gondor in your midst?" I answered him as I stepped closer to him, proving to him that I wasn't intimidated by him.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You will see soon enough."

I grabbed Alqua's reigns and walked her over to Aragorns tent, expecting to see him sitting there alone, but was instead greeted by the face of my father sitting with him.

"Father?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hello. Vani. I see that you have been a tremendous help as of late. It is good to see you, daughter." My father responded to me, pulling me into a hug.

"What are you here for?"

"I am here, bringing the kings sword to the true king of Gondor."

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