lovers rock

By surferboypizza

8.1K 259 39


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
author's note

chapter 3

385 16 4
By surferboypizza

-november 6th 1985-
-y/n's pov-
I slowly trailed up to the front gates of the school, miserably when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I swung my head around to see jane, with a happy expression, bouncing beside me.
"oh! jane!" I beamed, my mood changing quickly.
"y/n!" she exclaimed back, I could see will approaching in the distance, I waved out to him and he waved back.
"so! I was wondering if you could come round my place tomorrow, y'know because it's a saturday?" she asked.
"sure! I'd love to!" I smiled.
"great!" jane said as she turned to will, who was now standing with us, "will, y/n can come to ours tomorrow!"
"calm down!" will laughed "I heard, and yeah it'd be nice to have her round"
we then all entered the school building to get on with our day.

-time skip to next day-

I knocked at jane and will's door to their house and almost instantly it burst open and out came jane.
"Y/NNNN!!" she squealed as she attacked me with a tight hug, I wrapped my arms around her, "jane!"
she then pulled out of the hug and led me inside the house.
"your house is very nice jane!" I complimented whilst my eyes travelled around the room.
"thanks!" she said, "okay! let's go to my room!"
"alright!" I smiled until I heard a voice from behind, "hello! you must be
I turned around, and saw a middle aged woman, with hair just like jane's.
"yup! that's me" I answered.
"jane's told me a lot about you" the woman told me "it's nice to meet you!"
"you too miss byers!" I politely said.
"oh call me joyce, please" she gave me another warm smile.
before I could reply jane was already tugging at my arm to pull me up the stairs.
"cmon y/n!" she called out.
"coming!" I called back before following her up the stairs, I smiled at will who was standing in the hallway, he friendly waved back before I was pulled into another room, the door being closed behind me by jane.
"woah" I gazed around the decorated room "your room is amazing!"
jane chuckled shyly, I walked around a little bit until I came across a small pile of letters, I picked one up.
"oh!" jane exclaimed "these are letters from my boyfriend, mike."
my heart dropped, I'm not sure why, I mean it's not like I was jealous or sad that she already had someone..
okay maybe I was a little but what did I expect?! that I just befriended another girl who likes girls and she just instantly becomes my girlfriend?!
"oh right," I said, sadness tinged in my tone "boyfriend."
my eyes flickered up and down and left and right as I read. the messages were short and had practically no thought at all put into them.
'To El,
Things here in hawkins are good. but school is bad. everyone's okay. miss you lots.
from mike.'
once I finished reading I felt a little angry, how could this stupid boy, that I haven't even met, annoy me so much. and how on earth could he be treating her like this?! I'm sure jane spends ages writing her letters, it looks as if he scruffily wrote this when he was bored in math class, it's not even a paragraph long for christ's sake!!
"yeah, he seems.. cool." I sighed.
"yeah! he is! I love him so so much!" she dreamily spoke.
she didn't mean to exaggerate on the so's but to me it feels as if she did.
"yeah you must do.." I trailed off.
"I guess.. but.. but sometimes it seems like he doesn't love me back" she sadly said.
has she realised that he's sort of a jerk??
"what do you mean by that?" I asked.
"like.. he never writes that he loves me, when I always write it to him.. and I send letters a lot more than he sends them to me.." she mumbled.
I sat beside her on her bed before I patted her softly on the back sympathetically, "don't worry about it" I reassured her.
out of the blue, she rested her head upon my shoulder and sniffled a little.
oh. my. god. she had her head on my shoulder!!! wait, she's sad, I need to comfort her.
suddenly I heard a voice from behind the door, me and jane twisted around, "y/n? would you like to stay the night?"
it was joyce.
"that'd be lovely," I answered "only if it's okay with you though"
"oh it's fine sweetie, I've just called your dad and he said it's fine" she told me.
"thanks joyce" I said and I then heard footsteps going down the stairs.
I turned back to jane, "why did it say 'to El' on the letter?"
"oh, it's just.." jane hesitated "it's just a nickname"
"oh, okay" I shrugged it off.
"how bout I get will and we can play a game?" she asked.
"sure!" I excitedly responded.

no mike slander!! I promise!! also bringing our best boy, will, into this next chapter bc how can you forget him!! we don't want him third wheeling again :(

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