Lifelong Relations

By paperandpen444

6.9K 392 57


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 10

322 16 3
By paperandpen444

The pic on the side is of Emily, who you will meet later.

"Natalie." Spencer groans.

I can picture him through the shut door. He's sitting on the floor I bet, his hands resting against it with his forehead, desperate for some type of reply from me.

please. It's been three hours. You can't hide in there for the next nine months."

I move closer to the door and rest my forehead against the middle, more than likely in the same exact spot he's in.

"It's not nine months, Spencer."

I hear him sigh.

"Natalie, I don't care that you had cancer. We all have it somewhere in our genes. We can't protect them from everything. We're having a baby. Together. I'm happy, baby. I'm not leaving. We're together forever. We have a lot to talk about. Please come out."

"I'm scared, Spence." I whisper. "What if something goes wrong. I don't know if I'm ready to be a Mom. Spencer, I'm scared. I don't want to raise your children where...where my life was shitty. I don't know why we moved here in the first place."

"So let's move." He says. "I mean, a lot of things have happened here. We got lost as sea, you almost died..." he trails off. "We can move anywhere."

"Where do you want to go?" I whisper.

He's silent for a moment.

"I miss home." He whispers.

"So we can go back to California." I say.

"Where though? Not Malibu."

"I passed through this town once called Antelope and it was gorgeous, Spencer."

"So we can go there. Will you open the door now?" he asks.

Slowly, I reach up and unlock the door and the pull it open.

Spencer stands up and scoops me off of the floor.


"No." I say, irritated. It's been two months of house hunting. I'm four months now, I'm showing a little bit and I'm very grumpy.

"Well what's wrong with it?" Spencer asks patiently.

"It's ugly. I don't like it." I say stubbornly.

"Okay." He says.

We're at his Mom's house.

Everyone decided that if we're moving with the baby, then they're following us.

"Spencer," I begin, angry, but then I gasp and grab his hand and force it onto my belly.

"What?" he asks. "What's wrong?" he demands.

And then the baby kicks his hand.

"Oh my gosh!" he says.

The baby has been moving for a month and I've been the only one to feel it.

It's been pissing Spencer off beyond words.

For him to finally feel his baby, he looks so happy.

"Oh my gosh." He puts both hands on my belly now, showing the laptop onto the coffee table. He turns to me fully.

The baby doesn't do it again though.

He huffs quietly and grabs the laptop again.

"I wanna feel." Justice says.

"She's not doing it anymore." I frown. I poke my belly.

I feel one swift kick where my finger just was, but other than that, there's nothing.

Every time I touch my belly, she kicks.

Everyone knows I think it's a girl, but Spencer is completely convinced it's a boy.

It's not a boy. I just know it.

I touch my belly again.

She kicks my hand.

"Let's just keep looking. Once we find a house time is going to fly and then we won't have to feel him kick from your belly because he'll be peeing in our faces." Spencer says.

"Oh boy, I can't wait." I grumble.

"What about this one?" he says. He was looking at the screen while he was talking.

Sighing. I look at the screen.

We go through all of the photos and I actually don't hate it.

I can see us living in that house.

I check the price.

"I'm calling them." I say.

"Okay." Spencer says.

The baby kicks my belly button as I dial the number on the screen.

It rings four times.


"Hi, are you the person selling the house on-" I pause and read the address off the screen. "3965 Running Bear Way, Antelope, CA 95843?"

"I'm sorry, where did you say it was?"

"Um, Antelope California."

He pauses. "I'm sorry, what website are you on?"


"Huh." He says. "Yeah, I am the person selling the house, but it's actually located in Los Angeles."

"Oh." I say. "Can I call you back?"

"Of course." He says.

I hang up.

"It's a screw up. It's not in Antelope. It's in Los Angeles."

"Oh." He says. "I guess we should keep looking."

"But I like that house." I pout.

"But I thought we were moving to Antelope?" he says.

"But I want that house." I pout.

"Sweetie, I don't know a thing about Los Angeles."

"We're with you wherever you guys choose." Uncle Albert says.

"I lived in L.A. for almost five years." I remind him patiently. "And it's closer to Malibu."

"And it's good for-" he cuts off. "Let's do it."

"Wait, it's good for what?" he asks.

"That's something we can discuss on a later date." He says.

"Okay." I call him back but I put it on speaker now.


"Hi." I say. "We decided we don't care that it's in LA. We want the house."

"Alright, awesome. Are you nearby? You can view it if you'd like."

"Oh no, we're in South Carolina." Spencer says.

"Okay." He says.

We buy the house online and go through everything we need to on the phone with him.

By the end of the night, we own a house together.

Once I hang up, I rise.

"I'm sorry but I'm exhausted. I'm leaving."

"We'll house hunt." Mom smiles.

I hug everyone goodbye and leave.

Spencer follows me.

I won't let him stay with me anymore, not until we have our own place. He fights it all the time but I'm too stubborn to give in.

He walks me to the door.

"So I have a question." He whispers, the crickets chirping.

"Ask away." I say.

"When do you want to get married?"

I frown.

"I don't want to rush things just because we're having a baby. Mabe after the baby is born. It depends on where life brings us."

"Okay." He kisses me. "I'll see you tomorrow.

He starts to walk away, but for some reason, my anxiety skyrockets and I just don't want him to leave me alone.

I can't have him stay though.

I told myself we weren't going to do this until we get our own place.

I take a deep breath and go in the house.

Nothing to going to happen anyways.

I take a bath and then dress for bed.

I cuddle the dogs.


At six in the morning, I wake up to my phone ringing.

"Yeah?" I grunt, half awake.

"Is this Spencer Key?"

"Yeah." I say.

"It's Nate." He says.

I frown.

"My fiancé's ex?" I ask.

"Yes, also a police officer. Natalie has been kidnapped."

I sit right up.

"What?" I ask.

"Her place was ransacked and she's nowhere to be seen. We can't get a location on her because someone has a tracker on her phone. We've contacted everyone and nobody does. Her whole family is at the station and so is yours, but her Mother and Father are late. We'd like you to come in."

"Fuck, I'll be there as soon as I can."

I sprint up and pull on a tight black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I shove my feet in my converse and brush my teeth, and then I grab the little Bluetooth and my phone and grab my keys and wallet and phone and the flash drive I need and rush out the door.

I speed to the station and when I get there, Nate is waiting.

He leads me to the room full of our family.

Uncle Albert and Mrs. Legler come in right after me.

"Someone has a tracker on her phone. Who?"

I sigh. "Me." I say. "She doesn't know it, but I was worried about her before she left for college. I wanted to make sure if something happened, I'd be able to find her. So, I chipped her phone." I produce the flash drive. "Every time she got a new phone, her phone got a new chip."

Nate takes it and plugs it into his computer.

I stand behind him to help him operate it.

"It says it went offline twenty minutes from here."

"That's impossible." I say. The chip is connected to her phone, but it doesn't operate with her phone, it's like a whole new device. The only way it can go offline is if it gets destroyed."

"So then it go destroyed." Nate says.

Mrs. Legler clears her throat.

"I have a confession to make!" she says.

Everyone looks at her.

"When Caitlyn was a baby, I had her chipped. Her head. There is a chip in her head. I did the same for Natalie. The only way it stops working is if one of them dies."

"Natalie did die." Caitlyn says.

"But she came back. It comes back when she does. It's a part of her. It operates with her. That way, if she ever got mad at me and ran away or if I was ever suspicious that she wasn't where she told me she would be, or if something happened, I'd be able to find her."

"You chipped our children?" Uncle Albert asks.

"Yes." She says. "I wanted to make sure they were safe. I was the only person who ever knew until now."

"Is that why my head tingles sometimes?" Caitlyn asks.

"Yes." Mrs. Legler says. She walks up and unplugs my flash drive and plugs hers in.

"This is like iCarly." I mutter.

"She's right there." Mrs. Legler points to a little pink dot.

She's moving fast.

Nate radios for the police to follow the van.

"Can you zoom in?"

"Oh, I can do better. See, I can see out of Natalie's eyes." She says.

She presses a button and it literally takes us right into what Natalie is seeing and hearing.

I can hear the racing of the van she's in.

I can hear her humming whatever it is she's humming.

She sighs and rubs her belly and pats the dogs' head, and then lays down on her own couch and shuts her eyes.

"I just wish we could talk to her." I say. "Before she falls asleep."

"Oh, we can."

"We can?" Nate asks.

"Yes. Want to?"

"Yes. Let's let Spencer do it." Nate says. He turns to me. "Spencer, say whatever you can to make her believe she isn't crazy. Everyone else, please be quiet."

Mrs. Legler turns on the microphone.

"Natalie?" I ask slowly.

The camera goes from darkness from her eyes being shut, to her eyes flying open. She sits up.

"Don't speak!" I say. "If he finds out you have contact with us, he'll kill you for sure. If you think you're crazy, blink once."

She does.

I laugh.

"Okay, listen. Your Mom, when you were a baby, installed some high tech chip thing in your head. She did it to Caitlyn, too. You head is tingling like crazy right now because we can see and hear everything you do right now. The chip is in your head. You have to believe me. Natalie, blink twice if you trust me with your life." I say.

She blinks twice.

"Great baby. Okay. Now blink three times if you believe me."

Hesitantly, she blinks three times.

I sigh of relief.

"Okay kiddo, listen. I'm at the police station. We're trying to find you but we're having some trouble. I need you to find a way to get out of the van so you can see the license plate, but be careful kiddo."

I hear her sigh loudly.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Spencer?" she whispers under her breath. "This fucking dick can't possibly press the pedal more."

I sigh quietly.

"Alright, okay, let me think."

"No, I'll figure it out." She whispers.

She stands up.

"Natalie." I say, rushed. "Please be careful."

She sighs.

"I'm so fucking nauseous." She grumbles. "I'm gonna puke."

She bangs on the wall, right behind where he's driving.

I can hear the engine quieting, and then I see the car jerk to a stop.

The door opens and when whips around.

"Why the fuck are you banging?" the guy yells at her.

Nate starts taking pictures and swearing loudly. She can hear him, too, but she doesn't seem to care.

"Because I'm pregnant and nauseous. Let me pee."

"So get out and pee right there." He points to a patch in the grass.

"No." she says. "Take me to the bathroom." She snaps.

He sighs loudly.

"I'll take you to a gas station, but if you cause a commotion or let anyone know that I'm not the father of that kid, I will kill you." he says.

"Fine." She snaps.

He slams the door.

When they start driving again, she rushes to her desk, which he stole.

She gets a piece of paper and a pen and all of us watch as she writes, "My name is Natalie Legler and this guy kidnapped me. Help."

She tucks the note in her bra and waits. It's a big bulky note. If it was shoved in my pocket, I would feel it.

If she wasn't pregnant, you would be able to see if through her shirt, but her boobs are big enough to conceal it.

When they stop, they're as a gas station.

The guy pulls her out of the car.

"You better get me and my dogs food and water." She snaps at him.

When they walk inside, she acts perfect normal.

Her eyes flicker towards a police officer for just a second and I'm sure all of us, who are now crowded around the screen, can feel her thinking, hard.

"Natalie." I say. "If you do something, he'll kill you."

The guy walks her to the bathroom.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?" the guy asks.

"I'm sure." She says.

She walks into the bathroom.

"I really have to pee, so I'm shutting my eyes." She says.

"Okay." I sigh.

"Wait, this is so awkward. Stop listening to me. Turn it off for a second. Wait like...a minute exactly."

"Okay." Mrs. Legler says. "Three, two, one."

Mrs. Legler shuts it off.

We wait exactly sixty seconds and turn it back on. She's drying her hands.

She walks out of the bathroom.

"Are you hungry honey?" the guy asks.


"Get anything."

"Okay." She says.

I know he's going to pay for saying that.

Whenever I tell Natalie to get anything, she buys the whole damn store.

"Natalie, please don't try anything with that cop."

She doesn't even acknowledge my existence.

She gets six things of water and four bags of combos and dog treats. She hands them to the guy.

The cop is by the drinks.

He's on the phone too.

"Natalie." Nate says suddenly. "I think that cop might be working with your kidnapper. Both of them have the same tattoo on their hand."

Natalie's eyes lock on the tattoo.

She sighs quietly and grabs some pickles and mustard, and then she puts everything on the counter.

He pays, and then forces her back into the van.

He slams the door.

She feeds the dogs and gives herself and the dogs water.

They drive for hours and we just talk. It's just me trying to distract her.

Finally, the van stops in the middle of the country.

The guy opens the doors and they're in the middle of the woods.

My heartrate skyrockets.

He points the gun and shoots the two dogs.

She drags Natalie out.

We all stand there, hiding our faces.

He rapes her, he tortures her.

He completely destroys her.

He cuts the baby out of her and kills it, and then he leaves her there.

And then we all her hear inhale one more time, and then the chip shuts off.

She's dead.

"Natalie!" I gasp, shooting up in bed. "Oh god, oh god! I should've stayed with her last night!" I punch my wall three, four, five, six, ten times.

I think I broke my wrist.

Panicked, I pull on black basketball shorts. I brush my teeth and grab my keys and wallet and phone and rush out of the house.

When I get to Natalie's house, she's not there.

The place is practically empty.

"Oh god, it's real!" I moan.

My heart thunders in my ears as I speed to Mrs. Legler and Uncle Albert's house.

Nobody is home.

Their house is almost empty too.

I check Mom's house.

I sprint into the house.

Everyone is here.

"You look like shit." Justice says. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Where's Natalie?" I ask, sounding almost...


I almost sound dead.

Natalie stands up, alarmed.

"We're leaving." I say.

"What?" she asks, confused.

"We need to leave right now."

"Spencer." She says.

"Now." I say.


He sounds...

Well, it sounds insane.

His pants are on backwards.

When Spencer was a child, his parents said he has horrible night terrors.

He's only had them one time while we've been together, and he was acting exactly like this.

"Now Natalie. We need to go now."

"Spencer." I say gently. "You're not well." I pull him into the porch and shut the door.

"Natalie please. Please come to my house. Please. Please Natalie."

"Fine." I whisper. "I'm driving."

"No!" he gasps.


I get my things from inside.

We go to his car. After him pleading, almost to the point of tears, I refuse to give in.

He lets me drive.

I take him home and go inside with him.

"Natalie." He whispers.

"Listen to me." I say, sitting him down. I sit in front of him on the coffee table. "You're not okay right now. You had a nightmare, okay?" I grab his hand and press it over my own heart. "I'm okay, Spencer."

I sit down and let him cling to me.

We sit there for hours.

He doesn't fall asleep, he just lays there, one hand rubbing my belly an the other running slowly through my hair.

After around five hours he whispers, "Why is your house nearly empty?"

"I couldn't sleep last night so I packed."

"Okay." He whispers.

"Are you ready to talk about it? It'll help."

He kisses my shoulder softly and pulls his sweats off.

Spencer doesn't like clothes.

"Your house was robbed and you got kidnapped. You Mom had this chip thing installed in your brain or something when you were a baby and dogs were with you. We were tracking you through the chip and we were talk to you and we could see and hear what you could. The chip only shut off when you die. Everything was fine, and then you got to the woods and...god." He pulls me tighter against him. "He raped you. He tortured you. He also killed the dogs. He cut the baby out and killed it. And then he let you bleed out. You died right before my eyes once before. And now you just did it again."

I sigh softly. "Do you want to have sex, and then we can just move on?"

He nods against my shoulder.

I lay down on the couch and we start to make out. After nearly ten minutes, he moves to hover above me. He's hard as a rock.

Someone knocks on the door.

Spencer pulls away, his eyes heavy with lust.

I give him a long kiss.

"Go take care of that. We can finish later."

I toss him his sweatpants.

He grinds against me once more. I moan softly. He grins and kisses me.

"I'll be back in thirty seconds."

When he disappears to his room, I get up and straighten my shirt, and then I open the front door.

I gasp.


"Oh my god, look at you!" I hug him.

Jeremy is Spencer's little brother. He isn't around much because he's too busy being a rich recording studio owner in Los Angeles. He's only about two years younger than Spencer. Spencer adores him and he gets really excited whenever he comes to visit. I hug him.

"Look at me? Look at you!" he gestures to my slightly swollen belly. I smile.

"Spencer's in his room." I say.

A blonde girl that looks like me with blue eyes that are lighter than mine is with him.

"Who's this?" I ask.

"This is Emily." He says. "My fiancé." He whispers. I gasp. "That's why I'm here." He adds.

"I'm Natalie." I shake her hand. "I guess we're going to be sisters." I smile.

She smiles back. I open the blinds.

"I'm just going to see what's taking him so long." I sigh.

I slip into Spencer's room.

"Spencer." I say.

He can't seem to get off.


I probably gave him the fastest blow job in the history of blow jobs. I throw his sweatpants at him and walk out of the room.

"Are you guys hungry? I can find something to feed you. If he went shopping." I pause. "He probably didn't."

Spencer comes out of his room in jeans and a black tight t-shirt.

"Jeremy!" he bellows. The guys bro hug. "And you is this lady?" he asks his brother, waggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes.

"This is Emily. My fiancé." He says.

"Fiancé? I'm getting a sister!" Spencer greets her with a hug. "I assure you I'm not crazy. I mean. She sticks with me for some reason, so I must not be that bad." Spencer smiles.

My phone starts ringing.

It's Uncle Albert.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"How's Spencer?" he asks.

"He's fine." I say.

"Are you guys better now?" he asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay. Well we're having a pool party barbeque. Show up." He hangs up.

"My lovely father wants us to make an appearance at his pool party barbeque."

"I love pool parties." Spencer grins.

"Awesome. Let's go." Jeremy says.

They get their suits and come with me to my house and I get mine.

I probably won't swim.

I get sunscreen and then we head to my parent's house.

Spencer's family flips shit. When Jeremy announces his news, everyone gets even more excited.

They welcome her right in and everyone chats.

Uncle Albert is acting so weird.

I'm in my suit and so is everyone else.

I feel so disgusting and fat, but I know it's because I'm pregnant.

Everyone gets in the pool.

"It's way too cold for swimming." Spencer says.

I see his phone, keys, and wallet in my purse.

"Come on, you baby!" Justice says.

"Grow a pair!" Seth says.

"You fucking pussy!" Gavin says.

I bite my lip and sneak up behind him and push.

He topples forward and falls right into the pool.

I stand there, laughing my ass off.

"You're gonna pay for that!" he shouts.

I run, throwing things in his path to keep him from getting me.

When he reaches for me, he accidentally grabs the string holding on my top. I cover myself.

I turn away from everyone and he puts it back on.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Yeah, get in the pool." I say.

Uncle Albert fell asleep on a lawn chair, facing upward.

I grab my sunscreen and move his hand into the shape of a middle finger. I rest it over his heart and draw a dick in the sunscreen. Then I write Natalie Legler is queen.

"What are you writing?" Emily asks behind me.

She reads it and laughs.

"Legler?" she asks. "That's my last name too! You should put idiot on his forehead."

I look at her. "Awesome. I'm gonna do it." I grin.

I draw little sperm's all down his legs and write idiot on his forehead. I add Emily to the signature.

"Is he your Dad?" she asks.

"Yeah." I say.

She laughs.

I lay around and walk around doing nothing for hours expect for poking my belly and letting the baby kick back.

She stops playing with me after a little bit.

Uncle Albert sits up and looks down at his body.

He wipes it away and turns around to face me.

It's completely burned onto him.

I start laughing so hard.

"Fuck, I'm gonna piss!" I get up and rush to the bathroom.

I'm still laughing when I come back.

"Come here." Uncle Albert says.

"If you yell at me, you know I'm going to yell back."

"I'm not going to yell at you." he says.

Frowning, I follow him into the house.

"That Emily girl." He says. "Is her last name Legler also?"

"Yes." I say.

"She's your sister." He says.

I frown.

"How could you possibly know that?" I ask.

"Look at her. She looks like you and Caitlyn."

"So? She's our half sister if she is at all."

He cringes.

I stare at him.

"You lied." I say. "She's our full sister?"

"We gave her up for adoption because your parents couldn't afford her."

I'm silent for a couple moments.

"Why does she have our last name then?"

"Because she's my sister's child. You've never met her but she didn't get married."

"Does she know?" I ask.

"No. I'll call Krista and get it confirmed."

I always heard Mom talking about her sister-in-Law, Krista, and how I had a cousin five years younger than me named Emily.

I just never pieced it together.

He calls. Ten minutes later, he comes out and nods.

"I was right.

"Well we have to tell her." I say.

"Why don't we tell your mother first?" he asks.

"No." I say.

I walk out into the backyard.

"Did he yell at you?" Mom asks.

I shake my head.

"Hey Emily." I say.

She looks up.

"I know you're going to think I'm crazy, but you're Mom is Krista Legler, right?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

I nod slowly. "She adopted you?"


I nod. "Legally, you're my cousin but biologically, you're my full sister."

She laughs.


"If you don't believe me, which you probably don't and I don't blame you, but if you don't believe me, call your Mom."

She hesitates, and she gets out and dials her Mom, going into the house.

Ten minutes later, she comes back and hesitates.

"I have sisters!" she hugs Caitlyn and I, soaking me.

Guys if you want photos of the baby or of anything, like a character, even a past character from a different story, or even the link to the house that Natalie and Spencer are moving into, feel free to kik me at LoveTHGTrilogy22


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