The Human and the Hybrid | Lu...

By SunnyJay9

57.4K 1K 1.1K

You were regarded as a weird child in kindergarten. Weren't all the kids strange though? Despite the number o... More

Author's Note & Bio | Season 1 (PLEASE READ)
Chapter 0 | Prologue
Before | 1
Chapter 1 | A Lying Witch and a Warden - Part 1
Chapter 1 | A Lying Witch and a Warden - Part 2
Intro | Season 1
Intro | Season 1 (Custom)
Chapter 2 | Witches Before Wizards - Part 1
Chapter 3 | I Was A Teenage Abomination - Part 1
Chapter 3 | I Was A Teenage Abomination - Part 2
Chapter 4 | The Intruder - Part 1
Chapter 4 | The Intruder - Part 2
Chapter 5 | Coven•tion - Part 1
Chapter 5 | Coven•tion - Part 2
Chapter 6 | Hooty's Moving Hassle - Part 1
Chapter 6 | Hooty's Moving Hassle - Part 2
A/N | 1
Owl Special | We Witch You A Merry Christmas
Chapter 7 | Lost in Language - Part 1
Chapter 7 | Lost in Language - Part 2
A/N | 2
Chapter 8 | Once Upon a Swap - Part 1
Chapter 8 | Once Upon a Swap - Part 2
Owl Pellet | Lady Man with a Chocolate Bar
Chapter 9 | Something Ventured, Someone Framed - Part 1
A/N | 3
Chapter 9 | Something Ventured, Someone Framed - Part 2
Chapter 10 | Escape of the Palisman - Part 1
Chapter 10 | Escape of the Palisman - Part 2
Owl Chronicles | Interdimensional Complexities
Chapter 11 | Sense and Insensitivity - Part 1
Chapter 11 | Sense and Insensitivity - Part 2
Owl Special | New Year's Revolutions
A/N | 4 (+ Q&A)
Chapter 12 | Adventure in the Elements - Part 1
Chapter 12 | Adventure in the Elements - Part 2
Intro | Season 1 (mid-season update)
Owl Special | The Path of Destiny (50K Republish)

Chapter 2 | Witches Before Wizards - Part 2

1.3K 38 8
By SunnyJay9

||DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Owl House and its characters! All of that belongs to Dana Terrace, her team, and Disney||

||This story will have He/Him pronouns (and anything related to that, which you can change for yourself), cursing, and movie/TV/videogame references. It will not, however, have NSFW. If you don't agree with any of this, you have the option to leave||

◈A Piece of Deceiving Calamari with a Side of Guilt◈


Published: ~October 15th, 2022~


Eda and King searched throughout Bonesborough, in hopes of finding you and Luz before it was too late. King sniffed for your scent while Eda simply follows.

"This is where we met the scones, I mean, the wizard." King corrected himself. Eda pulls a curtain from her sight, only to reveal the once heavenly castle in pure ruins. A chunk of rubble falls to the ground and collapses. "Whoa! It wasn't like this before."

"I don't like this." Eda admitted.

They enter the castle and come across the same room that the wizard was in before. The room currently looked to have been abandoned and messy. Eda steps on a piece of rolled paper and picks it up. She picks through multiple copies that have the word, "chosen one" imprinted in each. They also had a blue glow.

"I really don't like this."

You strolled through the forest in a relaxed fashion. The cool air felt good to you. It was soothing and tranquil for you. It gave you a better sense of peace while you walked. The only thing distracting you was the bitter and utter resentment you had for Nevareth. He sickened you every passing damn minute.

"Nevareth, your vengeful backstory is so compelling, and I'm loving your animal sidekick." Luz complimented.

"After my village was consumed, my heart has known nothing but vengeance." Nevareth replied.

"Trust me, you're not that guy." You muttered from behind.

"Lady Luz, do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?" Nevareth questioned.

"This quest is questing in all the right ways." Luz whispered in contentment. 

Unknown to her, you heard the comment and frowned more, only to grit your teeth. Something just didn't feel right about this. You couldn't tell what the feeling you felt was or why Nevareth was like he was, especially under those hard abs and biceps he had. It was really complementing that nice body he had.

Wait, what?

Now was not the time to be feeling flirtatious. You were supposed to be suspicious of this dude for God's sake. Your blush faded away, transforming into the deep scowl you once had. The three of you come across a bridge where a small, disfigured creature pops in front of you.

"Ew." You and Nevareth said in unison.

You look at the witch and glared at him.

"Hum-di-diddle! To pass the bridge, you must first solve my riddle." It spoke.

"Hit me, furry man." Luz shot finger guns.

"Your quest shall stop if you fail this game. So, tell me, my dear, what is my name?" The creature riddled. Luz looks at the name tag on the creature.

"Uh... Chris?" Luz answered.

"That's it! You may cross the bridge. And please take this, Chosen One." Chris showed her a ring with a blue gem on it. "It shall help you on your journey."

"This is amazing. Thank you." Luz appreciated, sliding the ring onto her finger.

"Do you need a cape?" Nevareth asked.

"Nah, I think I'm goo-"

"You can use my shirt!" Nevareth interrupted by ripping off his shirt, showing off his toned muscles. Luz's eyes almost burst out while you internally screamed with your eye twitching in pure annoyance... and some jealousy.

Mostly annoyance. Definitely annoyance.

"Yes, I need a cape." Luz grinned as Nevareth ties his shirt around her neck. She blushed from the attention she received.

"Three cheers for the Chosen One! Hip, hip..."


"Hip, hip..."


"Hip, hip..."

"Oh, no."

Eda and King found the same village that you and Luz encountered. Although, it was just like the castle, which meant that it was in ruins. The abandoned houses and buildings were filled with large, thick and prickly vines that ran throughout. Eda walks forward and looks at the place.

"Are you sure they came here?" Eda questioned.

"Can't mistake their smells, like lemons... and young, naive confidence." King sniffed once more. "And there's a good whiff of watermelon, extreme sarcasm, and insecurity, with a hint of... jealousy?"

Eda continues further and comes across a cat that was crushed by vines.

"Hey! Wake up, you!" Eda poked. She then shook the cat. "What have you done with Luz and Y/N? What's your endgame?"

"To find your pupils and still your wrath, look ahead and follow the path." The cat laughs sinisterly as it disintegrated into nothing.

"The cat man melted!" King screamed.

"It's a trap." Eda sighed. "They want me to follow the kids."

"So what do we do?" King asked.

Eda contemplated long and hard about her next move. She needed to think carefully if she wanted to beat Adegast while saving you and Luz. That's when her eyes broadened in shock as she rushed to summon her staff. From there, she sped off with a little demon behind her struggling to hang onto the lightning-fast staff.

"I knew it!" Eda scowled.

"Knew what?" King questioned.

"I know this guy. He's no wizard. He's what you'd call a puppeteer, a demon who specializes in scamming and manipulating people." Eda explained. "He's trying to use Luz and Y/N to get to me."

"Yeah, and we're flying directly into his trap." King sarcastically replied. "Hurray..."

"If you can think of a better plan, I'd love to hear it." Eda told. She then hits Owlbert. "Hey! Faster, you!"

"Thank you for inviting me and my friend to your feast, princess." Luz expressed her appreciation. "All your food was so tiny and cute."

The fairy makes two gold bracelets with turquoise lines around them. She then hands them to Luz, who put them on her left arm. She also gives you a small gold chain with a crescent pendant. Although you pondered on whether or not you should accept this, you still take the chain so you don't come off as rude. You nodded in gratitude and put the chain around your neck.

"Thank you. You have all been so kind and thoughtful." Luz thanked again. "I hope this quest never ends!"

"Your quest will soon come to an end, for the staff you seek is around the bend." Chris mentioned.

"Thanks for ruining the mood, Chris." Luz grumbled.

"Go on, Chosen Ones. The Celestial Staff is yours." Nevareth insisted. "You've earned it."

Everyone said their goodbyes to you and Luz as you ventured farther into the cave. Birds chirp while light beams from above. You continue to walk until Luz gasps. The Celestial Staff was right in front of you. It stood on a slab of stone with a ray of sunlight shining on it. It was clearly a beautiful sight.

However, the only thing that stood in your way was the body of water you had to go across. Yet, it wasn't a problem for you as the water glowed and a path formed in front of you two.

"I knew this world wasn't all gloom and doom like Eda and King said. There is wonder here, and I... I think we came here for a reason." Luz spoke.

"This place is... cool." You said, not being able to shake off your worried feeling.

Luz was inches away from the staff itself. She glanced behind her, only to see you walk next to her. You nod at her and take one side of the staff. Luz nodded back and grabbed ahold of the other, which causes it to illuminate the area with a flurry of blue swirls and spirals. The water around you pushed back in a vibrating motion. Luz pried the staff from its previous position and raised it in the air with pride.

"Yes! I am the Chosen One. I knew it!" Luz cheered. "I always suspected there was a reason nobody understood my wacky antics back home. Now we have concrete proof!"

Oh, was she horribly wrong...

Suddenly, the staff in Luz's hands dissipated without a single warning. Everything around you withers and fades away in a matter of seconds.


You walk over to Luz and place a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. We just gotta prepare for the worst to happen."

A looming mist lurks behind you, making you and Luz nod at each other.

You wield your staff and prepare to strike at anything that comes your way with your back against Luz's. Sweat also starts to pour steadily down your forehead from the amount of suspense and tension growing at the moment. A shadow walks toward you with a pair of two glowing red eyes.

"Your hubris has failed you, witch apprentices!" Adegast laughed maniacally before revealing his true form.

Multiple beings are pulled out of the ground, which are shown to be the previous people you and Luz ran into during your journey. These people looked more disfigured than they did before and were controlled by Adegast in such a way that they could be deformed zombies.

"Okay, Luz, don't panic. This is classic Chosen One biz." Luz told herself. "You just have to rescue everybody and defeat the final boss."

"I am everybody, you fool!" Adegast uttered. "Don't you see? I'm no wizard and you're no Chosen One. I've tricked you!"

"What?" Luz said confusedly but grunted from her cape enclosing her entire upper body. Her bracelets handcuffed her wrists, and her ring ropes around her hands while also locking them. "No! Betrayed by my own cool accessories."

You try to free your friend from her small trap, yet it is proven to be useless. Your necklace starts to entrap you as well by covering your whole body. The metal starts to feel heavy and you instantly fall over on your side. You scowl deeply at Adegast. 

"Why are you doing this!?" You questioned.

"Your mentor has been stealing customers from my potions business for years." Adegast answered. "She must be destroyed!"

"Does everyone have a beef with Eda here?" Luz asked.

"Yes, yes... pretty much..." Everyone agreed while you rolled your eyes.

"You lured her right into my trap, all because you wanted to think you were special." Adegast mocked. "I had to be cautious of your friend here. He, his palisman, and that dog kept staring me down every second. And yet, Y/N still went with you on this stupid quest. My guess is he didn't want to hurt your precious little feelings."

"Wait, really?" Luz shifted her attention to you.

"Luz, now is not the time!" You said, loosening your scowl for her. Luz only sighs.

"Well, joke's on you, 'cause Eda's isn't stupid enough to fall for your trap!" Luz claimed.

"Adegast!" A voice said in the distance.

"Aw, shit." You and Luz cursed in unison.

Eda soars through the large cloud that surrounded you, landing on the ground, and immediately marches over to Adegast with King by her side.

"Eda, I have you now." Adegast pointed. Two puppets grabbed Eda and King and raised them in the air.

"That's right, you have me. Now release Luz and Y/N!" Eda demanded.

"I didn't have to be a part of this!" King protested.

"Oh, they can leave if they want to, but I sense that Luz wants a real fantasy." Adegast declared. A puppet comes by Luz and sprays her with a blue cloud, completely engulfing her.

Luz opens her eyes and sees that she is in a seemingly endless black void. Out of nowhere, her companions from the quest surround her. Nevareth puts his hand on Luz's shoulder.

"Stay with us, Luz. Stay with Adegast. We need you here." Nevareth said. "You could be our Chosen One."

"Yeah, you can eat our tiny foods forever." The fairy princess agreed.

"Luz, why would you want to live in a world where people laugh at you?" Nevareth questioned.

"It is beautiful here..."

"Luz!" Eda called out. She and King start to get squeezed by tentacles summoned by Adegast.

"And you guys think I'm special..."

"Help!" You shouted in excruciating pain, being crushed to death by your ever-tightening trap.

"But it's not real!"

Luz starts to break away from the void and frees herself from Adegast's puppets. She runs forward and grabs her sword. "I am a witch's apprentice, and I'm gonna earn my magic staff the hard way. I believed you, Magic Man. Now feel my wrath!"

Luz stabs through Adegast's wizard body, making it poof away. Eda and King free themselves from Adegast's tentacles and land on the ground. Eda rushes over to you and uses her magic to free you from your small prison, giving you a chance to breathe in utter relief. You grab your staff and join Luz, Eda, and King. 

Luz swings her sword at a nearby puppet, causing it to disappear into nothing. Eda creates a large fire spell and incinerates a couple of puppets, leaving nothing but ashes. Adegast shrieks in frustration and forces more puppets to attack. You twirl your staff and struck the nearby puppets, making them disappear quickly. Nevareth strikes at Luz and duels her.

"Thought we had a connection, Nevareth." Luz spoke. She then pierces Nevareth through the chest.

"My flawless pecs." Nevareth uttered before vanishing.

"Back off, or the dog gets it." Adegast threatened.

"I am not a-" King said before getting muffled. You, Luz, and Eda drop your weapons.

"King, I'm sorry. I should've listened to you and never trusted that wizard." Luz admitted. "You were right. He isn't mystical or magical. He's just a big, slimy jerk!"

Luz kicks her sword into Adegast's head, causing the monster to scream in agony. He dropped King, leaving him to fall to the ground until you caught him. Adegast shrinks into a small creature, rendering him powerless. Eda walks forward and picks him up.

"Well, that's the last time I take an outside referral." Eda remarked before dropping Adegast into her mouth. She swallows him, gaining a satisfied smile. She then looks over to you three. "Oh, did you want some of that?"

"Yeah, no." You blankly said. 

"I'm just... confused." Luz sighed.

"Thinking of calling it quits, huh?" Eda asked.

"This place is nothing like I imagined." Luz replied sadly. You put a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"Maybe not here, but come with me. I got something to show you both." Eda insisted while walking off, leaving Luz to become even more confused. She glances at you, in which you shrugged. You eventually follow the older witch.

(A/N: Play this if you want. I think it just makes this scene a bit better)

You and Luz are blindfolded. You could already tell that you were on Eda's staff, flying to a certain place. The question is where was it? What was this "thing" that Eda wanted to show you? Your questions were shortly answered as soon as you were allowed to take your blindfold off.

"Okay, you can look now." Eda said. You and Luz take your blindfolds off and gaze at what was in front of you.

"Whoa." Luz uttered.

What was in front of you was the enormous skeleton of a large entity. Lush wildlife grew around the bottom part of the skeleton, covering some parts mostly with plants instead of bone. The skeleton's ribs overshadowed much of the bottom as well. Sunlight had formed just above the entity's skull, creating a stunning, radiant sunset.

"The Bones of the Isles. Up close, the Isles can be slimy..." Eda started.

"And very stinky." King stated.

"...and gross. But if you look at it from a different perspective..." Eda continued as a shooting star flew across the sky in a luminous but very brief manner.

"It's beautiful." Luz breathed. 

The short-haired girl then puts her head on your shoulder, making you burn a vivid crimson on your cheeks. You look over to Eda, who teasingly smirks at you, causing you to redden even more.

"Yeah..." King yawned before nestling against your chest. 

King also gently pulled your arm over him so he can be more comfortable, allowing you to chuckle at his innocent but sweet actions. You then watch the sunset in front of you and wrap your free arm around Luz's shoulder. From there, you laid your head on hers.

"Eda, how did you know that wizard was lying?" Luz asked.

"Look, kid, everyone wants to believe that they're "chosen," but if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, we'd die waiting, and that's why you need to choose yourself." Eda clarified.

"Does that mean you'll give me a magic staff of my own?" Luz questioned. 

Eda glances at the brunette with a reckoned face. She then turns toward the sunset and sighs with contentment. A small smile found its way onto her face, only growing a little at the sight of her kids sitting beside her.

"Not yet, but someday."

The four of you came back to the Owl House. Eda landed her staff and stretched, popping her back and further satisfying herself. She turned to see you and Luz get off along with her. Luz stretches while you held King in your arms. Eda softly smiles and walks over to you.

"Here, lemme take him." Eda said.

You gave King to Eda, which the former snuggled into the witch. The demon somewhat recognized who held him, making him sleepily smile. Luz had to resist the urge to squeal from the cuteness going on.

"Aw! Owl Mama..." Luz whispered with stars in her eyes.

The brunette received a death stare from the older witch. However, as Luz started to yawn from the tiredness, she closed her eyes. This allowed Eda to quickly shift her attention between you and Luz, proceeding to smirk and wink at you. Afterward, she walks off as you heavily blush from what had happened. You shake off your feeling.

"Hey, Y/N."

You glance over at your best friend, who was rubbing her arm.

"Was Adegast telling the truth back there?" Luz asked. You sighed in response.

"Yes. I... I didn't want to hurt your feelings." You admitted.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Luz asked again.

"I was trapped by my own insecurities. The way you told me if... this was what I asked for, it just... it brought out old wounds from back home, and I'm not the best person to be talking about their feelings. I'm always bottling it up until I lash out at someone."

"When Eda told me that I was a half-witch, I was thrilled. And of course, you had your own dreams of being a witch, but that led to you getting tricked by people like Adegast. While you sit and wait for your chance to shine, I'm getting my powers easily." 

"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel jealous." You looked down.

You close your eyes, waiting for an angry reaction. From getting slapped in the face or getting yelled at, you just wanted to get it over with. Instead, you feel arms wrap around you in a warm embrace. You open your eyes in shock to see Luz hugging you. You silently sigh in relief and hug back. The short-lived hug ended with Luz pulling back and looking at you, eyes full of pure guilt like a little kid that broke something valuable.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm actually sorry if I ever said, "we". I never considered your feelings first." Luz shook her head. "Even when I wanted to go on the quest, it seemed like you just went along with it. I'm aware that the world is filled with bad people, but I was just blinded by my own naïveness." 

"And while I was jealous, I was also happy for you. You could finally spread your wings in a place that would somewhat accept weirdos like us. I'm just glad to see that." Luz smiled as you reciprocated the feeling.

"I know I said it once, but when I said that I believed in you, I meant it." You said.

This furthermore grabs Luz's attention.

"You have always lived life your way, and by doing that, you proved to everyone that you were weird. Apply that to living on the Boiling Isles and you'll be a powerful witch in no time. And yes, I am a half-witch but I still have a lot to learn about, too." You continued. "You are my best friend, and I will be there to support you every step of the way."

"Because I believe in you."

Luz's eyes widened a little as her heart swelled. The raw emotion was enough to make her cry a little. After wiping her eye, she quickly and tightly hugged you.

"Thank you so much." Luz grinned.

The brunette pulls away from the hug and intertwines her hand with yours.

"How about we go inside and have a movie marathon?" Luz offered.

"Ooo, what should we watch? Star Wars or Marvel?" You added.

"I'm kinda leaning toward Star Wars." Luz said.

When the both of you went inside, you settled for Star Wars, also because of Luz's massive crush on Anakin. By the time Attack of the Clones started, that was where the fun began for her. Every time the Skywalker popped up on the screen, Luz would just simply giggle to herself. Even if she tried to stay quiet, she seemed to get a little louder.

The both of you were asleep during Episode III, all snuggled up on each other without realizing it. Eda came into the room and eventually put a blanket on you two. She turned and saw Anakin on the screen shirtless, putting a hand over her heart out of shock.

"Wow... no wonder she was giggling."


☪️💫◒◈THE OWL HOUSE◈◓💫☪️

◊⫸Created by Dana Terrace⫷

Fanfiction by SunnyJay9◉

-|Your favorite LGBTQ+ show with a weekly dose of magic, peril, and teenage love (and angst)|-

Author's Note

||Another chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed this. You are welcome to vote and comment your thoughts if you don't mind. Plus, TOH Season 3 comes out today and I am very excited! See you in the next part!||

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