Not His

بواسطة Invincibec

17K 542 37

Haley Parker wanted nothing to do with guys - at least none of the guys her parents were always trying to set... المزيد

1. 17 and Invincible
2. Saving Damsels in Distress is My Job
3. Who Said the Bad Boy Didn't Care
4. You Owe Me A Meal
5. Wanna Sneak Out?
6. Not 'Friends,' Just Friends
7. Wanna Go Out?
8. Girls Night...Plus Griffin
9. We All Knew I Always Had the Balls
11. Sometimes Actions Speak Louder Than Words
12. Lilies and Coffee
13. Does This Involve Food?
14. This Place Is Too Clean Not To Trash
15. Open Windows Are the Best Escape Route
16. I'll Crush You Harder Than A Sixteen Year Old Girl On Her English Teacher
17. But You Look So Cute In My Pajamas
18. I Made A Mistake
19. All Yours
Sequel Preview

10. I'm Not Your Girl

660 25 1
بواسطة Invincibec

*Griffin's POV*

"Griffin!" our head coach, Mr. Craft, yelled at me through narrow eyes. "You're playing too deep, what did we just talk about?" he yelled again.

I shook my head a little as I tried to focus on our scrimmage game before practice ended. I took in a deep breath, feeling the late afternoon air fill my lungs, as I repositioned myself before the ball was hiked.

The next thing I knew, practice was over and half the team was already off the field and getting ready to leave. Coach had a brief stern talk with me before I left, but it honestly was all a blur with some vague head nods and apologies on my part.

But I couldn't help it, I was preoccupied with other -dare I say more important, even than football- things.


I couldn't get her off my mind, let alone decipher what was wrong. I so badly wanted to talk to her and make sure she's ok, but between her leaving class so quickly and then practice I just never got a chance. I tried to find her after Advanced Algebra (which made me late to the field, another reason Coach had to keep from chewing my head off), but she was already gone before I could even think. I was about to go to her house, but Luke found me first and dragged me to practice.

Now that leaves me with my current dilemma - what about our date tonight?

Did something happen where she can't go?

Does she even want to go with me tonight?

My mind kept racing with questions. By the time I made it home I figured she never called to cancel, so I might as well shower and get ready. At this point all I could do was hope everything was ok.

I glanced over my dashboard before shutting my car's engine off. It was about 4:30, so I had a good half an hour to get ready - not that I needed that much time, though I still wanted to make sure I looked nice for Haley.


By the time I pulled up Haley's driveway, it was a few minutes after 5. I was ready earlier, but I had spent a sufficient amount of time pacing my driveway wondering if I should call her first. But that was before I realized I was gonna be late if I didn't leave now, and I definitely didn't want her to think she was being stood up.

I could feel slight moisture beginning to form on my temple and on my palms as I quietly walked to her door. Ringing the doorbell, I was a little taken aback when her mother opened the door. Judging by her distasteful expression, she didn't seem too thrilled to see me either.

"Hi," I said slightly awkwardly before putting on my signature smile as I regained my cool. "Nice to see you again Mrs. Parker."

"Hello," she replied in a polite, if not slightly forced, tone. "Griffin, was it?" At least she remembered me...Though knowing the circumstances of our first encounter, perhaps that's not a good thing.

"Yeah, um, is Haley here?"

"Ah that's right," she interrupted me. "The boy who ruined my dinner plans," she smiled curtly. Yep, she definitely remembered last time.

I felt my blood race a bit as I remembered what happened. "We were studying," I replied in the same almost bitter tone, even if it wasn't exactly the truth. "Anyway, is she here?"

"One moment, please," she turned around seeming glad to be leaving my presence. The feeling is mutual, I mentally rolled my eyes as Haley does so often.

I could vaguely hear Mrs. Parker whispering with someone as I waited.

"That boy, Griffin, is here to see you," she said with distaste at the mention of my name.

"Ok," the other person, I assume Haley, said softly.

"Just make it short. I won't have him ruining this dinner, do you hear me?"

"Yes, mom."

The next thing I heard was small footsteps getting closer and closer as Haley appeared at the door. She was wearing socks with some casual jeans and a slightly ripped -but obviously well loved- hoodie. Her Hair was in a messy bun with strings of hair coming down all unorganized. By the time my eyes met her I could tell her expression looked about as un-put together as her appearance did. Even on casual days this was not normal for Haley.

My heart sank as I feared the worst. I scrunched my eyebrows together as I searched her face again. "Hey, um, is everything ok, or..?"

"What do you want?" she crossed her arms as she leaned up against the door frame.

I cocked a brow in confusion," Um, our date, remember?"

She inhaled before exhaling deeply as she stood up straight and got ready to leave. "Look, I'm sorry, but I can't go."

"Hey, wait a minute, why not? What happened?" I reached for her arm to stop her from turning around only to have her snap her arm out of my grasp.

"Don't touch me," she spat. "Whatever we had is done, ok?"

"Wait, Haley, hold up," I spoke quickly before she could try and leave again as a rush of fear went through me. "What the hell happened? Weren't things going well like 5 hours ago?"

"Yeah well things were going well, for you. And I'm sorry I couldn't help you uphold your 'image,' but I'm not gonna be just another number or another girl you've been with." She sounded bitter, I couldn't imagine where this was coming from.

"What in the world are you talking ab-"

"I heard you and Luke!" she finally yelled over me. "I heard you guys talking today about how you've been with everyone in the school, everyone except me, only you were apparently taking care of that tonight," she rolled her eyes as tears began to form.

I went white, speechless from the utter ridiculousness -but somewhat true- words she was saying.

Her voice may have returned to a normal volume as she continued, but the pain was still evident in her bitter tone. I had to suppress the urge to catch the tear that rolled down her cheek.

"I was right, Griffin. I was right this whole time. All you ever cared about was your dumb image or whether the whole stupid school loves you!"

"Now wait a minute, that is not true," I finally found my voice. "First of all, that was just Luke joking around and being a dick. And secondly, Haley, every second I ever had with you was real. It has nothing to do with whatever idiot motives I used to have. And I meant it when I said I wanted to be your friend."

She rolled her eyes again as she looked away. "Whatever, look it doesn't matter, ok? Even if I wanted to go tonight I couldn't. The Kacey's will be here any minute. I gotta go," she turned around once again to leave.

Her voice was bitter as she mentioned James' family. I couldn't blame her. I felt a rush of anger every time the thought of James flashed through my mind as well. I couldn't stand to see her this way. She has enough crap to deal with from her parents, the last thing she needs is to believe whatever other crap comes out of Luke's mouth.

"Haley..." my heart was breaking, for me and for her.

"Just go home Griffin, leave me alone!" she sounded annoyed. Why wouldn't she be?, I scoffed to myself. If I thought what she did I'd be pissed.

"Haley I'm worried about you-"

"Well don't!" she yelled as another tear fell, annoyance now echoing through her voice in addition to her attitude. "I'm not your girl."

Her bitter words stung as she slammed the door in my face. I stood there, heartbroken, for a few seconds as I processed what just happened.

Slowly, I walked to my car and got in. I didn't drive right away. I just sat there, collecting my thoughts. I caught a whiff of my cologne. as I mentally scoffed again. I can't believe I put on cologne for tonight.

I got angry the more I thought, the more I replayed Luke's and my conversation. Finally, I pounded my fists against the steering wheel and started the car. Turning on the radio, I switched the station from my usual classic rock to some heavy alternative rock. Cranking up the volume, I tapped my finger against the steering wheel as I felt the beat pound through my chest. I nodded in time with the fast pace as I increased my speed and headed for the highway.

*Haley's POV*

"Oh, Haley! Whatever you do, don't look now."

Bridget, Aria, and I were all walking outside in front of the school having just finished our last classes when, as if by some power I couldn't disobey took over me, I instinctively turned my head in the forbidden direction Aria warned me of.

Just a little ahead of us I saw Luke cut across some grass as he ran up to Griffin.

"Way to go Aria," Bridget chuckled.

"What? I told her not to look! It's not my fault if she looks after that, I was just trying to warn her-"

"Yeah, cause if you didn't want her to look, pointing out the last person she wants to see is a good way to go-"

"I did not point him out," Aria rolled her eyes.

"Guys, whatever, ok?" I tried to force a smile for Aria's sake. "Thanks, I know what you meant."

There was a brief silence before Bridget sighed. "So you're really just gonna ignore him forever now and just act like you never knew him?"

"Let me think, yes," I said flatly as my face turned a stony expression.

"And you're not even gonna tell us what happened?" Aria asked, sounding disappointed. "I mean I just can't believe it, you guys were like perfect together!"

"Sorry guys, I just...really don't wanna talk about it." I glanced over at Griffin as Luke seemed to be talking to him slightly frantically and using a lot of arm motions. "At least not now."

We continued to walk to the parking lot in silence. I loved my friends - and they're the best ones I've ever had, especially in the short while I've known them - but I just couldn't take thinking about this past Friday. I mean it was only Monday, can't I have some time to just not think before I feel the need to spill it and let it all out to my friends?

I glanced once again at Griffin and Luke. I felt disgusted just looking at either one of them. To think they actually thought I was just one of those girls Griffin used to date, I mentally snorted to myself. As we walked past them I could hear part of their conversation.

"I mean come on, where in the world have you been, what happened to you since like Friday?"

"I said leave me alone, Luke."

"No. Not until you tell me what's going on with you and Haley."

I couldn't hear anything else as we made our way past them.

"Do you guys wanna get some frozen yogurt before we head home?" Bridget asked.

"Sounds good to me," I forced a smile the same time Aria agreed, too.

We were about to discuss details on which frozen yogurt shop to go to when Luke appeared suddenly in front of us.

"You need to talk to Griffin," he said to me. "Now."

"Like hell I will." I tried to go around him but he moved in front of me again, stopping me from going any further. "Just let me leave!" I yelled. "I have absolutely nothing to say to him."

"No," he said again firmly. "You need to understand what happened cause trust me, it's notwhat you think."

I flared my nostrils as I breathed out a heavy breath. "I know what happened Luke. I heard you guys talking in front of Mr. Marin's class."

"Well maybe you need to get your ears checked because whatever you heard was definitely wrong, or at least taken way out of context."

"I know what I heard," I rose my voice before giving him one final look. "There's no changing what you said."

Shoving past him -and leaving Bridget and Aria behind as well- I ran across the parking lot and got in my car. Putting my Acura into the correct gear, I drove away, refusing to spare Luke, or Griffin for that matter, another glance.


Before I knew it a week had passed and things between Griffin and I still hadn't changed, not that I expected it to. I don't even know if I wanted to, to be honest. I mean, do I wish what Luke said in the hall that day wasn't true and that this was all just a misunderstanding? Every second. But am I about to let my desires and made up fantasies fool me into pretending everything is ok and to come running back into Griffin's arms? No way.

The first few days after I slammed my door in Griffin's face were probably the hardest. Griffin constantly was trying to talk to me, whether it was via text, internet, in school, etc., trying to "explain" what happened. But I always managed to avoid, or in some cases, just ignore him.

I mean what was the point? I knew what he had to say and the last thing I wanted was to be fed a bunch of lies by Andover High's top-notch player. It took a few days but Griffin had finally decided to leave me alone. I hardly saw him at this point, even in school. And by the end of the week I don't even remember seeing him in school at all, actually.

Bridget and Aria didn't understand what happened between us. At first they kept hounding me for details but when they saw I was really upset, they let up on the subject and just tried to comfort me instead.

Until last Tuesday, that is. Luke must've gotten to them because since then they've kept begging me to talk to Griffin, or at least to them about it. And to be honest, part of me really wanted to - and not just to cure my curiosity of the intense desire everyone had for me to talk about this.

But another part of me didn't. The part of me that feared I would believe and see what I wanted to hear, just so everything would go back to the way it was; so that Griffin would regain that sparkle I always viewed him with. It was the part of me that wondered why Griffin stopped trying to talk to me; even if things were easier for me that way, But I'll admit, it still made me sad. I missed him. Or least I missed who I thought he was. And the thing was, there was no getting him back - because that Griffin never existed.

I heard a knock at my door as Dustin's head popped through, "Hales?"

"Huh?" I turned my head around.

"You ok? You've been in here all day."

"Oh, uh yeah," I forced a smile as I looked down at my phone still in hand. "It's nothing, it's just..."

"You don't have to call him right now," he interrupted, as if reading my thoughts. What are twins for? I internally laughed to myself.

I knit my eyebrows together, not expecting him to say the opposite of what everyone's been hounding me to do all week.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't talk to him," he continued. "I'm just saying you shouldn't have to if you're not ready for that. I know everyone's been kinda relentless with you this past week, and as much as I think you should hear him out, I'm just saying I don't think you should be forced to."

For the first time since last week, my mind went blank. I didn't know what to say, mostly because I didn't have to say anything to defend my reasons for not wanting to talk to Griffin. A small smile tugged at the corners of lips.

"Thanks," I said softly. He nodded and smiled back a little as he started to turn around. "Dustin?" I called back as his face reappeared in my door. "Do you think I'm making a mistake not talking to him?"

He thought for a second before answering. "I think you need to hear the whole story before you shut him out for good." I looked back down at my phone in thought as he continued. "But more importantly, I think you and I need to go out for ice cream." He grinned as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me down the hall. I couldn't help but go along as I huge grin made it's way across my face.



"You're so mean," I chuckled in between licks of my vanilla ice cream. "Hmm...289."

Dustin pounded the table as he let out a big laugh. "Who's being mean, now? That guy does not weigh almost 300 pounds."

"And that little girl doesn't weigh 160!" I laughed back accidently bumping my ice cream cone into my nose.

"And do you know that for sure?" He raised his eyebrows at me as he gave me an 'oh yeah?' look.

"I know that you're terrible at guessing people's weight," I smirked as I rubbed the cold ice cream off my nose.

"Yeah, well, you're terrible at football," he smirked back.

"You wish," I rolled my eyes as I tipped his cone into his face, smearing chocolate ice cream all over his face.

"Alright," he chuckled. "You asked for it." He then proceeded to try and make me smear ice cream over my face.

Pshh, I laughed to myself. Doesn't he know I'm clumsy and do that to myself already? Puh-lease.

Somewhere in between Dustin trying to childishly smear my ice cream in my face and a customer behind us yelling at us to be quiet, a ding-ding sound from the door cut through the sound of our laughter.

Catching a glimpse of a familiar form in the corner of my eye, I instantly froze.

There was Griffin, all alone, as he walked through the door of the ice cream shop. He froze as I did, our eyes momentarily catching each other before he quickly looked away and resumed whatever he came here for.

Dustin, noticing my abrupt silence, looked over to where my eyes were stuck. Nudging me, he brought me out of my trance. "Don't worry about that now."

I turned back around as we finished our ice cream.

But I couldn't not worry about it. Griffin looked different. I mean sure he's looked different all the few times I've seen him this past week. But there was just something in his eyes right now, that just looked sad. And then there was the fact that he was alone.

Now I'm gonna be honest, when I first saw him walk through the door, I half expected to see him with some other girl; his next number to add to his long list, I'm sure. But there was no one. He just looked at me almost gloomily before continuing on his way.

I was still mad, sure, but I'll admit I was beginning to worry about him.

He looked like a mess.

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