
By JoniiG

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Loosing your memory at the age of six, can also mean loosing a crucial part of your life. Y/n has to come fac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 17

139 2 6
By JoniiG

The last you could remember after passing out were Medea's last words.

"See you soon, Y/n. Sweet dreams."

Meaning you were going to meet her again soon enough.

When your eyes fully adjusted to the room's lightning, you realized you were in a hospital room. Of course. She stabbed you, where else would you be?

The thing is, you don't really like hospitals. It reminds you of the day you met your parents. It reminds you of all those feelings of loneliness, emptiness and sadness.

Crap, your parents! You forgot to ask her about them. Although, judging from the small amount of information you were able to get from her, she wasn't going to cooperate by giving you answers about them too. Well, at least you got a name.

Kei. That's your brother's name. And you're assuming he's alive, since she gave that information.

You sigh, staring at the ceiling, as all these thoughts occupy your mind. You turn your head and noticed some cards, flowers and gifts on a small table in front of the window.

It formed a smile on your lips, but fainted just as quickly at the sudden thought of Katsuki. You were worried for Izuku and your classmates, too, but especially for him. He got himself injured to save you.

Tears were forming in your eyes as you replayed the whole scene in your head. Not only did he got hurt, but he got hurt because of your own selfishness...

You could've easily taken him to Aizawa right away, considering how fast you can fly, but now you decided that interrogating Medea was the best choice and how did things end? You and Katsuki pass out from hemorrhage, getting nothing but a name AND he probably hates you because of your stupidity.

God, he was right from the beginning. You do chase my past. And it blinds your vision of the present and future. You have no idea what happened after you lost consciousness, but you really hoped everyone was okay.

You heard the door slide open and it was then that you noticed you were inside Recovery Girl's office. At least you weren't at the hospital.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?" she asked you, with a soft smile.

Like smashing everything on your sight and at the edge of a mental breakdown, that's how you were feeling.

"I'm okay." you lied "So, how worried were my parents? My mom probably freaked out when she saw my condition."

There was a silence of seconds between you and her. As if hesitating to answer "Um...Unfortunately, I was not able to contact your parents. It went straight to voicemail."


So, they have no idea that their daughter was attacked by a villain, let alone someone they are looking for.

You were getting so tired of that situation; of all these secrets. They are not who they say they are. You don't know a single thing about them. Their names are most likely fake. Their "jobs" are most likely a lie. Your whole life has been full of secrets, lies and sorrow.

You just wanted answers. You just wanted your past back. Was that so much to ask?

They probably don't even care about you. It was all an act. They know what happened to you. You were sure of that. But they've been keeping the truth from you since day one.

They did not find you inside an alley. They were not clueless of what had happened to you.

They know everything. And you won't stop until you learn the truth.

"I see. They're probably busy with work." you said with a fake smile and immediately changed the subject because you did not want any questions for your parents "Is, uh...Is everyone okay?"

Her smile appeared again on her face "Don't worry, Y/n. No one got hurt."

You hesitated "What about...uh...What about Bakugo? Is he okay?"

"He had a minor injury, so he was good to go." you let another sigh of relief "I didn't take him for the romantic type, to be honest."

Okay, that was random. What did that have to do with his injury? She noticed my confusion so she nodded towards the gifts and flowers that were on the desk "That flower is really pretty."

You stood up in a sitting position and noticed a small vase that was hidden behind a big bouquet of flowers, —which was probably from Izuku—and a purple little flower was hanging alone.

Not just any flower, though. A purple myrtle.

"Oh, uh..." you turned your head towards her again "Bakugo and I are just friends. We're not dating." you said between awkward laughs.

She stands up from her chair and gives you a faint smile "I know."

She then walks out of the infirmary without another word.

'What was she talking about?'


Katsuki was laying on his bed, staring at his phone's screen for what felt like hours, but it had been only ten minutes.

It was a message from Recovery Girl. After he left his get-well-soon gift, he asked her to contact him once you are awake.

Recovery Girl: She is awake. You can come again to see her if you want.

Bakugo: Thank you.

He wasn't planning on going back to see you again. His mind was wandering to what happened at the USJ.

When he saw that girl behind you, ready to kill you, his body moved on its own. He would knock her out, attack her, move you out of the way, SOMETHING!

But he took the hit directly to himself.

He's sick of these emotions; sick of the questions to which he can't find answers. Just what is it that he feels every time he's around you?

Why did he take the hit instead of blasting her to hell? That would've saved a lot of time.

There was a knock on his door. He turned around, facing the wall. He clearly did not want to talk to anyone at the moment, but his mom still entered his room.

"Katsuki, you need to change your bandages and apply the antibiotic ointment to your wound." she said, caring for his bandages and medicine.

"I'll do it myself." he said standing up. His mother sat him down again, took off his shirt and started removing his dressing "Oi! I said I'll-"

"How is she?"

His heart skipped a beat to the sound of that and the immediate memory that popped inside his head. You lay on that bed, wounded and unconscious. It pissed him off to see you like that. Why couldn't you have been more careful, damn it?!

It made him so mad that he couldn't-

Protect you...


Sure, in order to become a hero, the want to save people is an essential element, but he has never felt like this. Wanting to beat the shit out of- ugh, what was her name again? He couldn't remember if you told him her name or he just forgot it.

"Who are you talking about?" he tried to sound as believable as possible.

"Really, Katsuki?" his mom said while applying the antibiotic on his wound. Katsuki cringed at the smell of it—a horrible smell—and from the stinging it caused "You know who I'm talking about. You went to see her earlier, didn't you? Is she awake?"

He was facing the floor, not even wanting to make eye contact, thinking of whether he wanted to talk about you or not, at that moment.

"I don't know. And I didn't go to see her." he finally answered.

"You don't have to lie."

"I'm not lying."


"WHAT?!" he smacked her hand, causing the bandage to fly on the other side of the room.

Why was he so angry? Why did he do that? Why was that conversation irritating him even more than he already is? Why-

"Why don't you admit it to yourself already?"

"What the hell are you talking about?! Stop beating around the bush and tell me what exactly it is that I need to admit to myself!"

There was a small pause. Just make eye-contact "That you care about her."

"Heh?! I don't care about her!"

"I thought you didn't know what I was talking about. Or who." Well, touché. That definitely shut him up for a couple of seconds. She stood up and grabbed the bandages that were on the floor and walked back again to him to wrap it "Sweetie, why do you deny your own feelings?"

What feelings? And why is his mom suddenly so...motherly? It's the only way to word this kind of behavior.

It's strange, though. He has admitted that he cares about you—of course, he is not going to show it to you or anybody else—but the only question that tortures his mind is why.

Just why.

She rested her hand on his shoulder and softly smiled "Go talk to her. I know she's awake- and before you ask, I called the nurse's office to check on her- and I know you want to see her."

"I don't-"

"Don't deny it, Katsuki." she stood up, after she was done with his dressing "Go see her."

She picked up all the stuff she was carrying and left her son's room.

"Ugh!" he placed his hands on his face, rubbing forehead hard and falling back on the mattress "I hate you, bird brain. Why do I care about you, damn it?"

He let his arms loose and went back to staring at the ceiling.

He has never felt that much hatred towards someone. That girl made you suffer by erasing your whole past and for what?

Bullshit. The moment he lays eyes on her again, he's going to make her pay for what she did to you.

He hated to admit it, but his mother was right. He did want to see you again. He grabbed a change of clothes from his closet and before opening his door to leave, he noticed something on his desk from the corner of his eye.

He turned to take a look at it and while holding it he let out a sigh "I knew I should've planted you. Now you're rotten."

He took the flower with him, a glass from the kitchen cabinet and went outside to his backyard. He filled the glass with soil, planted and watered the flower, and placed it on his window for sunlight.

That would probably do. Maybe it's too late for it to go back to its previous self? It didn't cross his mind that it was going to be rotten if he did not take care of it.

He was trying to make it bloom again but he had no idea how. He just did the first thing that came up on his mind, without really thinking if it would actually have any impact on it.

Seriously, what the hell was he expecting? Of course flowers die if they are not taken care of.

"I guess that'll do. You're not in that bad of a shape." he said "Tch. Great, look at me, I'm talking to a flower. I must be going crazy."


You were feeling well enough to get out of that bed. The wound still hurt a little but you could walk. You were lost in the sky's mesmerizing color. A soft hue of yellow highlighting your face, as well as the clouds. It wasn't late; only five p.m.

Izuku had called you a few minutes ago to check on you. He was really worried about you, but you got even more worried when he explained to you what happened at the USJ while you were unconscious.

Apparently, it was quite difficult for All Might to beat that...whatever that creature was next to the hand-face-boy. Great, now you've started giving random, stupid nicknames to others like Katsuki.

You were trying to distract yourself from thinking about your parents, but it seems that is impossible. No matter what you think of, your mind keeps drifting back to them.

You thought of calling them, but what exactly were you supposed to say? 'Hey, so this girl you were searching about attacked us at the USJ along with a group of villains. Oh, and I know you are keeping secrets from me.'?

Yeah, not the best idea. Besides, you're not quite ready to face them, if you are being honest with yourself.

Damn. You could really use something to actually distract you right now.

"Y/n?" The Recovery Girl's voice was heard behind the door "You have some visitors."

Visitors? Panic could be read all over your face at the thought of these visitors being your parents.

"Hey, Y/n!"

Luckily it was Jirou, Hagakure, Mina, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu which made you relax but not completely because you didn't feel that comfortable around them, yet.

"Hi girls," you greet them with kind of a fake smile because you are happy someone is here to get you out of your thoughts, but not the girls.

You didn't have any female friends growing up. You always hang out with Izuku or Bakugo—well, until he stopped but that's another thing to discuss—and all the girls at middle school were not exactly nice. Not that they bullied you or anything, but their glares didn't really say 'Hey why don't you hang out with us? It'll be fun!'.

"How are you feeling?" Yaoyorozu asked, while they dragged some chairs to sit near you.

"Oh, I'm okay, don't worry about me." you answered, shaking your hand in the air.

"We were really worried when we saw you so badly wounded on the stretcher," Mina spoke and her worry sounded genuine. They all looked concerned about you. Instead of the strange, critical eyes you were used to, you now face four genuine, warm smiles and have met eyes like Izuku's. Kind, loving, and concerned. Anything besides what you're used to. It felt nice "If it wasn't for Kirishima, I don't even want to think about what could have-"

"Mina!" Jirou hit her lightly with her elbow. "There's no reason to remind her of that."

"Oh, I am sorry, Y/n! I didn't mean to! I was just-"

"It's fine, don't worry about it, Mina." you reassured her.

"Hey, I have an idea!" she gets excited pretty easily, huh? "Why don't we have a girl's night once you fully recover?"

"Um...You mean..." you were actually hoping she would answer for you, 'cause honestly you had no idea what she was talking about.

"A pj party!" she stood up while holding your hands "Come on it'll be fun!"

"Okay, Mina, as much as I love the idea," Hagakure grabbed by the shoulders—at least that's what it looked like; the girl is literally invisible—and forced her to sit down again "she woke up a couple of hours ago. Let's not make too much noise."


You were suddenly laughing because of how silly she was. Mina is a really energetic person and it didn't really bother you as much as you thought it would.

"Wait, you said something about Kirishima," you remembered "is he alright?"

"He is okay, don't worry," Uraraka said, "he is the one who found you and Bakugo and brought you both back."

Kirishima came back to help you? He must've thought you were taking too long to return to them. He's sweet. But dumb. What if Medea was still there? He may have been hurt as well.

"I see..." you said, lowering your voice and your head, too.

"Do not worry, Y/n," Yaoyorozu reassured you "He is alright."

That's good but it would have been your fault again if something had also happened to him.

"I see he got you a get-well-soon present," Uraraka said, approaching the table of gifts "Look, he even painted it."

"Aw, a pebble, that's so cute!" Hagakure said "Do you think he likes you, Y/n?"

You were not able to answer that—and you were glad about it—because Uraraka interrupted.

"Hey, this flower is really beautiful," Uraraka picked Katsuki's vase up to show the girls "who is this from?"

You were hesitating a little to tell them. Especially Uraraka. She immediately assumed you were dating him just because you were a little close with each other.

But maybe it's time to stop being so worried about anything.

"Oh, that's from Katsuki." you said as a faint smile appears on your lips.

They all turned and stared at you as if you said that earth is going to die tomorrow "Wh-What?"

"You mean Bakugo Katsuki?" Mina said.

"You are talking about Bakugo Katsuki who almost killed Midoriya?" Hagakure was next to ask "The one that almost blasted your face?"

"That guy had the audacity to show here? I hope that flower is an apology gift." Mina spoke again "Listen, Y/n, I wanted to talk to you about this after the combat training but didn't have the chance. I don't know what kind of relationship the two of you have, but I would recommend staying away from him. He's not can I say it? Friend material."

"I will have to agree with the girls, Y/n." Uraraka said "He is really toxic, if you ask me."

"Yeah, he gets angry with literally anything," Mina continued "he yells all the time, which is annoying, and he doesn't care about anything himself. You're not like that; and we don't want you to be."

Oh, she did not just say that. Just when you thought you were getting along.

The last words made me stare at Mina like you were about to attack her. That's what everyone thinks of Katsuki? Sure, he does have anger issues and yells a lot but that doesn't mean he doesn't care.


He couldn't care less about what those chicks said about him. What surprised him was what you said to them.

"First of all, hadn't Katsuki jumped in, I would most likely be dead, right now. That person who gets angry at everything, yells all the time, is toxic, and is not a friend material, is the same guy who saved my fucking life while putting his own at risk. So, guess what. He cares. A lot. He's my friend, and I care about him, therefore I won't let you trash talk about him in front of me."

Okay, recap.

You got angry because they said basically the truth, you defended him, called him your friend and said you care about him.

Well, that definitely was not the first thing he expected to hear from you. He had decided to see you again, because, fuck, his mother was right and he wanted to check on you again. But since his classmates already took his turn, he was about to leave when he heard-

"Wait, Y/n, do you like him?" from the squeaky tone in her voice, he assumed it was pinky who asked that.

He stopped right on his tracks, eyes wide open and body tensed up. Why was he getting nervous about your answer? Great, even more questions he can't answer just yet.

"That's what you got from everything I said?" you sounded angrier than before. You weren't answering the question, though. You were trying to avoid it?

"No, I got what you said, but you aren't answering."

There was a long pause of agony before you spoke again. Come on, bird brain, is it so difficult to say no? -

"So, what if I do?"

See? It was not that-



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