~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger hu...

By Oliver_isnt_emo

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Slow updates. :( ROTTMNT human male brother reader insert! Woohoo. I didn't see any so I made one, your welco... More

Chap.1 Mystic Mayhem
Chap 2. Origami Tsunami
Chap 3. Donnie's gifts
Chap. 4 War and pizza
Chap 5. Newsworthy
Chap. 6 Repo mantis
Chap 7. Down with the sickness
Education! bonus chap
Chap. 8 The fast and the furriest
Chap 9. Mascot Melee
Chap.10 Shell in a Cell
Chap. 11 Minotaur Maze
Chap. 12 Bug Busters
Chap 13. The longest fight.
Chap. 14 Hypno! Part deux
Chap 15. The gumbus
Useless. Bonus chap.
Chap 17. Stuck on you.
Lil bit of a friendship! really small bonus!chap
Chap 18. Al be back
About the axe
Chap 19. The purple jacket
Chap 20. Pizza pit
Chap.21 Smart Lair
Chap 22. Hot soup:the game!
Chap 23. The Evil League of Mutants P1
Chap. 24 The Evil League of Mutants P2

Chap. 16 Mrs. Cuddles

934 26 94
By Oliver_isnt_emo

A/n because of the color scheme of this show I'm making you indigo. Just because like- it fits. It's a different color that is actually in the rainbow. Roygbiv so. Splinter will call you that and uhm yeah. Sorry if it isn't your favorite color (it's not mine) but it just fits the color scheme thing so uhm 👍 also obivouly you can imagine [name] however but [name] wear's a indigo bandana around his forehead/neck so uhm. I just thought I should add this to make you more Like your brothers! Not trying to take away any individuality of you.

Also this chapter is mainly raph and [name] being uhm the teddy bear duo. Because I needed more raph and [name] bonding for our raph lovers out there! <3


Raph:"Congratulations on the acting job, April!"

You all were watching ads.

Raph'"I'm so happy for you, I could punch a rainbow!"

April:"It's just a tiny basic cable show."

You made the 🤨 face.

Splinter:"Not so tiny. It knocked 'scorpion treadmill' out if it's time slot!"

[Name]:"I'm sorry, scorpion what now-"

Leo:"Say, how'd you like to sit in the front row, Raph"

Raph:"Okay!" (No stop. He's so innocent. I don't wanna do this to him😭😭)

You didn't know what April's show was so you went and sat next to raph. All your brothers surrounded behind him.


Raph's face was scared. You made a face of worry. Then a face like ,'omg no. I know how raph gets with this. I bet it's Leo fault. Yeah let's blame Leo.'

"Let's be friends forever."


He grabbed you into a hug. Since you were the closest and jumped over splinter in his chair.

Raph:"Not Mrs. Cuddles!"

Everyone expect you and April were laughing.

D:"It's just as good as I thought it would be."

You pat raphs arm which was kinda strangling you in a hug but it's ok.

Raph:"Hey you guys know I can't watch this."

April:"Is my acting that bad?"

Raph:"no, no, no! It ain't you its-"

"Let's be friends forever!"

Raph scream and you jump away from him. He runs into a wall. Poor guy.

Splinter:"Raph's fear-flops make me laugh evertime."

[Name]:"Useally I'm all for chaos but that wasn't that funny."

Splinter:"Oh red one!"

Raph:"what? You think I'm afraid of Mrs. Cuddles? Uh, I'm just upset about something else, which I'll think of what that is later. "

April:"Be nice, guys. You know, I bet a sandwich would make you feel better, raph."

Mrs cuddles popped up on screen and raph grabbed you and ran off again. ([Name]'s comfort teddy bear arc)


You were now standing behind raph.

Raph:"Wish I had sandwiches for brothers. Be better than those jerks." He was talking to himself.

[Name]:"Raph, are you okay?" He gave a fake smile and pat your head before continuing to make a sandwich and talk to himself and you alittle bit.

Raph:"Okay, sure, I'm a little jumpy, all right? But afraid? Raph don't do afraid." Mrs. Cuddles popped out from a cabinet and raph ran away from it and grabbed you up into a hug. Again.


He ran into a table and a bunch of pots and stuff fell on his head. But he still had you hugged against him. ([Name] teddy bear arc confirmed.)

All you brothers and April popped out.

D:"Oh, I'm enjoying this."

April:"The guys tell me Mrs. Cuddles totally freaks you out, so I brought her over in a trunk for a sweet prank."

Don:"Hey, no hard feelings, okay, big brother?" He held Mrs. Cuddles and imitated her voice. "Let's be fwends fowever!"

Raph:"Good one, making my heart almost explode. And for the record these are tears of laughter!" You hugged him back. "I'm laughing at you!"

[Name]:"I'll be right back."

You walked into the other room.


You walked over and stood next to raph.

Raph:"You got this raph. Forget about her evil eyes. An those floppy ears that are always taunting you." He looked down for a second and when he looked up she was gone.

Raph and [name]:"Hey, where'd she go?"

Raph saw that the bread was missing and picked you up again. You guys looked over and saw Mrs. Cuddles with a sandwich.

Raph put you down and pat your head as a small apology.

Raph:"I- I must've forgot I put it there. Yeah, that's it."

Raph bit into the sandwich. He turned around when he felt you patting his arm rapidly.

"Who wants a pickle-wickle?"

Raph dropped his sandwich and fell to the floor. You did the same minus the sandwich part. You scooted next to him and wrapped yourself around his arm in fear.


"Howdy-Hi! Big screamer. Useally I hear giggles all day, but what I love is screams! They make me grow! and grow! And grow!"

Raph picked you up and you buried you head onto his chest in fear of that thing. (It's platonic. The whole story is platonic. Please don't take it any other way.)


Leo:"scaredy pants say wha?"

Raph:"What? Okay, fine, you were right. I am afraid of Mrs. Cuddles! But it turns out she's really real!"

April:"Okay we get it. We took the joke too far."

You stopped hugging raph and ran away from Mrs cuddles hiding behind everyone.

[Name]:"don't let that demon touch me..."

Raph:"Okay demon! Reveal yourself!"

He pointed at Mrs. Cuddles and all it did was fall over.

[Name]:"It's pretending. DON'T TRUST IT. SHE'S LYING!"

Your brothers and April looked confused at you. They figured raph would do this , but why were you scared? They figured raph influenced it.

Mikey:"Look what you did to [name]. When you're ready to grow up and be an adult, Raphael, we'll be in the arcade." Mikey tried to bring you along but you were frozen in fear of Mrs. Cuddles. So he rolled his eyes and left.

Raph:"GUYS DON'T LEAVE US WITH THE... It's only a bunny. You can do this. Just show her you're not afraid of her.." she wasn't there.

You were frozen pointing at where she used to be. Raph grabbed you and ran.

Splinter:"Ugh. Bunny on every show. And commercial? I mean come on, who buys an SUV for a bunny?"

Raph ran infront of splinter. You were still frozen in his arms.

Raph:"Have you seen mrs. cuddles?? She's vanished!: She's out there just waiting to pounce."

Mrs cuddles moved on the TV and raph ran away from it.


Splinter:"I will never marry any of them off."


Leo and Mikey were playing that air hockey thingy. April was watching. You could move now and raph had our you down before jumping onto the table.


April:"You lost the puppet? Oh, man, I am so fired! I'll check the kitchen."


You paced around. "She's gonna get us. And she's gonna grow! And grow! And grow!" Mikey lightly grabbed your shoulder and you screamed and hugged raph before glaring at him.


April was looking in the cabinets in the kitchen.

April:"How could you lose cuddles April?" She ran around the room trying to find her.

"Hey! I know you from work!"

April:"not funny raf. Or is it you [name]? That is the worst Mrs. Cuddles impression I have eveeer heard. Hey there you are!" April looked at Mrs cuddles and it moved and giggled.

April screamed and it got bigger.

Donnie was in his not so lil lab.

D:"Which project to work on: The self cleaning toothpick or the titanium bust of myself? Like I need to ask. Huh?" He spotted Mrs. Cuddles. "Oh, dear me. Gasp. It is Mrs. Cuddles. Nice try [name]. Come on out. Or was it you raph?-"

"No raphy or [name]y. Just wittle old me!"

D:"Oh my banana pancakes!" He ran and grabbed his mini him made of titanium. "Huh, I don't know which is crazier: a talking puppet or raph actually being right about something."

"Hehe. You're kooky! Now, give me a scream."

Donnie:"a scream? But you're so cute?  Why would i-"

Mrs cuddles grabbed a weapon and pulled out a chainsaw. She cut off mini Donnie's head. So he ran away screaming. Mrs. Cuddles grew. Again.

"Thank you for my scream!"

You were on raphs shoulders while he looked around for stuff. You refused to leave his side or back? I guess. Anyways, you refused to leave him because of Mrs cuddles. Honestly I don't think he woulda let you anyways right now.


Raph and [name]:"Donnie!"

Raph ran after him but was really scared.

Raph:"I really, really hope this is another prank, Donnie." He stepped on donnie's titanium figures head. "AH DONNIE! *Exhale* it's just Donnie's head."

"Pennies for your thoughts, raphy and [name]y!"

Raph and you screamed.

Raph:"Where's Donnie?"

[Name]:"Yeah! Where's the nerd?" You gulped down your fake confidence.

"In a happy place where he'll scream and I can grow forever! And now, you're gonna join him!"

She tried to probably kill you both with her chainsaw. Raph dodged her careful and moved you from his back to his arms. (He doesn't do the same ones in this from in the show because you would probably be dead. Lmao.)

He tripped over Donnie's fake head and stubbed his toe. You were outta his arms and next to him now. Mrs cuddles jumped into raph and tried to saw his face in. He grabbed dee's fake head and whacked Mrs cuddles with it.

Raph:"Thanks Donnie's head." He threw it to the side. You crawled onto raphs back again to avoid the evil puppet.

"Your such a meanie."

Raph whacked her and carried her outta there.

Raph:"no! Ughhhhh! You feel so oogy!"

Raph walked passed Leo and Mikey. Leo got distracted and lost a point.

Raph threw Mrs cuddles into a locker. You were watching like a hawk, hoping she wouldn't come back alive or I dunno. Something.

Raph:"Now to lock you up till I figure out how to shrink you and get you back into your trunk." He started mumbling things as he grabbed items to put in front of the locker. "She's gotta be strong enough to hold king Kong."

[Name]:"No, no, no. Way stronger. She'd demolish Kong."

"..carry the six..."

You sat on raphs shoulders and you both were trying to make sure she wouldn't get out.

Leo:"Whoa we really broke this poor guy. We even broke [name] somehow... I didn't even think that was possible." He looked over at Mikey and smiled. "Wanna skateboard?"

Splinter walked up to you and raph.

Splinter:"I left my napping robe in here when I was playing 'zombie unicorn'"

Raph:"sorry, pops. There's a great evil in there that I'm protecting us from."

You leaned down Abit. "It's so evil..." You said it ad if you were possessed. Like creepy voice and all.

Splinter:"Why didn't you say so red and indigo ones. I'll guard the door while you grab the weapons!"

Raph:"Great idea!"

Splinter moved all the stuff and grabbed his robe.  She got out.


You had fallen asleep on raphs shoulders and he began talking to himself. Your head rested on top of his.

Raph:"It's gonna be okay, raphy. There's no way a bunny can-" he dropped all the stuff when he saw that the door was wide open and there was no bunny or pops in sight.

Mikey was doing skateboard tricks on the ramp while Leo watched. Mikey saw something, screamed, and fell down.

Mrs. Cuddles was growing from behind.

Leo:"You're real?"

"I hope you two scream as loud as the red one!"

Mikey didn't stop screaming at all. He just kept screaming over and over again. Really loudly. Leo screamed too but- yeah. Anyways boom.

April, Donnie, Mikey, and Leo were all tied up.

Leo:"So when she kept growing, that wasn't a clue to stop screaming?"

Mikey:"Sorry, but hopefully raph heard me."

Leo:"Astronauts heard you!"

April:"What about [name]?"

D:"He sleeps through everything. Remember when we met Baron draxum."

April:"Ohhh yeah. But still, why can't we just scream for help now? Oh, right. We scream, she grows. Not smart. Got it."

Mikey:"I'm starting to think this prank was a bad idea."

Raph:"I'm sorry if we got off on the wrong foot, but please don't hurt me..."

He jumped down. You were still asleep.

"You're such a silly Billy!"

Raph:"Whoa! You're huge." You woke up from the lighting change. Oh great, now you're half asleep. "Uh, I see you met Mikey. Wait, where is everyone?"

You yawned and sat up to glare at the stupid bunny rabbit.

"Don't you worry about them."

Raph:"Look, sure, you scared me at first, but now? Now I see your nothing but an average, everyday ginormous bully! And raph ain't afraid of bullies."

"We'll see about that." She charged at him but he dodged. A few other things happened but I don't really remember and in tired.

She crawled up the ramp and sprayed raph with the water while he tried to run up. You hopped off of him to not get throw with the water. Raph however got stuck up in a place. Splinter walked over and started laughing at raph.

Splinter:"Look at you red!"

"No! No giggles! I hate giggles!"

You laughed at that statement.

[Name]:"Of course. Supposed cute but actually ugly bunny likes screams and hatesss giggles." You started laughing.


She sprayed water at splinter but he jumped it.

Splinter:"No one roughs up my family or interrupts my TV regimen. You made a powerful enemy rabbit."

Splinter and Mrs cuddles had a little fight. Which knocked raph down and freed him.


Splinter:"Ooh, someone has a case of cottonmouth!"

You and splinter laughed. You mainly laughed cause raph looked so disgusted by the cotton. Raph noticed that Mrs cuddles kept getting smaller.

Raph:"Wait! She's getting smaller."

[Name]:"guess we don't gotta put her in the dryer then."

"Stop! You're just like those kids on my show! Their giggles steal my power!"

She started attacking raph.

Raph:"Keep at it guys! The laughing shrinks her."

Splinter:"How can I laugh when that bunny is so ferocious?"

He started laughing and Mrs cuddles started shrinking.

Splinter:"I'm sorry I couldn't say it with a straight face."

He started laughing.

[Name]:"Ooh let me try! 'how can I laugh when that bunny is so ferocious'" you burst out laughing. "It is hard to say with a straight face!"

Raph knocked Mrs cuddles away and she landed at his feet.

"Oh, just don't put me back in my trunk and send me back to the kids!"

You all looked over Mrs cuddles.

Raph:*chuckles*"hey, that's a great idea! So great I wanna scream about how great it is" you glared at raph and splinter hit his head. "But I won't." He picked her up and put her in her trunk. "So long pal. Let's be friends for never!"

You all laugh.

Splinter:"Good one!"

[Name]:"Oh that was great. High three! Or five whatever." You guys high fived(threed)

Leo:*far away scream*:"GUYSSSSS?"

April:"Anybody there?"

Mikey:"Can somebody untie us?"

Donnie:"I'm afraid of togetherness..."

Splinter:"We will get right to that! *Suppressed giggle* eventually."

You hopped up on raphs back again.



You were walking home from school when you saw a axe glowing indigo in some trash. You grabbed it and walked home. Hope this doesn't change the plot or anything 😶

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