Foreign Skies

By floweryejin

4.5K 372 143

Getting lost in a foreign city, a dangerous stalker and an unrequited love. Cover by @rtokkiesz and @flowerye... More

Welcome to Europe
Soulmate Founded
Under the Clock
Heartbreak Prince
Queen of Hearts


599 53 13
By floweryejin

Time flies faster when you're happy.

Whoever said that in the past, Seri knew they were right.

She had spent some time staying in her room with Jeong Hyeok, lolling around in bed and enjoying their private time. He had brought her out to a nearby traditional restaurant, since she had mentioned she wanted fish-and-chips.

They walked on the streets hand in hand, just like a normal, everyday couple. Seri was wearing Jeong Hyeok's oversized hoodie with jeans, and Jeong Hyeok was wearing a plain white long-sleeved shirt with black pants.

Everything was what Seri had dreamed of.

Having someone to share her thoughts with, spending time with him and loving him - Seri had witnessed her brother and sister-in-law during their honeymoon period, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy seeing them so in love.

Now, it was her turn to love and be loved.

Everytime Jeong Hyeok had eye contact with her, she'd feel warm and bubbly inside. Seri didn't know why this happened, or how long it'd last, but all she could say was she hoped it'd never end. She loves him, this she knows; but she wanted to tell him that, before she went back home.

Before he forgets her.

Seri didn't have much faith in long-distance relationships, and she supposed Jeong Hyeok will be seeing someone else once she lands in Incheon. She's not blaming him, for Christ's sake.

All she did was hope that they could treasure the remaining days with each other.

"There's two special guests dining with us."

They were almost arriving at the restaurant when Jeong Hyeok surprised her with "guests".

"Who? Are they someone I know? Please don't tell me they are the papparazzi." Seri had to tilt her head up to get a full look of Jeong Hyeok, a pout visible on her features.

He chuckled, pulling her closer by the waist. "It's someone you know. You'll see."

They went in the café and slipped into a private booth in the corner. "Who is it? When are they coming?" Seri nagged him, a tad bit nervous.

"They're here just in time."

Two tall shadows loomed over the booth. With a bit of shuffling through the crowd waiting for a seat, Seung Jun and Mi Jo came into view. Slipping into the opposite side of the booth, they weren't the least bit surprised when they saw Jeong Hyeok's arm around Seri's waist, their shoulders so close that they will bump into each other if they moved.

"Seri! It's so good to see you again." Mi Jo said enthusiastically, a bright smile on her face. "Jeong Hyeok invited us to join since there's no rehearsals today and tomorrow. I hope I'm not intruding." She eyed his hand on her waist.

Seri turned red and bit her lip, clinging closer to her man. Jeong Hyeok let out a laugh. "Come on, don't tease us like that. What do you guys want to eat? My treat today."

Seung Jun flipped through the menu. Eyeing at his friend, he smirked. "Jeong Hyeok treating us? That's rare. Or maybe you're planning to treat your girlfriend today." He winked.

It was Jeong Hyeok's turn to blush. "I treat you all the time. But if you're not interested in free food today, then you're free to pay for yourself."

Clicking his tongue, Seung Jun shook his head immediately. "I'll have my usual spaghetti with meatballs."

Mi Jo closed her menu. "I'll have a pepperoni pizza!"

Jeong Hyeok got up. "I'll have a steak then." He turned for the cashier to order their lunch.

Mi Jo frowned. "How about Seri? You're starving your poor girlfriend." Seung Jun put on a poker face and nodded along.

He turned back, sighing in both exasperation and humour. "I know what she wants. And also, I know who she is. I have no idea why you're both referring to Seri as 'my girlfriend'." His cheeks were starting to burn, and before they can tease him further, he zoomed off to pay for lunch.

Mi Jo turned her attention to Seri, who was biting back a smile in her seat. "So you did talk to him the day I met you in rehearsal! See, I was right about your mutual love for each other." There was a proud smile on her face.

Seri bit her lip, trying to gather her thoughs. "He's sweet to me. He cares for me a lot. I think I might even see my future with him."

She paused, knowing what will come next. "But I don't think that's gonna happen."

Mi Jo sighed, knowing exactly what she was thinking of. "What are you even talking about? Obviously Jeong Hyeok loves you as much as you love him; maybe even more, I don't know. I told you, I've never seen him so lovesick. Don't feel discouraged just because you're going home soon. I know you both can make it work." Mi Jo reached for Seri's hand across the table, squeezing it comfortingly.

"Mi Jo's right, Seri." Seung Jun chimed in. "Jeong Hyeok might be an idiot to his friend at times (that earned an amused eye roll from Seri), but have some faith in him. In the twenty or so years I've known him, he's not going the type to let go easily." He nodded towards her direction.

At that moment, Jeong Hyeok came back, a tray of food in his hands. "I see a group discussion going on. What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing." Seri replied just a beat too quickly, a sweet smile on her face. "I'm hungry; let's eat." She reached for her plate and dug in, drenching her fries in ketchup. Jeong Hyeok passed around the other's food, making sure everyone was having a good time before he settled down with his medium rare steak.

He was about to put the small slice of beef in his mouth when he caught sight of someone staring at him. Next to him, Seri eyed his plate discreetly and focused on hers once again, munching on a bit of fish.

"Do you want some?" Jeong Hyeok whispered softly. "Here, see if you like it."

He forked a small slice of steak and held it in front of her mouth. Seri was like a child waiting to be fed, all giddy and excited. "Okay."

This steak is good, Seri thought, eyes wide with surprise. All her life she had been dining in Michelin 5 star restaurants, and she couldn't deny that the beef in her mouth was better than some of the dishes she has tried before. She glanced at Jeong Hyeok, watching her intently, waiting for her reaction. Her heart swelled, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Is it good? I can one more steak if you want."

"No, no; it's okay. It's really good. Do you want some of my fries?" She reached for a fry from her plate, dipped it in ketchup and held it in front of Jeong Hyeok's mouth. He reached in, opened his mouth, waiting to be fed. Seri laughed in mirth, and popped it in his mouth like feeding a seal in Sea World.

"It's good, but it's extra good because it's from my favorite person." He winked, turning back to his steak as if nothing happened, one arm around her waist.

Seri blushed as red as the ketchup on the table.

Across the table, Mi Jo clicked her tongue. "You two are truly nauseating." Shaking her head, she sent them a withering look.

Cheeks red, both of them avoided her stare, but they didn't even try to deny.


The night before the launch, Seri realized she was nervous. It was normal for one to feel anxious before such a big event, but for Seri, it was something new to her. She was rarely nervous for big events, and she wasn't the type to have stage fright before giving a speech to a big crowd.

It was late in her hotel room. She's taken a hot water bath and was settled comfortably on the sofa, in her silk pajamas, with her laptop perched on her lap. Going over her speech one last time, Seri sighed. What if I mess up tomorrow? She could picture the headlines: SERI'S CHOICE CEO MESSED UP LAUNCH IN LONDON. Secretary Kim would call her for at least twenty times; her brothers would probably celebrate with a glass of wine; and her father wouldn't even think about letting her handle the family buisness once he retires.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Jeong Hyeok's soft, tender voice brought her back to the present. He had just finished his shower, his hair still wet and most importantly, he was shirtless, wearing only simple shorts.

Immediately Seri relaxed seeing the sight of him. He slumped on the sofa with a gruff and patted his lap. Like a magnet, Seri leaned in his chest, melting into him, closing her eyes in satisfaction, his arms around her waist.

"I haven't spoken in front of a crowd for so long. I'm nervous."

She hasn't voiced out her feelings to anyone since she was a teenager. If she had a good day, she'd kept it to herself. If it was bad, she'd kept quiet, too. There was no one to talk to, not her father, who was too busy working; or her stepmother, who could only care about her sons rather than someone who wasn't her biological daughter.

It felt good to have someone to talk to, to be able to share her thoughts with someone.

Someone she loved deeply.

Jeong Hyeok tightened his arms around her. Caressing her gently, he could almost see a sign of worry on her face. "I'll be there to support you tomorrow. I'll be there for you." He leaned in and kissed her forehead, brushing loose strings of hair away. "I know you can do it. I have faith in you."

The simple four statements brought tears to Seri's eyes. She sniffed, trying to wipe her tears away discreetly. Noticing her movement, Jeong Hyeok looked to see her eyes red, a single tear lingering at the corner of her right eye. He let out a heartfelt sigh, wiping the tear away with the tip of his thumb. "Even if I'm not with you, you're not allowed to cry alone." Reaching for her pinky finger, he held it with his own. "Promise."

Seri nodded, tears streaming down her face. Wiping them away hastily, she whispered, "I don't want you to go. I want to stay with you forever."

His heart broke. Burying his head on her neck, he hugged her tightly, her body heat oddly comforting. "I'm not good with words, but..." He paused, pulling back just enough to look at her face. Cupping her cheek with one hand, he took a deep breath. "I love you. I just wanted to let you know that I love you."

Before he could say anything else, Seri pressed her lips on his. "I love you too, Mr. Ri." She whispered, a blush blooming.

A smile appeared on Jeong Hyeok's lips. "You're tired, baby. Get some rest." He bridal carried her in his arms, treating her as if she weighed no less than a feather. She giggled, looping her arms around his neck and pressing a kiss on his neck. He laid her down on the bed, tucked her in, kissed the top of her head and laid down next to her. With an arm around her waist and another as her makeshift pillow, both drifted off to sleep, worries at the back of their minds.


"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today is the day we've been all looking forward to - the opening of Seri's Choice in London!" The MC said, with the crowd cheering enthusiastically. "Now, we will pass the time to Seri's Choice CEO, Yoon Seri, to say a few words."

Stepping up onto the stage, Seri took the mic from the MC's hands. "Thank you. It is a great honor to be here in London, sharing the joy of my company with you all. Starting from today until next week, Seri's Choice will half a 50% off discount for all items. This is a first for our company, so please give as much support as you can. Thank you very much." She smiled at the cameras in front her, snapping photos of her in every corner. Standing with a group of sponsors, they held a piece of red ribbon in one hand and a pair of scissors in another. "Okay, we will begin the ceremony now." The MC said excitedly. "On the count of three, let's cut the ribbon together! One, two, three!"

There was a gentle snip, followed by an instant round of applause and whoops. "Seri's Choice in London has officially opened!" Smiling at the camera, Seri could only pretend for so long. She looked frantically for Jeong Hyeok among the crowd, scanning the unfamiliar faces with desperation. At the very back, she could see a tall, handsome figure, looking right at her with a proud smile on his face. Seri couldn't help but smile back; she was so tempted to mouth "I love you" right there, but the cameras and paparazzi in front of her prevented her from doing that.

She slipped aside once the ceremony was over and that people were too busy shopping too care. She noticed Jeong Hyeok at the side of the road near her car. "I saw you." She laughed. "You were staring at me the whole time." She reached for his hand, swinging it from left to right teasingly.

He smiled, looked around, and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I'm so proud of you, baby."

Seri blushed. "I would never get tired of you calling me that."

He was quiet. Seri inched closer, putting his hands on her waist and letting him hold her. "Is everything okay?"

Jeong Hyeok squeezed her hand gently. "I'm going to Seoul with you."

author's note: i am so so sorry this took me so long school is seriously so tiring and here goes the next part of the story!!

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