A Racers Love (Rewriting)

By JaceyBarth0614

18.5K 315 41

Call me your average country girl if you want. I live in the county of North Carolina and has been in trouble... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Hospital and truck beds
Chapter 3 Reunited Friends
Chapter 4 Practice makes perfect or in this case learning
Chapter 5 "Damn shes fast"
Chapter 6 The Hiding Spot
Chapter 7 Confessions and kidnapping
Chapter 8 Hugs and Kisses
Chapter 9 Stores and foam balls
Chapter 10 Riding Angry
Chapter 11 I Cant Remember
Chapter 12 Fight Fight Fight..
Chapter 13 Mud Everywhere
Chapter 14 Swimming at night
Chapter 15 Teams and surprise camping
Chapter 16 Teasing
Chapter 17 Oil and grease
Chapter 18 Race nerves
Chapter 19 Bite my dust
Chapter 20 Race 2
Chpater 21 Dont ever touch her again
Chapter 22 Tys Party
Chapter 24 New house smell
Chapter 25 Birthdays and Race 4
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Tys crash
Chapter 28 One very important question
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 "Why did you leave us?"
Chapter 31 The honeymoon
Chapter 32 Three years down the track
Chapter 33 Surprise
Chapter 34 Doctor visit
Chapter 35 The End

Chapter 23 Graduation Race 3

375 6 1
By JaceyBarth0614

Chapter 23


Danielle's POV

I woke up in bed next to a snoring Dustin. His arms were wrapped around me like he didn't want anything to happen to me. I snuggled closer to him but the thought of having graduation practice at 2 brought my back into reality.

I grumbled and slipped out of Dustin's warm embrace. Even thought I got a shower last night I needed to get another one from our actions that took place last night. Before I could get in the shower their was a knock on the door.

I grabbed a blanket that I found on the ground and covered my naked body. I rushed to the door so they wouldn't wake Dustin up. I opened the door to be meet by Jason. His eyes wandered to the blanket then over to Dustin's shirtless body with his clothes on the floor.

All the pieces fit tighter in his mind and a huge grin spread across his face.

"I thought I heard something last night." I rolled my eyes because I knew I was quite and if I said anything or made a sound I made sure it was muffled. "Well when you guys are ready breakfast is ready and their is some Aleve." I said a quick thanks and told him that we would be up their after our showers and stuff.

I looked at the time and it was 12 o'clock. Great only two hours before practice. I jumped in the shower and quickly finished waking Dustin up with a towel wrapped around my body so he could get ready.

"Dustin." I shook his shoulders gently. I imagined having a Dustin that woke up on the wrong side of the bed not doing much for two hours wouldn't be good. He stirred and I shook his shoulders again. "Baby it's time to get up." He rolled over to face me and his eyes barely opened.

"No." His voice was filled with tiredness and all I wanted to do was to let him sleep but we didn't have time.

"I'm sorry baby to wake you but we got two hours before practice and the guys have breakfast upstairs ready." The mention on breakfast made Dustin wake completely up. He sat up and his eyes raked over my body.

"Hmmm.. How bout we have round two." I knew exactly what he was thinking but we didn't have time as much as I wanted to do it. I left him a kiss on the lips and stood up telling him that we couldn't and to go get a shower. He pouted while he slipped his boxers on to walk to the bathroom.

Once I heard the water start I found my stash of clothes that I left here and changed into them. Then I made my way upstairs following the smell of bacon.

When I walked into the dining room Jason sent me a wink telling me he knew what happened last night. A blush crept over my face and maddy sent me a confused look. I motioned I would tell her later and grabbed some food. We made small talk before Dustin came walking into the kitchen.

"Oh how nice of you to join us." Tyler said to Dustin when he walked in.

"Well I apologize for staying up late last night if you know what I mean." Maddy turned at me getting why Jason was smiling at me earlier. I could feel the room getting warmer as I hit Dustin across the arm which only made him laugh.

We all finished breakfast and the guys decided to head home but they would be back to watch our graduation tomorrow. We waved goodbye then maddy, Dustin and I piled into Dustins truck and headed to the school. The dreading two hours passed slowly and we were finally heading home. Dustin dropped maddy and I off at my house and I kissed him goodbye.

We headed inside knowing what we needed to do. I grabbed a set of gear and a set of maddys and threw them in the washer. Then we grabbed our boots and headed out side to wash them off free from dust and dirt.

Our plan was to not wear a fancy dress under our gown but simply our racing gear and boots. Our school really don't care what you wear just as long as it's somewhat nice it don't matter. I never found out why they never cared about what we wore. We set the boots out to dry and headed back inside to finish everything else.

Everything was ready and I gave maddy a ride back to her house. I headed back home and passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up unusually in a good mood maybe it's because I was officially graduating today. I got up out of bed and ran across the hall into Arron and Jases room. I jumped up on Arron's bed and landed on something hard.

"God damn it Danielle get off of me." I laughed until I was rolled off his bed onto the floor. It hurt my arm but I didn't stop.

"Com'on Arron today is a big day." He groaned and rolled out of bed. I smiled and walked back into my room to get ready. My hair was curled and I was buckling the last strap on my racing boots when maddy came running in my room with a huge smile on her face.

"I can't believe it Danielle were actually graduating today." I laughed and grabbed my bag full of things I might need. Maddy and I ran out to my jeep with huge smiles on her face.

I found a parking spot and we jumped out. I grabbed my bag and walked inside to change. Then I switched into my pants and jersey and slipped my boots on.

Before I knew it I was walking across the stage to get my diploma. My mom was in tears seeing her set of twins crossing the stage. It still would be awhile till Jase would graduate.

Everybody was done and everything was said and we were outside taking pictures. I snuck away from the crowd with Maddy we had window markers in our hands with huge smiles on our faces.

I jumped up in the bed of Dustin's truck and wrote "good luck racing tonight baby #831." Then I made my way over to his window and wrote I love you and all kinds of different things.

Maddy and I made our way back to everybody and finished what we needed to do.

What felt like three hours we were heading out to Dustin's truck. We walked around the corner and a huge smile spread across his face. He ran over to me and swung me over his shoulder.

"Dustin put me down." He shook his head no and I sighed. Their was no way I could get him to let me down this time. He opened the passenger side door and set me inside. His hand cupped around my cheek and made me turn to him. He placed a long slow kiss on my lips.

Whenever he wraps his hand around my cheek and kisses me it absolutely melts my heart. My whole body goes limp and I just don't know.

He walked over to his drivers side door and jumped up in and sent me a smile. We headed to my house with country music spitting out the speakers.

We pulled into my driveway and I kissed Dustin goodbye even though I would be seeing him in less than 30 minutes.

I ran up to my room to grab all my gear that I needed for the race and I ran back downstairs to Maddy and my jeep.

I smiled when I saw my jeep. I don't know how I didn't see it earlier. Dustin had wrote stuff all over the right of my windshield and my side window.

"Are you ready." I nodded my head and jumped in the drivers seat. Maddy and I made our way to Dustin's house, our favorite songs playing from the speakers.

When we got their the guys were packed up and Dustin was pushing my fourwheeler in the trailer. I quickly ran over and helped him out but I was slung over his shoulder again and put in the front seat.

Dustin smiled through the window as I sent him a pouty face. He just walked back to the trailer to shut the door. A couple minutes later we were heading toward the track with me in Dustin's truck then Maddy in Jacks.

Luckily the track was only one hour away so we wouldn't be to late. Our graduation took a little longer than we expected so we were running a little late.

The only thought going through my mind was how lucky I am. I have this awesome life that I was blessed to have with an amazing boyfriend and my best friend. Plus my family that loves me a lot. I know we have our differences sometimes and we fight but I will never lose the love for my two idiotic brothers and my awesome mother.

"What are you smiling about." I just smiled more, unbuckled my seatbelt ad slid next to him in Dustin's arm.

"I'm just thinking of how awesome my life is. Thank you for making it so much better." I felt Dustin kiss the top of my head.

"Your welcome baby thank you to for everything." I smiled and snuggled closer to Dustin.

About 30 minutes later and a couple random chats we pulled into the track. Dustin followed the guys and we parked in a circle.

We made it in perfect time because the modified classes were ending. We got everything unpacked and all of us were in our race gear except for Maddy she just had her pants and boots on with her team shirt so she could run the pit for us before her race.

We were all ready, talking and having a fun time before our races start.

"Hey you remember that race that Jack hit that water barrel and fell in." Jason said holding a Pepsi and pointing at Jack. Dustin and Tyler were laughing their asses off while Jack had a huge blush on his face. Maddy had a small smile on her face but wrapped her hands around Jacks arm.

"Ok well since I did it I should tell it." Everybody stopped laughing and looked at Jack waiting to tell the story. "When I got the bike I got now I wasn't used to the throttle as much as I was my last one. At this one race they had water barrels blocking the trees and other places and well my thumb slipped and I pressed the gas harder going around a turn and I flew off and landed in one. My ass got stuck in the barrel and another rider had to help me get out." Maddys smile grew more and so did the blush on Jacks cheeks.

Everybody started laughing the guys laughed harder from actually being their and seeing Jack soaked head to toe.

My race announcement rang through the speakers and I grabbed my helmet. I was completely done with hiding my hair I could care less right now about it.

Dustin stood up from his seat and walked over to me. His arm snuck around my back and I was pushed closer to him. He lowered his head to kiss me on the lips.

"Good luck baby. I love you." It don't matter how many times he says it. It still makes me smile.

"Thank you baby and I love you to." He released his arm from around my back and handed me my helmet and gloves off the fourwheeler seat. Dustin sent me a wink while I climbed onto my fourwheeler. I waved goodbye to the guys and headed to the gate.

I pulled into my choice of spot since I was the first one to be their and waited for the other riders. Alex pulled in next to me and we fist pumped.

"Hey good luck today Jake is back. Are you not hiding your hair." I smiled and shook my head no.

"And good luck to you to. I'm not hiding my hair because I'm tired of hiding and not being myself. Theirs other girls that are here and they don't and nothing bad happens to them. I also don't care if Jake is here or not. I beat him once I can beat him again." He smiled and slid his helmet over his head. I followed suit and tightened the chin strap.

"That's the spirit." I smiled and got ready. My gloves were tight around my wrist and I was fixing my googles when Jake pulled in beside Alex. I turned over to them and Alex sent me a thumbs up.

The rest of the registered riders showed up and the timer was out. I waited and waited till the gates dropped and I started my fourwheeler and headed out before anybody else.

My lap times were going great and I was doing every thing right until the end of my 2nd lap. Jake had managed to get beside me and I wasn't going to let him pass me. We were going around a turn and Jake showed no mercy.

He slammed his front tire into mine and I hit a tree and flung over the handle bars. I then hit the side of the tree and rolled down the bank and landed in the creek. I looked up to see the dirt from under my bike slip away and my fourwheeler rolling down the hill and landing on me.

I was pinned under my bike. I couldn't move and I could barley breath. The nerf bars were digging into my ribs and my tire was across my chest. I called for help but I doubted that anybody would hear me.

I didn't know how long I could make it. I struggled and struggled to get out from under my bike but it wasn't very successful. I did manage to wiggle into a more comfortable position, one that I could breath in.

I didn't have my phone with me or anything so I just laid my head back and waited. I heard bikes go by but nobody saw me and stopped. 30 minutes later I knew that their was no chance that somebody was still on the track. Everybody had passed the finish line. I was screwed.

~Alex's POV~

I passed the finish line and waited for Danielle to come in so I could tell her awesome job. I waited and waited but Jake and some other riders were the last people to come riding in. He had a huge smile on his face and I knew him for 8 years and that smile wasn't because he passed the finish line.

"Shit." I rode over to the scoring booth and killed my engine. "I think their had been a wreck for rider 614. I'm going to go check." The lady nodded her head and I started the search.

The track was ending and I was starting to get worried. This couldn't be good. I was about to give up when I saw tire tracks leading right to a tree. Their was bark missing from the trunk and I pulled over. Their was a chance that this was from another race but I just wanted to make sure.

I pulled over to the left and looked over the side. I saw a bike on its side and I saw riding boots popping out from under the side. I quickly made my way down the bank and noticed who it was.

"Danielle!" The boots moved and I ran over to Danielle's head. "Are you ok?" She nodded her head yes but she tried to move and pain flashed across her face. "No your not." I looked at the position of the fourwheeler and I wasn't able to move it without hurting Danielle more. Her eyes started to close and I shook her shoulder. "Hey stay with me." Her eyes fluttered oped and she looked at me tiredness evident in her eyes. "I can't get your fourwheeler off without hurting you so I'm going to go get help I'll be right back." She nodded her head.

I ran back up the bank and rushed back to the scoring table.

"I found rider 614 and she has wrecked about a mile in the track. I'm going to get help now." The ladies nodded their heads and talked into their walkie talkies about Danielle. I quickly headed over to Dustin and his friends.

They were standing their worriedly. When they heard me pull up Dustin's eyes got big and he ran over to me.

"Jake ran her off the track. She rolled and her fourwheeler is on top of her. I can't get if off without hurting her so I need some help." Dustin nodded his head and proceeded to pass the news. Four people jumped on three fourwheelers and I started to head out.

The medic razor pulled in next to me and I motioned for them to follow. We had manage to draw quite a crowd when the medics showed up but it didn't matter. Everybody headed into the trail backwards so we could get their faster.

I pulled over to the side of the track and lead everybody over the bank. The medics did what they had to do and me and the other 3 guys managed to pick Danielle's bike up without hurting her anymore.

If Danielle hadn't landed in the creek she probably would have passed out from being so hot. Luckily she landed where their was water to help cool her down.

The medics did everything they could do away from their building and we helped Danielle walk up to the razor. She was positioned in the back and was told to lay down but stubborn Danielle stayed sitting up. Everybody hopped back on their quads and we followed the medics razor.

Jason drove Danielle's quad back up and when we had gotten off the track their were many spectators standing in a circle waiting for Danielle's return.

The razor stopped in front of us and Danielle slid off the back. She limped over to Jason and started talking to him. He smiled and climbed off. Danielle climbed on and Jason held the tape up and Danielle rode under it.

The spectators had circled around the finish line and erupted in cheers when Danielle had crossed the finish line. Dustin quickly got Danielle off her quad and helped her walk back over to the medics. He picked her up and set her on the seat for injured riders.

Everybody resumed what they were doing and the group that helped me get her bike off of her stayed by the medics building to hear what is wrong with Danielle. I had made my way over to the group and shut my quad off.

Dustin walked over to me and patted me on the back.

"Thank you so much for helping her and us out we really appreciate it." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"It was nothing." Everybody else smiled at me. "I should get going though. Bye." I waved goodbye and I got the same gesture from Danielle's friends.

~Danielle's POV~

"Are you guys finished poking me." The lady chuckled while my shirt was lifted up to show my black and blue rips.

"Not yet but we're almost done when we are, we will wrap your ribs and then you can go." I nodded my head and shifted uncomfortably on the check up table. The medic grabbed a big roll of wrap and made me sit up. Shooting pain ran through out my ribs.

"When you get home put ice on it and we'll I'm sure you know the drill." I nodded my head and grabbed the table when the wrap would tighten around my bruised ribs. Their was bruises on my arm from hitting the tree and the random branches on the way down to the creek.

They helped me off the table and it was difficult to walk but I was strong. They held the door open for me and I slowly made my way outside.

As soon as I walked outside Dustin was by my side helping me walk. He picked me up and set me on his bike. We made our way back to the trailers and Dustin carried me again and sat me down in a bag chair.

"Dustin you know I can walk." He smiled and nodded his head. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I gotta go baby for my race I love you." He placed a kiss on my lips and stood up.

"Good luck and I love you to." He walked away but sent me a wink first. I watched as Dustin drove off with everybody else and I was left alone because Maddy had to run the pit.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag in te trailer and made my way back to my chair.

I listened to some music and just messed around on my phone until somebody walked over to me and sat down in the chair next to me.

"Thank you so much for getting help and helping me out." He just shrugged his shoulders.

"It's no big deal honestly but a lot of people think it is. Jake is pissed at me for helping you but right now I could care less but how are you doing." The fought of a fight happening between two best friends and it was worse that it was my fault made my mood drop.

"I'm so sorry that I made you guys fight. Other than a couple bruises and scratches I'm ok." He smiled and looked at the bike driving by in front of us.

"It's ok but I should be getting back to start packing." I quickly said goodbye and resumed playing angry bird on my phone. The guys pulled in and we packed up and headed home.

I fell asleep in Dustin's arms on the way home and woke up in my bed. I sat up but the pain in my ribs forced me back down. I groaned in pain and turned on my side to look out my window.

Their was a note, bottle water and two Aleve on my bedside table.

'Bruised ribs don't feel good in the mornin' here's some Aleve. Hopefully your not mad with what I dressed you in.' I quickly moved the covers off and looked down at my body. I let out a relieved sigh that I had spandex and a sports bra on usually what I sleep in.

I turned back to the note and continued reading.

'Jk baby but when ever your ribs aren't hurting get dressed because I got a surprise for you. Come out to my house and we can leave. I love you.' I smiled and thought about the surprise noting came to mind so I took the Aleve and passed back out for a nap.

~Dustin's POV~

I was nervous as hell after changing Danielle out of her clothes and laying her down in bed. I had an important question to ask Molly and I was scared.

"You can come in and sit down Dustin." I sat on the couch across from Molly and messed with my hands in a nervous manor. "So what's your question Dustin please tell me your not asking me to marry her." I shook my head and chuckled. I love Danielle but I don't want to move to fast. Molly shook her head and smiled.

"No Molly not yet, but I do want to ask you if it is ok if I ask Danielle to move in with me at a house I'm going to start renting out tomorrow and probably buy when I can." I grabbed my phone and showed her the pictures of the farm house that I was going to get the keys to it tomorrow before I showed Danielle. "I completely understand if you don't want her to move in with me. She is your only girl and with her just graduating and everything I completely understand. If you do say yes I promise to take care of her." Molly smiled and gave me back my phone. She stayed silent and sipped on her tea.

"I know you will take care of her Dustin, you take very good care of her now. Just a minute ago you were carrying her upstairs. Let me think about it and I'll call you tomorrow morning with my answer." I smiled. "Now go home and get some sleep you had a rough day." I stood up and walked over to the door. Molly trailing behind me.

"Goodnight Molly." I walked out the door and shut it gently behind me. I made my way to my truck the smile never fading off my lips. I had a chance of us living together. I picked my phone up and called jack. We were both asking Danielle's and Maddys parents if it is ok to move in together. Jacks house that he's moving into is about a mile down the road and our properties are next to each other's.

~me~ "any luck with Dave and Tina."
~Jack~ "they told me that they would think about it and give me an answer sometime tomorrow. I'm working on the garage right now."
~me~ "I got the same answer so I guess we will have to wait." We quickly said goodbye and I headed back to my house. I unloaded the bikes and laid down in bed.

I couldn't fall sleep tho. I thought about all the possibilities that could happen if Molly said yes. I finally slipped into a sleep state.

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