Eremika Stories

By HowBigIsUranus

131K 1.7K 510

One-Shots of my sexy ass ship; Eremika. Some of these One-Shots will be dirty and sexy, some will be innocent... More

Armin's Fault
The Scarf
An Accidental Transformation
Seven Minutes In Heaven
Jealousy Wins
I Can Hear His Heartbeat
The Tree
Thinking Of You
In the Dark
Moans and Affections
Started With A Chair
All I Want For Christmas Is You
New Year
The Underwear In The Office
Thank You Mud
Stolen Moments
Our Secret
Our Secret
Our Secret


4.1K 48 9
By HowBigIsUranus


Vote &/or Comment ✨ {  I Bet Ya'll Motherfuckers Thought I Was Dead! Well I Ain't. This One Is A Long One. Hang On For The Ride. Btw This Wasn't Too Dirty To Put The Sign. And Also I Just Put The Song There For Fun. }

Connie was practically beaming as he stood in front of the large resort they would be staying in. He turned his head to look back at everyone still trying to grab their bags from the cabs. "You know what they say about Vegas? 'What-"

"We know what they say," Jean said loudly, dragging his suitcase out of a crammed trunk. "And if you say it one more time you're sleeping on the balcony."

That seemed to work, thankfully. Eren didn't think he could take much more of it; a plane ride was enough of Connie running his mouth nonstop, and Jean for that matter; that was one long ride. He reached into the open trunk to pull out his suitcase but grabbed the bag onto of it first. A hand on his shoulder caught his attention.

"Here you go." Eren passed Mikasa her bag before he pulled out his and her other suitcase.

"Thank you," Mikasa said, taking her things and looking up at him. "You holding up okay?"

Eren pulled out the last bag in the trunk, placing it on the ground with his. "Is it bad that we just got to Vegas and all I want is some place quiet?"

Mikasa chuckled, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Not at all." Armin walked over to them as Eren held out his luggage. He looked up at the tall and flashy building looking over them. "It's not exactly our scene."

"Well, let's change that." Reiner practically jumped up behind Armin, clasping his hands over his shoulders. "Tonight we are going out. All of us. Dress up and bring some luck you hear me?" He gave Armin a tug, dragging him away. "I'll take care of him don't worry."

Armin mouthed "Help" as Reiner pulled him to where Bertholdt and Annie were waiting by the door.

"Should we do something?" Eren shut the trunk of their cab as Connie and Sasha begged Jean to hurry up with his bags nearby.

"Nah, he's with Annie. She'll look after him," Mikasa tried not to laugh walking beside Eren towards the lobby.

He sighed as the buildings on the strip loomed over him. "Out all night already? Please tell me you'll stay and help keep my sanity."

"Ah, yeah," she nodded, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. "Who else would I hang out with?"

Eren glanced at her before taking her bag off her shoulder and tossing it over his. "I meant it. Don't ditch me for some Fabio stripper in a zebra print speedo and leave me at the mercy of our beloved friends."

Mikasa snorted with laughter. "I'm pretty sure that would be Sasha, not me. But, if it were leopard print I'd be gone in a flash."

He smiled as he shook his head trying to rid his mind of that mental image before stepping aside to let her go first. Eren followed through the revolving doors to see the largest and brightest lobby he had ever seen. Mikasa was also staring up at the chandelier glistening over the tile floors.

"Welcome to Vegas, I guess," he murmured. It was far from the town they all lived it that was for sure.

"Oh, I think I see male stripper with luscious blond hair already and he's in a leopard print speedo so he's still free game."

"You aren't funny."


Mikasa was more than content though she couldn't quite remember where she was. Regardless there were thick blankets over her, soft sheets under her, an arm draped over her waist holding her close, a warm body pressed up against her...

Her eyes snapped open, seeing the large bedroom suite she was staying in. She was sharing a room with Sasha, they had their own beds, and this body was too big to be Sasha's. Mikasa carefully turned her head, remembering she was in Vegas for Ymir and Historia's engagement party, but that thought only made her not want to look when nothing else came back to her about the night.

Mikasa knew that face that was so close to hers, she knew it better than her own. As much as she wanted to see Eren cuddling up to her in bed, it wasn't quite under these contexts that she wanted it.

He heart lept as she jumped away from him, blanket pooling in her lap. It really didn't help when she saw she was just in her underwear.

"Oh God," she groaned, trying to close her eyes and remember how she found herself in this situation with the boy she had been in love with for longer than she could remember.

"Jesus," Eren mumbled as he started to sit up, his eyes still drooping. "What was that...for..." His eyes got wide when he noticed Mikasa sitting nearby, the blankets tussled, and both of them lacking their clothing. "Uh," he said dumbly as he looked at her, his cheeks turning red, which didn't help the embarrassment Mikasa was already feeling. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I was hoping you would." Her own face felt like it was on fire. It wasn't even like they had never spend the night in the same bed before but waking up in bed with your best friend with no memory of the night before wasn't exactly something she was used to.

Eren ran his hands through his hair before he shook his head, his eyes staring at the bed. "Nothing, it's all blank."

She didn't even know what to say, she just stared over at him. How did this even happen? Even if she was drunk she promised herself she'd cross that line with him, their friendship was always more important than her stupid feelings.

He tentatively looked back up at her and she could almost see the question on his face. "Did we...ahh..."

As if her face couldn't get any redder. "I...don't know."

Mikasa didn't know how to feel; one side she couldn't count the amount of times she dreamed of waking up beside Eren, his arms around her and on the other hand, it was never after a night neither of them could remember. It wasn't exactly ideal; she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Hey, Mikasa," Eren started, his eyes still on hers. "I..."

The door swung open causing the both of them to nearly jump out of the bed; Mikasa scrambled to grab the blanket to cover herself up.

"What the fuck is going on here." Jean looked like he was seething, his face was red and his hands clenched.

"Jesus, Jean, it's not what it looks like," Eren said holding his hands up in defense though he arched an eyebrow. "Not that it should matter, it's not like you are dating her."

"I don't care what the hell went on in here, I want to know why the fuck I have a tattoo on my arm!" Jean turned his body towards them until Mikasa could see some kind of design on his upper arm.

"Is that a horse?" Eren asked leaning forward to see better but the look on Jean's face silenced him.

"What. Happened. Last. Night."

Eren gestured to Mikasa, the bed, and back to himself. "Clearly, I don't know."

Jean placed a hand over his eyes as he tried to take a few deep breaths. "This isn't even the worst of it."

Before Mikasa could ask what could be worse, Connie popped his head in the door. He let out a low whistle. "Well, it's about time."

This was never not going to be embarrassing.

"Connie," Eren warned but it didn't matter. Jean grabbed Connie's left hand, holding it up.

"You got married!?" Mikasa's jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

"To who?" Eren seemed just as surprised.

Connie grinned sheepishly. "I'm not entirely sure..."

Apparently Mikasa and Eren weren't the only ones who had a busy night; she looked over at him but he was still staring at Connie. No one seemed to know what to say.

Another door opened, this time from out in the main room of the suite.

"Oh, you guys are awake," Armin's voice called out. "I brought coffee, I figured you might need it."

Jean and Connie turned to look at Armin as he walked to the doorway, coffee cup in hand. His eyes landed on Mikasa and Eren, a grin pulling at his lips. "Some more than others."

"I know that look, Armin, you know what happened don't you," Eren accused causing Armin to laugh.

"C'mon, get dressed and have some coffee."

Jean opened his mouth but Armin pushed both him and Connie out of the way before he closed the door behind them.

Great, Mikasa thought as silence settled between them again. "Is this your room or mine?" she asked trying not to feel awkward; it wasn't working.

"Mine, I think," Eren said kicking his feet over the bed and standing up.

"Have you seen my dress?" she started to stand up trying to take the blanket with her considering her room was across the main room if she couldn't find what she had been wearing.

"Don't bother," he waved his hand dismissing the thought. "I'm sure I have some of your clothes you snuck in my luggage for more room." He sat down by his open suitcase, sifting through clothes. "Shorts," he tossed the article of clothing over his shoulder. "And a shirt."

She caught her clothing before quickly pulling them on while Eren did the same with some jeans and a t-shirt.

"After you," he said pulling open the door.

"Thanks," Mikasa mumbled.

Jean and Connie were sitting on the couch; Jean looking miserable and Connie looking like, well Connie. Armin had taken a seat on a nearby chair, clearly waiting on them.

"Out with it, buddy, what happened to us and where is everyone else?" Eren crossed his arms against his chest as he stood behind the couch.

"Annie and Bertholdt are eating with Ymir and Historia, and the last time I saw Sasha she was on the floor with Reiner," Armin answered. "But more importantly, what's the last thing you guys remember?"


"Mikasa," Sasha cooed rushing over to her. "Where did you get that dress? It's lovely."

Mikasa shrugged, using her fingers to run wrinkles out of the red material. "It was on sale." She was actually a little uncomfortable in the short dress, tugging the sides down at Sasha's attention. It had a tight halter bodice with a loose skirt hanging down mid-thigh, but it just wasn't her thing. Unfortunately Vegas demanded it; rather Reiner demanded it.

Sasha was wearing a blue dress that was a little more fluffy and fun but it fit Sasha better. "Come on," she said opening the door to the main room. "Ready!" she announced the moment she stepping into room. Connie made a cat call while Sasha spun around.

Mikasa didn't see Eren yet but his door was still closed. She started to walk over hoping the others would just ignore her so she could get to Eren without much attention but she really shouldn't have been surprised when she saw Jean step in front of her.

"Hey," he said a smile on his lips and his hands behind his back.

"Hello," Mikasa greeted, though she thought it was silly considering he sat in front of her on the plane not even an hour ago.

"You look really nice."

She shifted her weight on her feet. "Thanks, uh so do you." Jean was wearing a dress shirt and some slacks, so yeah, he looked nice tonight.

"Do you need an escort tonight?" his face looked so hopeful that Mikasa felt some guilt in her stomach at the words she knew she was going to say. Jean had joined their friend group in college, being brought along by Connie and Sasha one night, and Mikasa had long known of his crush on her. Unfortunately, her affections always laid elsewhere and in Jean's rival for just about everything.

"I already promised someone," she said giving him a weak smile; Eren's door behind Jean started to open. "I'm sure we'll hang out over the weekend though." She hurried around him, desperately to get away from that awkward situation.

Eren was looking down trying to button up his dress shirt; he wore his dark jeans as opposed to slacks which she knew he hated to wear. She reached out to help him with the buttons.

"Thanks, this stupid thing just won't line up."

"Have you ever worn something with buttons before?" Mikasa buttoned up his shirt almost to the top but left a few open, his undershirt popping out some.

Eren grunted but he didn't say anything, though she could feel his eyes on her.

"There," she said, stepping a few steps back. "At least you look put together now."

"You look..." Eren's eyes wouldn't leave her, looking down at the bright material, causing heat to rise up in her cheeks. "Nice dress."

"Come on, Ymir and Historia are probably waiting for us," Jean said from the front door of the room, back to his usual grumpy self.

It only took a few minutes for all of them to take an elevator down to the floor though it was a little loud with Connie and Sasha not being able to contain their excitement. They were dropped off right in front of the entrance to the casino, the bright, flashing lights and loud rings and buzzes filling Mikasa's senses.

"You guys are the first ones down!" Ymir boomed from a table just inside the entrance.

"And you are a little drunk," Eren said, leading them into the slightly darkened area. Historia was sitting at the table, giving them a wave and a wide smile. Both Ymir and Historia were dressed up as well, both in styles that fitted their personalities perfectly and Mikasa wasn't surprised to see the table was full of cups filled with different drinks.

"And so will you be." Ymir gestured to the table. "One for each on us."

"Are we going to regret this?" Jean asked, eyeing the liquid in the cup he picked up.

"Never," Ymir said, picking up one of the cups herself and tipping it back.

Eren picked up two cups, while Connie and Sasha downed theirs, and passed one to Mikasa. "Cheers."

She tipped her cup to him before placing it to her lips.


"Dammit, Ymir. She slipped something in those drinks!" Jean exclaimed.

"I wouldn't put it past her," Connie grumbled, his chin propped up on one of his hands.

Eren was apt to agree but he was stuck on remembering ogling Mikasa and his extremely smooth compliment. Though, he did wake up in bed with her, and it was probably just going to get more embarrassing from here. His best friend, how in God's name did he end up in bed with his best friend; he didn't even want to think about how much he had been enjoying himself, how much he never wanted to move before it dawned on him what was going on. It was bad enough he couldn't even look at her without feeling like his face was on fire.

"Yeah, but, Armin seems to be fine and smug, you bastard," Eren said trying to keep his mind in the matter at hand.

"Maybe he didn't drink?" Connie asked.

"No, I did," Armin said, standing up and walking towards the front of the room. "And I also remember whose bed I slept last night." He clasped his hand on Eren's shoulder. "Let's get your memories back."

Armin was still grinning. Oh, he was so going to pay for this. "Can you at least tell me-"

"No," Armin was already heading to the door. "You all need to remember on your own. And this is pretty hilarious."

Eren begged to differ, and the way Jean stormed after Armin, he figured he wasn't alone. "Is this because we abandoned you to Reiner yesterday."

"Oh, no. This is because the stories leading up to this morning are way better than even I could tell you."

That wasn't reassuring.

The silence in the elevator was nearly unbearable; Armin was calmly sipping his coffee, Connie was fidgeting against the wall, Jean still looked like he was going to self-combust in anger, and Mikasa, Eren didn't even know what to feel about the girl standing next to him.

What if this was all his fault? What if they got drunk and he tried something, the kind of things he always wanted with her, and Mikasa, also being drunk, went along with it and it ended up with them in bed together in the morning. The thought made his stomach sink with sickening guilt. Mikasa deserved so much better than that, she deserved better than him. He was always so careful not to get drunk around her, afraid his long pushed away feelings would arise in a moment of weakness. How did this happen?

He ran his hand through his hair as the elevator doors opened, dropping them off at the same place as last night. Eren tried to peer into the casino trying to see if anything triggered past that last memory but Armin was leading them down a different hallway. He stopped in front of some glass doors before using his door key to open the door.

The humid Nevada air it Eren the moment he followed Armin out. There were more than a few pools out here, in fact it looked more like a full sized water park than anything.

"There you guys are," Historia waved from a nearby table, overlooking a waterfall that led to another pool. "You just missed Annie and Betholdt."

"That's okay," Jean grunted. "We want to talk to her."

Ymir was sitting nearby, sunglasses over her eyes and a straw in her mouth as she drank from her cup. She leaned forward when they gathered around the table, tilting her sunglasses up so she could see them. "Nice tattoo, Jean. It goes well with your complexion."

Connie had to grab a hold of Jean to keep him from lunging at her. "What did you put in our drinks, please?" Connie asked struggling to hold Jean in place.

Ymir snorted, placing her sunglasses back over her eyes and sitting back in the chair. "What makes you think I did anything?"

"Jean has a tattoo and Connie is married," Armin answered simply.

Historia clasped her hand over her mouth though Eren couldn't tell if she was stifling a gasp or a laugh.

"Who ended up in bed together? Don't look at me like that, Jaeger, there's always one. Oh." Ymir lifted up her sunglasses again. "It was you two wasn't it."

"Don't look so surprised," Eren grumbled, crossing his arms against his chest and trying to ignore his hot face.

Ymir dropped her sunglasses. "I'm not. It's not interesting when it was always going to happen."

Mikasa made some kind choked noise but when Eren looked over she was look at anyone but him and Ymir.

"Can you just tell us what happened?" Jean stopped trying to jump Ymir but he didn't look pleased about it, not that he ever looked pleased about much.

Ymir shrugged. "I only saw you guys for a bit after but okay."


Eren placed his cup back down on the table, at least he thought he did. Theroom was spinning a little bit and he couldn't really see the table. Wow, that was stronger than he was expecting. He felt a hand on his shoulder as the room started to focus again.

"Are you okay?" Mikasa was asking. She sounded distant at first, despite being rather close.

"What was that?"

Mikasa shrugged but there was a smile on her face. "Dunno." She leaned around him to try and catch Ymir's attention but she was already downing another cup with Historia.

"We are going," Connie announced, gesturing to Sasha who gave some kind of lopsided curtsey.

Jean was still working on his drink. "Going where?"

"To catch penguins," Sasha rolled her eyes. "To gamble of course."

"We'll meet up when the other's get down," Historia called as Sasha started to back away. Connie had to pull her out of the way from walking into an older woman but when he did he only succeeded in knocking them both into a slot machine.

"Oh no," Jean said, downing the rest of the drink and tossing the cup aside. "You are not leaving me with these two of all people."

"I'm not sure if I should be offended or excited," Eren said causing a fit of laughter from Mikasa. He turned to face her. "Well, we could wait for everyone else or we could just get on with the deal we made earlier."

"Where I don't leave you for a beautiful blonde stripper?"

"That's the one." He held his arm out towards her, not really caring about much else than it really hitting him he got to be with her all night.

She was about to take it when another hand came out of nowhere and grabbed a hold of it before Eren could. He expected it to be Armin, Reiner even, maybe Jean coming back to decide to be an ass but no, the person standing in front of Mikasa, holding her hand was no one Eren had ever seen before in his life. He felt a twitch of irritation in his stomach. Who the hell was this guy?

"Well, it's a lucky day already to come across such a beautiful lady," the man said, a smile on his lips.

Eren was pretty sure Mikasa would have punched him in the face for grabbing her hand like that but instead she smiled back.

"Thank you," she nodded.

Apparently, Eren wasn't the only one feeling out of themselves. The guy didn't look too much like a creep; he was probably around their age, dressed up for the night as well. Regardless, Eren couldn't hold back a glare, his arms crossing against his chest.

The man seemed to get a hint, dropping Mikasa's hand with a glance at Eren. "I think I've pissed off your boyfriend."

Another twitch of annoyance. "I'm not her boyfriend."

That was the wrong thing to say; Eren didn't even think anyone but Jean could have that level of shit eating grin.

"If that's the case," He smacked his lips on Mikasa's. Clearly you could see the tongue.

That twinge of annoyance suddenly turned into a surge of anger the moment that guy put his hands on her. If he thought he could just come up and kiss her like that, oh, he had no idea what was coming from him. If that wasn't enough, the look of pretty clear displeasure on Mikasa's face pushed him over the edge.

Mikasa was more than capable of taking care of herself but that didn't stop Eren from punching the bastard right in the face, knocking him to the ground. It felt a lot better than he thought it would, save for the sudden ache in his hand.

"I don't know what was in that drink, but thank you," Eren said, shaking his now throbbing hand.

"Eren," Mikasa's voice was surprised but not angry. She took his hand in hers, running her fingers over his knuckles. "You really didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I really wanted to."

"It would be you to get in a fist fight right off the bat." Ymir had draped one arm over Mikasa and the other over Eren as she stuck her head in between them. "And I really hate to interrupt your fine display of masculinity but I suggest you take off before that one," she gestured to the guy now getting back to his feet and not looking too happy. "Calls security."

"Good point," Eren said. He'd rather not get kicked out after they made him dress up for the night. "Shall we?"

Mikasa was trying not to laugh, but she nodded.

"See you guys later." Eren took a hold of her hand, like he had been trying to before, and slipped behind a row of nearby slot machines. He led her through the maze of rows of just about every kind of gambling game he could imagine, past some black jack tables, past a bar, the lights and sounds making the whole area seem surreal, and he didn't stop until he felt like they were deep enough to blend in again.

"How's your hand?" Mikasa asked, sitting down at an empty slot machine.

Eren turned around to see some nearby poker tables behind him before he leaned against the machine. He shrugged as he looked back over to her, not being able to hold back a smile. "It was worth it. He clearly came up to you and stuck his tongue down your throat."

Mikasa looked like she wanted to say something but she was too busy biting back a smile of her own.

"Drinks?" a waitress asked holding a tray out to them.

Well, why not? Eren fished out some money he had shoved in his pocket and placed it on the try before grabbing two and passing one to Mikasa.

She brought it to her lips as he did the same, tasting the sweet flavors mixed with the sharp alcohol.

"Here," Eren said, digging in his pocket again before placing a quarter in her hand. "They say lady luck wears a red dress."

She rolled her eyes but snorted into her drink. "Don't be so corny." She dropped the quarter into the machine, causing it to make some noises. "Ready?" Mikasa asked as she placed her hand on the lever.

Eren downed the rest of his drink. "Ready."

Mikasa wanted to hide her face in her hands at the way everyone was staring at her and Eren but she supposed it was far too late for that now. She had hoped she wouldn't be this embarrassed this early in the memories if the night but it wasn't off to a good start. Mikasa also really wished the butterflies from the vague memory would go away.


"You punched someone out?" Armin asked, still trying to wipe off the coffee he had spit down his shirt.

"Well, what was I supposed to do?" Eren snapped. He didn't sound angry, just flustered. "This stranger came out and kissed her so I did want anyone would do."

"Eren, I'm pretty sure only you would think that was a reasonable thing to do," Connie piped up from around Jean.

"Don't even talk, you got married to God knows who."

"Alright, knock it off," Ymir said, pointing her straw at them. "You asked me what happened, and that was the last time I saw any of you until just now."

"So what we know right now is," Jean said, his hand against his forehead. "I left with Connie, and Sasha, and Eren and Mikasa ran off somewhere too. That barely helps us considering we somehow lost Sasha since she wasn't there in the morning. We don't even know if she remembers anything."

"I haven't seen her or Reiner all morning," Historia took a sip of her drink. "Just Armin, Annie, and Bertholdt and as far as I could tell they all had their memories of the night."

"So what now?" Connie asked, looking towards Armin.

"All of you headed into the casino, so let's head into the casino." Armin gestured with his cup back to the doors. "Maybe we can find Sasha and see if she remembers anything. Thanks guys, we'll meet up again once we get this night settled." He waved to Ymir and Historia before ushering the others back towards the doors.

Well, at least Mikasa knew her night started with Eren and ended with Eren; it was what happened in between that was still bothering her. Everything was hazy, but she did remember Eren coming to her defense, and she remembered how it made her feel. Eren wasn't necessarily defensive of her; he knew that she really could handle most anything on herself. Though his sometimes gruff exterior tended to chase off or clash with any of the guys she had tried to date in the past; of course given the choice between some guy and Eren, she'd always chose Eren.

Mikasa followed behind him as Jean and Connie followed Armin. She had known for a very long time that he was all she wanted, the person she loved, and the memory of him not wanting to let anyone take her away from him made her heart both soar and ache knowing it was a drunken memory.

"Hey, Armin," Eren called as the blond opened the glass doors back to the resort. "If you knew everything that happened, then why were you so surprised at Ymir's story."

"I don't know everything that happened, I wasn't trailing you guys around or anything," Armin said, letting the door close behind him. "I know where Jean's tattoo came from cause I was there. Don't look at me like that, Jean, I am not going to be the one to open that can of worms. And I know how you and Mikasa ended up together but not anything before that regarding your nightly escapades."

"And me?" Connie brought up hopefully, his pace speeding up some as they continued down the hallway.

"Your mystery woman is a mystery to me as well." Armin gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm assuming only the others in your room this morning know what happened with that."

Connie looked like he was trying to not looked bothered by it but Mikasa knew he had to be nervous on the whole matter. She wouldn't even know what to think if she woke up with a ring on her finger, Vegas or not.

Armin led them right into the Casino area, the lights and noises still as overwhelming as that first time she poked her head in yesterday. Despite the fact it was probably around 10 in the morning, the casino was just as busy as it Mikasa remembered it looking; as much as she remembered it that is. Granted, there were a lot more older woman as they walked past the first row of slot machines and deeper into the large casino. Armin didn't stop; he just kept weaving them all through the rows and tables, through the people and the staff walking by. A group of people let out a loud cheer, causing Mikasa to try and look to see what was going on but she couldn't tell where it was coming from. She was aware that casino's intentionally have no windows and keep the lights to a very particular setting to make people keep on gambling, but she never really noticed how much of an affect that must have until this morning.

"Okay," Armin said finally, turning around to face them as he stopped at a wide staircase leading up to another level of the casino. "This is where I ran into Jean, Mikasa, and Eren last night. Connie and Sasha weren't with you at this point and Jean already had plans for the tattoo but didn't have it yet. I thought bringing you here might trigger something aside from what I remember."

"Have any idea what time you saw us?" Jean grunted.

Armin shook his head. "Unfortunately it's nearly impossible to keep time in here, and Reiner took my phone from me. I'm pretty sure he still has it wherever he may be."

Eren was looking around, his brow furrowed in concentration, while Connie leaned up against the nearby railing his eyes mainly on the floor. Mikasa looked behind her, across from the stairwell, trying to see if there was anything over there. Really, it was just some slot machines, but one seemed to have a little bit brighter of lights. She squinted to see the title of it.

"Back to the Future," she said to herself as she read the words across the top. Huh, that's funny. Back to the Future is one of Eren's favorite movies; she couldn't even count the amount of times she'd watched it with him and Armin. She was pretty sure Jean had been forced through it once as well, but him and Eren just fought over characters and plot points the whole time.


Her hands flew over her mouth. "Oh," she said, as she felt the other's eyes on her.

"I have no idea why you are refusing to let me play poker," Eren said as he walked beside Mikasa down the walkway between tables. "I'm pretty sure I could beat them all. Will you stop laughing already?" He nudged her with her body but it didn't stop the hysterical laughing that Mikasa couldn't control.

"Eren," she choked, wiping the tears from her eyes as she bumped back into. "You can't lie, you'd be horrible at poker!"

He looked down at her an expression of mock outrage that only made her laugh even more. "How could you possible say that. I can pull the wool over anyone's eyes."

Mikasa wasn't sure what was so funny about Eren trying to play poker but she had a feeling those two other drinks the waitress brought them had a huge part of it. "No, you can't." She reached up to place a hand on his face. "Your eyes give you away every time."

Eren stopped walking as he watched her and Mikasa had a hard time looking away. It was always his eyes, those bright eyes she loved so much; they always told her what was going on in that head of his, and betrayed his emotions every time.

"There you guys are," Jean said, in a tone that was lighter than his normal heavy tone.

Mikasa's hand dropped from Eren's face as their friend walked up to meet them, her face heating up but what for she wasn't exactly sure. "Hey, I thought you were with Connie and Sasha?"

Jean rolled his eyes. "Yeah, they went to the all you can eat buffet. I decided that wasn't something I cared to witness. I've just been trying to find the others but I have no idea where they went."

"I haven't seen Armin since Reiner dragged him away," Eren mused glancing around the area. "Hey look! Back to the Future!" He was already gone, walking over to the nearby machine.

Mikasa snorted trying to cover her mouth but she followed him, Jean close by.

"Ah, wow, this brings back memories," he said, running his hands over the flashing slot machine.

"Memories of last week? Cause I'm pretty sure that was the last time you watched it."

Eren chose to ignore Mikasa and instead pulled out on of quarters that were in his pocket from when he cashed some money a little bit ago. "A game like this? I'm bound to be lucky with."

"Oh please, more like you and your bad opinions on the movie are going to give you bad luck. You actually like the third movie." Jean was leaning up against the side of the machine, arms crossed.

Eren stuck his finger out at him. "Don't bring your bad juju here, you hear me?"

Jean looked like he was about to snap back but Mikasa thought this was getting silly. "Boys, you're at a casino. Why don't you, I don't know, see which one of you wins."

"Oh, I like that," Jean said, clearly in on the idea.

"Fine by me, but this is Vegas." A grin crossed Eren's lips. "Loser has to do something big."

Jean thought for a moment before a similar grin crossed his face. "Loser has to get a tattoo of the winner's decision."

"Deal." Eren stuck his hand out and Jean shook it.

Mikasa wanted to say that wasn't what she meant at all but Eren already dropped his quarter and let the game go. She wasn't sure if he got a good spin or not but he let out a cheer before Jean nudged him out of the seat.

Within moments of Jean dropping his quarter and letting the machine go, Mikasa was pretty sure he greatly regretted the deal they had made. Sad little noises spouted from the machine as Marty Mcfly gave some pathetic line.

"Oh, Jean, you should never show your distaste of anything Back to the Future in front of the machine." Eren was practically cackling. "Hmm I wonder what design I should give you."

"Your dumbass better make it good," Jean snapped standing up from the machine, clearly not about to back down from their drunken bet.

"Hey," Eren held his hands up in defense, still laughing. "It was your idea."

"There you guys are!"

Mikasa turned her head towards the stair well after hearing the voice she hadn't for most of the night. Armin was walking down the stairs with Annie behind him; they both looked nice together as Mikasa waved to them.

"Armin!" Eren exclaimed, practically running over to him. "Tell me, where is the nearest tattoo parlor?"

Armin arched an eyebrow at him before looking to Mikasa and a slightly flushed Jean. "Dare I ask?"

"Nah, don't worry about it, buddy."

"Take a left down the back corridor," Annie said, stepping down next to Armin. "I saw one when we walked by."

"Awesome," Jean said with quite a bit of distaste.

Armin turned to look at her. "Are you sure that was a good idea?" But Annie just shrugged in response causing Armin to shrug as well. "Well, okay. We're about to head over to some of the tables, want to join?"

Mikasa wanted to say, yes, to get Eren and Jean from doing something ridiculous; even if she was a little tipsy, she still knew getting a tattoo was a very bad idea. Before she could though, Eren dropped his arm over her shoulders, causing her to look up at him.

He was grinning again. "Thanks, Armin, but we've got something else to do. Come on, Jean, a deals a deal."

"God help me," he groaned but even Mikasa knew he had to be pretty wasted to be going along with this ridiculous plan.

"Good luck," Annie said, dragging Armin away before he could object any more.

"You heard the woman," Eren said, gesturing to the back hallway. "March onward."

"Are you sure you want to do this to him?" Mikasa asked, Eren's arm still around her shoulders. His body was warm against hers and she wanted to pull away to not let herself act like this with him, after drinks or not, but she couldn't do it. She couldn't bring herself to leave his side. She wanted to just tell him, to make that ache in her chest just go away for once in her life.

"Oh yeah, you bet I do."

"Guys!" Connie's voice called out causing them to turn around. He was running with Sasha right behind him. He grabbed a hold of her hand the moment they skidding to a stop. "Guess what?"

"What?" Jean asked his arms across his chest.

"We're gonna get married!" Sasha clasped her other hand against Connie's, a wide grin on both their faces.

Mikasa stared at them, unsure those words had just come from their lips; even Eren didn't have anything to say on the matter. Jean grabbed a drink off a waitress walking by and proceeded to drink it down.


Connie was sitting on the steps, his face in his hands.

"A horse, really, Jaeger? All the things in the world and you pick a horse to be put on my arm?" Jean snarled, clearly the only thing that had him concerned about the whole memory.

"Aww, come on, it was a bet," Eren said. He felt bad, he really did. It was a dumb bet and now it was something Jean would never forget; he wasn't about to apologize quite yet though. Maybe he could get his dad to pay for tattoo removal or him, it's not like it was weirdest thing his dad had to bail him out of before. "And I was drunk, it could have been worse. Be thankful it wasn't..."

Jean looked like he was about to snap with the vein that was practically popping out of his head but the words caught in his throat when he saw Mikasa moved to sit next to Connie. "I need to go before I kill him. I'll be back," Jean said before turning and leaving the area.

"Are you okay?" Mikasa asked, her voice soft.

Connie nodded before lifting up his head to look at her. "Yeah, just embarrassed." He gave her a weak smile. "How stupid, marrying my girlfriend of only one month in Vegas."

Eren watched Mikasa as she put her hand on Connie's back, letting him know that it was okay, that it wasn't stupid, that their intentions had probably been true. She had been pretty quiet all morning and rightfully so, they all had shock this morning, but there she was trying to make Connie feel a little better.

"Are you surprised?" Armin asked, almost making Eren jump; he hadn't noticed the blonde standing next to him.

"Not really," Eren shrugged. "I mean, I had hoped it was someone he knew and not some strange woman he met in the casino."

"I am. I expected it to be you."

"You expected me to have married Connie?"

Armin rolled his eyes. "I expected you and her," he gestured towards Mikasa. "To be the ones in the chapel. But, I guess in bed is close enough."

"Armin." Eren side glanced at him, his jaw clenched. "Don't start." It wasn't the first time Armin had voiced his opinion on the matter of his two best friends, and it wasn't the first time Eren didn't want to hear it. It was bad enough a sickening jolt stuck his mind.

He groaned the sudden memories flashing through his head. "Jesus, I remember what happened at the wedding."

The wedding was short, well, at least Eren thought it was but he wasn't exactly used to Vegas weddings. The minister, er, well, the guy dressed up as Elvis said some short vows, Connie and Sasha said "I Do", and kissed the bride. The audience tossed rice as they walked down the aisle, though Eren was pretty sure Jean was pegging rice at the back of his head.

Connie and Sasha were dancing around the small reception center, though hip hop was an interesting choice for a first dance. Eren took a sip from the complimentary champagne feeling the buzz in his head from all the alcohol he had drank in what felt like such a short time. Mikasa was sitting next to him, her drink on her lips while Jean sat across the room, staring daggers over at them.

"It doesn't look that bad, you big baby," Eren yelled over, but judging by the scowl on Jean's face, he didn't agree.

"Stop antagonizing him," Mikasa said but she was trying not to laugh herself.

Eren snorted as he leaned back in his chair; this was honestly a little ridiculous but whatever, they were adults they could do what they wanted. Eren glanced over to Mikasa who was staring down at her drink, eyes on the table. She seemed to be having a good night, at least he thought she was enjoying herself but her eyes looked downcast now, like she was upset or sad. Eren reached over and pulled her chair closer to his.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "And don't say nothing, I know it's something." He tipped his glass to his lips, letting the bubbly liquid fill his mouth.

She looked up at him, her face flushed. "Do you want to get married?"

Eren spit out his drink over the table.

"Not right now, idiot," she chuckled, patting him on the back. "I meant someday. Someday do you want to marry someone."

"Well, yeah," he coughed, wiping the drink off his mouth. "Someday." She nearly gave him a heart attack. Jesus. He looked back over to her; her eyes were down in her lap. "What about you?" he nudged her lightly.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I do."

"How come you don't bring no more boys home then? A boy everyday." He was teasing of course. Eren had enough of those goons she used to date; he was more than happy to have her to himself in their apartment with Armin.

Mikasa shrugged, clearly not enjoying the question very well and Eren could see it. He could see the frown on her lips, the way she wasn't looking back up to him, but he was having trouble keeping his words in his mouth.

"Really? No one has caught your eyes? I find that hard to believe."

She looked up at him, her teeth biting at her bottom lip. She looked like she wanted to say something but was hesitant.

Eren's heart sunk a little; so there was someone. "Who is it then? You can tell me." He nudged her again. "You can tell me anything, you know that."

Mikasa still didn't say anything, she just watched him with those eyes of hers. He was about to ask her again but before he could Mikasa reached her hands out to place them on either side of his face. She pulled him towards her until her lips were smashed against his. He barely had a moment to processes what was going on through his spinning head before she pulled away, her hands over her mouth and her eyes wide.

He started at her, completely at a loss of what to say. Did she just...? Did Mikasa really just...?

"Eren," she said through her fingers. "I'm so sorry. I'm-"

Eren reached over to pull her hands away and pressed his mouth to hers, a little bit gentler than her rash action before. He knew he shouldn't, he knew he shouldn't have let her but he couldn't do it, not when heat filled his stomach at the feeling of her lips on his, not when he wanted it for so long. The way her lips moved against his only made it that harder to pull away, his breath panting against her face.

Mikasa's eyes fluttered open as she met his eyes, her face flushed from the alcohol or the kiss he wasn't quite sure.

"How long?" he asked, one hand still resting on her cheek.

She laughed lightly. "I brought boys over a lot to keep my mind off you. Or like in my bed- umm well I mean- a long time."

"Me too."

Her breath hitched in her throat as her wide eyes looked at him. "You...?"

"Yeah," he breathed. "I-"

"Hey!" Connie shouted behind them, causing Eren to nearly jump out of his chair. "I think," he started though the look on his face was anything but him thinking. "You guys need another drink." He pulled out a bottle of champagne and popped the top, pouring the spewing sizzling liquid over both Eren and Mikasa's heads.

Sasha came to their rescue but much too late. Eren was already wiping is sopping brown locks his eyes when she dragged Connie away. Mikasa looked just as soaked, her red dress a shade darker than it was before but she was laughing. "Your hair," she wheezed.

"Okay," Eren snorted, a smile pulling at his lips. "I think I've had more than enough to drink now." He stood up holding his hand out to her. "Do you...?"

A different kind of smile was on her lips. "Yeah," she said as she took his hand to help herself up. Instead of letting go when she was steady, he laced his fingers with hers. Eren could feel her eyes on him but he didn't care right now.

The chapel was in the casino, of course, so Eren led Mikasa back through the rows of slot machines, the tables, the penny slots. People eyed them as their clothes were dripping, their hair still soaking wet but it was okay; Eren's head was buzzing, his body light, and he couldn't stop looking over at Mikasa just to make sure she was still there. She was, and she was still smiling.

"Did you two take a swim?" Reiner's deep voice called out, waving from a nearby slot machine.

"Yeah, in champagne," Eren said rolling his eyes, but Reiner look ecstatic.

"They have a swimming pool full of champagne?"

"Uh, maybe somewhere?"

Annie placed her hands on Reiner's shoulders and pushed him back down in his seat at the slot machine. "Focus on one thing at a time and I've think you've had enough to drink."

Armin's head popped up from behind them with Bertholdt sitting nearby. "What happened to you two?"

"Connie happened. Need I say more?" Eren shrugged, but his shirt was sticking uncomfortably to his shoulders and every part of his body for that matter. "We're gonna call it a night though. I'll see you guys in the morning."

Eren watched Armin's eyes drop to his hand still holding onto Mikasa's before a sly grin crossed his lips. Armin opened his mouth probably to say something snarky but Eren wasn't giving him the chance.

"Shove it, Armin." He tugged on Mikasa to get her to walk away quickly before Armin could open his big mouth. He watched her wave as she followed behind but it was too late.

"I hope you have a safe night!" Armin called out.

Eren decided it was better not to say anything back or they all might see the heat that had rushed to his cheeks. He just kept walking until they reached one of the exits back into the hotel. Mikasa didn't say much as she followed him not even when they were in the elevator alone. He looked over at her a few times during the ride; she still didn't look upset, she looked happy more than anything. He knew he should probably say something about it all, but his head still felt like it was floating in the clouds and it was hard to pinpoint just what he wanted to say to her.

She led them out of the elevator and back to the room they were sharing with Sasha, Jean, and Connie. Mikasa missed the key card completely the first time causing her to laugh when Eren reached over to help her get the card in the slot. The door swung open and unsurprisingly no one was there. Connie and Sasha were still celebrating their wedding more than likely and Jean was probably fuming somewhere, regardless it left them alone.

"C'mon," Eren nudged her with his shoulder. "Let's get out of Connie's handy work and into something that doesn't reek of alcohol."

Mikasa nodded. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it quickly and Eren couldn't help but notice her cheeks turning red. "Is it, ah, okay if I come with you? Incase Connie and Sasha want our room for...their honeymoon I guess?"

"That's something I don't need to think about and yeah, I'm sure I have pjs or something you can wear." He shrugged like it was nothing but he could feel his heart pounding in his chest making his head spin. He reached out to a nearby table to steady his balance as he walked over to his room.

He could hear Mikasa behind him, and could hear her close the door when they were both in the room. He quickly unbuttoned his soaking shirt and tossed it into the bathroom before slipping off his pants, shoes, and socks as well leaving him just in his underwear. It felt better to be out of those gross clothes but before he could reach for dry clothes in his suitcase, he heard a small noise of frustration from Mikasa.

Her back was to him, but one hand was reached behind her trying to get the zipper of her dress to move more than a few inches.

"Here, let me help," Eren said as he walked the short distance to where she was standing. She had managed to get a bit of the zipper down, more of her bare back showing than already was. Eren reached out and carefully unzipped the rest of the dress for her. As much as he didn't want to admit, Eren couldn't take his eyes off her. The way her breasts hung through the dress, or the way her butt was poking out of the dress.

He carefully brushed his fingers against her back, pushing aside the fabric of the dress as he laid his hand against her skin. She was so soft, so warm; he just wanted to wrap his arms around her and not let go. He could see a visible shiver go through her body but before he could pull her close to him like he desperately wanted, she turned around to face him. There was an expression on her face, one he didn't think he had seen before as she looked up at him.

Mikasa reached one of her hands to the knot behind her neck that was holding her dress up; with one pull the still wet dress fell to her ankles. She picked it up and tossed it behind Eren into the bathroom before looking back up to meet his eyes.

Eren wasn't sure if it was him or if it was her but all he knew was her arms were around his neck, and his arms around her waist as their lips met. He couldn't stop moving his mouth with hers, his hands gripping onto her bare waist as he held onto her; he couldn't get enough of the way she tasted, the way she felt against his skin.

He just wanted to pull her as close as he could to him but she beat him to it. She tightened her arms around his neck as she pressed her body up against him; their bare skin brushing against each other in a way then sent Eren moaning into her mouth. This was different than any other girl. This was Mikasa and this was all he ever wanted. Nothing else mattered.

His hands slid down her back grasping down to her ass causing Mikasa to gasp against him. She seemed to recover well enough since the next thing Eren knew her legs were wrapped firmly round his waist as he held her up against him. She broke their kiss, pressing her head against his forehead as she looked at him. Eren didn't have to ask though, he could tell the look in her eyes easily enough.

Eren carefully carried her over to his bed until her back was against the blankets and his body hovering over hers, her legs still wrapped around his waist. She pulled his head back down to hers, kissing him fiercely. He only obliged, pressing his body down against hers though he very well knew the thin material of his briefs was doing nothing to hide how hard he was. Mikasa didn't seem to mind though, not with the way her hips her rolling into his.

He broke away from her lips, groaning against her jaw as small cries left her mouth. God, how long has he wanted to hold her like this, to touch her, to kiss her, to just have her to himself. His lips trailed along her jawline, going down to her neck; his teeth nipping lightly at her soft skin. He moved his lips back up to her face but he noticed something different this time. Eren pulled back some to look at her face, her face which was now completely passed out.

For a moment he had forgotten how much they had been drinking. He shook his head with a groan that turned into a small laugh as he crawled off of her. How much had they drank to make her pass out. Eren tugged her around on his bed until he pulled the blankets up over them. He realized they might not even remember this in the morning, but it didn't matter. He curled his body around her as he pulled her close. For once, he could hold her the way he wanted to.


Mikasa stared at Eren with her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide at the memory that came back to her.

Did she...? Did she really say that? Did he...? They almost...?

Eren seemed to be in the same state, just staring at her with his mouth slightly agape. He might not have voiced all of what happened once he and Mikasa left but she remembered and by the look on his face, so did he.

"Well," Armin said eyeing the both of them. "I guess you two can't skirt around and deny it anymore like you have for years."

Mikasa wished he would have kept his mouth shut. They were doesn't count, it couldn't have. Everything kept running over her head; the wedding, the confession, the kiss, the...Mikasa closed her eyes. She couldn't let herself believe it meant something; it would only make it worse.

"There you guys are," Reiner's voice boomed into the area. His wide grin faltered when he saw the looks on everyone's faces. "What the hell happened here?"

"You probably don't want to know," Armin said, but he still wasn't looking that upset himself. "Why, what's up?"

"Well, I was talking to this little lady all morning," he stepped aside and grabbed a hold of Sasha who had been lingering behind him out of view and pushed her forward. She gave everyone a sheepish smile as Mikasa could see Connie perk up next to her.

"And she had someone she wanted to talk to." Reiner gave her a light push again when she didn't move.

"Ah, hey, Connie, do you want to...?" Sasha asked, her hands fluttering nervously, but Mikasa could still see the ring on her finger.

Connie nearly tripped over his feet to get up. "Yeah, yeah, let's go."

Mikasa watched them disappear into the casino and she knew she wasn't the only one who had to have a have an awkward conversation.

"Jean, will you stop sulking like a five year old in time out," Ymir's voice called out as Mikasa saw her, Historia, Annie, and Bertholdt enter the small circle; she hadn't even seen Jean walk back up to their group. "It's a nice tattoo. It fits you."

"I don't appreciate having it on my arm for the rest of my life thanks."

"It's a henna tattoo," Annie crossed her arms nearby.

"What?" Eren snorted, finally taking his eyes of Mikasa.

"I pointed your drunk asses to a henna tattoo parlor. Did you wonder why it didn't hurt at all?"

Jean's face turned red though it didn't seem like it was from anger this time, but from embarrassment. "I didn't...I wasn't..." but he couldn't seem to be able to get any other words off.

Ymir gave him a pat on the back but she looked like she was going to laugh at him more than anything. "What about you two," Ymir said, turning to both Eren and Mikasa. "Finally figure out how your night went?"

Mikasa didn't want to even think about it again so she just placed her head in her hands instead; immature maybe but she was having trouble telling herself what happened let alone someone else. Eren didn't seem to want to answer either, since she couldn't hear him at all.

"Well, that gives me all the answer I needed to know."

"I don't know about you guys," Reiner said clapping his hands. "But I'm ready to get back to gambling."

"I don't know why, you've lost everything but a little bit," Annie said.

Mikasa poked her eyes over her hands, relieved the attention had gone from her.

"Yeah but you and Armin have had lady luck on your side, so the both of you are coming with me. C'mon, Bertholdt. Let's go make a fortune."

"I'm not sure if we have enough time for that," Bertholdt said but followed behind Reiner and Annie.

"I'm not sure which is more amusing, hearing about everyone's night or watching Reiner lose more." Ymir looked like she was contemplating it but Historia grabbed a hold of her hand and dragged her off after the others, deciding for her; Historia gave Mikasa a small wave as she walked away letting her know she didn't need anyone else's harassment.

"I'll meet you guys in a sec," Armin said to Annie who had stayed by the staircase waiting for him.

Jean looked around, seeing only Eren, Mikasa, and Armin standing around. "Oh hell no. I am not getting caught in the middle of all this." He gestured his hands around the small group of people left. "I'm going back to sleep. I've had enough of this day."

"I hope your tattoo doesn't smudge," Eren called out to Jean's retreating back receiving only his finger in response.

Mikasa became very aware that she was now left alone with Eren and Armin, one of whom she knew wasn't going to stay for long. She dropped her eyes to the ground, afraid to even look up at Eren, afraid to meet his eyes. She could hear Armin saying something to him in a low voice but she couldn't hear exactly what was being said; whatever it was, Eren didn't sound too happy about it when he spoke back. Mikasa heard Armin's voice again but it was gone shortly after signaling he had left them alone.

She didn't hear anything else, not even Eren, but she didn't think she could even bring herself to look up; she was too embarrassed, too horrified about what on between them. She should have never let herself drink that much to the point where her control was gone. She knew this would happen, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold herself back; years of careful self-control was gone out the window.

She heard footsteps walk towards her and a warm presence sit next to her. She glanced over to see Eren leaning up against the steps, his eyes looking anywhere but at her. They had been friends for as long as Mikasa could remember; she always felt more comfortable with him than anyone else she knew save for Armin. They rarely ever didn't know what to say to each other yet sitting here Mikasa couldn't think of a single thing to say to him. What do you say after so many hidden feelings were revealed when you were drunk? How do you get back to the way things were?

Eren didn't seem to be much help; he wasn't saying anything at all, just sitting there next to her. She had no idea what was going through his head, what he thought on the matter. Was he trying to figure out how to let her down lightly? Maybe trying to decide how to tell her they couldn't go back to being friends after this, that it would be too weird now.

She couldn't take it anymore; all this was too much. All she wanted was her best friend back, not the horrible awkward feelings she had been having around him all day. She choked out a small sob as she felt hot tears sting her eyes; she reached up to wipe them away before anyone could see her but she couldn't get them to stop. This day had been miserable; she just wanted it to end. She didn't want to lose him.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Eren's voice was soft as she felt his hands reach out to hold her face. She tried to pull away, to not look in his eyes but she couldn't help it. He rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks trying to wipe the tears away. "What's the matter?"

She didn't know what to tell him. How to take back what she had said, what she had done; she wasn't even sure she could. She was drunk, but she meant it, she meant every moment of it but hearing him not feel the same knew would hurt her more than anything. "I don't want to lose you."

Eren's forehead furrowed. "Lose me? How the hell did that get in your head. I would have thought..." he hesitated for a moment, his teeth biting his lower lip. "You wouldn't want to me around me anymore."

"I...what?" Mikasa could feel her tears stop as confusion filled her head. "Why would I want that?"

"Because," he said, his cheeks turning red. " know...everything that went on last night. What I said, what I did."

"But you were drunk." Mikasa saw his face fall slightly and she instantly wanted to take her words back, but it was true.

"Yeah but that didn't mean I didn't mean them."

Mikasa watched him, her eyes locked onto his as his words sunk into her. "You..."

He dropped his hands from her face into her lap. "Yeah, when I realized what I had done I was afraid you wouldn't want to be friends since you know how I feel about you."

"You...?" Mikasa breathed, suddenly unable to take a deep breath. "Feel about me?"

Eren arched an eyebrow at her. "Well, yeah, I was drunk but I was being honest. That's why I never got too drunk around you to begin with, I didn't want it to come out and ruin our friendship. I guess it's a little too late for that now thou-"

Much like what she remembered from last night, Mikasa reached out and grabbed a hold of his face pulling him in until her lips were pressed against his. He seemed to be in the same state of surprise as the first time she did it but he quickly relaxed, his mouth moving with hers.

Mikasa pulled away slightly, but kept her forehead pressed against his. "Me too."

A smile crossed his lips. "So last night...?"

She nodded against him as his hands reached to pull her closer. He leaned into her, his lips meeting hers again though this time he didn't taste like alcohol, just Eren.

"I'm not sure whether to cry or to clap. I feel like I've been waiting for this since we were nine years old."

"I'd like to throw up personally."

Eren looked over Mikasa's shoulder cause her to turn her head as well. Armin had that damn smug ass look on his face she knew he got from Eren, whereas Annie looked as disinterested as always. Eren opened his mouth to say something back to him but another voice cut him off instead.

"You fucking bastard! You're the one from last night!"

Eren's head shot up at the voice, trying to see where it came from probably to see if something good was going on in the casino but when Mikasa saw who it was she knew it probably wasn't a good thing. She nudged Eren in the stomach to draw his attention to the man standing a few aisles across from them. She didn't know who he was exactly but she remembered his face, and the dark purple bruise on his jaw.

Judging by the look on Eren's face, he recognized him too and recognized that the man was not very happy. At all. "I think it's time to go." He jumped up to his feet but not before reaching a hand out to Mikasa. She grabbed a hold of it as he nearly tore her out of her seat, heading down the opposite direction of where that man was coming at them from.

She had to laugh as she followed him, nearly having to run to keep up. Normally, she'd tell him to just go confront him and apologize for being punch happy drunk.

But you know what they say about Vegas.

{ What Happens In Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Thank You For Reading Until The End. Until Next Time My Dirty Little Rascal 💋 }

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