With Love, From Seoul

By HobisSafetyZone

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A Kim Seokjin Fan Fiction Tahiri Baek: Beautiful , intelligent, successful, single and not looking to mingle... More

Introducing Me: Nephie B.
1. Baek Tahiri
2. Home, At Last
3. It was an ACCIDENT!
4. Frustration
5. A Night to Remember 🤩
📖Chapter Release Notice📝
6.✨Stars & Hallway Walls✨
7. The Morning After... 🫣
8. 🍵 Family Day🥂
9. 🍱 Family Day[2] 🍶
11. 💃🏽 Rendezvous Part 1🕺🏻
12. 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻 Parental Advisory 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻
13. 💃🏽🕺🏻 Rendezvous, Part 2 💃🏽🕺🏻
‼️🚨Author's Note🚨‼️
14. 🥰Dream In A Dream😘
15. 🐯🐨🐱🐹Confessions🐥🐰🐿️💜
✨Milestone - 1K Reads✨
16. 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻👯‍♀️Checking In 👯‍♀️👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻
17. 7️⃣➕2️⃣🟰FUN👾
18. 💘 It's A Date 🥳
19. 📸 The Picnic Date 🧺
20. 🥺 Worries 😨

10. 🥢Chances🥘

225 16 11
By HobisSafetyZone


"Did you do what I asked you to do earlier?" I asked my assistant as we walked out to the parking lot.

We'd finally finished filming two episodes of RUN BTS. The games and activities we participated in took us several hours to complete. So much that, the episodes we filmed would both be split into different episodes. So realistically, we shot two and a half episodes. Since it was getting late and we'd all began to get restless from being in front of cameras all day, we decided to call it quits. Now it was a little after seven thirty and I was starving, so was everyone else.

He nodded before speaking. "I dropped off your note to her hotel. She wasn't in, so I left it at the front desk with a manager."

I sighed but nodded. "Hopefully she gets it."

"Are you positive that you don't want to cancel your card and just get a new one? Do you know the risks you're taking by doing this?"

"Nope. That's a hassle."

"But what if she uses your card! Yah! You're not using your brain." He attempted to scold me and I shrugged him off.

"Many people would, but she wouldn't. I doubt she remembers she even still has it. I'll get it back from her. She's definitely not that type of person." I chuckled before hopping in my truck.

"HYUNG!" I heard and looked up when I saw Namjoon heading in my direction.

"What is it?" I asked as he opened the passenger door to my truck.

"A ride with you to the group dinner." He flashed his smile my way and I laughed and nodded.

"You really need to get a license Joon." I groaned but knew that was a futile statement.

"I prefer to not pollute the environment no more than it already is thank you." He said as he put his seat belt on.

"Yeah, yeah. I know the story already." I waved him off. I waited for everyone else to get to their respective rides. Tae was riding with Jimin and JK. While Yoongi and Hoseok got in a car together. I pulled off once I saw everyone's headlights turn on. That was my cue to begin.

We already played paper scissors rock before we left out as to where we would go eat tonight. Hot Pot was on the menu, at the maknae line's request.

It didn't take us long to get to our destination. An older lady and her husband ran the place. Around this time of evening, not too many people ventured there. It was a little treasure trove of deliciousness. The staff nor patrons never overcrowded us, so it was a little slice of heaven too.

We all parked our vehicles, our security detail not too far behind us. Joon and I made sure we masked up before heading inside with everyone else. We greeted the owners and the wife showed us to a table that was in a back corner of the room. There was only six other people in the place, but they were mostly older couples or small families.

After getting our drinks and food order, the grandmother disappeared to the kitchen.

"We've got two months until the tour kicks off. It's gonna be a lot more rehearsals and vocal coaching going on. It's going to be tiring, but we can do it everybody." Namjoon spoke up, breaking the silence amongst us."

"Jin-Hyung, did you inform your father about your schedule already?" He asked me, Hobi and Yoongi's eyes flittered over in my direction for a moment to hear my answer.

"I haven't yet. I will tomorrow since I have to turn in my reports about the recent developments and problems I found while playing the new game."

"How is it by the way hyung?" Jungkook asked me and I nodded.

"It's pretty fun actually. It's just certain levels require more
XP and you can't level up or defeat the boss of whatever higher levels you're on until you've obtained those points. It was frustrating and I made it to level 115 without realizing that. I'm thinking of having the developers add in side exercises to eliminate the players from having to go back to previous levels and getting those points."

"So the players be able to gain XP from the side activities? But will those be enough to help them defeat the boss?" Tae asked tuned into my explanation.

"I'm not sure yet, but it's something they'll have to consider." I shrugged.

We heard the bell chime, meaning someone had walked in the door. The next thing we heard was a loud, dramatic, shriek that made us turn our heads in the direction. Maybe someone noticed us. But that wasn't the case at all. In fact, I smiled when I saw who'd caused the ruckus.

"Hal-meoni! Hal-abeoji!" Tahiri yelled out and laughed when the old man wrapped her in a bear like hug. He rocked her from side to side before placing a kiss on her forehead.

The old lady came back out with the fixings for our hot pot. She'd just set everything down before turning and placing her hands on her hips. "Why do you always have to be so loud whenever you enter my restaurant Tahiri? You nearly gave me a heart attack earlier when you did that!"

"Don't nag at her you old lady! She barely comes home as is. If she wants to yell when she comes here to visit, she can do that. It's like  music to my ears." The old man waved her off before moving on and hugging the girl who Tahiri was with the same way he'd hugged and kissed on her.

"Sorry grandma," Tahiri called out snickered at her grandmother rolling her eyes and going back to the kitchen.

The world was a small place after all. This was her grandparent's restaurant. What were the odds?

"Oh! Look, guys, it's Tahiri Noona!" V called out, catching her attention. She looked a little shocked at first, then a smile graced her beautiful face.

"No.Freaking.Way.!"The girl had said in complete and utter shock.

"Wayyyy!" The maknae line all said together making everyone laugh.

What are the chances of her really being here right now?

Tahiri POV

OKAY. What the hell is going on? How is it that I keep running into BTS? This is crazy as hell! I thought to myself. I'm not saying I'm upset or weirded out by it, just surprised. It actually brought joy to me that V kept remembering my name and face!

I waved at the guys, who all waved back at me. JK waved me over. I almost took a step forward, but my grandpa's voice halted me in my tracks and brought me back to the present.

"Girls, I suppose you came to eat. What did you want?" He asked looking back and forth at us.

"SEAFOOD HOTPOT!" Cho and I spoke at the same time, making him laugh.

"Coming right up. Go pick a table to sit." He patted both of our heads before disappearing in the back.

"Now, introduce me to my bias." Cho-Hee whispered in my ear and I laughed before wrapping her arm in mine and heading over to where the guys were sitting. Taehyung was her bias.

"Noona! Funny seeing you here!" JK spoke to me first with a huge contagious grin on his face.

"I was going to say the same thing." I spoke to everybody and bowed respectfully.

"So, this is your grandparents place?" Namjoon spoke up after taking a sip of his drink.

I nodded. "It is indeed."

"It's a really small world." Hobi said.

I felt his eyes on the side of my face. My head turned in his direction and I gave him a small wave.

Before I could say anything else, Cho-Hee rudely and not so subtly elbowed me in my rib cage. I snapped my head in her direction. "Sorry for my rudeness, this is my cousin, Baek Cho-Hee." I said her maiden name, they didn't need to know she was married or soon to be divorced.

"Hello!" They all spoke at the same time. I think they gave her whiplash.

"Hi." She spoke and bowed before shyly hiding behind me.
In complete disbelief, I bust out laughing making everyone else do so.

"You better believe I'm talking shit later!" I looked back at her and whispered in a hushed tone. She shrugged before pinching me. I popped her hand subtly making her giggle.

"Would you guys like to join us?" Jin asked making everyone's head turn in his direction, mine included.

"We don't want to intrude." Cho-Hee spoke up from behind me. She was thinking the same thing I was.

"Nonsense noona! You guys can eat with us." Taehyung cheerfully spoke up.

"See? It's fine. Have a seat." Jin said and patted the empty chair next to him.

I laughed and sat down next to him, while Cho-Hee took a seat in the empty chair next to JK.

"OMO! Yah, what are you two doing over here? I'm sorry if they are bothering you all. Go sit at your own table!" Our grandmother fussed at us, making the guys laugh but Cho and I cringe in embarrassment.

"Hal-meoni! It's okay we invited them to sit with us. We actually have met Tahiri-Noona a few times." Jimin spoke up.

"Are you sure it's okay? Patrons don't normally bother you guys whenever you come in here. I don't want that to start just because they're my grandchildren." She said with a worried expression on her face.

"It's fine with us. We're all acquaintances." Namjoon spoke up with a beautiful smile that showcased his dimples.

"If you say so." She shrugged before giving me a bottle of soju which I pushed away from me. "You're not drinking?" I shook my head no. "Why not?"

"I've had too much liquor in my system between last night and this afternoon. I'm good, my kidneys and liver need a break. I also drove over here. Water and a sprite instead please."

"You like sprite too?" Hobi asked happily and I laughed.

"It's my favorite."

"Wow! Mine too." He said making everyone laugh.

My grandmother came back out with my drinks before patting me on my head. Soon after my grandfather bought out the fixings for our hotpot. As like our granny, he wondered why we were sitting there. I guess our grandma didn't tell him.

"DAEBAK! You guys have so much shrimp and clams. Can I try some of yours? We didn't order seafood because of Namjoon Hyung." JK said, mouth practically wide open and watering at the sight right in front of him.

"JK!" Joon scolded and I laughed when JK leaned back in his seat with a frown on his face
"He's fine. Of course JK, you're more than welcome to have some of ours."

For a while we all sat and talked amongst each other while we ate our dinner. They'd asked questions like our ages, how many concerts we've been to. It was surreal with how comfortable they were with us.

"Okay, I want to know, who are your biases and wreckers?" Jimin asked with silly grin on his face.

"Cho-Hee noona, you up first." Hobi spoke this time.

"Well, V is my bias. World Wide Handsome is my wrecker."

"Really? I'm your bias?" Tae asked with a smile on his handsome face. Jin, while laughing, sent finger hearts her way.

"Dear God, don't smile at me." Cho-Hee covered her face that was quickly turning red in embarrassment. She'd had a couple of drinks in her system right now and she normally turned a giggling mess when drunk.

"She might pass out if you keep that up V." I informed him and he laughed real hard then.

"What about you?" Suga asked me.

"My bias is actually you Suga-Oppa."

"That's cool. Yah! Wait a minute. You're not one of those weirdo 'Yoongi marry me' ARMYs are you?" He looked at me with a grin on his face with his head cocked to the left.

"Indeed I am. The only thing that sets me apart from others is, I know the difference between real life, fantasy and just being plain old delusional." I shrugged and he gave me a gummy smile with a thumbs up in approval.

"So, who is your wrecker or wreckers?" Joon asked next.

"Hobi is my wrecker. But I'm OT7 24/7. You all have your own individual ways that makes your fans lose their minds. It's really unsettling at times. I could be totally committed to Suga one minute, and the next, one of you will do something that makes me rethink if he's actually my bias or not. Y'all be stressing us ARMYs out!"

They all got a kick out of my explanation. "ARMY holds special places in our hearts." Joonie genuinely spoke.

"Do you have a favorite album?" Jin asked me, while he sneakily, ran his hand up and down my thigh underneath the table.

"Love Yourself: Answer." I spat out with no delay. I put hand on top of Jin's. He tensed up for a bit, but when I tapped him, he continued what he was doing,

"Wow, no hesitation with that choice!" Suga chortled making me laugh.

"Noona, why that album?" Jungkook asked.

"That album literally gets me through everyday. No matter what mood I'm in, that album brightens my day. It's the sincerity, love, joy, and honesty in the lyrics that made me fall in love with it. From beginning to end, there is not a song I'll skip on it. A lot of times I hit replay. While we as fans can interpret the songs in any way we deem fit, most of ARMY interprets them into romance songs. Especially international ARMY. But some have different meanings, especially Tear. I'm not sure what you guys went through during the past few years, but please don't break up. At least not now. That was my take on that song. You guys were having a rough patch as a group. I'll just remind you, nothing will always be sunshine and rainbows. When life throws you lemons, make lemonade. Going from trainees to idols, I'm sure you all are aware of that fact. I genuinely see the greatness and beauty in each and every one of you."

"My favorite is that one too. As idols they really put you all up on pedestals. I've never dealt with it, but I'm sure that pressure isn't easy. You have an extremely demanding career. While that is the case, you guys' music really helps and heal a lot of people. Coming from me, I thank you all of you." Cho-Hee popped her head up to say.

"Wow. Thank you. Hearing you both tell us how our music affects you, as fans, gives me joy." Namjoon spoke up wiping the corners of his eyes. I looked around the table and there wasn't a dry eye sitting in front of us.

"We didn't mean to make you guys cry." I laughed to lighten the mood.

"Okay, now what I wanna know is, what is your favorite solo on that album." Jungkook stated, being messy.

I groaned and laughed. "Yah! That is so hard! When I first heard the album, it was totally Euphoria. I think in one day I played that song alone about thirty times."

Jungkook's face lit up in satisfaction.

"What about now?" Tae asked me.

"Serendipity. It's the most played song on my playlist right now." I grinned and Jimin reached out to high five me.

"Wow Jimin-ssi." The boys all say together.

"That's not to say I don't love the other solo songs! Because I love them all. Those are just my two favorite. Number three would be Just Dance."

"Alright! Now you're talking!" Hobi gave me two finger hearts and I sent one back his way.

"What about group songs?" Namjoon asked.

"Ooh! Vocal line, Dimple!" Cho-Hee answered and I fist bumped her for that answer. I loved that damn song!

"Mr. Dimples himself over there wrote that masterpiece." I said and RM covered his face in shyness and embarrassment.

"For the rapline, Her." I say and take a sip of my drink.

My phone dinged back to back and I picked it up to see who sent me something. Three of them were notifications from  my bank. I'd gotten paid from the last few jobs I did. I had a few payments still pending to come through. I couldn't wait to see the numbers continue to stack up in my account.

💜Handsome Oppa💜: Did you get the note from your hotel?

I raised my eyebrow before subtly giving him the side eye. He pointed at the phone.

Me: what note?

💜Handsome Oppa💜: I had my assistant leave a note for you at your hotel. The front desk didn't give it to you?

I looked at him now confused. I combed my brain trying to figure out if I'd gotten anything from the front desk. Then it hit me. I smacked my head, making everyone look at me weirdly for a second before going back to their conversation with Cho-Hee.

Me: I totally forgot to look at it. It's still in one of my shopping bags from earlier. But you're the one who left a note for me? Why? You could've texted or called me instead.

💜Handsome Oppa💜: I forgot I had your number until now.

I deadpanned him at the table making him chuckle out loud.

Me: what did you need?

💜Handsome Oppa💜: please don't make that face beautiful. I really forgot about it. But I need my credit card back. You still have it. I didn't realize it til this afternoon during recording. 😂😂😂

My eyes got big as fuck while reading that message. "OMO! I'm so sorry."  I reached for my purse and pulled out my wallet. I looked for the black card that didn't belong to me and handed it over to him. He took possession of it and laughed at my reaction.

"No. Fucking.Way." Cho-Hee's voice and reaction made everyone's eyes snap to me and Jin.

"You. Zip it." I pointed at my now fully drunk cousin and made the zip motion with my fingers across my mouth.

"Na uh! We're talking about that. As soon as we get back to your hotel."

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked with his eyes bouncing back and forth between us.

"Nothing." Jin, Cho-Hee, and I all said at the same time.

I rolled my eyes at Cho. I didn't even realize she was watching us. Welp, the cats out of the bag now, thanks to her!

Instead of dwelling on what was going on between us three, the members went back to talking to one another.

"I have a question for Tahiri-Noona." Taehyung spoke up.

"What is it?"

"What do you do for a living?"

I smiled. "I am an architect. I work in landscape and in interior designing. I am a social media content creator and I model for clothing websites. I also have a masters in Business management."

"WOWWWWWWW!" Everybody, including Cho-Hee said at the same time.

"I don't know what you're wowing about, you know what I do silly." I laughed when she smiled at me.

"Hearing it out loud made me remember how awesome you are."

I grinned at her words before I leaned over and pinched her cheek. "Stop trying to steal my heart." She quickly swatted my hands away from her face. Everyone laughed at us.

"What is it that you do, Cho-Hee Noona?" JK asked.

"I am a coder and cyber security specialist executive."

"Wowwwww!" We all said at the same time before laughing.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom. When I was done, I came out and bumped into Jin, who laughed. "We really have to stop meeting in hallways like this."

"Yah! I'm beginning to think that it's you who keeps making these coincidences happen." I wiggled my eyebrows.

Jin blushed and laughed before throwing up his hands. "I swear I'm innocent." He says before backing me into the wall.

"What are y-," I'm silenced when he smashes his plump lips against mine. I, firstly, was caught off guard. But I soon melted against him. His arms wrapped around my waist as he parted my lips with his tongue. I happily accepted it, letting it do the tango with mine.

My hands went up to cuff his face as our kiss deepened. Moans and groans from the both of us, in this dimly lit hallway, bounced off the walls. Luckily for us, my grandparents always played music in their business.

The grip Jin had on me had me hot. His hands massaged my waist before he moved them down to grip my ass. He wouldn't keep his hands there for long, he'd repeat what he did to my waist before letting go. He held my body close to his, and subtly pushed his pelvis against mine.

God this man was a great kisser! I knew this wasn't going to end well if we both stood here continuing to kiss until we got hot and horny for one another.

"Mmm, mmm" someone clearing their throat made Jin and I break apart.

We both looked to see who we'd been caught by and it was Tae. "Hyung, I thought you said you were going to the bathroom?" He said trying to contain his laughter. But it was all over his face that he wanted to.

"Yah, Taehyung, what are you interrupting me for. Go on to the bathroom if you're going." Jin ordered the maknae who just bust out laughing at us.

Can you say embarrassing! Tae smiled at me widely as he passed through us shaking his head and singing, "So this is love?"

I facepalmed and my shoulders shook as I silently laughed.
I went to walk away but Jin pulled me back by my belt loop. My backside landing against his front. "Where are you going?"

"Tae just caught us!" I tried to move but he encased me in his arms, tightly, so I couldn't move freely.

"He already knew about us." Jin shrugged nonchalantly.

I turned around, and looked up at him. "Who else knows?"

"Just he and Yoongi. It was those two I was talking to on the phone this morning when I was with you. Does your cousin know?" He nuzzled my neck with his nose before placing a kiss in the same spot.

"OPPA!" I silently shrieked, as he sent shivers down my spine. Jin laughed at me and I rolled my eyes. "She does now, I think she figured it out when I gave you your card back. Go to the bathroom."

"One more kiss?" He wiggled his brows suggestively at me.

I laughed and shook my head. "Fine." I brought his face down to mine and placed a few light pecks on his pretty lips. I pulled away from him but he grabbed my face this time. He delivered sweet kisses to my lips, letting the last one linger longer than the others. 

I pulled away from him and shyly blushed. "BYE!" I ran off before he could get me again. His laughter sounded off in the hall. I swiftly made it back to my seat. All eyes were on me as I plopped down in the chair and fanned my face.

A kick to my leg made me look over at the drunken, red faced Cho-Hee. "Mmmhmmm."

"Don't start." I laughed and put my head down in embarrassment. My face was hot!

"Noona, why are your ears so red?" JK called me out.

I lifted my head and covered both of my ears. "Aish!"

I said as everyone laughed at me. My eyes landed on Suga who gave me a knowing look followed by a gummy smile. I excused myself from the table and went to the kitchen to see my grandparents.

"Are you guys leaving?" My grandmother asked.

"Not yet, but probably soon. I wanted to pay the bill. No on the house tonight. I got the guys, my and Cho-Hee's food."

"Are you sure?" My grandpa asked me.

"Yes. Here," I handed over my debit card so one of them could charge me for the meal. My grandpa took it and went up front and rang the food up before coming back to return my card and give me a receipt. "I don't want or need that."
I told him and signed the copy needed for the restaurant.

"You're so sweet." He patted my head before kissing my cheek.

"Are you taking care of Cho-Hee? Her father called me earlier and informed me of the situation. How is she?" He asked making my grandmother look up at me as well.

I sighed and nodded. "I think she's going to be okay. She might be repressing feelings right now, but she's been okay for the most part." I shrugged because I didn't really know if she was fronting or being truthful with me.

"Well that's good to know. Just make sure she's not depressed and crying over him. I told you all from the beginning I didn't like that boy. I stepped aside because she was head over heels in love with him. Now look at what he's done?"
My grandmother spat as she began washing dishes. My grandfather patted her on the back to calm her down.

I smiled at them before kissing their cheeks and reassuring them that Cho-Hee would be just fine. I exited the kitchen and went back to the table. Jin and Tae had returned to their seats by this time too. The table was full of rambunctious noises.
I sat back in my chair, which Jin so happened to have his arm on the back of.

We all joked and played around like the best of friends for another hour until I got sleepy. I yawned and stretched in my seat.

"Are you tired?" Jin leaned over and whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and nodded before standing and stretching my body again. "Cho-Hee, let's get ready to call it a night. I'm exhausted now." I whined and she looked over at me and nodded.

"Are you guys heading home now?" My grandma came out with a bags of churros in her hands. The sweet smell wafted to my nose and I was suddenly no longer tired or sleepy.

"Oooh! Gimmie!" I reached for the bag and she held it back. "Please grandma! I know you made those for us!" I made grabby hands towards her. That was my favorite snack and had been since I was a little girl.

"Your grandfather has yours, these are for the boys." She gave me a look and I stuck my tongue out and ran around her to dodge the hand that was coming my way. I laughed and ran straight to my grandpa.

"You didn't have to come get them. I was going to bring them out." He laughed when I got the two bags from him. One for me and one for Cho-Hee.

I locked my arm in his as we walked back out front. Everyone was now standing and donning masks. Cho-Hee was resting her head on our grandma's shoulder.

"We're getting ready to leave." I told him.

"Thank you for the meal. As always it was delicious ." The guys bowed and headed to the register.

"Don't worry about the bill, it's already taken care of. Enjoy your night guys." Our grandparents waved them off.

"How?" The boys looked amongst each other.

"Tahiri paid for it earlier. Don't worry she wanted to do it. She's stingy with money sometimes, so I was surprised myself." My grandpa quipped.

I tapped his arm, "Grandpa!" I laughed at him when he shrugged his shoulders.

"Aww Noona, you didn't have to pay for us." Namjoon said to me, making me blush.

"It's alright. Let's get out of here everyone." I grabbed hold of Cho-Hee and we exited the restaurant. Once I got Cho to my car and got her inside I made sure she was strapped in safely before turning around and being startled by Kim Seokjin.

"Shit! You scared me!" I placed my hand over my chest.

"I'm Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you I was about to say your name before you turned around." He told me while laughing hard as hell.

After I'd calmed myself down I laughed too. "What's up Oppa?"

Jin reached for my hand. "Thank you for paying for dinner you really didn't have to do that."

"It's okay." I looked down at our hands. I didn't expect him to be so touchy with me.

"I wanna take you out. My schedule is jam packed so I can't give you a definitive time or date just yet, but I want to take you on a date if that's alright with you." He looked down before looking back at me.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was giddy as hell. "I'd love to go on a date with you. My schedule is open for the most part. Just let me know by text or phone."

He nodded before looking around. When he saw that nobody was around, he leaned in and kissed my lips without warning again. It only lasted for a minute before he pulled back. "Good night Tahiri-ssi."
"Good night Oppa." I waved as he walked away into the night.

I got inside my car and exhaled. When I turned to check on Cho-Hee, her eyes were on me, a smirk settled on her face.

"OMO!" I popped her arm which made her laugh.

"Lucyyyyy you've got some explaining to do!"

[**A/N: Sooooooooooooooo. 😏 Here we goooooooo. Double chapter update for you all!**]

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