Hypnosis Mic x Reader Oneshot...

By DrayceKingdom

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Some one-shots, headcanons and bf scenarios for the Hypnosis mic groups! It will include all members from: ~B... More

~Meeting them/Scenarios~
โคIchiro Yamadaโค
๐Ÿ’™Jiro Yamada๐Ÿ’™
๐Ÿ’›Saburo Yamada๐Ÿ’›
๐Ÿ’€Samatoki Aohitsugi๐Ÿ’€
๐Ÿ‘จโ€โœˆ๏ธJyuto Iruma๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ
๐ŸฆŽRio Mason Busujima๐ŸฆŽ
โš•Jakurai Jingujiโš•
๐Ÿ”†Hifumi Izanami๐Ÿ”†
๐ŸŒ™Doppo Kannonzaka๐ŸŒ™
๐ŸงRamuda Amemura๐Ÿง
๐ŸŽฒDice Arisugawa๐ŸŽฒ
๐Ÿ“šGentaro Yumeno๐Ÿ“š
Their Pet Names For You
Your Pet Name For Them
When They Can't Sleep
When You Can't Sleep
When They Are Jealous
When They Want Your Attention
When You Are Sick
When You Are On Your Period
When you are crying
When Someone's Picking On You
Amusement Park
Watching a Horror Movie with Them
When You Are Cooking Together
~The End~
They Propose To You

When You Are Stuck In The Rain With Them

838 16 5
By DrayceKingdom

Ichiro - Ichiro actually loves the rain. If the two of you get caught in the rain, he would have an umbrella and open it up for you while insisting that he walks in the rain since he enjoys it so much. His favourite thing is feeling the raindrops ever so lightly fall on his face and he would have the biggest smile while occasionally glancing at you to make sure that you are enjoying as well. If he is feeling extra happy he would most definitely ask you to dance in the rain with him. However, this attitude is not the same for heavy rain. When it is raining really heavily, he is the type to wrap you up in his jacket, pick you up, and sprint to the nearest store or take cover under some form of shelter. Once setting you down, he would check if the rain got to you, and surely it didn't since his jacket is thick and he was holding you. He would be worried about you even though he is the one that is completely soaked from head to toe. You would probably insist that he drinks something warm to avoid catching a cold. So, the two of you would either run to a convenience store or a cafe and sit together drinking a warm beverage and waiting for the rain to stop.

Jiro - Something about these brothers... they all love the rain. But, Jiro loves it even though he always gets sick shortly after it starts to rain. Within minutes, Jiro has a red nose and is sniffling and sneezing. But, he would insist on enjoying the walk a bit more and wouldn't want to find shelter. He likes to listen to the rain and step in the squishy, gloopy mud, the kind that sucks in your shoe a little and leaves a trail. He would also look for the best puddle to jump in and wouldn't slow down until he is shivering from his now, soaked clothing. He would then shortly whine about how he is cold and needs to be warmed up. While you are watching the scene unravel, he would most likely either ask you to join him or, if you don't want to, he would find a place for you to stand and watch him while he shows you different things. In the end, the two of you would end up in a cafe drinking warm beverages and Jiro would pass out on your shoulder midway through his drink. When caught in the rain with Jiro, you are usually left in a cafe with a warm drink at hand and Jiro asleep on your shoulder as you watch the rain peacefully until Jiro wakes up or until the rain stops.

Saburo - Saburo, as always, is prepared. He made sure to bring his and your raincoats ahead of time and he told you to wear waterproof shoes earlier in the morning. As soon as the rain starts he would check his watch and mutter something about whether the weather forecast was right about the time it was supposed to rain. Then, he would pull out your raincoats and umbrellas and walk with pride. He would actually be the type to internally want to jump around in puddles even though he is too embarrassed to admit it. The poor man would watch the puddles fill up with more water and after growing impatient with himself, he would ask you to jump around with him. Surely enough, playing in the rain with Saburo has become some of your fondest memories. He also loves holding your hand and wandering around town to see how people behave differently when it is raining. While walking with you, he would make it a point to buy you a yellow flower to brighten up your day since the sun is hidden behind the clouds and he would squeeze your hand every once in a while just to show you that he cares about you.

Samatoki - He is not prepared for the rain at all and he gets extremely annoyed when it begins to shower. He begins cussing under his breath when the light shower turns into heavy rain. He would look around for a place for at least you to take shelter in, but he has no luck. So, he gets more upset because you are drenched in the rain and he would quickly make a phone call to order one of his members to come and pick the two of you up. Samatoki would refuse to stand under a tree and feels safer standing out in the pouring rain with you. He would ask you if you are cold and if you nod he would just kiss his teeth in annoyance and hold you close in an attempt to keep you warm. The two of you would stand there in silence, your head against his soaked, see-through shirt, and his arms around your waist as you both waited for your ride under the crying sky.

Jyuto - Unlike Samatoki, he is very prepared. He always checks the day's weather before leaving the house and even notes down the week's weather every Sunday. He also keeps a spare umbrella in his office and carries another one on him on a day he knows it'll rain. When you first feel a few raindrops fall on your nose, he immediately wipes it off with his thumb (making the two of you blush) and proceeds to open up his umbrella which has a cute rabbit print on it. He would explain that he is actually quite fond of rabbits and that this is his favourite umbrella. If you ask why it is his favourite, he would smile and say, "because, it is big enough for two people". He would then put an arm around your shoulder and the two of you would continue on your day while walking side by side under his umbrella.

Rio - He is actually not the biggest fan of thunder. When it would start to slightly rain, he wouldn't mind it very much and would ask if you want to walk home before the rain gets too bad. So, hand in hand, the two of you would make your way home under the light drizzle. However, as you were walking, the crashing thunder roared through the sky and you saw Rio almost jump out of his skin. He doesn't like to appear weak in front of you, but if you ask him if he is alright, he will openly express that he is afraid of thunder. He would tell you that it reminds him of the bombs and noises he heard when he was fighting in the military and it makes his skin crawl with bad memories whenever he hears it. You would likely have to hold him tight and comfort him whenever he hears it. When the feelings finally ease in his heart, he would soon turn his attention back to you and worry about getting you to a dry place before you catch a cold.

Jakurai - He wouldn't particularly like the rain and like Jyuto, he would be well ahead of the game and already know the forecast for the day. He finds that when it is raining, people would commonly wipe their noses and then immediately touch public things like door knobs and that it makes people sneeze and cough more. So, when it is raining, he is sure to pack an umbrella and an extra packet of hand wipes just for the occasion. He also makes an active effort to get home quickly when it is raining if possible. When it starts to rain on the two of you, he would happily pull out his umbrella and suggest that the two of you should probably go home immediately while slightly glancing at everyone within your surroundings. He would take off his jacket and put it around your shoulders as his effort to keep you warm and provide you with an extra layer from germs and he would hold the umbrella as the two of you walked beneath it. His favourite thing to do after reaching home is to read some books with a nice cup of tea.

Hifumi - Hifumi is the type of person to get gloomy and tired when it starts raining since he is literally the sun. If the two of you get rained on, there is probably a chance that he was already dazed when it started to get cloudy and now feels childish and just wants to go home and sleep. He would tell you that his hair will probably get all frizzy because of the rain and just slightly mope around while walking next to you. Then, he would remember that you are with him and start worrying about you instead. He would worry about your hair and skin and insist that you take his jacket and use it as an umbrella - he never has an umbrella - and that since he is a gentleman, he will be fine. Surely enough, you would remain dry and Hifumi would make sure you use his jacket properly so that not a single drop gets on you. He would continuously look over your shoulder to make sure you are alright because in his mind, your smile is as bright as the sun and he wants to keep you happy especially because it is cloudy outside. However, by the end of the walk, the man is probably sniffling since he is soaked to the bone and he is absolutely exhausted and you will likely have to baby him a little.

Doppo - Doppo actually loves it when it is slightly raining because he finds it soothing. He tells you that it reminds him to water his house plants and that he knows that when it rains, most of his co-workers and boss sometimes don't come to the office and he ends up having the place to himself. So, he finds comfort in this weather and hopes that you could feel his calm heart too. If the two of you get stuck in the rain, Doppo would actually start laughing and would smile like an innocent child. He would tell you that when he was younger, he and his little brother used to always bond when it rained since the two of them would be stuck inside together during those moments. It seemed that the rain only brings fond memories into Doppo's mind and you can't help but smile along with him. He would ask you to walk in the rain with him and get soaked just for the sake of it which you could never find in your heart to reject. He also promises that he will make the two of you some hot chocolate and wrap yourselves in blankets so you two won't get sick after.

Ramuda - He always insists on getting ice cream when it is raining. Wherever you guys are, whatever you both were doing and whenever it starts to rain, Ramuda always ALWAYS eats ice cream. It all started one day when he was craving some and you offered to walk with him to an ice cream shop while it was raining to get him some. The man loved the walk so much and felt a sense of ecstasy since everything contrasted with each other: he was eating cold ice cream, but his heart was warm, it was gloomy outside but your smile was so bright. So, if you get stuck in the rain with him, he would toss his jacket on top of you and the two of you would sprint to the nearest ice cream joint to enjoy some cold desserts. You guys would probably enjoy waiting out the rain, but if it doesn't stop even after the two of you finish, Ramuda would suggest that the two of you race back home. But, truth be told, he always purposely runs a little slower just so he could watch you run ahead and make sure you don't fall behind or accidentally slip.

Dice - Dice actually doesn't like the rain very much. He honestly considers it bad luck if it starts to rain and refuses to go gambling while it does. He hates the idea of getting soaked because his hair gets frizzy and he would want to take a shower when he gets home only to feel like he is wasting water since he just got rained on - very conflicting - So, if the two of you get caught in the rain together, he would run towards some form of shelter with you right in front of him. He would use his arms to lift his jacket above both his and your head and the two of you would run together with you slightly in front and him behind (just like in monthly girl's Nozaki-Kun). But as you two would run towards shelter, every once in a while you might hear a scream in your ear because Dice hates worms. He finds the idea of stepping on them mortifying and has an irrational fear of them coming to get revenge on him if he ever accidentally stepped on one. The two of you would eventually find an empty and locked building and sit on the steps waiting for the rain to let out so you could return home. While there, Dice would look you over and check if you seem alright. Then, he would smile and tell you that he loves spending time with you even if it is under a building on a gloomy day. He would hug you close and stay there for a while until the rain slows down or until he gets too bored and wants to head home.

Gentaro - Loves the rain. His favourite thing to do when it rains is to silently watch his surroundings and come up with analogies. If the two of you were together he would hold you really close and wrap his jacket around you as the two of you would walk in peace within each other's comfort: his arm would be around your shoulders holding you close and keeping you dry. He would smile and ask if you are comfortable and warm and then start telling you either one of his analogies or a story that the scene reminds him of. The two of you would enjoy seeing the pedestrians either walk peacefully or rush busily to their destinations and you would both try and come up with stories and reasoning behind each person's reaction. The rain always brings out interesting characteristics in people and you two just love to watch and talk blissfully in the rain. He would also be the type to romantically buy a bright red umbrella for the two of you to share, buy matching raincoats or even grandly ask you to share a dance with him under the sprinkling rain. Even though the sun is hidden, the love between the two of you only seems to shine more.


A/n - I just wanted to apologize because I feel like my grammar for this scenario wasn't the best. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed it!

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