They Propose To You

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It was the end of your visit at Disney world. Yes, you were on vacation with Ichiro, Jiro and Saburo. It was all decided a little while ago when you noticed that Ichiro was starting to get burnt out from his work and you felt the need to rekindle your relationship with him and give him a break. So, after you mentioned your thoughts to him, he instantly booked the theme park and plane tickets for the two of you. However, once Jiro and Saburo caught wind of the plans, they also insisted to join. So, here you were with the Yamada brothers, walking towards the signature Disney statue placed at the main entrance/exit of the park as the sky was painted a deep midnight blue.

Hand in hand as you walked, you felt Ichiro squeeze your hand a little to get your attention, "Did you have fun, my queen/king?" Ichiro asked in a charming way as he leaned closer to you, giving you a small peck on the cheek before adding, "or should I call you my princess/prince today?"

You smiled cheekily, "since we are at Disney, you are my prince and I, your princess/prince" you say as elegantly as possible, "and yes, my prince, I have had lots of fun today" you smiled swinging your interlocked hands a little to express your joy.

You noticed the tip of Ichiro's ears turn red as soon as he noticed your attempt in playing along with his princely demeanour. Ichiro pulled on your hand a little to get the two of you to face each other. You now noticed that he looked more than a little flustered and it felt like he wanted to tell you something. "Prince Ichiro, is there anything on your mind?" you asked still in character, knowing that this would help him feel a little at ease. "My princess/prince, I-"

"ICHI-NEE!!" Saburo suddenly yelled as he instantly appeared between the two of you, causing you to shriek and jump back a little, "Jiro and I want some ice cream before we leave!"

"Wait, what?" Ichiro managed to ask before Saburo began to dig through Ichiro's right jacket pocket for loose change.

"Wait!," Ichiro said after Saburo moved to check his left pocket. He then pulled out his wallet from his pants.

"Wait, but Saburo, you know that Ichiro always keeps his wallet in his pants... why bother to check his jacke-" you asked, feeling your eyebrows furrow in suspicion.

"OH, OK, WE ARE OFF NOW, BYE! REMEMBER THE FIREWORK SHOW STARTS IN A FEW MINUTES!!" Saburo exclaimed as he started to run off to where Jiro was standing. You managed to catch a glimpse of Jiro from the distance and was giving Ichiro a thumbs up and then proceeded to... well... to, what you could only guess, his gesture for brotherly encouragement or in telling Ichiro that he needs to use the bathroom.

"They are acting weird," you say to Ichiro, shifting your gaze to him only to find him smiling upon the sight. "It is definitely the Disney world magic," he says after returning your attention and gesturing into a light explosion with his hands upon saying the word 'magic'.

The two of you were alone now, with Ichiro growing a deeper shade of red by the second and you standing before him. Once again, the two of you returned to being hand in hand and were looking into each other's eyes, you still felt yourself a little concerned over what Ichiro wanted to tell you earlier.

"I am... sorry about my brothers, they can be quite... brazen sometimes. But they are just being... how do I say it..." Ichiro tried to explain shyly.

"They are being your perfect little brothers, that is how you say it. Don't worry Ichiro, they are never too 'brazen' for me. I literally love them with all my heart! I love them as if they were my own brothers," you said smugly, causing Ichiro to chuckle.

"I am so in love with you," Ichiro said between his laughs which caused you to instinctively turn bright red.

"What are you saying all of a sudden?!" you asked while feeling completely flustered.

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