Brother (Author X The Simpson...

By AutisticChristian

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About the Characters
Ch. 1: Life On Earth
Ch. 2: Life In Springfield/Royal Woods
Ch. 3: The Talk With Mr. Grouse/Rescuing Lincoln Loud
Ch. 4: Not Alone/Mii Vs Lynn Jr
Ch. 5: The Talk With Ned Flanders/Rescuing Bart
Ch. 7: Girlfriend
Ch. 8: Lori's Wrath
Ch. 9: In Jail Is Mii (Me)
Ch. 10: Limit (Musical)
Ch. 11: Skill Vs. Science
Ch. 12: Loud To Loud

Ch. 6: Lincoln Meets Bart

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By AutisticChristian

*It Has Been A Day since Bart Arrived, But wasn't too satisfied with Marge and Maggie staying with Him, Speaking of Which...*

Bart: You came, Why?

Marge: I guess I do need to come clean, as your mother I want to do my best to understand you, or at least have a start on it.

Bart: What's there to understand?

Marge: Bart, you never told me what happened to you... Face to face, because you were afraid if you did then Homer would keep strangling or abusing you... I get you don't respect Homer as your father for that reason...

Bart: ...That's a start, but it's not just him...

Marge: I'm all ears, Son.

Bart: Remember the night that Homer's intern and his wife came over for dinner? 

Marge: You mean *gasp* Oooohh... Was it when he yelled in your face and owned you, calling you a "Walking potato clock?"

Bart: Yeah... Unfortunately, it's not just those two.

Marge: I'm all ears, it's just you and me.

Bart: Well... *After 10 Minutes of Explanation* and aside from all of that, I pretty much know my life is going to be a failure... Because of so many fails, so many pranks, just not fairly comparable to my overachieving sister, and all of those relationships... I never wanted my life to turn out like this... I have been heavily misunderstood and just been downright dumbfounded... *Lowers head in shame, Marge brings her son close, Bart starts to cry as he buries his head in his mom's dress*

Marge: You are more than what you think you are, you don't have to be so hard on yourself anymore Bart, you may not have been able to be who you are in the past... But it's not too late... Practice makes improvement... We all have our ups and downs, and even if Homer doesn't see that in you or Lisa doesn't see that... I give them the boot for you. I will stand with you as your mother, and as an ally... Do you trust me? ...My special little guy?

Bart (crying): Y-Yes. *Marge nuzzles her head in Bart's Hair, Holding him close and comfortably, Maggie joins in the hug as well*


*In the office*

Me: I am so glad Bart has made up with his mom...

Mii: Yeah?

Me: Felt it in the force, So yeah.

Mii: Are things going okay between you and Kaylana? Did I miss something?

Me: You didn't miss anything at all, buddy, Kaylana is just busy working and I can respect that about her that she doesn't want to get both of us in trouble by me being there, so I'm fine where I am.

Mii: well things have to come up pretty soon, For you Two.

Me: let me ask you, how long did it take for you to fall in love?

Mii: Obviously, for kind of a long time.

Me: Mmhmm.

Mii: But what does that have to do with anything.

Me: Mii, I've asked God, since Your old design... And he once told me that, giving birth to New Creation, is to his satisfaction... What comes to his abomination is same sex marriage and pride relationships, but what do you think my opinion is on this do I say it out loud or do I just appreciate the person and just hate the sin?

Mii: I take it you were the nicer example and just appreciate the person but hate the sin?

Me: Exactly, that was a lesson for you... Not all people are just going to be like us, that's why sometimes we just need to appreciate the person for what they are... And just keep our hate of the sin to ourselves. If we end up spreading the word publicly, locally, or even on social media, things are going to happen not to our liking...

Mii: *shudders* Yeah... I believe I get the idea now, Yes Sir.

Me: Very Good Man, I'm heading home.. if anything comes up, you let me know.

Mii: Again, Yes Sir.

*I leave with confidence*


*The Next Morning, In the Fitness Room*

Lincoln: 23... 24... And 25!!! *Lincoln finished doing Pushups, a soon as someone entered the exercise room, It was Bart* Hi, How are you?

Bart: Bit rocky, You?

Lincoln: Same Here, The Name is Lincoln.

Bart: Bartholomew Simpson, but you can call me "Bart." *The two shake hands, they actually do end up chatting and working out together for 45 minutes before getting breakfast*

*Suddenly there was a knock at the door,  Andrew (3rd Oldest Son of Joshua The Mii) answered it, It was Homer Simpson.*

Andrew: Is there anything I can do for you, Sir?

Homer: I'm here to pick up, Bart.

Andrew: Unless if I see an apology face-to-face with the boy, I'm afraid I won't be giving him to you. He clearly does not see you as a father, and I'm just telling you what I know you big ugly oaf.

Homer: Why You LITTLE- *Strangles Andrew*

???: HOMER!!! *The Volume was loud enough to make Homer Immediately let go*


*Homer Gulps*

Homer: Just Playing around...

Marge: Homie... This is unacceptable.

Homer: Marge, it wasn't what it looked like...

Marge: Don't try to talk your way out of this one!

Me: On Your Knees, Homeface!!

Homer: C'mon, can't we just talk about this?

Me: NOW!!! *Homer shivering in fear gets on his knees, Mii walks over and Slaps him absolutely hard that Homer ends up losing balance and falling over*

Mii: That was a warning, You have no right just strangle my kids. Get the hell out of here.

Homer: Not without Bart!

???: Yes, Without Bart!

*The Four look at Bart who just got done eating breakfast, Looked stronger, and somehow angrier*

Bart: I don't deserve to be parented by someone like you... You want to strangle me go ahead, Homer, but I think these three have other ideas for you. *Marge holds Bart Close while Me an My Mii's Eyes Glow with Rage making Homer Indecisive*

Homer: ...FINE... You win this one, Boy!

*Homer leaves the hotel, and everyone resumes their activities*

Mii: Son, Are you okay?

Andrew: Yeah... I just need to take a minute or get some rest no one has ever strangled me this tight... Just don't kill him dad, that's not you..

Mii: Alright, come on I'll take you to bed.

Marge: Mii...

*Mii slowly turns*

Mii: I know this was not your doing, apology accepted... But I do know one thing this is far from over...

Marge: What does he mean by that?

Me: I'm not sure, but I believe he's right.


Is Homer Truly Giving up or was this only the beginning?

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