Supernatural Imagines/One sho...

By fizzy31funny

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Supernatural imagines! That's exactly it - just wrote these for fun so have a read if you want lolz. 😊🥰 More

Dress - Sam
Date Disaster - Dean
Bloodlust - Sam
Kiss me - Dean
Hunting - Dean
Ketchup - Sam
Distraction - Dean
Secret - Dean
Did he just...? - Dean
Vamp Hunt - The Winchesters
Cooking - Sam
Spider - Sam
Rain - Dean
Torture - Sam
Fight - Dean
Auction - Sam
That's Kinda Gay - The Winchesters
Notes - Sam
Chick Flick Moment - Dean
Madison Imagine
Djinn - Sam
My Girlfriend - The Winchesters
Bad Luck - Sam
Period- Dean
Period - Sam
Stitches - Sam
A Pattern - Young Winchesters
Fainting - Dean
Comfort Show - Sam
505 - Dean
Clown - Sam
Crashing the Impala - The Winchesters
Dare - Sam
Handsy - Dean
Klara - Dean
Bobby Knows - Sam

Dog - Dean

548 4 0
By fizzy31funny

Character: Dean
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 608

"Baby, I think we're ready to take the next step in our relationship." Dean says out of the blue one morning. You blink back at him, and he smiles lovingly. "We should get a dog."

Your eyes light up instantly. "Are you serious? Dean, you better not be kidding me right now because -"

Dean wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you against him, "Of course I'm serious," he says into your hair, and you laugh as his breath tickles your ear.


Numerous loud barks greet you as you walk into the dog kennel's reception, hands intertwined. You look up excitedly at Dean and he places a kiss on your forehead. It's a dewy September morning and you've come to look for a dog to give a home.  Sure, the dog may not have a conventional home, but you'll both love it, nonetheless.

You and Dean pace down the corridor, observing each cage. There are yapping Pomeranians, snoring Pugs and so many other different dogs. You pass a giant Alsatian and flinch when it barks. Dean stares in awe at the fierce dog and looks at you hopefully. 

"No way." you say with a smile. Dean sticks out his lower lip and tries his best 'puppy dog eyes' but you shake your head and carry on, dragging him with you.

"Oh, come on!" Dean protests, "He's so badass!" 

You freeze and Dean bumps into your back. "What...?" he starts.

You're transfixed on the cutest dog you've ever seen in your entire life. A tiny, fluffy poodle looks up at you with curious eyes and you melt. The puppy only has one ear but looks happy enough, wagging her tail enthusiastically. "Deeeeaaannnnn! She's the one." You grab his sleeve and pull on it, delighted. 

Dean scoffs, "It took you three months of dating to say 'I love you' but you already know this dog is the one?" he raises an eyebrow, and you nudge him in the ribs. 

"Just look at her!" you step closer to read the little information card that hangs haphazardly off the cage. "HER NAME IS BUBBLES!" you squeal, wondering if this dog could be any more perfect. 

"Bubbles?" he doesn't sound impressed. "I prefer the Alsatian. Rover, I think his name was." 

You turn to face Dean and cross your arms. You are so gonna win this argument.  


"Morning," Dean mumbles in his deep morning voice, rolling over in bed to face you.

"Careful!" you warn, shuffling backwards, "Don't squash her!"

"Oh yeah. Almost forgot," Dean smiles, pulling the blanket back to reveal a curled-up Bubbles who is snoozing peacefully. Dean strokes her golden head, and you smirk triumphantly.

"See! I knew you liked her!" 

Dean leans over the dog and places a soft kiss on your lips. You hear a sad ruff and suddenly something heavy leaps up onto your torso. "Rover, down boy!" you laugh, as he tries to lick your face.

Dean whistles and Rover's ears perk up. He swivels his head and bounds over to Dean, bombarding him with licks. "Morning to you too, buddy," says Dean quietly, patting the Alsatian, "He's just a big softie, isn't he?"

"Yep," you agree, beaming as Dean struggles for air under Rover's weight. In the end, you decided to comprise by getting both dogs and you're starting to think that was the best choice you could have made. You scoop up Bubbles and hold her close to your chest and Rover settles down, laying lazily at the end of your bed. 

"I can't wait to see Sammy's reaction," says Dean mischievously.

"You haven't told him?"


You giggle and scoot closer to Dean. This feels like home. This feels like family. 

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