

35 19 16

The blood suckers had to attack. The last thing Sasha expected was loosing her only sister to the Vampires an... Еще



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The Vampire District, the Northern region.

Father finally located my family.
I didn't know exactly how to feel about the news when he told me a week ago. I was torn between rage and pity.
Rage at them for abandoning me in the bushes, probably to die, and pity, because if Father gets to them before I do, they won't live to see another day.

Father thought the reason I wanted to see my family was to exact a kind of revenge on them for abandoning me, but that was all a facade.
I had to use the revenge as an excuse so that he would help me find them, I needed to know if they were still alive.
But right now, I think I went too far.
Their lives are in danger and it's all my fault.

"Cherry are you alright? You look.. sad" Shelly was right beside me brushing out my jet black hair.

She has lasted longer that I thought she would. I'm grateful for that, she's grown to become my only companion in this strange land.

"Shelly , what will you do if you see your family again?" I asked out of the blue.
I've never asked about her family.

The hands on my hair stopped their ministration. I turned around to meet blue eyes staring back at me, sadness clouding their depths.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't..."

"They're dead. Your Father killed them right in front of me"

My eyes widened in shock. That was not the reply I was expecting.

"I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault" she said walking away from me toward my dresser where she laid my brush carefully on the smooth surface.

I looked up at the young woman right in front of me and knew instantly that I could trust her.

"Shelly, I don't know what's happening to me... I've been feeling a lot human recently" I whispered the last part.

She walked back to me and sat down on the bed opposite me.

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know. I just feel strange..."

"Out of the darkness comes light,  the light leads the saviour through the night, and illuminates the darkness that holds tight"

"What's that? A poem?"

"It's an ancient saying, I don't know exactly where I heard it from. But my dear Cherry,  I strongly believe you're the light"

My eyes grew wide at her words. I've heard that saying before, I can't quite grasp exactly where. But for her to repeat them, something was definitely calling out to me.

"What should I do, Shelly?"

"If you are the light, you need to find the saviour and break this curse. Restore sanity to humanity"

She gripped my hands so tight, her blue eyes staring so intently into my black ones.

"How should I do that?"

She let go of my hands as if they burned and made her way to the door.

With her hand on the knob, she turned to me and whispered...

"I trust you to make the right decision"


The force was back again. Instead of an old cave in the middle of nowhere,  I was being pulled to a dark building sitting atop a mountain. The building looked so large, it looked more like a castle, with high towers and frightening statues scattered everywhere.
It was dark, it looked like a heavy storm was coming, the trees were shaking violently with the wind, but I felt nothing.

The force pulled me into the building, it didn't let go until I was standing in the middle of a large throne room where a meeting appeared to be going on. The force left me then and I was all alone in the presence of  intimidating men.
From afar, they looked like normal men until you get in closer and notice the dark eyes and the bared fangs, with their skin as pale as ghost.

The man who sat on the throne was sitting straight up on his dark throne made of dark wood and flicks of gold. He looked quite young with long dark hair cascading down his back stoping at his waist. He looked so fierce and was ready to lash out.

The six men surrounding him had their head bowed, I couldn't quite see their faces.

"...the sorcerer is coming, we have to wait to see what he has to say" his thick voice echoed throughout the room.

As soon as he was done speaking, a black mist enveloped the room and out of it emerged a very old man. He looked very well advanced in age,  his white hair was wild and and his face looked mean.

Everyone stood up from their seats and bowed to him with their faces to the ground.

When everywhere was quiet, he spoke, his voice was very thin and frail.

"It's all coming to an end" he began.
"The saviour just needs the light now"

"Great one, what are you saying?" One of the men asked.

"The saviour is stronger than we thought, I can't fight her and she can't be killed. The only way to get to her is to subdue her, but that is going to be very difficult now that the light has emerged..."

"You've destroyed many great warriors before, men who were strong enough to try and oppose the vampire reign. What makes this one any different?"

"When I gave you your powers years ago..."

I wasn't listening again, my mind was running a mile a minute.

He's the vampire lord? I'm in the castle of the vampire lord?

I looked closely at the man on throne and saw the locket sitting on his neck.

Why didn't I notice it before? I had witnessed his transformation.
He was the young man in the cave. And the old man leaning heavily on his staff,  was the sorcerer who transformed him.

It all fell into place now. That was the past, this is the present.

I tuned back in to find out more.

"...the light can be stopped before it reaches the saviour" the sorcerer was saying.

"How can the light be stopped?" The man on the throne asked his eyes growing darker.

The sorcerer was about replying when the vampire lord raised his hand silencing him.

"Someone is listening. Someone is here. I feel..."

The force was already pulling me out before I had the time to react.

I fell into the darkness again.

My eyes fluttered open. My heart was racing again, but this time it was faster and louder.

I didn't have time to think,  something or someone was reaching out to me. I needed to do something and fast.

I walked over to my dresser. I looked into the mirror, the girl staring back at me looked more alive.

My skin had some colour in it, my eyes were no longer the black orbs they had been. They were dark brown and they were full of life.

As I kept staring at my reflection,  I made up my mind...

I leave this place tonight.

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