
بواسطة MabelUkoha

35 19 16

The blood suckers had to attack. The last thing Sasha expected was loosing her only sister to the Vampires an... المزيد



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بواسطة MabelUkoha

You have to fight for what you want...

The week went by without any surprises, which I was very glad about. Last night however brought an end to that when Uncle suddenly announced he was having a party to celebrate his fifty-first birthday.

That announcement brought a lot of chaos to the house. We've been busy since the early hours of the morning prepping everything. I was a bit worried. It felt unsafe to be inviting people over now that I'm very certain that something or rather someone is after my life.

I was currently in the kitchen watching Aunt and Ma busy preparing meals for the 'little party',  as Uncle put it.
I kept stealing glances at Aunt, I didn't know exactly what I was looking for.
Maybe I was expecting her to bare her fangs at me and sink them into my neck or probably turn into a bat and fly away into the night.
I sighed. I am tired of thinking too much, I wish I can just fizzle away.

"Sasha dear, you can go 'nd rest a little before the guests starts to arrive, you look really tired" Aunt spoke without taking her eyes off the carrots she was dutifully slicing.

I looked up at Ma to get her approval, she nodded.

I walked out before she changed her mind.

I walked into the room I shared with my sister, I saw her seating in front of the only mirror in the room combing her shoulder length brown hair, her light skin being illuminated by the lamp above the mirror.

"The party is not until seven" I stated moving towards the bed to sit.

"It's five thirty" she said looking at me through the glass of the mirror.

"So it takes you an hour to get ready..."

"I want to look good. It's been so long since I dressed up for anything" Her large brown eyes where clouding with unshed tears.

"Hey, everything is going to be fine at the end. If it's not fine,  then it's not the end. Right?"

These were her favourite words.

"No. Everything is not going to be fine...Sasha, you're playing with fire. This is not like one of your vampire books. This is reality. We need to tell Ma and Pa what is going on..."

"We can't tell them yet. What if Aunt is not a Vampire? Do you want to move again?!!.

"If moving will save our lives, I don't mind"

She stood up abruptly and made her way to the door. Before she slipped out, she turned to me and whispered...

"You tell them tonight or I will"

I sighed and lay back on the bed shutting my eyes so tight to drown out reality.


Guests started arriving at exactly ten minutes after seven. The furnitures in the large sitting room had been shifted earlier to create a makeshift dance floors for the twenty guests Uncle invited.
I was dressed in a simple black dress which contrasted well with my light skin and blended with my mood. My dark brown hair was slicked back and tied in a bun behind my head, which was a good idea because I could feel sweat making its way down my face. I needed a break.
I put down the tray of empty glasses on a table and lowered my body on a chair, a small contented sigh escaped my lips.
I was already getting comfortable when a shadow fell in my line of vision.
I raised an irritated eye at the culprit, and my eyes ended up in a roll.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?"
I gave my sister, a death glare...

She gave me one in return, and just like that we engaged in a staring contest.
I saw her nose twitch, which was a telltale that she was going to blink and then....
"You blinked, Ha..." I exclaimed joyfully.

She rolled her eyes and lowered herself beside me.

From our vantage point, we could see the "mini" party in full swing, elderly people making small talks and mingling with each other. Surprising Pa looked like he was enjoying it.

"Next time Uncle wants to throw a freaking party, he should hire helps. I'm so exhausted" Bree suddenly said.

I turned to look at her, she was sprawled on the chair her eyes staring at me, the brown orbs looked sunken with stress.


My eyes were dropping.

The sight of Ma carrying the Chocolate cake from the kitchen made my eyes fly open.

"It's about damn time" Bree got up so fast, she had a head rush which made her sway slightly.

"Are you okay?"
I asked steadying her

"I'll be fine once that cake is sitting nicely in my belly"

I rolled my eyes and walked toward the festivity...

The happy birthday song was already halfway done when the power suddenly went out, and we were plunged in darkness.

"Not again" I heard Bree whisper behind me.

ncle had fixed the light earlier.

And as suddenly as the light went out it came back on again...

Not weird at all, right?

Everyone breathed sighs of relieve, then Uncle went ahead to cut his cake.

It was already past 11pm when people began to leave, I was already at my breaking point I needed my bed urgently, Bree was already knocked out on the sofa and Micheal who was almost invisible most part of the night was still munching on a large slice of cake.

The room was already empty by now, except two women and a man who were still seated comfortably conversing in hushed tones with Uncle and Aunt.

One of the woman, the one with white streaks on her dark hair, and dark skin was gesticulating wildly, the younger woman beside her, with even darker skin sat so quietly with her head bowed.
I actually thought she was asleep until suddenly she looked up and her grey eyes connected with mine. She stared at me for so long, I couldn't read her expression, either she was too good at hiding it or she just felt nothing.
Suddenly she smiled. Not a friendly smile but a smile that said 'I know what you're up too'

I had to look away, I felt so uncomfortable.

It looked as if they won't be leaving anytime soon. I decided to go to bed.

"Sasha dear, please can you get my bottle from my room, it should be by the bedside table"

My Uncle had his personal can of water that he carried every where, he said he always likes to be hydrated.

"And wake your sister up to go to her room" Ma added from the kitchen.

It seemed Pa and Micheal had already gone to bed.

I shook Bree to get her awake, she barely budged, she opened her eyes slowly, mumbled a few words, then went right back to sleep.

I hit her harder again which jolted her up.

"What is your problem?"
If stares could kill I would probably be dead right now.

"Ma said you should go to bed"

I said and walked away.

Uncle's room was the first door as soon as you climbed up the stairs.

I immediately walked in, the room was pitch black, I had to look for a switch by feeling the walls with my fingers.
I finally found one and flipped it, the light came on to reveal a large room with white and black decor.

There was a large bed at the middle, the small stools at the end of each bed, a large mirror was sitting above the bed. There we're no other furnitures.

I looked at the bedside stool, the bottle was not there, I looked around for a while, I didn't find it so I decided to check the bathroom and there it was sitting on the sink.
I rolled my eyes, grabbed it and started walking towards the door when something caught my eyes.
A small gold box was sitting on a shelf, it looked like any other jewelry box, but it had engravings and strange markings on it.
I was curious, so I decided to check it out.
Big Mistake.

I got it down from the shelf, surprisingly it was not locked, so I opened it.

I almost dropped the box, I had to steady myself. Nausea with full force hit me.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
If nothing else convinced me that Uncle and Aunts were vampires, then this box filled with sharp fangs did.

I snapped the box shut and placed it back on the shelf, racing out of the room. I forgot the bottle on the sink, I didn't care at this point, I had to tell Ma.

Do Vampires shed there fangs?

I kept asking myself as I walked toward the kitchen. The small group I left in the sitting room were still there, because I could here voices coming from there.
As I was about to step into the room, the last words I heard made me weak.

And the voice clearly belonged to Uncle

"...are getting too comfortable in my home, we have to get rid of them as soon as possible"

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