Reincarnated as a demonic Scy...

By Doctor131

3.3K 75 27

I had a normal life and then suddenly it ended, I wake up as a demonic Scythe created to throw the world into... More

Bios Updated
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven


559 15 12
By Doctor131

??? Pov

I'm currently on my way towards work, I'm walking there as I don't have a long walk. On my left is a river with a stomach heigh railing, on my right are only houses

I stop walking because I see a commotion in a street that that cuts through the houses, on the right of the street is yellow constructio tape because a part of the railing is being replaced

I go through the people and see an injured person who is being tended to by a few bystanders

Me:"Let me through I work as a Sanitäter! Has the ambulane been called?!"

First Responder:"Yes"

I tend to him, he's bleeding from his abdomen. I realise after pulling some clothes away that he's been shot

Me:"How did you find him?!"

FR:"We found him here!"

All that we could do we have done, we can now only wait for the Ambulance

I see that someone who's standing a bit to the side in the direction of the river, he has his hands in his coat. He opens his coat and reveals a bomb strapped to him

Suicide Bomber:"This is done to send a message!"

I run to him he try's to detonate it by pulling a trigger on a detonater, but he forgot the safety

I run into him and tackle him through the the constuction tape by the missing railing

He manages to turn the safety of and pull the trigger

We land into the water and sink, then the bomb explodes

My body gets ripped apart, it hurts for a small moment then it stops, everything stops every feeling. I don't feel or sense anything anymore, I realise I'm dead, it's pitch black

I just know that someone or something is near me

???:"That's something heroic you did, tackling him into the river"

Me:"Are you god or a god"

???:"A god"

Me:"That means I'm dead, did the injured person and the other people make it?"

God:"Because of your medical help, he made it. The water and the wall that contains the river contained the explosion and any fragments"

Me:"So I did my job, saving peoples life"

God:"You went beyond your job, you were supposed to help them medically, not save them from the explosion of a suicide bonber using yourself. This heroism needs a reward, you're going to be rewarded"

Me:"What kind of reward?"

God:"Reincarnation, it happens normally but memories get removed, This time for you you'll get to keep them. What kind of world do you want to be reincarnated in?"

Me:"A fantasy world where I can help"

God:"I have one in mind but you'll don't have a human body and an interesting situation when you'll wake up"

Me:"Then I'll chose that"

God:"Are you sure?"


God:"Okay, good luck. You'll need it"

I black out, the next thing I now is that I'm on somekind of altar

A gaint minotaur is standing before me, behind it is a smaller human looking demon, I notice that I can sense, not see, but sense an area of 4 m around me at the same time with great detail that would've taken anyone picking it up and studying it to find out, and from anything further than 4 m I get the same info I would have as a human. I'm confused to how I can process the info of this very detailed sensing of every direction, and I notice that the altar I'm on has maybe a width of 24 cm

???:"My great lord, the ritual is finished, the Scythe of Mordor is now ready to turn the Heroes into your servants"

???2:"Good, now make it be placed on the way to my castle so they find it"

???:"At once my lord"

The smaller demon tells something I identify as an Imp the order for the courier to get here and deliver me. Yes me, I realised that I'm this Scythe, my original purpose and what I can do is stored in my head. I don't intend to do what he planned for me

???3:"Mordor, your rule shall end!"

A third demon busts through the wall I'm not pointing at, I'll probably call the direction of my blade forward and the other backward or other words with the same meaning

He grabs me and runs straight back through the hole he created

???:"My Lord I shall chase him!"

Mordor:"No let him, the Scythe will make short work of him. It was made to corrupt Heroes filled with Holy mana, a mere lower demon is no problem for it"

Me:"I don't intend to do that, or corrupt the Heroes"

Mordor:"What! It shouldn't have a mind of its own!"

Me:"May we never meet again"

The demon who stole me goes through a portal that opned after he activated somekind of artifact

I sense that the we're in somekind of underground place, filled with a goddly feeling, probably holy mana

???3:"I'm not corrupted by it, how?!"

I realise that I can't talk through sound but through limited telepathy

Me:"Because I have a mind of my own, and I don't intend ot become the tool that ends the world"

???3:"That's good, but now I have to say goodbye, because this place is filled wiht holy mana I'm dying"

Me:"May I know your name, to remember a felow hero"

???3:"My name is Belabol, what do you mean a fellow Hero?"

Me:"The reason I have a mind of my own is because I'm a reincarnated soul that kept its memories. I died because I pushed someone who wanted to blow himself up into a river, I was the only person who died from an explosion who would've killed maybe twenty. Your deed probably saved millions, I don't know this world but it is a Heroic thing you did"

Belabol:"Thanks, but have a good second life"

Me:"Thanks, may you rest in peace"

He closes his eyes and his body desolves in motes of light, I just intuetivly know that he was given a reward for his heroism

I close my eyes to enter somekind of hibernation as the next time someone will come here is in several thousand years

Me:"May we meet again Belabol, in the hall of the heroes"

To be continued.....................

(The name Belabol was created as I typed B and then just randomly pressed some buttons)

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