Yandere Vanitas no carte x W...

By RipmAdventures

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Ok so this my first book on this thing....so ya...updates will be slow so it will be rarely updated so please... More

Welcome and please read
When they first meet you
When yall become 'friends'
Headcanons for:Vanitas
Headcanons for:Noe
When you get hurt
When they ask you out +How will they be like
Headcanons for:Dominique
Headcanons for: Chleo
Cloe d'apchier catch up:
Headcanons for:Louis
Child reader Headcanons:For everyone
Headcanons for:Jeanee
How they act as a yandere
When you leave without telling them
Roland HC:
When you hug them from behind:
Apology and requests
When you/they suck their/your blood+where they/you like to suck more
If they found out you simp for them
When someone hits you
You're a Yandere.

When they get jelly

600 15 2
By RipmAdventures





♡Oh boy,dont get mistaken with this mans jealousy,he easily gets so.

♡Even if you haven't been with the person for too long,say about for like 15 seconds,he'll still get jelly.

♡He will just stand by your side with his hand around your waist with a dark smile,make sure you notice quickly before he decides to do something.

♡Hell just laugh and clap very sarcastically,he does not give a dang about the person,only you.

♡If they only are trying to talk to you then he can kind of handle,kind of because he anyone who talks to you he thinks about killing them,yes even Jeanee.

♡But if they flirt with you,...holy mother of all get him and yourself out of there.

♡He will no longer have his dark smile and very sarcastic words with hand clapping,it something much more disturbing.

♡If you turn your head away or say you'll go somewhere quickly,he'll save up the chance to..you know..stabby stab....

♡And when you get back he'll be just there standing with his normal cheeky grin,and say that the person 'sadly left'.

♡Then he'll take you somewhere else.
(Just dont ask why the person left.)


♡He's like the calm type of yandere and trusts that you can handle your own and let's you talk with the person more.

♡He knows what to do and what not to do,and he knows that if the person is not a 'potential threat' then he'll leave them alone.

♡He doesn't get jealous easily nor rarely,its like he's fine with anything you do as long as he knows.

♡He does feel a bit upset that you turned your attention to some other person rather than keeping it on him but he understands.

♡Tho if you are done talking with the person or whatever you ans the person were doing,he'll have a small pout on his face and slightly disappointed eyes,but then itll change into a happy one agian.

♡If they flirt with you then...the whole
Gentleman thing is thrown out the window.

♡His small smile is gone along with his calm demeanor,his eyes are now glowing a orange-yellow and his eyebrow is slowly raised with irritation.

♡The audacity of this person,do they not know that you are already taken!?

♡Even if you weren't his he would still feel offended of the person's actions,he would still not do anything but if you play along just a bit then he'll feel the envy rises within him.

♡Eventually he'll have enough,and just,take your hand while saying he doesn't feel well and will slightly drag you with him.

♡He will then feel slightly calmer and will take easy breaths.

♡While thinking of how to get rid of that person...


♡Like Noe but more calmer, is more open to you talking and hanging around other people.

♡She says that is is ok as long as she knows,meaning if you are going to meet someone,tell her would ya??

♡She may seem like she doesn't get jealous but she does.

♡If you just talking to a person she can handle that,but if the person is flirting with you...oh boy.

♡She gives them a side glare and does that thing where she slides her finger across her throat if they look at her.

♡Usually that would work considering that she is a knight and the whole royalty thing.

♡But if the person is stubborn or arrogant or even both then she'll have to think of a plan.

♡She takes your wrist gently and says is in a sweet voice that it's time to go somewhere else and when you turn your head she'll kiss you slightly on your cheek,ither leaving you blushing,surprised or confused.

♡But you still let is slide.

♡When you two leave,before turning her head fully to the the front shell give the person a dark smile and her eyes glow in mischief and victory,leaving the person other taken aback or offended.

♡Or both.

♡Oh and guess what!,what happened to them rye nex day?,I DONT KNOW YOU TELL ME!
(Sorry too loud??)


♡Its kind of hard to think how shell be but I think I have have something.

♡I think she'll be those types to keep her feelings hidden like she always does.

♡When you look at her,she has a sweet
smile with a small amount of blush on her face while closing her eyes and her eyebrows raised with 'excitement'.

♡When you turn away well,...its a full 180.

♡All of what I just said of when you look at her is erased,her smile?,frown,her blush?,gone,her closed eyes?,open with menacing eyes,her raised eyebrows of excitement?,they were never there tf you talking about???,they are now furrowed.

♡Like the rest of them she makes up a excuse and leaves with you while thinking if she needs a knew blood bag.
(Spoiler alert:she does.)


♡Bro does not get jelly ever,like the person can flirt with you he will not care,because he knows that you will always be his and only his.

♡But when he does he'll just put you over his shoulder and leave..no questions asked.


♡Bro get him out of there now!..

♡He does not care if friend or fo you are coming with him.

♡If you do persuade him into letting you talk to the person then he'll maybe give in.

♡But it's a 95% chance that he will say no.

♡So use that 5% wisely.

♡He will eventually have enough since he just wants to go home cuddle with you.

♡Then he'll take you over his shoulder home.

♡But if you manage to talk to the person longer,or the person flirts with you...

♡Straight up threatens the person leaving them traumatized.

♡After that they'll run away and he will have to deal with you scolding him,not that he minds tho.

♡As long as your attention is on him and only him his lovesick heart will eat it all up.

♡Just make sure to check his clothes tho.


♡Another diva that doesn't get jealous often,but still does.

♡She keeps you with her at all times so she doesn't have time worry about you getting taken away by another person.

♡If you talk to a person than it's fine,just make sure to check on her every now and then because she wants to atleast be a little included.

♡She would be damned if anyone tried flirting with you,or worse.

♡If the person flirts with you,they are gone the next day and they are ded ded.

♡Butler boy has gotten a bit close to you over time so he would also feel a bit mad on Cloes behalf.

♡If they do something more than just flirting with you,oh...they are dead on the street,no one is aloud to touch you in a manner that you or she doesn't like.

♡You can't prevent the violence.


This mf cares about you so much that he would not share you in any way possible.

♡He is a sadist,so the person better run.

♡But that does not mean he does not have common sense or human decency.

♡So he let's you talk to the person but that's it.

♡Anyting else would get his mad mad,he is the only one who is aloud to flirt or touch you,so if the person does so,ded.

♡He had a patient smile on before,but now..its gone,he doesn't have those demonic(but mesmerizing)eyes for nothing.

♡Just one glare and they have wet their pants,literally and metaphorically.

♡You are his and he is yours,but if the person doesn't get the hint then..ded.

♡He will take care of the body then take you back home to cuddle after literally slowly killing the poor person.

♡Hes a sadist so..

♡Just make sure to cover your eyes and ears,but if you are use to it or into it then go ahead and watch.
(Sociopathic mf)


Thank you for reading,have a good day/night.


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