When they get jelly

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♡Oh boy,dont get mistaken with this mans jealousy,he easily gets so.

♡Even if you haven't been with the person for too long,say about for like 15 seconds,he'll still get jelly.

♡He will just stand by your side with his hand around your waist with a dark smile,make sure you notice quickly before he decides to do something.

♡Hell just laugh and clap very sarcastically,he does not give a dang about the person,only you.

♡If they only are trying to talk to you then he can kind of handle,kind of because he anyone who talks to you he thinks about killing them,yes even Jeanee.

♡But if they flirt with you,...holy mother of all get him and yourself out of there.

♡He will no longer have his dark smile and very sarcastic words with hand clapping,it something much more disturbing.

♡If you turn your head away or say you'll go somewhere quickly,he'll save up the chance to..you know..stabby stab....

♡And when you get back he'll be just there standing with his normal cheeky grin,and say that the person 'sadly left'.

♡Then he'll take you somewhere else.
(Just dont ask why the person left.)


♡He's like the calm type of yandere and trusts that you can handle your own and let's you talk with the person more.

♡He knows what to do and what not to do,and he knows that if the person is not a 'potential threat' then he'll leave them alone.

♡He doesn't get jealous easily nor rarely,its like he's fine with anything you do as long as he knows.

♡He does feel a bit upset that you turned your attention to some other person rather than keeping it on him but he understands.

♡Tho if you are done talking with the person or whatever you ans the person were doing,he'll have a small pout on his face and slightly disappointed eyes,but then itll change into a happy one agian.

♡If they flirt with you then...the whole
Gentleman thing is thrown out the window.

♡His small smile is gone along with his calm demeanor,his eyes are now glowing a orange-yellow and his eyebrow is slowly raised with irritation.

♡The audacity of this person,do they not know that you are already taken!?

♡Even if you weren't his he would still feel offended of the person's actions,he would still not do anything but if you play along just a bit then he'll feel the envy rises within him.

♡Eventually he'll have enough,and just,take your hand while saying he doesn't feel well and will slightly drag you with him.

♡He will then feel slightly calmer and will take easy breaths.

♡While thinking of how to get rid of that person...


♡Like Noe but more calmer, is more open to you talking and hanging around other people.

♡She says that is is ok as long as she knows,meaning if you are going to meet someone,tell her would ya??

♡She may seem like she doesn't get jealous but she does.

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