The Incrediamphibians (Amphib...

By Edeemer17

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(Note: this is a Marcanne Fanfiction) In this alternate universe to Amphibia Superhero's rule in human soci... More

15 years later
Sasha, Lincoln & Marcy's night out/Argument/fired
New mission Opportunity/Coregirl Vs The Omnidroid/Dinner
Marcy's montage/ New suit/Anne's suspicion/Return to the island
Confrontation/Anne sees the new suits/Operation Kronos
Anne's Rescue OP/Missile Lock
Release me or she'll be crushed/heart to heart/Frogwoman returns
Frogwoman confronts Coregirl/100 mile Sprig/Battle time is family time
When everyone's super/Coregirl's apology/Escaping the island
Defeating the Omnidroid
Darkstorm's final scheme/3 months later/the Underminer
The Amphibi-Credits/cast

Prologue/The Glory days

913 7 3
By Edeemer17

(Based off of the TV series Amphibia created by Matt Braly......& The Incredibles by Brad Bird......

I do not own Amphibia & The Incredibles) 

*we cut to an interview with an 18 year old girl in superhero armor* 

???: is this thing on? 

Reporter: that's fine 

???: I can use my armor to climb up walls and punch out bad guys......but I can't seem to get this thing on *she gets it on* 

Reporter: so Coregirl..... do you have a secret identity 

Coregirl: every superhero and superheroine has a secret identity..... I honestly don't know a single one who doesn't.....who wants  the pressure of being super all the time? 

*We cut to another superheroine interview with a superheroine named frogwoman* 

Frogwoman: of course I have a secret identity.....can you see me in this at the supermarket? Come on who'd want to go shopping as Frogwoman you know what I mean? 

*we cut to a third superheroine and hero being interviewed named Ice Queen and Beastman* 

Beastman: super ladies they always try to tell their secret identity 

Ice Queen: it's also super men as well.....either way they think it'll strength their relationship or something like that.....I'd say I do not want to know you're alter ego or anything like that 

You tell me you are some super ultra mega lighting dude that's alright with me...

Beastman: we're good.....we're good 

*we cut back to Coregirl* 

Coregirl: no matter how many times you save the world it always manages to get back into jeopardy again and sometimes I want it to stay saved! For a little bit 

I feel like a maid who cleaned up a mess.....I just cleaned up this mess can we keep it clean for 10 minutes?!?! 

Reporter: *laughing*that's understandable  

Coregirl: please *she takes the mic out* 

Reporter: no wait we're not done yet 

*we cut to another interview with coregirl* 

Coregirl: sometimes I think I just want a simple know relax a little....and raise a family 

*we cut to frogwoman* 

Frogwoman: settle down are you kidding I'm at the top of my game I'm with the big dogs girls come on leaving the saving the world to the men?! I don't think so! I don't think so 

*we cut to a gun shoot out as the police chase several gunmen in a car as we cut to an 18 year old Taiwanese girl in a wedding gown with white gloves driving*

Police Scanner: we interrupt for an important bulletin......a deadly high speed pursuit with police and armed gunmen traveling north on St.Pablo Avenue

*The Girl sets something up in the car* 

???: yeah I've got time 

*she switches the cog on the car to isolate pursuit as she the car seat flattens and changes the girl out of her wedding dress and into her supersuit as her helmet is dropped on her 

As she smirks she joins the pursuit as her car transforms as she speeds off as we see a little kid trying to get her cat out of the tree as she sees Coregirl* 

Little girl: Coregirl! Hey Coregirl! 

*she notices this and stops her car*

Coregirl: what is it young lady? 

Little girl: my cat Gumdrop climbed up a tree and won't come down 

*Coregirl notices the cat meowing at the tree and sees the police chase heading towards them slowly* 

Coregirl: certainly, young lady but I highly suggest you stand clear. There could be trouble 

Little girl: oh no he's quite tame 

*as the police head towards them Coregirl uses her modified gloves to lift the tree off the ground and shake the tree as the cat holds on

As Coregirl sees the police arriving* 

Coregirl: let go now!  

*The cat soon let's go and lands in his owners hands as Coregirl slams the tree on the road causing the criminal car to crash into it as we cut to tree being put back into its place*

Police officer: thank you Coregirl you've done it again 

Police officer 2: yeah you're the best 

Coregirl: no I'm just here to help 

*they soon turn to the police scanner in Coregirl's Automobile* 

Police: attention all units we have a tour bus robbery-

Coregirl: tour bus robbery? I've still got time, officers, young lady, gumdrop 

*she gets in her car as she sees a boy* 

???: Cool ready for takeoff! 

Coregirl: what the heck? Who are you supposed to be? 

???: why I'm coreboy! 

Coregirl: no, you're that kid from the fan club Maur-Maurice- Mark Mark! 

???: my name is Coreboy 

Coregirl: look I've been nice, I stood for photos and signed every piece of scrap paper you've given me but this? 

Coreboy: you don't have to worry about training me, I know all your crime fighting moves! Favorite catchphrases! Everything! I can be you're number one fan! 

*Coregirl kicks him out of the car and speeds off* 

Coreboy: hey! Hey wait! 

*we cut to the robber on the roof emptying the purses* 

Coregirl: *offscreen* you know 

Robber: *gasp* 

Coregirl: you can tell a woman or a girl by the contents of her purse but maybe that's not what you had in mind or cared about! 

*The robber pulls the gun out* 

Robber: hey look- 

*he's punched by a tongue and knocked unconscious as we see the tongue zoom back into the mouth of a heroine as she approaches Coregirl*

Coregirl: frogwoman 

Frogwoman: Coregirl *smiles* 

*she picks up the crook* 

Coregirl: it's alright I got him 

Frogwoman: sure you got him, I just took him out for you 

Coregirl: sure you took him out, but his attention was one me 

Frogwoman: a fact I exploited to do my job 

Coregirl: my job you mean? 

Frogwoman: a simple thank you would suffice 

Coregirl: thanks but I don't need any help 

Frogwoman: whatever happened to sharing? 

Coregirl: well whatever happened to solo missions?

*The crook wakes up*

Robber: hey look, the frog-lady got me firs-oof! 

*he gets knocked out again* 

Frogwoman: well we could share you know 

Coregirl: *smiles* I work alone 

Frogwoman: well I think you need to be a little more *she flex's her tongue* flexible 

Coregirl: *blushes* are you doing anything later? 

Frogwoman: I have a previous engagement 

*she leaps off the building and into the sunset*

Coregirl: *whistles* 

*we cut to her handcuffing the crook* 

Coregirl: *smirking* now you just stay here, they usually pick up the garbage in an hour 

*we see a Quetzalcoatlus & Ice Queen chasing a helicopter*

Quetzalcoatlus: hey Coregirl! 

Coregirl: hey Ice Queen! Beastman! 

Ice Queen: shouldn't you be getting ready?!?! 

Coregirl: I still got time! 

*she soon hears screaming*

Woman: AH! He's gonna jump!! 

*Coregirl looks up and sees a man jump off a building and she jumps, grabs him as they land into the building*

Man: *groaning* ah, I think you broke something 

Coregirl: well with counseling you'll come to forgive me, wait a minute? 

*she grabs the man and moves him as she heads to a wall, she hears beeping as she notices it's a bomb as she runs the wall explodes revealing a man who's dressed up a Pyroraptor & a bomb mixed together*

Coregirl: *coughs* Pyro-bomb! 

Pyro-bomb: (Coregirl!) 

Coreboy: *offscreen* and Coreboy! 

*we see him pose as we cut to him flying towards Coregirl*

Pyro-bomb: Coreboy? 

*he lands near her* 

Coreboy: hey you're probably wondering how I got here so fast! See I have these rocket boots 

Coregirl: *annoyed* go home Mark 

Coreboy: what? 

Coregirl: now

Pyro-Bomb: Petit mufle va! (Little Oaf!)

Coreboy: can we talk, you always say be true to yourself but you never say which part of yourself you should be true too! Well I've finally figured out who I am, I am you're ward Coreboy! 

Coregirl: and now you've officially carried it too far Mark *she grabs Pyro-bomb* 

Coreboy: this is because I don't have powers isn't it? Well not every superhero has powers you know, you can be super without them I invented these I can fly! Can you fly? 

Coregirl: *mad* fly home mark! I work alone 

Pyro-Bomb: qui et ta tenue est completement ridicule! (and you're outfit is totally ridiculous!) 

Coreboy: just give me one chance look I'll show you I'll go get the police 

*Pyro-Bomb puts a bomb on Coreboy's cape*

Coregirl: Mark no! 

Coreboy: it'll only take a second really 

Coregirl: no STOP!!! There's a bomb! 

*She grabs onto his cape as he flies off* 

Coreboy: hey! let go you're wrecking my flight pattern! I can do this if you let go! 

Coregirl: hold still! I'm trying to help!! 

*she grabs the bomb & let's go as the bomb explodes on the bridge Coregirl notices the huge gap as a subway train is on its way

She leaps over the gap and turns on the super-strength mode in her gloves as she closes her eyes and braces for impact as she tries to stop the train it nearly falls off the bridge 

As we cut to the police*

Coregirl: take him home, and make sure his parents know what he's been doing! 

Coreboy: I can help you you're making a mista- - *gets shoved into the car* HEY!! 

Coregirl: the injured jumper, did the paramedics get him

Police officer: they've already picked him up 

Coregirl: the blast in that building was caused by Pyro-Bomb who I caught in robbing the vault, now we maybe able to nab him if we set up a perimeter 

Police officer 2: you mean he got away? 

Coregirl: well yeah, Skippy here made sure of that! 

Coreboy: Coreboy! 

Coregirl: YOUR NOT AFFILIATED WITH ME!! *checks her watch* oh geez I'm late, listen I got be somewhere 

*she gets in her automobile*

Police officer 2: wait what about Pyro-Bomb?! 

Coregirl: any other night I'd go after him myself but a really got to go! But don't worry we'll get him eventually! 

*she drives off leaving the police disappointed as she arrives at a church as her automobile turns back onto her car as she arrives in her wedding dress*

???: hey is the night still young 

???: you're very late Marcy! 

???: Sasha is right on that! 

Marcy: how do I look? 

Sasha: oh the helmet, it's still on! 

*Marcy notices this and takes it off as she walks down the isle* 

Priest: Marcy Wu do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? 

???: you're late, when you asked I was doing anything later I didn't think you'd actually forget Marcy! I thought it was playful banter?! 

Marcy: it was playful banter Anne 

Anne: you're kinda getting close don't you think? 

Marcy: you need to be more "Flexible" 

Anne: I love you Mar-Mar but if we're gonna make this work, you've got to be more than Coregirl you know that don't you? 

Priest: as long as you both shall live 

Marcy: I do 

Priest: I pronounce this couple, Newlyweds 

*Anne kisses Marcy, as we see other superhero's cheering in the background*

Anne: as long as we both shall live, no matter what happens 

Marcy: hey Anne come on, we're superheroes what could happen? 

Edeemer17: hey everyone it's me Edeemer17 and this is the beginning of a brand new fanfiction now it's a crossover between Amphibia, The Incredibles & The Loud House 

It's not a pure Loud House fanfiction nor a pure Amphibia fanfic but a combination between three media's I love 

Now this is a Marcanne Fanfiction and I ship Marcy & Anne together because it's a lot more of a positive healthy relationship despite the fact Marcy deliberately got her friends stranded in Amphibia 

But it's a lot more positive than Sashanne which I believe is still kinda toxic even after Sasha redeemed herself in the end 

Now I came up with this idea after seeing Darcy's Armor without the cape and speculated what would've happened had the core not been an evil threat but was rather corrupted by King Aldrich & Andria's 

And what if Marcy showed it the Error of its corruption and became a literal superheroine with it and what if Anne was a superheroine as well 

Hence this fanfiction came into being, now this is an AU of Amphibia so no Coregirl is not the core or a possessed Marcy but Marcy's superheroine identity

Marcy did go through a painful transformation when she first put it on her Coregirl helmet but she's not evil nor has a distorted voice 

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the first chapter the next chapter will be released sometime in April 

And don't worry the Next Chapter of Royal Woods: Final Hours will be released soon anyways this is Edeemer17 signing out 

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