Eddsworld: Different Beginnin...

By titaniumzero

561 24 22

Updated 6.8 Eddsworld: Different Beginning =========================== _°|Adult 18+ Up|°_ "This is obvi... More

Chapter 1: My little Angel
Chapter 2: Lucy
Chapter 3: The Secret
Chapter 5: Out of Deck {Part 2}
Chapter 6: First Sight
Chapter 7: Visitor
Chapter 8: Welcome
Chapter 9: Am I in Love?
Chapter 10: We Are One
Chapter 11: The Truth {Part 1}
Chapter 12: The Truth {Part 2}
Chapter 13: New Fresh Start
Chapter 14: The Fun & The Shame
Chapter 15: Away Above The Stars
Chapter 16: Blood of Rage
⚠️ Chapter 17: My Forever Love
Chapter 18: Sick Day
Chapter 19: A Bully
⚠️ Chapter 20: The Kiss
Chapter 21: Dreams

Chapter 4: Out of Deck {Part 1}

35 1 0
By titaniumzero

Updated 3.1

It's March 12 on Friday in the afternoon at 11:00...

Tom's POV

Later that night, Lucy and I went to Edd's apartment just to hang out but then decided to have a sleep over, I brought some snacks, movies and some bored games also video games together that we can play together..

It's only me, my daughter and Edd... But not Matt because he says he needs a 'nice bubble bath alone time in his tub..

''To see my outer beauty shines~''.., whatever that means~...

Probably him alone seeing his reflection in a mirror well again~... It's kinda weird honestly-.. but anyways to not be here to judge... but while we finished watching movies and later on playing some games me and Edd, my daughter, Lucy went to sleep on the sofa..

So Edd and I went to the kitchen to talk about things but for awhile talking.... we started thinking where to go on our vacation together,... So we got an idea that we should go to the sea on a boat to explore the ocean! Or just set sail... To our next adventure that we're excitedly bringing along my daughter Luz for the first time!..

So we decided to go on to the computer to go on the browser to find where, we can purchase a boat ourselves to ride on to the sea as a family... Then Edd immediately knows where to go to get ourselves a boat.. Edd went to this website and ordered a boat online for a nice family-friend vacation using our credit cards it's accessible to do, to get what we needed and a schedule finally to go this trip but first we need to wait for the owner to call us if we got the boat or not if proven...

Because we got a bad record that we got kicked out from the last place we went.... Honestly it wasn't fun at all what happened.. I don't wanna admit it but it's kinda my fault.. so yeah~...

Time skip...

So the next morning, when Lucy and I woke up, ate breakfast and went back to our apartment, not long after I started to clean up the place a little bit and Lucy, my lovely daughter helped me out, she cleaned her toys up and I swept and organized the place then my door slammed opened so loud widely, it scared the hell out of me! Even Lucy grabs my leg by shock, Edd ran in my apartment apologizing and screaming that he got the message from the owner, "I'm so sorry to scare you guys but Tom we got it!, pack your bags!! We're going to the sea!!"

When hearing that I was very excited and surprised at how quickly they responded was..

Telling you now, we can afford a small yacht.. it costs almost 'ten thousand pounds' well it's actually 'nine thousand' though it's not bad I guess... Though the great thing is Me and Edd have amazing jobs that our bosses are kindly enough to give us a lot of money that we both separately worked so hard for, so they agreed to give us the money if needed... We are soOoo lucky that we have amazing bosses and it isn't a problem to pay our rents also...

Though I'm excited about going to the 'Central Bay Decks' that's the place called, they have a lot boats for fishing, parties, and gatherings!.. surprisingly it isn't far where we are, it's just an hour away... Luckily Edd still has his Boating License with him that can allow us to use the yacht whatever we want!... If not, that would suck~..

Before we head off, we quickly pack our bags to get every sorted like supplies, towels, games and food that we need to go to bring for the trip.. While I was packing my clothes and also my daughter's... Edd knocked on my door to get me to his attention in my room telling me that he's going to the store quickly to get more extra snacks and more supplies just in case we are going to be out there for awhile.. so I agree and decided to go with him, to help him out to carry out the groceries or whatever we needed while checking in..

So I asked Matt to babysit Lucy for a bit while we were gone... I trusted Matt to take care of her... he and Luz have a great bond already... It's funny to me how fast their friendship is and very happy about it...

For the Meanwhile, we went to the store and came back a few minutes later... we all got dressed up to wearing our summer clothing...

While I finished packing my stuff, now waiting for Edd to finish packing his things and packing his packs-...uhhh~ Cola... Of course, ready to go...

While waiting for Edd, for some reason I turned over looking at Matt playing with Lucy on the floor with his novelty toys having fun, I was surprised,... Matt never let anyone touch or play his novelty collections... It was very shocking weirdly enough..

Maybe because he found out that I have a kid now, that I'm the biological parent of her... I feel like he doesn't want me to be upset or mad about why he does not let her play with some of his toys collection or something, that would make Lucy cry but she will ask 'why?'..

Him thinking that I might start a huge bad argument with him asking, 'why she's crying?'.... Though it's very understandable but Matt knows I wouldn't do that anymore.. I respected him now, of course,.. I know, I'm always the one who starts the fights and I know we never got along very well long ago but it's bygone now, it's the past... honestly I do have so much regret but I have a very rough childhood that my father's died and mother-... Honestly I have no idea where she is... But I always target Matt so long again we were kids back then it's not his fault..

This is very rare for me to say this but he's a very caring and lovely guy even though sometimes he can be very annoying but ... He's a reasonable person, I respect him .. it took me a while to see that though...


"Okay everyone! ready to go !!" Edd said in a delighted shout while closing his dark green suitcase...

"Yeah!!" We all yelled...

"Alright let's go!.."

All of us, meaning the grow ups... we all started to bring everything down from our apartments to the elevator, to Edd's car one by one...

When I'm getting the last bags are my suitcase and my daughter's across the hall... I saw Matt walk past me then watched him walk down across the hall to my apartment..

Again I saw him go inside quickly and get Lucy in his arms then he turned around to shut the door behind him, its funny enough that's exactly what I told him to do...

I remember specifically, I said to Matt.. 'get your things down in the car then go up get Lucy and walk out of the apartment and lock the doors for me'... It's a piece of cake right...

I smiled, feeling very appreciative of Matt helping out like he never before-....

But not long after out of nowhere... my eyes started glimpsing at Lucy seeing her laughing though not a bad thing.. but hearing Matt saying something out of the distance, I don't know what, makes me angry... I stood there menacingly and everything around me felt very weird like the atmosphere is turning dark and slight purple and everything around me is sooo-....


'Okay little Princess let's close the doors for your Mom's and Uncle Edd's even mine!! not letting no meanie robbers get inside stealing our things!!',  he locks my apartment door first..

'Yeah! No big bad robbers!! going to break out homes!' she raised her right hand in a fist...

'Yeah exactly!', hearing their waves of laughter...

For some reason, I was frozen completely~.. feeling the atmosphere came back again but fuzzier or whatnot, getting closer or surrounded by darkness around my eyes.... I want to move-... but I can't~... I feel more angry than before..

Still staring at my daughter, then slowly gazing at Matt~...

'Like I Wanna to-.. Attack-.... Mat-...'

"Tom?", I stopped when feeling a touch on my shoulder and hearing that voice ..

I snapped myself out of it and also gasped, I quickly turned my head to see Edd looking at me, giving me a very concerned look again..

Also turn my head once more seeing Matt and my daughter looking at me but with a very worried stare... Hearing my daughter calling for me, "Mama?~"...

"Tim you're alright?" Matt quietly said while holding Lucy...

Edd shakes me a little bit,."Hey, Tom you okay?"

I didn't say anything, I don't know what to say or what just happened.. . I just froze again but finally I shake it off..

"Ye-yeah.. I'm sorry.. I-Im fine..", I feel so out of it whatever episode I was in.. I think it's an episode I don't know~..

"Tom are you sure?.. you acted very off again?.. do you need to sit down? or-.."

"Edd no.. I'm alright.. I'm sorry I think, I didn't drink enough water all day.. maybe I was dehydrated...", I lied to them trying not to worry about them...

"Oooh that explains it.. Tom don't worry, there's bottles of water in the cooler in the car you can grab one away down!..." Edd tells me, patting my shoulder....

"Thanks Edd", I nod gratefully...

So Matt locked his door and Edd's then we all went down to the elevator then went to the main floor to the parking lot, ready to go finally...

While we were walking to the car, I just remembered that luckily I had a kid car seat in my closet for my daughter to sit on safely, that Edd helped me to install it in his car... but never told them, it's a gift from 'Eduardo'...

I know it's weird even though we're still enemies but he helped me a lot back then when Lucy was an infant while he spotted me sneaking back of the old house to my room to a window, so I told him the truth though surprisingly he was shocked but knows I really do need some and been helping me, still I told him he doesn't have to but he assisted..

So me and him promised each other to keep this a secret that will still be forever a secret, I'll never gonna tell Edd and Matt ever because I know in my opinion it will be bad..

So I lied to them I brought it myself...

Matt already put Lucy in the child's seat... And I opened the car's back trunk to get some water and other drinks in the cooler for everyone... And of course, I got two water bottles for me and Matt and Cola for Edd definitely and also an apple juice for Lucy...

I opened the left back car door and sat down and handed over everyone their drinks.. honestly I wanted to sit in the front seat because who doesn't love to sit in the front of the car but Matt took the passenger seat first without me knowing... Though the good thing is that I can sit next to my lovely daughter...

"Dang you Matt!.." I joked and hit his shoulder, we both laughed like we are children...

Later when we finally seated, Edd started the engine and we drove off going to Central Bay...

Fifty-three minutes later almost getting to Central Bay, drove to a red light then Edd stopped the car,... While we were waiting I looked to my left check on my daughter about how she is doing but noticed, my daughter staring at me holding Tomee by her face looking very upset....

'Have been Lucy staring at me all this time?...' Wondering myself,  why?..

So I asked her... "Honey you okay? Something Wrong?" I said very concerned...

But shockingly my eyes widened when she said this...

"You're lying~..."

'Lying?... How-...  So gosh~... I forgot she has this thing that she can tell who's lying but realize now that I lied in front of her and she knows...'

"Oh Honey~.. no it's not you thin-.."

"Hey! Is Everything's alright back there?" Edd screams but interrupted me..

The music is kinda loud and the good thing is that they're not listening to what Lucy said... Matt has been playing a few games on his phone for a while and not paying attention at all...

So I shouted back, "Yeah!, everything is alright!!"

"All right just checking if you guys alright!.." he smiles and screams...

{Music playing in the background got louder..}

I sighed and looked over at my daughter again, she still looked upset... I felt awful but I don't want her to be worried about me... She's too young to understand~... So I told her the truth but in a kid-friendly way...

"Oh, Honey I'm all right-..... Mummy just had a little episode that's all, it happens sometimes but it's very normal for me-... Don't worry, believe me Sweetie... I'm alright you see", got closer to my daughter in the middle seat and touched her little cheeks on her face for more reassurances..

She squints her eyes to double check if I'm telling the truth or not, I can tell she's unsure about what I said is truly true, "Are you sure mama?~..." she still says holding Tomee closer to her arms and making her cute eyes big and wide...

"Ooh~ Yes Sweetie~... I'm fine,  but look at me Little Angel...{she looks at him..}... you don't need to worry~... Sometimes it happens unexpectedly and it isn't my control.. it mostly happens if I'm really stressed or when mostly tired honestly or sometimes feeling a bit sad about things.. you don't need to worry~...", I said with a smile like I always do knowing this time letting her know that I'm not lying this time...

Then happily she looked at me with a big smile and now she knows the truth that I'm not lying, showing her teeth seeing her cute little fangs, she started to giggle moving her head back and forth...

It's the cutest thing ever!!

Somehow Edd and Matt turned their heads and heard Lucy giggle...

All of us started laughing in the car, it was great... I'm also glad they already loved her like family, I hope this never change...


No One's POV

Matt: "Hey Guys!? can we keep her forever??"

Tom {chuckles}: "Matt... Lucy is my daughter, she's going to be with us for a very long time.."

Matt {smiles but unsure}: "Really You sure?? She's not going any nowhere-"

Edd {smiles}: "Yes Matt!... remember! that's Tom's child, our niece! she's not going nowhere but maybe when she gets older.. Though that's not going happened very time soon-..."

Matt: "Oh I'm so relieved.. really thought she was going to be moving out somewhere back to America or Africa now!"..

{Everyone including Lucy stared at Matt and went silent for a second...}

Tom & Edd {screamed}: "WHAT?!"

{They talked to Matt what he said explaining him how and why he thinks that..}

(Camera switches seeing the car started to move and slowly moving away far distance still, fading hearing the protagonists talking to the edge of a high building... then on top of a building a black boot stomp on the rooftop.. so everything turns to black)

To be continued...


-End Of Chapter- {Part 1}

Okay, this time I really tried to make this an official (not officially) episode...it ..it's just hard... 🥲

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