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By Localhoodboya

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Stories for fun, eating my boya cravings, join me if you can handle de warnings. All kinds of boya would be... More

Love Sick R17
Love sick: Chapter 2
Yaya×elementalsBBB (Omegaverse au) R17
Love sick: Chapter 3
Attention (Ft Supya) R18
Attention Chapter 2
Caught by the Emperor (alternative story 1/2, Ft Tauya) R18
Caught by the Emperor (alternative story 2/2, Ft GemHaliTauYa)
Love drink (Ft All fusion x Yaya) R16
The Listener (ft Haliya) R17
Love sick: Chapter 4
My little Slave Wolf (ft Blazya) R18
Alone (ft RevbYaBoi, Requested) R18
What If Painful (Fan-created continuation)
What If Painful 2
What if Painful 3
Housewife (tf Glacya) R16

What If Painful 4 (Ending)

294 19 11
By Localhoodboya

Author's note: Sorry for the late and also rush end, I'm losing motavation and I hate to disconnect this so I'm trying my best to finish this using what I have left before another project can start. Story belongs to EllenaEllyz , wondeful short angst but no happy ending and this is why I'm here^^.

Tick tok

Tick tok

Tick tok

The deafening sound of the clock ticking muched with the drips and drops of the heavy weather was enough to turn Reverse's mood sour.

The white hair man waited patiently despite only a few minutes in, his body felt maddening during those lonely times as he had to leave the sweet woman he cared for so deeply and knowing how she needed him the most.

However, some things are more important first before he could enjoy her presence next to him as the door creaked open, stepping inside a different coffee he had planned to meet the person he was expecting for.

The same woman who had caused everything to happen as it is.

"Over here." Reverse plainly said, gaining the attention of the nervous woman as she approached his table.

"Excuse me, are you-"

"Cut the crap and let's get to the main point, I don't care who you are." He said in a well-mannered tone, keeping all his personal irritation level to himself.

Other than he knew her name and the role she played in, that's all he bothered to remember the person's existence. The woman right in front of him nodded, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table before he continued.

"Stay away from Yaya." He muttered coldly as if those phrases were enough to fill in their topic of conversation.

The woman gulped, not only did she know what he meant but Reverse was quite intimidating from a stranger's view point.

"I don't know what you're talking about sir." She answered with a slight fail in keeping her voice flowing.

"Oh but you do and I'm sure you know, Yaya isn't your scapegoat any longer, miss Ying or should I say Mrs. Merchamato." Reverse stated sarcastically.

"Sir, who are you to Yaya?" Ying said, staring carefully at his figure but he wasn't stupid.

Trying to change a heavy topic was the oldest trick in the book and he doesn't mind playing around with her games. He smiled knowingly at her attempt, maybe burst a slight laughter if her ears didn't play tricks on her.

"Oh nothing special, just her friend." He shrugged it off casually.

"I don't think friends should be into someone's family's personal matters." Ying quickly remarked, didn't make haste to continue on his words.

"And I don't think scummy people who like to ruin others' happiness for themselves should have a say." He retorted back, shifting his gaze towards the guilty woman.

"I did it for my baby like any mother would, Boboiboy was the only one that could support me and my baby." She regretfully said, avoid the sharp glance of the man.

"That's the saddest excuse I ever heard off." Reverse scoffed, "you do realize there's a thing called an aboration?"

"I can't imagine myself taking an unborn child's life in my hands." She explained half-heartedly but in Reverse's eyes, no one can be the victim of one's own perspective.

"So you decided to ruin someone's marriage in exchange for an unborn fetus, knowing if you brought it into the world, it wouldn't have a normal life and parents can't comprehend the word "responsibility"."

Ying went silent, proving not one word from Reverse's mouth wasn't correct. Pulling on other's heart strings was something but pulling someone such as the unsentimental and stoic man right in front of her eyes was another thing.

"Listen, I don't give any fucks of your sad pathetic marriage with the cheating bastard, get Yaya involved in your mess and I will make your life a living nightmare." Reverse said softly, as if it wasn't his first time threatening someone and turning the atmosphere thick enough for a knife to cut it.

Still, it wasn't enough to burst the bubble of sound from Ying's mouth which in Reverse's case, he doesn't have to torture himself of hearing anymore attempts to redeem herself.

"And if you know what's good for you, Yaya's pregnant and I'm sure you know who's the father." Ying gawked at his words, as if all colors had left her body once she heard the word "pregnant".

"T-That's impossible, he told me they've been trying for years!"

A slight panicked could be heard from her voice which was anticipated coming from Reverse's arrogant smirk.

"Anything could happen and I don't expect an uneducated person like yourself Mrs Mechamato, to understand what troubles will it cost if your husband may hear of this." He mocked satisfyingly.

From those lines, Ying shivered at thought her husband would no doubt leave her and her child the moment this awful news had come across his ears. She took a second to calm herself down before returning back her gaze towards the cunning man.

"What do you want from me?"

"I've already stated it once, come anywhere near Yaya and I will ruin that false life of yours." He simply said, leaving a bitter smile at the end of his sentence.

Both share the same awkward silence as before, neither one refusing to utter a single word from their lips until the final decision was made.

"Fine, I'll do as you say…" The blue bell-eyed woman hesitatingly agreed. "However, I have one question."

"Go on."

"You're not just a friend are you? You just say that you are but you seem to act more than that… like you love her."

Reverse eyed her for a second, contemplating on creating an appropriate answer but nothing had come to mind. He wasn't expecting of any sort nor ever thought of this question, in short he was surprised.

"It's none of your fucking bussiness." He raspily spoke and not wasting time, he swiftly made his exit, barely caring how everyone looked at him as he angrily left a woman alone like some sort of break up.

That night he couldn't sleep or better to say it, the thought of what the mistress had told him echoed in his mind every hour. He had come to terms with his emotions that they would be nothing more than friends but as time went on, he hadn't realized nobody's company wouldn't be as compatible as Yaya's warmth.

He indeed loved her dearly but couldn't accept them. Yaya was a gregarious woman but he clearly could see her breaks from time to time. After going through seven years of marriage, he was sure his friend still held loving emotions towards her ex husband and still needed time to recover.

  Was he enviously annoyed? Yes he was but that's just how life is and he feared if he were to spill his emotions without looking both ways, he might lose Yaya just like he did with his mother. Or maybe even worst, if Yaya were to come back to her husband, he'll highly doubt they'll both see each other the same way.

  Not long after, those heavy thoughts became a major headache to him and what's better to get rid of them by using alcoholism. He wasn't an alcoholic but he sometimes drank either for appearance and invitation or in this special case, to forget.

He took a load of beers in his fridge and started gulping them one by one until his senses became a blur and his thoughts became hollow. With a momentary peace he earned only to be interrupted by the sound of a doorbell.

Reverse grunted at the nuisance sound but when it rang a second time, he begrudgingly stood off his couch and lazily approached the door, only to see reveal the same woman he had been getting a headache from.

"Reverse? Have you been drinking!?" She glared at him like a mother disappointed in its own child's misbehavior while having her nose covered from his awful stench.

She was better than the last time he remembered, with her innocent caramelized brown eyes coupled by pink luscious lips and a taunting porcelain skin he wanted to ruin with his teeth. She was irritatingly cute, especially her soft puffed up cheeks and the way her eyes reflexed only on him that drove him madly desiring her.

"Mmm how's a going, girlie?" He lazily responded while giving her a playful smirk in which Yaya rolled her eyes.

Just as good girls are, they don't like staying near drunkards nor drinking and it goes the same as Yaya's mortals.

"Never mind, I'll just come back when you're not so drunk-" 

Yaya was about to leave until Reverse suddenly grabbed her and pulled her back tightly in his arms.

"H-hey! Reverse what are you doing? Let me go!" Yaya tried to push the drunken man off but it was no use when he was fairly built than her tiny self.

  "Don't go.." an unrecognizable softness escaped from the man's chapped lips.

Yaya looked up, widely stunt by the revelation and the tender voice she heard coming from someone that always used sarcasm to be positive. Truth be told, she had never heard this side of him and oddly enough, she quite enjoyed it.

"Why? Don't tell me the big scary Revy is afraid to be alone~" She chuckled slightly, extending her hand to caress his face gently.

"Tch- I'm not a baby Yaya, you are!" He rambled on but leaned his cheek to her touch despite being annoyed.

"Alright alright, Revy is a big boy and I'm the child you have to take care of."

A minute later, Yaya was dragged onto his couch where he laid rest on her lap as she sat comfortably on, stroking his head into sleep since he had his arms restraining her waist from any movement.

"I guess not all drunkards are dangerous, especially you, Revy" She commented.

Reverse quietly nodded, slowly waiting for his consciousness to fall so he could enter a deep slumber without worrying he would lose his friend.

"You know Revy, I thought of running away with all the problems going on in my life…."

Reverse's eyes light up open when he hears the term "running away", forgetting about his tired state and dizziness, he was fully awake to comprehend if his ears heard a joke or sound was playing with him. However, the cold expressed from Yaya's face said it all and nervousness began to risk while waiting for her response.

"Then let me go with you." He asked, containing all kinds of emotions behind his mask of calmness but she only laughed as if he had made the joke.

"I'm serious, Yaya."

"Why? You have a life here and so many things better off to do."

He considered her question for awhile, it was stupid of her to ask but he would answer anything for that yearning smile of hers. Reverse holds the hand that's been lovingly soothing him throughout his headache and kisses it, in exchange to see Yaya's cheeks turning reddish tomato.

"What if I say you're my life?" Yaya cringed at his words which earned a grunt of displeasure from him.

The man sat up off her lap and leaned close to Yaya's face enough to feel his breathing clashing against her skin. Yaya wanted to push away to obtain back her personal space but her body froze and didn't have the nerve to respond.

"I mean it, if you're going to run away then let me go along, life wouldn't be the same without the coffee you made for me everyday."

Somehow she knew it wasn't the drink, deep in his voice she knew he was being sincere and the moment Yaya walked out of his life, Reverse wouldn't be the same as she grew close with. There was also no doubt she too would also feel lonely without someone like Reverse, despite having people around her.

With that said, the two ran away.


Seven years had passed and Boboiboy Mechamato hadn't changed one bit even though his ex wife died. His marriage with his current wife was already broken a long time ago despite multiple attempts in couple counseling. However none seemed to work as Boboiboy had always blamed himself and his second wife for the reason for his beloved's sucide.

He grew to hate himself and Ying which caused them to have time to time shouts and disputes but as years passed, passive and aggressiveness became numb and so are their emotions that once were love but now a shell of the past. The only reason left why they stayed together was for their son Sori's sake and hoped he'll understand someday in the future when they get divorce.

Right now, he just got a call from his son's principal that he had just gotten into a fight with a grade one. It was an odd phenomenon that his son who's only 3 years apart from the other kid could cause such a ruckus and Sori was a good boy but he brushed it off as just being kids.

When he got there, he had a long conversation with the principal before he was allowed to pick his son up. Nonetheless, his son was sitting outside the principal's room and he was about to call out his son's name until he noticed the smaller kid sitting besides Sori.

  He wasn't sure if it was a joke but he had rubbed his eyes two times to check but the kid didn't look any different. It was like Boboiboy was looking at his younger self and it didn't help the fact that Sori was next to the little boy, obviously viewing them as siblings. Same brown and white stripe hair, similar facial features but the only distinctive part he had was his ruby red eyes, it reminded him of his ex best friend's oddly enough.

  Before he could question, another person had entered the scene, this time clearing up all Boboiboy's confusion. The man had white hair and red eyes similar to the child he had questioned along with a black trenchcoat in fashion

"Supra you little rascal, this time your mother wouldn't be happy." A rough and strict voice came from the man who picked the red eyed child, presumably to be the child's father.

"But Dad, I didn't mean to!" The little huffed upsettingly, there was also a sign of annoyance in his eyes.

"Excuse me, I would like to apologize on behalf of my child's mistake so you wouldn't blame your child." Boboiboy approached them, forcing his smile to be polite.

The man took a glance at Boboiboy which he slightly flinched due to his intimidating figure. His eyes told Boboiboy as if he was bothering his moment with his son but the man smiled back.

"Right, is that all? Good, we'll be leaving now." The man left with his son, leaving Boboiboy more confused than before but left it as that when he heard his son, Sori tugging at his hand to go home.

He had never met with such a strange encounter nor had he been greeted with first hand rudeness. Just as he had entered his car after guiding his son behind the backseat of the car, he saw something he couldn't unsee.

The same father and son he had talked to but this time with the mother, she looked familiar but he couldn't bring himself to remember. Perhaps it was old age taking over or it was the fact looked like a happy family, something he should have had a long time ago but he ruined every single chance of it happening.


Bonus facts:

-Despite not being Reverse's biological son, he still loved Supra as his own child and was happy enough Yaya's still here after the pregnancy.

-It also helped that Supra had red eyes since Kaizo and Fang's genetics and with brown hair from Yaya and a bit of white from Reverse, no one seemed to ask who's the father and think Reverse is biologically.

-Supra's personality emanates from Reverse 75% of the time while the rest of his mortals belongs to his loving mother.

-Reverse took interest in Yaya's case due to the fact, Yaya had the same situation as his mother who suicided right in front of Reverse when he was a child due to his father's excessive cheating.

-He never opened up to anybody and that's what became of him until he met Yaya.

-The book that they talked over was about two depressed people having to find each other as the only one they can depend on or find comfort with one another. This was portrayed as Reverse and Yaya's relationship and the ending was supposed to be the sucided together to escape from the cruel world while remaining friends.

-In this case Yaya is pregnant so Reverse decided to take the father role for her child so that she wouldn't be able to raise her son alone and Reverse would be able to make Yaya happy.

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